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By Rain_Fortem

8.3K 398 72

What would you do if you discover that you have been talking through cards with your greatest enemy? Add the... More

⌨︎ school activity⌨︎
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303 19 2
By Rain_Fortem

A couple of days passed before Arlo decided to take the issue of his sexuality seriously, he didn't want to stick only to what the articles and internet tests said, so he would read some books from the library and with some books he means a: romance novels. Because we have to admit, the best way to learn is through experience and in most of the novels they explain how what is called "falling in love" was carried out or rather the chemistry that those characters have in the plot

—Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?— His aunt asked. —I could help you

—Nope, it's quite a long job and today is your day off,— he replied.

He lied, of course he wouldn't tell the older one about her little mix-up, not because he didn't trust her but because he was embarrassed to tell.

—You know it dosen't matter, as long as I spend more time with you.

—I know, but you work too much and I think you need a day just for yourself.

The older one sighed and shook her head slightly, she knew that for nothing in the world would she convince her nephew to change her mind.

—Okay, what time do you plan to come back?

—Mm... I don't know, at 5:00? Is that okay?

—Take the time you need, send me a message when you finish. I'll go pick you up— she said and took the teenager shoulder. —Maybe we can go to the movies or for ice cream, what do you think?

Arlo just nodded as he smiled, he wouldn't lie about the warm joy that plan gave him. Valerie smiled and took her bag from the cabinet.

—Here, in case you get hungry,—she handed him a couple of dollars.

—Yes, ok. I'm leaving.

—Take care

It was the last thing he heard before leaving the apartment and heading to the public library.He would not go to the school for very obvious reasons or rather out of pity.

The public library was not very far, only a few blocks from his building and the advantage was that it was not close to the surroundings of the institute that perhaps for some it wasn't an advantage, but for him it was.It didn't take long to reach his destination, the silence somehow created a very pleasant atmosphere, so much so that you could stay for hours and not realize that so much time had passed.

He walked through the library shelves, he was looking for the romance section.When he finally found it, he dedicated himself to reading the titles, the reviews and at the same time taking the ones that caught his attention, he wanted to know what was necessary to clear her doubts.

He felt that his curiosity had exceeded the limits, since when leaving a single corridor, he was carrying a huge pile of books, there were too many that covered half of his face; It honestly seemed like a classic movie nerd cliché.He added one more book to his stack which covered his view so he had to look sideways to see where he was walking, clearly the stack of books was heavy so he decided to go to one of the desks offered by the library.

However, turning the corner of the shelf, he collided with someone, causing both of them to fall as well as the books in his hands.

—Hey, watch outl!— exclaimed the other person.Quickly there was a loud "shh" from the librarian and other people trying to study.

—Sorry,—he apologized and stood up to see the other person.

He was pleasantly surprised to see who he was, that's right, that person was... John.

—Oh please! Seriously!?— The blond yelled and again the people told him to shut up.

They both give each other a serious look, but without being threatening, the blue-eyed man sighed, fed up with the situation.

—First at school and now here? Are you sure you're not following me?

—Uh, no,— he murmured. —Maybe you're the one following me.

—What are you doing here?

—Oh, sorry, I didn't know that the library belonged to you—he spoke annoyed.—To do homework, what else?

—I'm surprised you used 'I' and 'homework' in the same sentence.

—Well, even if you don't believe it, I'm here,— he initiated. was initiatedI'm surprised to see you here, I didn't think you'd be a bookworm.

—I'm not,—he frowned.

—Aha, and I dropped those books, bullshit.

The blond sighed somewhat annoyed, he began to pick up the books that were on the floor, then the voice of the jet caught his attention.

—Romance? Really?

Arlo looked at John who was holding one of the novels with an incredulous expression, he started to get nervous, but he wouldn't show it.

—It's... A work of literature.

—And you have to read a whole stack of books?— he replied raising one of his eyebrows.

He had clearly caught the taller one lying.

—Well,— he bit her lip, hesitating on what to answer. —It's none of your business anyway.

John snorted and helped pick up some of the books. —If you want to read romance, try YA novels.They are a bit nicer in my opinion.

The opposite was surprised by the words, the nerves decreased and his curiosity had increased.

He stood up with some books in his hands, followed by the dark-haired man.

—Do you read romance?— he ask.

—...Sometimes,— he answered a little nervously.


—Yes, why? Are you interested?

The blonde's mind went blank, he was hesitating again what to say which caused an eerie silence between them.

—Well... I have to go, I have homework.—He said and held up a book, —see ya.

—Hey,— he spoke. — I'm interested.

—Oh well. Good for you, bye.

He was about to leave again, but the voice of the opposite stopped him.

—Would you help me?

—Why? —His lips curved into a wicked smile.

Arlo already knew where the situation was heading, but he wouldn't give up.


—Mm... I really expected another answer, but I'll help you just because you said "please".

That confused him, what kind of answer was John expecting?"Come, follow me," I incite him to follow him.



—The books.

—Oh, right.

They both picked up the books as well as arranged them on the shelves because they hadn't been opened and they wouldn't give the library employees any more work. After they finished, they went to one of the shared desks.

—Okay,—he said. —Any "romance" ideas you want to read?

—Not really, I prefer that you recommend me some.

—... Wow.

—What ?

—I'm surprised you're smart, but only when it suits you— he gave a light laugh.

That comment bothered him a bit, but he wouldn't argue because he had a point, he was smart for certain things.

—Perhaps I could say the same for you

—Maybe, but that's not the point,— he answered. —So let's continue this search.

Arlo smiled, it felt good to talk about other topics that were out of his comfort zone, it made him feel warm and comfortable.

The rest of the afternoon went by like the wind, between small friendly discussions, reading some novels, making fun of some of the dialogues they had, etc. There was a moment in which the stomach of both demanded to be fed; they had no problem going to the cafeteria across the street.As they ate, they kept having friendly little discussions, having fun and that was somehow charming.

For his part, John couldn't help but notice that Arlo had left half the food on the plate, I didn't ask since he didn't want to make the moment uncomfortable, but on the other hand, the rest, I'd just say it was amazing.

And as previously mentioned, unfortunately time went by like the wind, marking 8:00 on the clock.Now the two of them were in front of the library waiting for the blonde's tutor to come.

—I have to admit I had a good time,— Arlo said, looking at the street. —I haven't had fun like this in a long time.

—Yeah, I'm surprised we haven't ended up in a fight,— John commented sarcastically.

—You're the one who starts the arguments.

—Is not true! You're!

—See? It's more than clear that you're the troublemaker.

Botellita de jerez todo lo que me digas será al revés.

—Don't use your Spanish to insult me!

—I wasn't insulting you! Pendejo.

The blond was about to claim him more, the sound of a horn interrupted him, then a black car parked, his aunt came for him.

—Well, I guess we'll see you at school.Goodbye.— The ojimiel said goodbye starting to walk down the sidewalk.

—Yes, of course, bye.—He smiled and shook his hand a little, saying goodbye to his opponent.

Once the black-haired man went on his way, the blue-eyed man got into the car in the passenger seat and fastened his seatbelt.

—Was that your friend?— she asked, looking sideways at the opposite.

Arlo was surprised by the question so he hesitated for a moment to answer, could he consider John his friend? I mean, he couldn't say that they had a close relationship although they could get along at certain times.

—Yes... A friend,— he said and turned his gaze to the window.

—It is seen that he is a good boy, you should go out more often—. She commented —Meeting more people, dating, just enjoying your adolescence.

—Yes, sure.

Obviously the eldest was a little worried to receive such a dry response from the teenager.

—... You know, you don't have to lock yourself up studying for the exam. You have time.

—I know, but I wish I was more prepared.

—I understand perfectly, but you study so much that you should have a day just for yourself.

Oh! Touche!, she had used his own words against him, the blonde sighed and nodded, then leaned back on his hand.

—We have the rest of the night,— she said. —Would you like to go for a piece of cake? We can go to the bakery you like so much and then to the park.

—I feel like you're treating me like a little child.

The car stopped at a traffic light, then Valerie turned to her nephew and gently pinched her cheek.

—Because you are, to my eyes you will always be a child.

—Auntie, please stop,—he demanded and gently brushed her hand away.

—Well, I guess you don't want to go for dessert anymore.

Arlo didn't reply, but reacted when he noticed that the car was turning on a street corner that wasn't going to the mentioned destination.

—Wait!— He exclaimed, —I want to go.

—Okay, then let's go.

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