By Lancelot1864

284K 11.1K 5.3K

Just another what if fanfic of TBATE (the beginning after the end) originally written by TurtleMe. In this f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132-Final

Chapter 56

1.8K 85 46
By Lancelot1864

Alea Araic POV

"Why aren't you a pretty little elf?"

My body stiffened as I felt a powerful presence. The voice was sinister, with a mocking tone. I looked to the left towards the sound of the voice. From one of the balconies, I watched as a hooded figure emerged from the darkness.

The hooded figure stood with a hunched posture. He had long, thin arms that dangled by his sides, almost like his shoulders popped out of their sockets. He wore thick, dark bandages underneath a shabby black mantle that perched on his shoulders. The hood was tattered, with his messy bangs hanging out in the front. The figure had two obsidian horns that protruded out of his head.

'Horns? Arthur said a thing with horns attacked him and that dragon, what was her name? I can't remember now, but, could this be the same thing? I could tell he... it was powerful.'

"Identify yourself!" Olorin said as he and his men got into defensive postures.

I got my plant sword ready, preparing myself for an imminent attack. The hooded figure gave a sickening smile as he took a seat on the ledge.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Retainer Uto of Alacrya. I have come with tidings, and to give you all a warm welcome." Uto said as he clapped his hands together.

"Oh? And what message might that be?" I said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hehehe, oh no my little elf, I don't just give out information for free." Uto said with a sinister smile.

"Then what do you want? I suggest you speak quickly." Olorin said as he wrapped his daggers in water mana.

"Come now, what's the rush? Let's take some time and enjoy ourselves. I have been so bored waiting for this war to start. At least now I can have some fun." Uto said as his eyes scanned over us.

"War? So you intend to go to war with us then." I said in a defensive tone.

'So Bairon and Varay were right, but why are they sneaking around the beast glades, what are their plans?'

"And what are you doing in the Beast Glades?" I said raising my plant sword to him.

Uto just laughed, as if I was nothing but an insect to him. "I'm glad you asked. I was hoping to take this moment to monologue, telling you all about our plans and secrets. But I'm afraid I have said too much already. Tell you what, I have a proposition for you." Uto said.

"What kind of proposition?" I asked raising a brow.

Uto's smile widened, giving a toothy grin. "I'll give you two options. Option one, I'll let the soldiers live. All you need to do is bring me the broken body of the lady elf." Uto said.

I tensed up and looked at the men. However, not one of them moved, they continued to stay in their defensive stances, prepared to fight.

"Like hell we would do that." Olorin said, as his squad nodded in agreement. I smirked at Uto who just shrugged.

"Very well, then option two. I'll let the lady elf live, but all you need to do is kill all of your men. Hell, I'll even give you some information as well." Uto said looking at me.

"If you think we would turn on each other, you are dumber then you look." Olorin said.

"He's right, I would never kill my men. But, I will give you a counter offer." I said.

Uto raised a brow at this. "Oh? And what might that be?" Uto said leaning forward, almost intrigued.

"Tell us what we want to know, and we will go easy on you. We will make sure you are treated well, and no harm will come to you." I said with confidence.

Uto's eyes widened and his brows raised up, while he was trying to hide a smile. "Ba hahahahahahahaha!" Uto burst into laughter as he held his stomach as tears fell from his eyes. The squad of men flinched a little, I could even see Olorin back away a little bit.

Uto calmed down a little bit as he wiped away his tears. "Haha, y-you, will go easy, on me??" Uto said trying hard not to laugh again. "Ah, thank you. It's been awhile since I've had a good laugh. But unfortunately for you, I'm afraid your fun must come to an end, and my fun will now begin." Uto said giving a toothy grin.

He started to levitate on the ledge, and he placed his feet on the floor. My eyes widened at this.

'He can fly? Is he a white core? How strong is he?'

Uto smile widened as he saw my reaction. I could even hear the squad start to murmur.

"Stand fast men. Let's show this Uto what we can do." Olorin said. I quickly composed myself. This isn't the time to hold back.

Uto leapt off the ledge and landed on the cavern floor, the shockwave from his collision shaking the walls and roof. He slowly stood up and his eyes darted between us. My eyes narrowed at him. He took a step forward, and I didn't hesitate to attack first.

I raised my left hand as vines shot up from the ground and wrapped around Uto in order to restrict his movements. I wrapped my sword in water mana, and swung it in the air, releasing an arc of water that shot off towards Uto at high velocity.

Uto moved his head slightly to the left as the arc flew past him. However, his eyes widened as the corner of the arc nicked off the tip of his left horn. Uto raised his left arm breaking free from the vines with ease. My eyes widened at this.

'How can he be so strong?'

He touched his left horn, and felt the tip was gone. His expression turned from one of boredom to one of anger. Uto released a large amount of bloodlust in fury. The bloodlust was overwhelming, I have never felt pressure like this before.

"You will pay for that. I am definitely going to take my time with you." Uto said as he waved his right arm and a black metal pitchfork formed in his right hand.

"Engage!" Olorin yelled as he and his men dashed forward.

I waved my arms as vines erupted from the ground and shot towards Uto. Uto just waved his left hand up, and metal spikes shot up from the ground, impaling half the attacking force with ease, cutting through them with ease as if they were made of paper.

Uto then twirled his pitchfork in a circular motion as his cut down the vines that targetted him. With a flick of his wrist, metal spikes shot out from Uto's pitchfork towards the rest of our forces as they ran around maneuvering.

I clenched my jaw seeing his strength and skill.

'Time to step it up.'

I activated my beast will as black scales formed over my skin. My hair turned black, and looked wet. Uto raised a brow at this, but he didn't even flinch.

I waved my left arm as for torrents of water shot out from my side aimed at Uto. Uto dashed to the left getting out of the way of the attack. Olorin landed behind Uto and sliced his daggers down, sending a waved of water at Uto in the form of an X.

Uto didn't have time to dodge, however, shadows formed around Uto as they protected him from our attack. I waved my left arm as more vines shot out from the wall and wrapped around Uto.

But more shadows forming around Uto cut the vines with ease.

"Now!" Olorin yelled.

His squad moved at once working in tandem and spells formed around their weapons. Olorin started to move in his water wheel attack as he moved towards Uto.

Uto stomped his left foot on the ground as metal spikes shot up from the ground surrounding him like a protective wall. The spells hit the wall causing no damage, and Olorin was knocked back as he couldn't slice through the metal.

I waved my sword in the air as a cyclone of water formed in front of me. The head of a hydra formed at the tip of the cyclone, and with a wave of my hand I shot the spell forward. The water hydra spell crashed into the wall with great impact as the spikes broke apart.

I didn't let up, and formed more water blades, shooting them where Uto was last seen standing. The squad also released a wave of spells, shooting them at Uto with everything they had. Olorin continuously waved his daggers, shooting arc after arc of water.

We continued our assault for a minute until I yelled out, "Ceasefire!"

Everyone stopped and we looked to where Uto was last seen to get a damage assessment. My eyes widened in horror as the dust cleared.

Uto was just sitting there in a metal throne of his creation wrapped in a shadow barrier. His right elbow was resting on the chairs arm as he used his hand as a head rest. He just smiled at us with a small laugh, "I must admit.... that tickled." Uto said.


Arthur Leywin POV

*cough* *cough*

"Ahhh." I groaned out as I slowly opened my eyes looking around.

I was covered in rubble, and my legs and left arm were pinned under piles of rock. My right arm, head, and torso were luckily free to move. I let out another cough as I leaned my head back.

I thought about what happened, trying to remember. The Queen changed, and went after Tess. I remember feeling fear as I didn't hesitate to jump in to protect her. But, the Queen, it grew molds and exploded.

'What kind of power was that?'

I wrapped myself in a wind barrier to protect myself from the explosion, and fell down the hole. Last thing I remembered was hitting the ground hard.

I groaned as I tried to shift but couldn't move. I let out a breath calming my mind. Using earth and wind magic, I pushed the rubble off me, freeing my body as piles of rock fell to the side with a loud crash. As soon as my body was freed, blood rushed through to my appendages and the feeling in my arm and legs came back.

I was hit with a sudden shock of pain as my senses from my arm and legs that were crushed came back. Luckily, my injuries quickly began to heal, and my bones were mending together thanks to my draconic body. I laid there waiting in pain, letting my body heal as I felt each bone as they mended together. After what seemed like forever, the pain subsided, and my injuries were mostly healed.

I groaned as I sat myself up feeling weak from the healing process, and looked around. I couldn't see much since it was pretty dark. I sensed my core, and noticed my core was about a quarter full. I started to use mana rotation to refill my mana.

I looked to my left and saw Regret laying in some rubble. I smiled seeing my sword, and I pulled it out. I wrapped the sword in fire mana and raised it like a torch, giving me some light.

I looked around confused, not knowing where I was, or where to go.

"Tunnels?" I said to myself as I looked around.

I noticed there were three paths I could take. I looked down at each of them wondering which way to go. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little afraid, who knows what I would run into down here.

I willed mana into my eyes looking down the tunnels. I noticed a weird mana coming from the second tunnel. Curiosity got the best of me, as I started to make my way down the tunnel.

I took my time looking around being a little cautious, I've never been alone in the Beast Glades before, who knows what could happen.

I continued to walk in the tunnels until I felt an overwhelming presence. My body stiffened and I could feel my heart beat quicken. I looked around in a panic while getting into a defensive stance.

But I noticed there was nothing around. I slowly calmed myself as I focused on the presence, and realized it was coming from further down the tunnel.

'What could give off this pressure? A high level mana beast? No, this mana felt different, foreign. Maybe I should go back, and go down a different tunnel.'

I was about to head back when I felt it, a familiar presence...

'Alea? Why is she here? Is she in trouble?'

I sensed her mana was fluctuating, like she was in a battle. My eyes widened and I pushed my fear away.

'She must be fighting this thing with the weird mana!'

I dashed forwards down the tunnel towards Alea.

"Hold on Sis, I'm on my way."

Alea Araic POV

Uto waved his left arm in a sideways motion as waves of metal spikes shot out from him.

"Move!" Olorin yelled as he and his men dodged Uto's attacks.

Several of the men were impaled with the spikes as they were lodged against the wall dangling dead. I shot torrents of water at Uto, but shadows just wrapped around him as a protective shield. The torrents hit Uto, having no effect.

I clenched my jaw, having had enough of this. I tightened my grip on my sword, and dashed forward towards Uto dodging the metal spikes. I waved my hand up as a wall of vines shot up between me and Uto obstructing his vision.

I moved to the side trying to get behind Uto without him noticing. I came around the wall and maneuvered towards the throne where Uto was sitting. As I got close, metal spikes protruded out from the back of the throne, with one of the spikes impaling my left shoulder.

"Ahh!" I yelled out in pain as I pushed myself back off the spikes.

"Alea!" Olorin yelled. Uto stood up from his throne, and turned to look at me, giving a sinister smile.

Uto formed the pitch fork in his hand again as the soldiers and Olorin moved in to strike. I waved my arm as torrents of water shot out towards Uto. Several of the soldiers launched their spells, and Olorin dashed forwards with his blades at the ready.

Uto just flew into the air, and landed upside down on the ceiling. He smiled one more time before he jumped towards the ground at high velocity. As Uto crashed into the ground, waves of metal spikes shot out from him, and the ground.

I created a water barrier around myself blocking the spikes. I dispersed the barrier and my eyes went wide. The rest of the squad were either impaled on the spikes shooting us from the ground, or hanging from the wall dead.

"A-Alea.... run." I looked over to my right with teary eyes as I saw Olorin laying on the ground with three spikes coming out of his chest.

"Olorin!" I yelled.

I looked back at this Uto who just smiled. "Oh, I love that look on your face. Anger and despair makes you look beautiful." Uto said.

"GO TO HELL!!" I yelled as I waved my arms shooting water blades and torrents of water at Uto.

Uto just dodged my attacks with ease as he shot metal spikes at me. I levitated off the ground and flew out of the way dodging the spikes.

I created a cyclone of water around Uto, containing him. I flew towards him, plant sword at the ready as I wrapped it in water magic. As I got close to the cyclone, Uto burst out of the side right in front of me. My eyes went wide as he created two metal spikes in his hands. He shoved the spikes in both of my shoulders as I yelled in pain.

I waved my hand up as a pillar of water shot up from the ground hitting Uto in the chest, knocking him off of me. Uto hit the ceiling, but he was wrapped in a shadow barrier, leaving him unscathed from my attack. He waved his arms as metal spikes shot out from the shadows around me, in all directions.

I created a water barrier blocking the attacks. Once I blocked the attack, I took down the barrier and looked back to the roof. My eyes widened as I saw Uto wasn't there. I franticly looked around.

"Behind you."

I turned around and was met with a searing pain as Uto plunged his pitchfork into my stomach. I gasped in pain and Uto threw me against the wall.

I cough up blood as four more spikes shot out from Uto. Each of the spikes impaled one of my appendages, pinning me to the wall. Uto created another pitchfork in his hand and gave me another smile.

"Goodbye, little elf." Uto said as he threw the pitchfork at me.

My life flashed before my eyes. Sebastian, my daughter, if only I could see them one more time. I closed my eyes waiting for the end, when I heard a clash of metal.

My eyes shot open and I saw a person standing in front of me, who blocked the attack. My eyes widened as I recognized him immediately.

"Arthur?!" I yelled out as I coughed up blood.

Arthur looked back at me over his shoulder with rage and worry.

"I'm here Sis." He said.

"No... run." I said in a weak voice.

"I'm not leaving you." Arthur said as he looked back at Uto.

"Please... run." I said again with desperation as I felt darkness take over me, with Arthur being the last thing I saw.

3rd person POV

"A new toy to play with? And who might you be?" Uto said looking at Arthur.

"Doesn't matter. You're going to pay for what you did to my sister." Arthur said looking at Uto with rage.

Uto gave Arthur a sinister grin, "Oh, revenge is it? Good, this will be fun. If you can keep me entertained, maybe I'll let you live just a little longer." Uto said.

Arthur looked at Uto, and could tell he was strong, he was even able to take down Alea. Arthur knew this was no time for caution. Arthur activated his beast will as golden runes formed on his body, his hair turned white and gold at the tips.

"Ooooh. Shiny." Uto said in a mocking tone.

Arthur activated Static Void as he moved behind Uto. He wrapped regret in white flames as he brought his sword down at Uto. Right before the sword hit Uto, he deactivated Static Void.

However, before his sword hit Uto, the shadow barrier wrapped around Uto and protected him. The white flames froze the shadow barrier as Uto turned around and punched Arthur in the chest. Arthur flew back hitting the wall with great impact as he cough up some blood.

"Oh come now, you can do better that that." Uto said as he formed a back pitchfork in his hands and slowly walked towards Arthur.

Arthur looked at Uto up and down. He felt fear at Uto's power, and his mere presence sent shivers down his spine. But it wasn't just that, he had flashbacks to his childhood when the horned figure attacked him and Sylvia. Arthur wondered if Uto was related to their attacker from that day.

Uto dashed towards Arthur with immense speed, moving so quickly that Arthur couldn't keep track of him. Arthur activated Static Void as Uto was a few inches away from him. Arthur quickly moved away to the other side of the cavern. He wrapped his sword in fire mana and deactivated Static Void.

Arthur stomped on the ground as a boulder launched into the ground. Arthur sliced the boulder with his flaming sword. The boulder exploded and shot forward as flaming pieces of rock flew at Uto.

Uto, who was facing Arthur at this point, effortlessly flew up dodging the attack. Arthur grit his teeth seeing this. Uto waved his arm as metal spikes formed around him. Uto shot the metal spikes at Arthur who activated Static Void again in response.

Arthur's mana core ached from using Static Void for the third time. Arthur moved out of the way of the metal spikes, moving himself to be right under Uto. He deactivated Static Void as he activated his gravity magic, pulling Uto to the ground.

Uto laid there on the ground slowly getting up, feeling the strain from the sudden increase in weight. Arthur dashed forward using Thunderclap Impulse while wrapping his sword in all four elements.

As Arthur got near, he brought his sword above his head, and swung it down when he was right in front of Uto. Uto's shadow barrier formed around him as Arthur's sword hit the barrier. Uto waved his hand up as a metal spike shot out of the ground between Uto and Arthur.

Arthur jumped back as the spike scratched his left arm. Arthur's concentration on the gravity magic broke and Uto stood up with ease. Uto dashed towards Arthur, pitchfork in hand.

Arthur wrapped his sword in the four elements again, and swung it at Uto as he got near. Uto swung his pitchfork as the two weapons collided. A shockwave shot out from the collision, as Arthur's eyes widened as he watched regret shatter, and Arthur was knocked back.

Uto dashed towards Arthur, and Arthur used Static Void again. Arthur felt great strain from his core, as he moved out of the way of Uto's attack.

Arthur moved to the other side of the room as his core ached as he deactivated Static Void. He used mana rotation, but he was dangerously low on mana. Uto just looked at him with a sinister smile.

"You're not done yet right?" Uto started to walked towards Arthur slowly, as he twirled his pitchfork on the tip of his finger above his head.

Arthur spit out blood looking at Uto. "Not even close."

Arthur dashed forward using Thunderclap Impulse. Uto just stopped and smiled as Arthur got close. Arthur formed an ice sword in his hand, and wrapped it in a heavy coat of wind mana.

As Arthur closed in on Uto, a wall of metal spikes formed between them. Arthur stopped mid dash, and quickly side stepped around the wall to get to Uto. However, when he moved to the other side of the wall, Uto wasn't there.

Uto landed right behind Arthur, who turned around just in time for Uto to stab him in the stomach. Arthur coughed up blood as Uto lifted him up into the air while he was still impaled.

Arthur felt great strain on his mana core as his beast will deactivated. Uto smiled at Arthur as he waved his pitchfork flinging Arthur against the wall like a rag doll. Arthur hit his head, and he slowly lost consciousness. The last thing he saw was Uto looking at him smiling, while feeling a burning sensation on the back of his right shoulder.

Uto looked at the unconscious Arthur, the dangling Alea, and the impaled soldiers.

"Oh, now now, what shall I do with all of you?" Uto said, talking to himself as he started walking to the unconscious Arthur.


Uto stopped as an amethyst light emitted from behind him. Uto turned around and saw a portal had opened. He got into a defensive position as a woman with auburn hair, and brown eyes stepped out of the portal.

The woman and Uto scowled at each other.

"And who are you?" Uto asked in a threatening tone.

The auburn haired woman waved her right arm, as an amethyst sword appeared in her hand.

"An overprotective mother."

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