The Titan of The Paths (AOT x...

By CaigerCascade10

3.3K 121 19

Y/n is awoken after years of his isolation. He awakens to a modernised but more clueless world. Theirs three... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 3: Facing the Past
Chapter 4: Graduation
Chapter 5: Battle for Trost
Part 6: Trost Reclamation
Part 7: Time before the Expedition
Part 8: 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls
Part 9: Raid on Stohess
Part 10: Resurgence
Chapter 11: Experiments

Chapter 2: 104th Cadet Corps

450 13 3
By CaigerCascade10

2 years later:

Y/n's journal:

These 2 years haven't given me much to look upon. However, I have been able to find the 5th user on these walls. Although I couldn't talk to the girl, she seems like a pain in the ass. She's a good thief and seems oddly fascinated by the church. Maybe she overheard something once? I should look into it when I can. They also gained considerable power after Wall Maria fell. Hopefully finding information will be easier when I join the military.

However, I still haven't determined which holder is which. Eren must've been the disturbance I was feeling. He does hold two Paths after all, and the fact that his father is missing raises questions. Perhaps his Farther was the previous holder. That would explain why he's been missing. By the way, Eren talks about Titans, I don't believe he knows he can transform. I could be wrong, but if he knew the truth, I doubt he'd hate them so much.

Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie are hard to figure out. Annie is incredibly stubborn and closed off while Bertholdt just follows Reiner. I know that the Colossal and Armoured are here. Those two are a part of this group of three. Bertholdt is the most weak-minded of the three so I'm not too sure if he has the Colossal. Considering the power of the Colossal Titan, it wouldn't strike me as a bad idea for him to hold it. Marley would probably do it as it's easier to control him. I suppose the Armoured could be Reiner but I'm still not sure. There are still others to consider.

When I entered that goddamn shell the world was at war with itself. The simple fact that Titan users are working together again is crazy to me. The simple fact that Marley controls them now is odd as well. Still, though, I know so little about the world. Lady Ymir has only told me what happened between I entered the shell, and when the Eldian Empire migrated to Paradise.

Well, I can exclude the Warhammer Titan being here. It's way too impractical for a mission like this. I suppose I can exclude the Cart Titan as well. If the group is found out then the Cart is practically useless. Especially in fights against other wielders of Titan Powers. Marley never got the Attack Titan and the Founding Titan either so it's not them.

The thief is an odd one though. She isn't connected to any of the others in any way that I've seen. However, my search of the Paths has shown me that three of the Titan holders are not on the walls. However, I still have time to figure these things out.

End journal:

Y/n closed his journal and slammed his hands on the desk.

Y/n: "Why doesn't any of this make any goddamn sense?!" Y/n calmed himself down and started to pace around his room. *sigh* "I shouldn't stress myself over something like this. I still have time to figure this out. Hopefully signing up for the military will give me some answers. If it doesn't, then I'll at least get a good understanding of how this world operates."

Y/n walked out of his room and walked downstairs. Y/n had stayed in a room above a pub for two years, occasionally helping them out when times got busy. In return, the owners fed and housed Y/n for 2 years.

Y/n: "Here's the key to the room."

Pub Owner: "You're finally going to sign up Huh?"

Y/n: "It appears so."

Pub Owner: "We'll miss having you here. Our customers seemed to like how talkative you were to them."

Y/n: "Haha yeah I guess I'm a bit of a talker."

Pub Owner: "Haha I suppose you are." Y/n walked out of the Pub and began walking to the Trost Garrison HQ.

Y/n thoughts: "I suppose there's no turning back now. I guess I'll have to see what my first day is like. Why can't anything just be easy?"

1 week later:

Cadets inauguration:

Shadis: "Listen up Cadets! You're all about to go through 3 years of sweat, tears, and pain! My name is Keith Shadis and you will grow to fear me! Do you hear me?!"

Cadets: "YES SIR!"

Shadis: "Good! Now, ready up!" Keith Shadis started walking through the lines of cadets and assessing their appearances.

Y/n thoughts: "What a powerful person. Even got me shaken up a bit. The other Cadets must be shitting themselves right now."

Shadis: "You there!"

Armin: "Yes sir!"

Shadis: "Who are you?"

Armin: "Armin Arlert, from Shiganshina!"

Shadis: "Yeah? That's a stupid name. Your parents give you that?"

Armin: "My grandfather!"

Shadis: "Arlert, what are you doing here?"

Armin: "Trying to aid humanity's victory!"

Keith Shadis: "This is wonderful, then you will feed the Titans. Row 3, about face!"

Keith Shadis grabbed Armins' head and turned his entire body around.

Shadis: "What's your name, Cadet?!"

Thomas: "Thomas Wagner! From Trost!"

Shadis: "I can't hear you!"

Thomas: "Thomas Wagner! From..."

Shadis: "Too soft! Go practice in the cattle shed!" Keith Shadis moved along the row and onto the next Cadet.

Shadis: "You, next!"

Mina: "Mina Karolina, from Karanes!"

Shadis: "Wrong! You are from the pig shed, worth less than cattle."

Mina: "Yea, sir! I am less than cattle!"

Shadis: "No, you're a fly, swarming around a pig's ass!"

Mina: "Yes, sir!"

Shadis: "Next!"

Samuel: "Samuel Linke-Jackson, from Snate Village!"

Shadis: "A horrible name! Change it now! What are you doing here?"

Samuel: "Sacrificing myself for humanity!"

Shadis: "Row 4, about face!" Keith Shadis skipped past Eren, Mikasa, Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt.

Shadis: "Listen up! I've seen a lot of shit in my time, but you are the sorriest pieces of shot I've ever seen. You're in for three years of hell!" Shadis continued his speeches and barraged the Cadets.

Shadis: "What's your name?!"

Jean: "Jean Kirschstein, from Trost!"

Shadis: "What are you doing here?"

Jean: "Joining the Military Police, for a life deep within the walls."

Shadis: "Oh I see, you want access to the interior?"

Jean: "Yes." Shadis looked at Jean with a blank stare before head-butting him. Jean fell to the ground clutching his head.

Shadis: "Who said you could sit down?! Anyone who can't handle this will never make the Military Police! You, what's your name?! What are you doing here?!" Shadis moved on to the boy that was standing next to Jean.

Marco: "Marco Bott, Jinae-City, Wall Rose South District! I want to join the Military Police, to offer the King my body and self in service!"

Shadis: "Really, I'm glad to hear that. Good luck. However, the King doesn't want your body."

Y/n thoughts: "Eren was right, a lot of people truly are cowards. However, I don't blame them for wanting to live an easy life."

Y/n looked around the group of Cadets and realised that every Titan holder had signed up.

Y/n thoughts: "Well isn't this just convenient? I can't tell if this is a blessing in disguise or a curse."

Shadis noticed Y/n's eyes looking around and walked up to Him. Shadis began to bash Y/n like the Cadets from earlier.

Shadis: "What's your name, Cadet?!"

Y/n: "Y/n L/n sir!"

Keith Shadis: "Y/n L/n huh?! What a stupid goddamn name! Why are you here for?"

Y/n: "I wish to join the scouts and be a useful part of this world!" Shadis seemed to smile behind his eyes at Y/n's answer.

Keith Shadis: "Hmm very well Cadet. Let's see if you can be more useful than just Titan food to humanity!"

Y/n: "Yes sir!" Keith Shadis gave Y/n a simple nod and continued going through the lines.

Shadis: "Next! You! What's your name?!"

Connie: "Connie Springer, of Ragako Village, Wall Rose South District!"

Y/n thoughts: "Dumb kid. He's doing the salute wrong." Shadis grabbed Connie by the head and lifted him off the ground.

Shadis: "You're doing it wrong, Connie Springer. I explained that this salute demonstrates your resolve to devote your entire heart to the people. Is your heart on your right side?" Shadis dropped Connie and confusedly walked over to a girl eating a potato.

Y/n's thoughts: "'m just so confused."

Shadis: "Hey you! What are you doing?" The girl looked around, thinking Shadis was talking to someone else.

Shadis: "You're the one I'm talking to! You! Who are you?!"

Sasha: "Sasha Braus, from Dauper Village, Wall Rose South District!"

Shadis: "Sasha Braus what are you holding in your right hand?"

Sasha: "A boiled potato! The kitchen has a fresh batch, and I couldn't resist."

Shadis: "Did you steal it? Why? Why would you choose to eat a potato now?"

Sasha: "Letting it get cold would be a waste, so I decided I should eat it now."

Shadis: "Well, I still don't understand. Why would you eat that potato?"

Sasha: "Are you asking me why people eat potatoes?" Everyone looked at Sasha with complete confusion.

Later that day:

Y/n and the others were sent to the site's cafeteria. Y/n sat down inside as Eren and some others stayed to watch Sasha.

Y/n's thoughts: "What a weird girl. She must be stupid beyond hope. *sigh* why did we have to be with morons." Jean walked up to Y/n and placed his tray next to him.

Jean: "Your Y/n aren't you?"

Y/n: "Yeah and what is it to you?"

Jean: "It's nothing, just as we're gonna be working together for the next 2 years, I feel like we should be acquainted."

Y/n: "Listen, kid, I'm not one to burst your bubble or anything but I'm not the most social type. Especially to those who I'm nearly twice as old of."

Jean: "Alright then old man. How old are you anyway?"

Y/n: "I'm 20 years old. Nearly all you kids are between the ages of 12-15."

Jean: "Well that's pretty surprising. Why's someone your age joining up now?"

Y/n: "I'm sure before the wall fell 18-21 was the normal age of Cadets. Your generation seems to have the most passion and selfishness of all the others."

Jean: "How can we be passionate and selfish at the same time? That doesn't make any sense!"

Y/n: "Are all you kids stupid." *sigh* "There are 2 sides to the argument. The majority of you want to live an easy life in the interior, or if not that, the Garrison regiment. While the rest of us want to fight to get our land back from Titans."

Y/n's thoughts: "I hope this bullshit helps me blend in with the rest of them. After all, my job is to watch and observe the Titan holders." Eren and Armin came walking back into the cafeteria, with a large group of people following them. Eren grabbed his food and sat down at a table, with the group still following him.

Eren: "I already told you I saw it."

Thomas: "Really?!"

Samuel: "How big was it?!"

Eren: "Big enough to look over the walls."

Y/n's thoughts: "I can't be bothered by this right now." Y/n stood up and walked next to Eren.

Y/n: "Hey, Eren. Try not to scare them too much okay."

Eren: "Yeah, whatever you say Y/n." Y/n gave a simple nod before walking outside of the cafeteria. He leaned onto the bannister outside and looked at the field.

Y/n: "You know, for someone who doesn't speak a lot, you're surprisingly bad at keeping your footsteps quiet." Annie walked outside of the cafeteria to get away from the commotion happening inside.

Annie: "Sorry to disappoint."

Y/n: "No need to say sorry. It's nice to see you settling in though. Well, as good as someone like you can." Over the two years, Y/n had gotten closer to Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. Although they were still pretty closed off to him, the group had grown to trust Y/n ever so slightly.

Annie: "Yes, I suppose I am."

Y/n: "As stoic as ever I see. That's fine. I kinda like that about you."

Annie: "Oh, Why's that?"

Y/n: "I suppose it makes what you say ever so more impactful. The truth is that your limited words carry a lot of weight. Plus, if you have to speak up, they're doing the wrong thing." Y/n gave Annie a cheeky smile, which made her smile subtly.

Annie: "You've helped us quite a bit over the past 2 years. I still don't get why though."

Y/n: "Why not? Is it so hard to believe that someone would help out a group of 3 lonely kids?"

Annie: "It's a rarity nowadays. The world just doesn't have enough room for kindness."

Y/n: "I don't disagree with you, but that doesn't mean that you have to shut your heart off to it. I don't know much about your past, but I do know you are a rational person. Maybe for once, you should let your emotions control you instead of rationality."

Annie: "Emotions get in the way of your goal. They can lead you astray."

Y/n: "So tell me, what is your goal?" Y/n gave a curious but also intensive stare at Annie.

Annie: "My goal is to enter the interior and have a quiet life."

Y/n: "I see. So you fight for inner peace then. Ironic don't you think."

Annie: "How is it ironic?"

Y/n: "For someone who talks about blocking out emotion, your entire goal seems to be one of freeing emotions."

Annie: "Maybe so, but we'll have to see what happens."

Y/n's thoughts: "I guess Annie is right. We'll just have to see what happens."

1 year later:

Y/n's Journal:

It's been 1 year since I joined the military. They're letting us have this afternoon off. I guess they are not all harsh. Luckily enough, the ODM gear wasn't all too much to handle. As of now, I appear to be having a little issue when it comes to getting into the top 10. However, I must keep in mind that I'm considerably older than the others. Let's just hope their potential doesn't catch up to me. I've also been able to identify the 5th wielder as Ymir. I don't understand her name though. Ymir is a very odd name. Even from the time, I came from it was rare.

She's incredibly attached to Christa Lenz and she's incredibly headstrong too. Because of this, I've found it difficult to enter her mental space. The only thing I've been able to see is her time as a thief. Nothing of note has developed from the Titan wielders. However, the wielders from Marley appear to be unaware of Eren and Ymir.

Annie Leonhart is the outlier of the group. She isolates herself quite often and doesn't even mention her past. Although there's some trust in our relationship, she's unwilling to open up in any way. Annie Leonhart is incredibly efficient when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. She mentioned something about her Farther being the one who trained her. Because of this, Eren asked Annie to train him. I'm still surprised that she agreed to do it. I should continue to wait to see what type of relationship this develops into.

Reiner and Bertholdt haven't necessarily been the best to read either. Bertholdt isn't all too interesting and I have very little to say. He's incredibly talented however, his personality gets in the way of that potential. Reiner is a highly efficient decision-maker. However, he can be rash and quick to enact his plans. I should wait until they make a move before acting. I need to plan my course of action as events unfold.

End journal:

Y/n closed his journal and placed it in his Cadet Jacket. Y/n walked out of the Cabin he was in and looked up to the sky.

Y/n: *sigh* "I finally have some free time to myself."

Eren: "Hey! Y/n!" Y/n turned his head to see Eren, Mikasa, and Armin coming up to him.

Y/n: "Hey Eren. What are you doing out here? I thought you'd be fighting with Jean again."

Armin: "That's only because me and Mikasa made sure they didn't."

Y/n: "You need to calm your temper Eren. You might end up getting your friends and loved ones hurt."

Eren: "Well if it came to that then I would have to protect them wouldn't I!"

Y/n: *chuckle* "You have one hell of a fighting spirit, I'll give you that. Where you kids off to anyway?"

Eren: "A group of us are all going out to a place to eat."

Armin: "Do you want to come with us Y/n?"

Y/n: "Sorry but I've already got plans."

Eren: "Where are you going to Y/n?"

Y/n: "Where else than the pub."

Eren: "You sound just like Hannes."

Y/n: "You never know, I'll probably bump into him at some point." Y/n rubbed the top of Eren's head and smiled at him. "Well, I gotta be going now. Want to get to the bar before it gets too busy." Y/n walked out of the main camp and took a short carriage ride into the nearby Trost District. As Y/n entered Trost District, he noticed that the Scout Regiment was stationed there.

Y/n's thoughts: "Must be going on another expedition soon. Gotta give it to them, they have serious guts." Y/n walked on the main middle street in Trost and went back to the Pub he used to work at. Y/n walked into the Pub and sat at the bar. He glanced behind his shoulder and saw a group of 4 scouts. "I'm not surprised they're here. They have to do something with their time."

Pub Owner: "Is that you Y/n?" Y/n snapped out of his thoughts as the Pub Owner started talking to him.

Y/n: "Long time no see. It's been a year since we last saw each other."

Pub Owner: "Well you fit in well with the military uniform."

Y/n: *chuckles* "You think so?"

Pub Owner: "Well, you're built for it. Some of the ladies that used to come here were asking where you went."

Y/n: "Oh really? I guess I am a physically fit guy." The Pub Owner filled up a dink for Y/n and gave it to him.

Pub Owner: "Yep, that you are. Say, what did you do before you worked here?"

Y/n: "I worked on one of the Royal Forestry's in my hometown."

Pub Owner: "Well that explains your physic. So, how were you able to get into a place like that?" Y/n grabbed his drink and took a big chug of it.

Y/n: *sigh* "I normally prefer not to talk about My Father. But he was a medical scientist for the elites."

Pub Owner: "I take it that he put in a good word for you?"

Y/n: "Yes he did. I was around 16 at the time and I had planned to move out. I was not as intelligent when it came to academics as my Father. I also didn't have the patience to do something like he did. However, I was always good with my hands and, as you pointed out, I was physically built strong."

Pub Owner: "How did you end up here then?"

Y/n: "2 years after I started working there, my Father had a falling out with some of the elites. So, they fired me and my Farther from our jobs. My Father died not too long after that. That's when Wall Maria fell."

Pub Owner: "Did you move to Trost to start a new life then?"

Y/n: *chuckles* "Yeah, I guess so."

Pub Owner: "Why join the military? You know how much the elites have control over the military."

Y/n: "If I can do something to change the establishment, or slap them in the face, then I'll gladly do anything."

??: "That's an honourable Cadet." Y/n turned around to where the voice came from.

Y/n: "How long were you listening in for?"

??: "Your entire conversation."

Y/n: "A diligent one aren't you? May I ask what your name is?"

Erwin: "Erwin Smith. Commander of the Survey Corps."

Y/n: "Well it's an honour to meet you. Considering you are going to be my future boss."

Erwin: *chuckles* "So, you want to join the Survey Corps?"

Y/n: "Yeah, that is why I joined the Cadets."

Erwin: "Hmm I see." The other 3 people who were with Erwin stood up from their table. They then walked over to where Y/n and Erwin were speaking.

??: "Who's this handsome fellow Erwin?"

Y/n: "Name Y/n L/n. 104th Cadet Corps. And you are?"

Hange: "Section Commander Hange Zoe of the Survey Corps!"

Y/n's thoughts: "Talk about a flamboyant personality."

Erwin: "The other two here are my Second in Command Miche Zacharius, and the other there is Lieutenant Levi Ackerman." Levi gave Y/n a cold glare but Y/n didn't seem bothered by it.

Y/n: "So, you're an Ackerman? You're a lot shorter than the other one I know."

Erwin: "Mikasa Ackerman isn't it? I heard she's the top of your class."

Y/n: "I'm surprised you know that. The majority of people couldn't give a damn about us Cadets."

Erwin: "She's made her presence pretty well known. She's better than the majority of Veterans at using ODM gear."

Y/n: "It's because of her blood that she excels at it. Wouldn't you agree, Levi?"

Levi: "Oh, what are you implying?" Levi gave Y/n another death stare but he was once again unfazed.

Y/n: "There have always been rumours about the Ackerman clan. There are stories about them being exceptional fighters and having higher strength and reflexes. A lot of people play this off as just that, rumours. I, however, fully believe in such stories. I've seen more than enough Ackerman's in my time to know it's true." Y/n took the last swig of his drink and turned to look at Hange. "So, Section Commander Hange, what is it you do specifically? You are a Section Commander after all."

Hange: "Well I'm the head of research and innovation! I also do experiments on Titans! Would you like to hear about them?!" Hange grew a crazed smile as she grabbed Y/n's hand.

Y/n: "You are an overwhelming character aren't you? For another day, I'm having my time off this stuff today."

Hange: "Awwww!" Erwin, Levi, and Miche all began to walk to the door of the pub.

Erwin: "Come now Hange, I'm sure you can tell him another time. We've got a busy day tomorrow."

Hange: "Yeah I guess so. Well, I'll be sure to see you soon Y/n! Bye-bye for now!" Hange walked outside of the Pub quickly after Erwin, Levi, and Miche had walked out.

Y/n's thoughts: "What odd people. Miche didn't say a single word but I was pretty sure he was sniffing me. What a cold personality from that Levi as well. Hange has lost it in the head. That Erwin guy though is interesting. I'm struggling to tell what type of person he is. I guess I'll have time to figure him out. *sigh* Now, with that over, I can go back to my night."

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