Unsung: A Fairy Tale ¤ 《Johns...

By NanaJade157

771 24 2

The Johnsons. The Jackson's. The DeBarges. And a whole hell of a lot of drama. This is more than a story. It... More

♤T h e J o h n s o n F a m i l y♤
♧T h e J a c k s o n F a m i l y♧
¤T h e D e B a r g e F a m i l y¤
°◇S U P P O R T I N G R O L E S◇°
°◇S U P P O R T I N G R O L E S◇°
°◇S U P P O R T I N G R O L E S◇°
~T H E M E E T I N G~
~R E C O R D I N G~
~H O R R I B L E B I R T H D A Y~
~B I R T H D A Y G I F T ~
~S U R P R I S E~
~W E L C O M E B A C K~
~Y O U ' R E F U C K I N G K I D D I N G~
~G L A D L Y~
~T H E D R E A D F U L W E D D I N G~
~S E N T E N C I N G~
~A S H O W F O R T H E S T A R S~
~J E A L O U S Y~

~S I C K N E S S~

39 2 0
By NanaJade157

Myrah Carol-Anne Johnson
July 23rd

It's been a week since I got back from the hospital.

I promised myself that I am not gonna let this unexpected pregnancy get in the way of my life and career. I will keep it and raise these children the best way I can, regardless of who the father is.

I'm really not stressing over it much, just about the part where im going to have to tell everyone.

Sooner or later I'm going to start showing and I won't be able to keep this secret for long. I decided that I'm gonna go ahead and fess up before they can hear it from someone else. I hope it works out they way I had planned.

For the past few days I haven't been able to eat anything in the mornings. I've been loosing my appetite a lot.

I'm a big girl, and I know that I can eat. That's why it's weird to the people around me when I decline my favorite foods.

And when I do eat, it's either Mac and cheese, peanut butter, pineapples, or ice cream. No in between.

Katherine: Breakfast is ready!

I heard Momma K yell from downstairs. I watched as Michael exited the bathroom, and say at the edge of the bed infront of me.

Michael: Are you ok? I'm worried.

Myrah: How many times do I have to tell you I'm fine?

Michael: Are you gonna come down to eat?

Myrah: Can you bring me some pineapples?

Michael: I would, but I like apples better.

Myrah: Yet you're always drinking orange juice.

Michael: That doesn't mean anything.

Myrah: Whateva Applehead

Michael: Applehead?

Myrah: Yeah.

Michael: I like it.

Myrah: You have no choice.

I look in to his face and he had his infamous smirk on. He made that face whenever he was on his bullshit. It didn't matter if he was gonna tease you, or prank you. I already know he's gonna attack me.

As he is slowly striding towards the bed, I attempt to shimmy towards the edge of the bed with out him noticing. But I fail.

Before I could hit the floor, all I hear is 'oh no you don't', as I feel arms around my waist. My body was snatched to the middle of the bed, and soon after, the feeling was followed by the sensation of his long and soft fingers rapidly moving against my bare skin.

Myrah: STOP!


Myrah: IM SORRY!

Michael: I thought so.

And with that I was released from my torture. Michael then got off the bed and walked to the threshold of the room and turned to look at me.

Michael: Are you sure?

Myrah: If I'm jivin' I'm dying.

And at that moment Marlon rolled right off of the top bunk with a faceplant into the carpeted floor with a large thud.

My eyes widened in shock as I forgot that he was even in here.

I heard Michael's contagious laughter which automatically caused me to look sigh as well.

I'm surprised the boy wasn't screaming, knowing his ass had a headache.

Marlon: Shut. The hell. Up. Assholes.

We continued to laugh our asses off despite his 'warning' or whatever he wants to call it.

He I opened my eyes I seen a pillow coming at my face and withy quick reflexes allowed me to catch it before it made contact.

Michael on the other hand got hit, and hit hard with a pillow. And instead of him hitting Marlon back like usual, he just continued to laugh and so did I till eventually Marlon walked out the room with an attitude.

Soon the laughter died down and Michael released his stomach.

Michael: How about I bright you some peanut butter.

Myrah: Actually, if you did that, I would love you 10 times more than I do at this moment.

Quickly, Michael tripped over himself rushing out the room, down the steps and to the kitchen, while I dozed back off to sleep.

Michael Joseph Jackson

Michael: Morning Mother!

Katherine: Good morning Michael-Randy and Marlon! Stop running! Everyone come and sit down, breakfast is ready!

All of my family came to the table and took their seats.

Florence: Where's Fluff?

Michael: She's still asleep, she's tired I'm guessing.

Joseph: Good. That mean she can't all our family food up, like yall asses.

Joseph said with an eye roll, which caused me to copy his actions. Ai y been in the same room as this man for more than 15 minutes and he's already irking the last few nerves that I have left, that he ain't already discentergrated.

Kathrine: Joe, be nice. And watch your mouth.

Joseph: Im just saying. This ain't no damn daycare.

Right before my mother had got a chance to retort there was a large thud upstairs that silenced all other conversations. Seeing as how, Tink is the only one up there I'm in an instant panic.

For a second we all stop and look around at each other till we hear 'Im ok!'- from upstairs.

A bit of relief flowed through me yet I still have a gut feeling that something bad is soon to come. I turn my head back around and face Jermaine who was sitting right infrint of me, as I stuff another spoonful of grits into my mouth.

I looked down at my plate and as I looked up and noticed that Jermaine was getting up from the table.

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer towards the steps. I watched as Myrah was about to take a step down the staircase, and at that very moment my heart dropped.

She slipped down the first 2 steps and before she collided worth the rest, Jermaine rushed up the stairs and caught her slim thick figure before its could be damaged even more.

I quickly got up and made my way around the table. I rushed over to where he sat her down. She looked horrible.

She was pail in the face, and when I reached out to touch her she was cold as ice.

Her thigh was visible due to the dress she had on, she had a huge gash on her thigh. Blood was gushing from it, trickling down the side of her leg.

When I looked back up at her, her face was buried into the side of Jermaine's neck. Her arms were tightly locked around his neck, and his arms were wrapped around her waist I'm a protective matter.

Everyone had gathered around the scene to figure out what happened.

I reached out to touch her and she flinched, and grabbed onto Jermaine tighter. Myrah and I have ways been the closest, but Jermaine has always been a close second for her.

It made me feel so bad. She's been through so much and it just keeps getting worse.

She just can't catch a break, huh?

I feel like it's not fair. She doesn't judge. She lives everyone. And she's not mean, she just doesn't let anyone run over her. She stands, and hold her ground. But whenever she showcases that, people take advantage of her personality.

She's shaking like a wet dog in the rain and I don't know what to do.

Michael: Are you ok, Fluff?

She didn't answer. She stayed quiet. I felt ignored. But I also felt that my feelings are clearly irrelevant considering that my best friend in the world, who is also the love of my life, had just fallen down the stairs.

Myrah Carol-Anne Johnson

Michael: Are you okay?

I heard his voice from behind before I felt his hand close to my back. I involuntarily jumped.

I don't know how I felt honestly. Jermaine was like my best friend. I always get on him when he's being a jealous asshole but other than that he was like almost right there with Michael.

I was happy jealous was there to catch me. I feel bad that he doesn't know ab6my flicked up little secret.

As I held onto him, I turned my head and seen my own sister laughing dissapointedly. Why is Serena always like this? It made me wonder why.

'What was she hoping to happen? Why was she laughing at my near death experience?'

I got angry and pissed. I felt my body become weightles as I realized that Jermaine had stood up while holding me bridal style. Then he whispered into my ear.

Jermaine: Are you alright Rah?

His voice was low and deep, and sent shivers down my spine. I looked up with tears still in my eyes and nodded, as I felt my heart pound. It fill like I'm crumbling in his arms. This is how I feel when I'm with Michael sometimes.

'Damn you, teenage hormones.This is not the time.'

I had hit my head on the way down. I was asleep after Michael left but it didn't last long because soon after I was . I had to throw up so I rushed to the bathroom and, slipped and fell. That shit hurt like hell.

So then I yelled out that I was ok because they were all probably wondering what the hell was going on.

Then I got up and noticed that I had a cut on my leg from the pocket knife I keep on me for obvious, and self explainitory reasons. The cut, well it's more of a gash, on my leg was gushing with blood.

Then I made my way to the stairs to ask Momma K for help when I lost my balance and started tumbling down the stairs.

Then I felt Jermaine save me from my potential death with his strong arms.

Kathrine: Take her upstairs and help her get cleaned up. Joseph is about to leave and go to a meeting, and I need to run an erron. Jackie is in charge. Finish breakfast and behave.

And with that I was carried upstairs to Michael and Marlons room where all my stuff was stored.

He sat me on the bed and then walked over to my bag.

He pulled it over and sat it down right infront of me. He went through it and held up various items silently asking me if i wanted to change into it or not.

In the end I had an outfit that consisted of a thin large long sleeve, and a pair of shorts. Of course he had also grabbed me some underwear, a pair of socks and a bra. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to move along with him but I just sat there, I didn't move.

He turned his head back towards me and stared into my eyes. I looked back. I had this impulse feeling in my body, but couldn't quite tell what it was at that moment in time.

He sighed and shook his head as he walked back to me. He then picked me back up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as I laid my head down on his shoulders.

He went into the boys shared bathroom and went through all the cabinets after sitting me down on the bathroom counter.

My mind started to wonder off. I remember when I was younger, before I had met the Jackson's. I used to have a large crush on Jermaine specifically. Serena Pined after Michael. Constance loved her some Marlon. Jiggy always had eyes on Latoya all the time. And Flo said she'd have Jackie or Tito if she had the chance.

When I was asked about the situation I could never make up my mind between Michael and Jermaine so I'd always switch up my answer. One day Michael would be my future husband and the next Jermaine would be my baby daddy.

I heard him let out a deep heavy sigh as I watched him pop back up. He was standing in between my legs. He gently sat his hands on my knees to pull me out of my daydreaming state.

Jermaine: They don't have shit in this bathroom to help, so would you be comfortable coming to my room?

I was out of energy and really didn't feel like talking, so I just gave a simple nod to keep it pushing.

He gave me his hand so I could successfully hop down but once again I didn't move. He then lifted me off of the sink and sat me on the ground. He grabbed my hand and led me.out of the bathroom and this time I followed. He used his free hand to grab my clothes off of the bed and continued making his way to his room. Me following his lead.

When I walked in I immediately noticed that his bead was a mess, and Jamies clothes were all over the floor.

That not surprising.

We walked passed all of that and went to the bathroom. I was slightly larger than Michael's. He turned to me and lifted me hoop on the sink. He bent down in between my legs to reach his cabinets underneath me. He pulled out sanitizer pads and Vaseline.

He started to wipe my leg down, it stung but it was bearable. Then I felt his large smooth hands rub the soft substance into the gash. Followed by the sound of soft footsteps reaching the bathroom.

Jermaine looked up with a smirk on his face directed towards his brother. Michael gave the same look back.

Then Michael's face popped around the wall a little more with a light smile plastered on it. I couldn't help but give a small one back.

Michael: Do you want more peanut butter? Me and the guys are on our way to the store. For fun.

I just gave a nod.

Michael: Alright. I have a surprise for you when I get back too, ok?

I gave another as he disappeared back around the wall. Jermaine made eye contact with me one again before walking away and towards the tub. He then turned the water on.

He tested the water to make sure that it wasn't too hot or cold.

Jermaine: Do you think you can do it yourself? Or...

To be completely honest, I wanted to do it myself but the energy and stamina weren't there anymore. Even when I was walking to his room I felt as though I could collapse at any moment.

I shook my head no. He let out another sigh.

I then felt my shirt being raised. He looked away, I'm guessing it was to keep from making me uncomfortable. In the end I had wiggled out of my shorts, panties, and bra.

Jermaine walked out of the bathroom for a bit before returning with a fluffy green towel and a rag.

I was carried bridal style to the tub and was gently placed into it. It relaxing. Jermaine bathing me felt even better his hands were gentle, but when I looked at his face he looked nervous and conflicted.

Myrah: Are you ok, J? You look a little pail.

I inquired with a soft low voice as i felt his forehead and cheeks. He looked up at me and once again made eye contact with me.

That impulse feeling earlier, made me want to smah my his lips with my own. And nows the chance but I'm not sure about that.

But the longer I stare the quicker I get snatched into that spell of his. The same one Michael seems to possess. it's just ghat this is a lot more stronger

I didn't notice that I was leaning in till I felt his soft and supple, juicy lips on my own. I was freaking out till I felt his lips moving against my own in the aame manner as me.

I slowly lifted my hand out of the water and placed it on the side of his face. And then leaned in a bit closer. Then both of my arms slinked around his neck. His arms went around my waist.

He was making me forget about the things that were going on. I forgot about Richard. I forgot about the doctors news. I had forgotten about my mom. Everything.

Being here with Jermaine at this moment: the feeling I feel right now is stronger than any romantic feeling I've ever felt in my life. I can not shake it at all. It feels like I'm gonna collapse into the universe. I have never felt like this not once in my life.

I was then lifted out of the water and pulled close to his chest as he carried me out the bathroom and to his room quickly. I was sat on the bed as he walked away, locked the door, and returned swiftly.

Jermaine: Are you sure that you want this?

I pondered for a while. I was taught that sex was a type of art. And if I wanted to actually make art with another than I have to be ready in all aspects.

I'm not sure if I'm ready, but what I do know, is that people engage in seeing each other when they need a sweet release. And right now I need to escape from reality, and become free. So I give a nod.

Jermaine: I need verbal consent, baby.

The pet name gave me chills all up and down my spine.

Myrah: Yes. Please help me forget.

He nodded and leaned in again. His lips met mine once more as I began to untuck his shirt.

I felt his lips leave mine and hit my cheek. Then they trailed from my jawline to the left side of my neck, then my clavicle, then above my beast. Then my nipples. A peck upon each one. Afterwards, it was followed with a peck in between the valley of my chest. Then down my tummy. Then he got to my pelvis and placed kisses all along my waist.

Then he got down to my heat. He passionately kissed my clit as I shivered. I have never felt anything like that before.

I wanted to see how this whole thing works so I decided that I was going to watch. I sat up on my elbows and I looked down as butterflies created a hurricane of feelings in my stomach.

I watched as he stuck his tongue out and licked a stripe up my vagina. Afterwards, he did something that I wasn't prepared for. His tongue penetrated me, slowly moving in and out as I got a little louder.

I couldn't help but relax my whole body and slid on my back.

My legs found themselves opening a bit wider and my hands found their way to his soft afro as I gripped his hair.

And soon my legs began to shake. It was followed by an intense tingly sensation at the bottom of my stomach, then felt myself clench around his warm and wet tongue.

The room started to spin and my vision went blank. Before I new it, my release was all over his tongue.

After my sight came back I looked at Jermaine as my hands moved to untuck his shirt, unbuckle his belt, unbutton his pants, and pull off his shirt.

I ran my hands down his toned chest as he pulled his pants down.

Jermaine: It'll hurt. You know that, right?

I nodded.

Myrah: Be gentle with me, please?

Jermaine: Of course.

And with that, he leaned down and kissed me passionately. Then the rest of his clothes were stripped away.

Before I knew it he was slipping into me slowly with pauses, being as gentle as he possibly could. It did hurt at first but as time progressed it went away. 30 minutes later I was left in pure ecstasy as my sweaty body laid in his bed, tired out.

I started to doze off as exhaustion took over my body. I felt a hand grab my ankle as my body was dragged to the edge of the bed, and my eyes shot opened.

Jermaine: NOPE! You gotta get yo ass up. Everyone gone be back soon.

Myrah: I can't move, you ass.

Jermain: I was gentle...enough.

Myrah: What the fuck ever.

He helped me put on my clothes and then he picked me up. He carried me to Michael and Marlon's room and sat me in Michael's bed.

Myrah: Thank you.

And then from downstairs we heard Michael yell "WE'RE BACK!"

And then...I opened my eyes and realized that I was fully clothed in the outfit that J picked out and his lips were on mine.

My dream never happened. I wish. But that's all that is. A dream. A wish that I hope to come true...

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