Rules and Regulations

SSAMcKenna által

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Electra James a super model and movie actress has a sudden change in career path will she make it in the roug... Több

-♡𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭♡-
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not a new chapter
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James, King & Combs
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Life after Death.
! Pt2 The Chapter
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The interview

140 3 0
SSAMcKenna által

The picture above is from a private airport in cleveland i took it a while ago

Today electra has an interview in the family room with buzz feed. Aaron has some things to do so Electra has Jack. Aaron was going to take him to Jessica's but Electra refused saying she had no issue with Jack being here.

Electras pov

I wake up in Aarons arms per usual

"Good morning my love" Aaron says in he morning voice

"Good morning love" I respond giving him a kiss and getting up for the day.

"5 more minutes" he says pulling me back down.

"Aaron I have to get up its already 6:30" I say getting up again.

"Shower with me"I say in a fake innocent voice.

Those words cause him to get up faster than ever.

15 minutes later were done 'showering'

"What are you gonna wear" he says from his closet

"The clothes on the island in my closet with my love bracelets, which reminds can you help me put them on they need to screwed shut" I say

"Why would you buy bracelets that need to be screwed on" he says walking into the bathroom where I am.

"One that's 50 thousand dollars" I say barely audible

"How much" he says flabbergasted

"Well one is 7k and the other one is 50k"I say looking him in the eye.

"Electra why would you spend that much on a bracelet" he says, looking mad but I can see right through him he's not really mad

"Well one was a gift for end of filming on 7 angels and the other one I bought as a gift for myself after I finished filming my first movie" i say

"That's a insane amount of money to spend on a bracelet"

"Ok Mr Tailored Armani Suits, " I say getting up from my vanity and putting away my lotion.

"My suits are tailored because I have certain image to uphold" he says

"So do I, you may be a unit chief but I'm a model and an actress. If I breathe in the wrong direction people hate me if I walk the wrong way people hate me so sue me if I wanna buy myself a 50 thousand dollar bracelet 4 years ago" I say.

The Mia comes down the spiral stairs.

"Flo the camera crew is here imma get jack up and ready."

"Thank you red"

"Oh also Kayla is with the crew already she's telling them to set up in the family room by your favorite chair like you asked" she yells leaving the room.

"Are we done talking about my spending habits or do I have to postpone my interview" I say to Aaron

"Yea" he says

"Can you grab my Gucci strappy heels from that side of the closet" I say walking to the island and taking off my robe to start getting dressed.

"These?" he asks holding up pair of shoes

"No but hey should on the right of those" I say

"These?" he says holding up the right pair of shoes.

Taking my hair out of the bun its in I start brushing it and put it in a ponytail.

"Can you help with the bracelets" I ask grabbing the box and the screwdriver they come with and walk over to him.

"Yea, I'm sorry for yelling" he says and kisses my forehead.

"Its ok Im also sorry for yelling"

"Its ok my love. So how do I put these on" he says grabbing the box from me.

"So you take this part and take it out so it can open. Then put it on the you put that part back in and screw it shut"

I say pointing to the different parts of the bracelet.

He takes the bracelet and put both of them on and then he put the screwdriver back in the box and the boxes on the counter.

"You look beautiful by the way" he says grabbing my shoes and putting them on for me.

"And you look handsome in your golfer fit. It suits you more then the Armani suits" I say pulling him in for kiss

Its a short but passionate kiss one that makes your day in only a few seconds

Then jack runs in

"Hey buddy" says scooping jack up in a bear hug.

"Good morning dad ,good morning Flo" he says

"Good morning lil man are you ready for our day together. Your dad has some errands to run so its gonna be us, Kayla and Mia today" I say.

"Yea I'm super excited Mia said we can play spies all day so we have to be super quiet and follow around Jason" he says.

"That sounds super fun." Aaron says putting jack down.

"Okay jack its time for us to go and meet the camera crew tell your dad bye" I say

"Bye daddy" he says

"Bye , love you" he says to jack

"Jack how about you go find Kayla" I say to him and he runs off.

Pulling Aaron into another kiss.

He pulls away first and rests his forehead on mine.

"Have a good interview, I love you"he says

"I love you too"

"Call me if you need anything"

"Aaron we'll be fine ill see you when you get home"

I say as I walk out of the closet to find Jack and Kayla.

Finding them in the kitchen Kayla is making jack breakfast.

"Morning kay" I say grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and taking a seat.

Aaron's pov

Yesterday when jack was getting picked up

"Dad" jack says

"Yes, jack"

"Can I call Flo mom?" he asks not looking up from his hands.

"Well I have no issue with you calling Flora mom too, if that's what you wanna call her then you can call her that. But you have to make sure Flora is ok with you calling her that" I say.

I know Flora is 1000% ok with jack calling her mom the one time he did anciently on the phone she was crying because she's loves jack like her own.

"Do think she would be okay with it" he asks barely audible.

"Im pretty sure she would, how about I ask her before I tuck you into bed" I propose.

"I like that idea"

2 hours later

I walk out of the closet after putting on my pajamas

"Flora" I say to get her attention while she's putting oil in her hair at her vanity


"How would you feel about jack calling you mom" I say

She stopped everything she's doing and put down her oil and turned and smiled at me.

"Are you serious, please don't be joking. If you're joking i'll have Jason put your stuff not the curb" she says getting up.

"Im not joking"I say with a smile

Look at her she's smiling like a kid in a candy store I think I wanna marry her

"I would love that" she says running up to me almost knocking me off my feet.

I engulf her in a hug and spin her around.

"I love you" she says

"I love you too Flo " pulling her in a chaste kiss.

pulling away she says

"it's Jacks bed time, do you want me to tuck him in?"

"no, Jack wanted me to earlier"

"ok tell him i said goodnight and i love him" she says going back to doing her hair. Walking into jacks room hes sitting on his bed with his toys.

"Jack its time for bed, lets clean these toys up"

"can i have 5 more minutes please" he pleads.

"no you have a big day with Electra tomorrow" i answer.

"ok"he says and gets up to put his toys

i pull out his outfit for the next day.

"all done" he says

"okay pick out a book"

"can flo read the book tonight?" he asks

"of course i'll go get her after i tuck you in"


"on the topic of flo, she said she has no issue with you calling her mom"i say tucking him in.

"she did" he says with 10 times the energy he had moments before.

"yes she did now im gonna go get her so she can read you your bedtime story, goodnight buddy i love you" i say walking to the doorway.

"love you too"

i walk back to my shared room to see flora in bed reading a book

"Honey jack wants you to read his bedtime story" I say getting in bed next to her.

"Okay, you'll probably be sleeping by the time I get back in bed so goodnight, I love you"

"I love you too" I say as she walks out of the room. I grab my book from the nightstand and a hour later I realize she still hasn't come back. So I put my book down and get up to see where she is. Walking into jacks room the light is off, so turn the light on to see Jack and Flora cuddled up sleeping in the bed so I grab my phone and take picture and set it as my Lock Screen. Then I grab Jack and Flora and lift them both up and carry them to the master suite. As soon as I put them down they pulled each other closer. In that exact moment my heart melted turning off the lights and getting in the bed I quickly fall into a deep sleep.

Kayla's pov

I go down stairs to get electra because its already 620 and I see her jack and Aaron cuddled up. It was by far the cutest thing I've ever seen. Taking a picture I pull jack from their arms and carry him to his bed so when they wake up in 20 minutes he can still sleep.

Back to current pov

Electras pov

"What ya Making" I say taking a sip of my water.

"Well jack wanted fruit from the fruit platter, so I'm making French toast to go with that" Kayla says

"can i get sugar on mine" Jack asks

"of course" i say.

"so the film crew is set up in the living room waiting for you" she says.

"you're the best" i say walking towards the living room.

"i know" she says

i see the film crew they have 3 cameras and a bunch of lights. Im guessing the natural light from my floor to ceiling windows wasn't enough to blind someone.

"good morning" i say to the crew.

"Hi, I'm Anna ill be interviewing you today" she says holding her hand out.

"Electra" i say shaking her hand.

"okay so we want to check the lighting before we start" one of the technicians says.

"sit here and look at Anna." another technician says. i sit in my seat and look at anna.

once they are all set up the interview starts.

"So i noticed you're wearing a 'C' on your necklace" she says pointing to the necklace Aaron got me.

"it was a gift from my boyfriend Aaron" i answer playing with the necklace.

"why a 'c' if you don't mind me asking."

"when Aaron and i started talking i asked him to call me 'Flo' because that's what my family calls me. He thought calling me a family nickname was impersonal. So he calls me Flora which is my middle name. So when he told me his middle name i started calling him that." i explain.

"Awe, that is adorable." she says moving on to the next card.

"So Aaron has a 3 year old son named-" i cut her off

"don't say his name" i say simply. Not for my sake but his, its a safety issue.

"ok um, Aaron has a 3 year old son how has your life changed since they moved in." she asks.

"It didn't really change because Mia, Kayla and I love him and we had him over every chance we could. If it was swimming or just to be here, we love the kid. so when he and Aaron moved in it wasn't a big adjustment. The only change was the 3rd bedroom which we converted to his room." i explain. she flips to a new card.

"Do you plan on having kids" she asks bluntly.

"Aaron and i haven't talked about it, and jack has me wrapped around his little finger. plus I'm only in my 20s i have a few years." i say. then i hear a huge crash. i look over and don't see anything. then i hear crying.

"MOMMA" jack yells. i get up and run to where i heard the crash. i see jack on the floor crying.

"what happened?" i ask

"i fell into the table" he says through tears. i pull him into my arms.

"do you want me to call your dad?"

"no i just want you" he says. i give him a simpithetic look.

"please momma" he says. 'momma'.

"alright but you have to be absolutely silent" i say. he nods with a smile. i pick him up and grab a random blanket. i cover his back side up and lay his head on my chest. getting up i walk back into where they set up.

"Sorry" I say sitting back down.

"it's ok, I get it children will always come first" she says.

"yea they do" I say adjusting jack.

"Can you move the camera closer please" I ask looking at the monitor. Too much of jack is showing. I don't like that.

"Thank you." I say. I look at Anna.

"Okay next question, this one is from a fan. How did you and Aaron meet?"

"Aaron and met my first day working at 'Combs & King' where I'm a Family Law Attorney" I explain. She flips to the next question.

"This one is also from a fan, if you were to have a child what would you name them?" She asks.

"Well I've always wanted to keep the god, goddess thing going. But I've never really though about it." I say looking down at jack. Who has fallen asleep.

"So next question is also from a fan. If you could redo any moment in your life which one and why?" She asks.

"I wouldn't, I believe everything happens for a reason. So to go back and change something that already happened would ruin the 'timeline'" I say.

"I like that answer" she says flipping the next card.

"How has your life changed since meeting Aaron?"

"Well since i met aaron i feel like ive started the life i wanted to. I have the happy family i always wanted." i say moving a piece of jack's hair out of his face.

"Thats so sweet. Next question is also from a fan. Why did you stop acting?" She asks

"I stopped acting to focus on my Family and new job. I got to the point in my life where I don't want to get up every morning and go pretend to be someone else, its so mentally draining." I say truthfully.

"Wow, Last question before the home tour part. What is one piece of advice you have for fans?"

"Don't stop learning, school is important" I say and someone yells cut. then a producer walks over to me.

"You shouldn't have cut her off like that" She says referring to me telling Anna not to say jack's name.

"No she shouldn't even have his name in one of those cards, Aaron and I invited you into our home with the rule of you respect our privacy and her attempting to say his name on camera like that was disrespectful. Now if you'll excuse me I have to lay my son down." I say walking away. Mia and Kayla walkover to me.

"Is he okay" Mia asks

"Yea he just needed a minute" I say walking to Jack's room.

"We flipped the pictures so there are none of Jack anywhere in the house. We took the name plate off of his door and hid all of his toys in his room. Oh Jason whats the status on Ma she said she was stopping by" Kayla rambles off before running up to Jason who is standing outside of Jack's door.

"She should be here any second" Jason says opening the door for us to walk in. Mia and I walk into Jack's room before the door closes behind us. I put Jack in his bed and sit down on the bed. Mia stands in the room pacing.

"Red calm down you're going to tire yourself out" I say to her. We haven't talked since that night but shes clearly stressing.

"Flo I think I want an abortion, I'm not ready for a baby." She says with tears running down her face.

"Okay, when do you want to go?" I ask.

"I don't know im just stressing really bad and I really just need a hug." She says I stand up and wrap my arms around her. She wraps her arms around my waist and lets out a sigh of content.

"You're doing the best you can cara. Just remember I'm always here. Aaron and Jack are always here. We love you and we support you" I say wiping her tears.

"Thank you, I love you guys too" she says through tears.

"C'mon wipe your face. So we can get these people out of the house" I say and she laughs. She goes In jack's bathroom and washes her face. I tuck Jack in and kiss his forehead before leaving the room.

"Alright Ms. James where do you want us to start?" The producer asks noticing all the flipped pictures.

"Can we get these pictures flipped they look weird." She says to the team of people behind her.

"No, they're like that for a reason" Kayla says popping out of thin fucking air.

"What reason lack of taste" she mutters

"Hey, I don't know you as well as I know this crew because I've worked with them before but you need to chill. If my boyfriend and I want to have some privacy in our home then we will do that. You're not going to sit here and disrespect me. I've tried to keep it calm because my son is here but you keep pushing my buttons" I say in the voice I only use when talking to clients.

"Hes not even your son so why are you doing all of this?" She says. At this point im seeing red. Right as I start walking towards her Aaron walks in the room.

"You disrespectful bitch, you don't even know me and you have the sheer audacity to say that Jack isn't my so-" I start before Aaron cuts in and grabs my arms.

"Flora" he says pulling me into his chest. Thats when I realize one of the camera crew was recording this on their cell phone.

"I can't do this, im done. I want all of you out." I say pulling away from Aaron.

"Momma" Jack asks from his doorway. The red I was seeing is completely gone. I rush over and scoop him up in my arms. I kiss his forehead and he leans into my touch.

"What's wrong baby" I whisper walking into my room and slamming the door behind me.

"I heard yelling" he says tears brimming his eyes.

"Awe no baby everything is okay, I just had a disagreement with the lady in there. I said some mean words and then your daddy came home." I explain

"You shouldn't say mean words" He says and I smile.

"I know baby, I got up set and let my emotions control my words" I say

"You shouldn't do that"he says laying his head on my chest.

"I really shouldn't" I say rocking him back and forth. I walk up the spiral stairs to Mia's room where. I close the door and sit on her bed.

I walk out of her room and walk to the poker room. I walk down those stairs and walk to the garage. I grab the Range Rover keys and get in the car. i start it and pull out of the driveway.

"So where to?" I ask him and he smiles

"Can we go to the park?" He asks

"Absolutely but lets stop at a store to get you a pair of shoes." I say driving out of the community.

A/n this was what the entire story was based off of. This chapter so it was one of the first ones I wrote so if the writing is ass ignore it like how I ignore my mom's boyfriend. ill most likely go back and fix the ages cause I need them to match up to another story im doing.



Word count:3288

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