Honey Sweet ❁ Joe Keery

By Hvnnyblonde

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"no more nights alone, so cold let's go back discreet, honey sweet" in which joe keery's... More

playlist + aesthetic
wikipedia page
one ✿ shake it out
two ✿ red-eyes
three ✿ i saw her for the first time
four ✿ waltzing back
five ✿ 1995
six ✿ last hope
seven ✿ one in a million
eight ✿ cold feet
nine ✿ memories
ten ✿ do i wanna know?
twelve ✿ my kind of woman
thirteen ✿ honey
Authors Note

eleven ✿ late night talking

973 26 2
By Hvnnyblonde

chapter eleven

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁

It had been two weeks since I'd last seen Joe and life had suddenly felt like absolute chaos. Never ending days filled with flights between different states for interviews, photo shoots for magazine spreads, and a premiere. Frenzied days that didn't feel so awful whenever my phone lit up with a new message from Joe or long nights that ended with hour long phone calls from said boy who seemed to now be all I thought about. I had finally made it back to my home in Los Angeles. Happy to be able to enjoy the lovely day lounging on the sofa in my back garden, legs criss-crossed under me, my guitar on my lap. It was warm out, the soft breeze the only thing keeping my almost sticky skin cool. Eliott sat at the wooden garden table a couple feet away from me, eyes glued to his laptop as he restlessly typed away. Soft hums left my lips as I mindlessly strummed my guitar, hands stopping their strumming every so often to scribble down a possible lyric.

"You can never just take a day off can you?" Eliott says from behind his laptop, eyes never leaving the screen.

"Could say the same to you! Sounds like you're wearing down that poor keyboard." I reply through a playful scoff, small smile on my face.

He rolls his eyes feigning annoyance, a smile pulling on his lips at the reply. I softly sang out some lyrics, my fingers picking at the guitar strings.

"Sounds nice." Eliott spoke out, finally closing his laptop and looking at me. "What're you working on?"

He got up from where he was sitting, his long legs leading him to sit on the sofa directly in front of me. He kicked his feet up on the small table in between us, quick to pull his phone out of his pocket.

"Nothing in particular. Just had some thoughts bouncing around my head that sounded like they could be some good lyrics." I laughed out, pen tapping against the leather bound music journal on my lap.

"Can I hear?" He said, eyes leaving his phone for a second before going back to rapidly typing.

"Uh- it's n-not finished, p-probably won't sound good." I stuttered out, mentally kicking myself.

He looked up from his phone, a smirk on his face as he placed it face down on his chest. He raised his eyebrows at me, big brown eyes now full of curiosity.

"You always show me your songs even if they're not finished." He said, a playful tone laced in his words. "What's it about huh? Maybe a little someone on your favorite Netflix show? Who does he play again? Steve?"

I rolled my eyes at him, hands quick to come up to cover my face before he saw the blush on my cheeks. He laughed at my reaction, his hand slapping his thigh as he tried to calm down.

"Stop, you're actually so annoying!" I huffed out, words semi muffled by my hands.

I lowered my hands away from my face to glare at him, his laughs slowly dying down. His phone dinged loudly on his chest, the sound completely ending his laughter as he quickly lifted it off his chest to check the notification. His eyes brightened at whatever was on the screen, a soft smile quick to form on his lips as a laugh rumbled through his chest. My eyebrows furrowed at his reaction, confusion fast to settle in.

"Who's that, hmm?" I questioned, a cheeky grin on my face.

"No one." He replied far too quickly, the flush on his cheeks deepening.

"No one? Yeah, I totally believe that." I said. "Tell me who has you giggling and I'll play you what I have so far."

"M'not giggling!" He exclaimed, eyes now filled with contemplation. "You go first!"

"Not happening! Tell who it issss." I dragged out, a laugh following my words.

"Okay okay!" He replied shyly, his gaze now avoiding mine. "It's Kathryn."

My eyes widened at his reply, a shocked smile now on my face. "Wait, Kathryn?! Like your old co-star from "The Society" Kathryn?"

"Yes! Why're you saying it like that?! It's not what you're thinking."

"Don't lie to me! Ugh- Finally! It's been- what? Four years!?" I exclaimed, a smirk on full display.

"What're you on about Rosaleen?!" He grumbled out, very clearly frustrated.

"You've been pining for each-other for four bloody years!" I exclaimed pointing out the obvious. "And now you're all giggly over there. You're never giggly. You're sweet on her!"

He grunted before throwing his head back to hang over the back of the couch. I was in a fit of laughter, hands still dancing over my guitar.

"Yes, I fancy her! We've been on a couple dates." He replied, lifting his head to look at me.

"Stop it! Why didn't you tell me!?" I asked, shocked.

"Because it was still so new! I mean- yes I've known her for a while now but it's different. I really like her." He replied, cheeks flushed.

A happy squeal tumbled from my lips, my hands reaching up to playfully grab at my heart. He rolled his eyes at my reaction, an irritated grunt leaving his lips.

"Your turn! Let me hear whatever it is you're working on."

My giddiness quickly died down, dread over taking my emotions. A sigh left my lips as I rubbed my hands over my face.

Eliott looked at me expectedly. "Go on, I want to hear it!"

"Okay okay, it's not finished! It's honestly not much, I just had all these thoughts and just started writin-" I said, Eliott quick to cut me off.

"Will you just get on with it!"


I sighed, fingers dancing over the guitar strings. I looked up at my twin brother, nerves coursing through my body. He raised his eyebrows as if asking me to go on. My fingers plucked the guitar strings, soft hums leaving my lips before I sang out the first verse of lyrics.

"It was nice talkin' to you
I'm still thinkin' about it
A message from you in the morning
I'm surprised you even called me
I really can't predict what you'll do
I'm scared I might start to annoy you"

I softly sang out, eyes staring down at the music journal in my lap. I snuck a glance up at Eliott, the small smirk on his face only growing wider.

"Can't seem to figure you out
Still my words spill out of my mouth
You're listening, how could I not want you now? If I get to meet you
Will you tell all your friends about it?
I still can't figure you out, no
All these words spill out from my mouth"

My fingers plucked the guitar string for a couple more seconds before coming to a stop. An almost uncomfortable silence filled the air, Eliott's gaze practically burning a hole through me as he bit back his response.

"That's all I have so far. Was working on the second verse when you so rudely interrupted." I said breaking the silence.

His eyes stayed on mine, smirk still wide on his face. He opened his mouth to speak but his words were cut off by my phone ringing loudly beside me. His wiggled his eyebrows at me, implying he thought he knew who it was. I lifted the phone from where it sat to see who it was, I placed my guitar down in its place, small smile pulling at my lips when I read "FaceTime video from Mumsy 💗"

"You're so annoying, it's mum!" I said to Eliott, rolling my eyes at him.

I slid my finger over the answer button, mums tired face quick to appear on my screen. My eyebrows furrowed at the sight, her skin was paler than normal, deep set purple bags under her eyes.

"Hello my darling girl!" She beamed from the other side of the phone, tired eyes bright.

"Hi mum! How's everything? You okay? It's one in the morning for you, you look really tired, you sleeping okay?" I asked causing Eliott to look away from his phone and toward me.

Her smile dropped for a second before returning itself onto her lips. "Everything's okay lovie, I'm okay. Just been feeling a bit under the weather this week, my stomachs been acting up, been a bit hard to sleep."

My face dropped at her words, worry quickly running itself through my body. I looked up over my phone at Eliott, his face also now filled with concern. Eliott stood up from his place on the sofa across from me, quickly making his way over to sit next to me.

"Hi mum!" He said to her over the phone, his side squished into mine.

"Hello my sweet boy. You being nice to your sister while you're staying with her?" Mum hummed out, small smile on her face.

Eliott chuckled. "She's the mean one mum!"

I nudged into his side playfully as mum softly laughed at our interaction, looking up at him as we still shared the same worried look.

"Uh- mum, I overheard what you were telling rosey. Have you talked to your doctor about the stomach pain? Maybe it's the new medication he has you on, it'd be nice to just have it checked out don't you think?" Eliott spoke softly, uneasiness filling his voice.

Mum sighed. "Im okay bug, promise. I think I might've just ate something that didn't sit well, m'sure I'll be better in a day or two."

"Mum.. you've been feeling sick for a week.." I said, small frown pulling at the corners of my lips. "W-what if- what if it's-"

I cut myself off, not wanting to speak out the possibility. The look on mums face softened while Eliott wrapped an arm around my shoulders, giving me a comforting squeeze. It might be back, tears pricked my eyes at the thought.

"Darling don't think like that." She said, worry now laced in her eyes. "My doctor is booked up for a month or two but if I still feel sick a couple days from now I'll make an appointment, how's that sound?"

I nodded at her words, not trusting my voice to speak.

"Promise you'll call your doctor if you feel worse or you're not feeling better?" Eliott spoke as he unwrapped his arm from around me. "Promise you'll keep us updated?"

"Yeah mum, please. You know I'll take the first flight back home if you need me to!" I added softly.

"I promise, I promise." She said, a teary smile on her face. "And you don't have to do that my sweet girl, all three of you have got your hands full over there."

"I'd cancel everything if I had to mum, I'd move around my entire schedule. I know Joseph and Eliott would too. You always come first, we need you to be okay." I replied, tears finally leaving my eyes before I quickly wiped them away.

Eliott nodded at my words, knowing very well that the three of us would drop everything if it meant mum was okay.

"Don't cry dove, I'm okay." Mum spoke softly. "Enough with all of this sad stuff! Fill me in on your week, how was your premiere?"

The three of us talked for a half hour, both Eliott and I filling Mum in on our week and everything coming up. She listened intently, eyes sparkling through the screen. Eliott excused himself after awhile to take a call, he walked into the house and left Mum and I on our own. I filled her in on the "Fresh" premiere, when she quickly cut me off to gush about the photo shoot Sebastian and I had just done. I laughed at her excitement, my heart warm at how proud she looked through the screen. My phone buzzed in my hand, the vibration pulling me away from whatever my mum was saying. The notification banner covered half of mums face, a message displayed on it.

Joe 🌙
Guess who finished all of
his press for the day? Same
time tonight? 📞

My cheeks flushed at the message, a small giggle tumbling from my lips. The notification disappeared, my mum now tight lipped as she looked at me with her eyebrows raised questioningly.

"What's got you giggling rosey girl?" She cooed teasingly.

"Nothing mum, s'just a friend sent a funny message." I fibbed.

She sent me a knowing look through the screen, my words very obviously not convincing enough.

"Do you really think you can lie to your mum? I know you better than you know yourself ." She replied.

I huffed, the hand not holding my phone covering my face to hide my red cheeks. My mum laughed at the reaction, the corners of her eyes crinkling.

"Is it a boy, lovie?" She cooed through a small laugh, smile bright on her lips.

"Yes mum, it's a boy. But it's not like that! I mean- ugh, i don't know." I rambled, flustered at her question.

"What d'you mean "it's not like that", how is it then?"

I sighed. "I don't know mum, it's just- new? We've been out twice now, just causally, but he's real sweet and I don't know I think I like him? It's all a bit confusing."

My mum swooned at my words, eyes shining through the phone.

"What's his name? How do you know him? Do you fancy him? Why's it confusing?" She replied excitedly shooting out question after question.

"Um- he's actually one of Josephs co-stars on stranger things. I actually met him the day of the premiere, had a lovely conversation with him." I said shyly. "His names Joe, and I don't know if I fancy him Mum." I sighed. "He took me out to dinner two weeks ago, we've both been very busy with press so it's been a lot of texting and very long late night phone calls so I don't really know what it is I'm feeling. We have an actual date tomorrow actually, don't know what we're doing but I'm very excited. He's just been real sweet, I'm quite taken by him."

"Does Joseph know?" She asks curiously.

"I haven't had the chance to actually speak to him about it. I know he knows that we've gone out a couple times. I'm not sure if Joe has said anything to him, given that they've been doing press together."

"I'm so excited for you. It's nice to see you giddy like this, makes my heart swoon for you." Mum said happily. "I'm sure it'll all work itself out lovie, things will become clear sooner or later."

"Thank you." I replied, shy smile on my face. "You should get some sleep mummy, it's nearly two-thirty in the morning for you."

"Okay sweetheart, I'll let you go." She replies through a tired yawn. "Let me know how everything goes, yeah? I'll call you next week."

"Of course mum, please let us know if you start feeling worse." I replied. "Love you so much."

I blew a handful of kisses toward the camera on the phone, Mum quick to pretend to catch them and hold them to her chest. She sent me one last wave and a kiss before she hung up, the screen going blank. I leaned back on the sofa, my mind wandering back to the beginning of my conversation with my mum. Worried that she may be feeling sicker than she was implying. I shook the negative thought away, hands fumbling with my phone. I opened the messaging app, quickly clicking open the un-opened message from Joe, fingers dancing over the keyboard as they typed a response.

Rosaleen 🍒
Hmm, let me guess... you!
Surprised you aren't tired
of hearing from me Keery!

Joe 🌙
Tired of you? Never!
IM surprised you're not
tired of ME!

Rosaleen 🍒
Well actually, now that
you mention it... 🫣

Joe 🌙
Woww, you've wounded
me! And here I was, thinking
you might actually like me 💔

Rosaleen 🍒
I'm joking, I'm joking.!
You've grown on me Joe,
don't think I could ever be
tired of hearing from you..

Joe 🌙
I can't wait to tell the
world Rosaleen Quinn
has gone soft on me 🫢

Rosaleen 🍒
Wow, I can't believe you'd
expose me.. You know I was
going to say yes to your offer
of a phone call but I think I've
suddenly changed my mind 🤔

Joe 🌙
I don't buy it, I know
you'll answer on the first
ring.. call you in two hours
cherry 🍒

I laughed at his response, cheeks warm as I put my phone down to grab my things and head back inside.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁

third person pov:

The calm of the afternoon had come to a close, evening now casting a dusky glow on the greenery outside of Rosaleen's bedroom window. The window was cracked open, cool air breezing in through it, the sound of birds chirping out their good nights as crickets chirped their hellos. Rosaleen's room was dimly lit, candles lit around the room wafting their sweet aroma through the air. Her record player was spinning one of her favorite albums, the soft hum of Alex Turners voice singing out the words to "I Wanna Be Yours" filled her with warm comfort. She was sat in bed, back against her headboard, guitar on her lap as she tried to finish the song she'd spent the afternoon working on. Her soft hums mixed with the music coming from her record player as she leaned over herself, pen crossing out lyrics before scribbling down new ones on her music journal that sat on the bed in-front of her. She let out a frustrated huff, brain feeling stuck on what to write next as more thoughts of her mum flooded her mind. She pushed herself off the headboard, hands wrapped around her guitar and she swung her legs over the side of the bed. Fuzzy socked feet padded along the wooden floors as she walked over the the guitar stand next to her record player. She placed the guitar down before turning around to place her journal on top of a the pile of books on her nightstand. Her eyes caught sight of a picture on the furniture, her hand quick to reach out and pick it up. A soft sigh escaped her mouth, tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she looked down at the photo of her and her mum. The photo was taken when she was fifteen, her mum and her cuddled up in a hammock. Her mums bright smile was aimed at the camera as Rosaleen pressed a kiss to her scarfed head. Her fingers ran over the photograph, memories of that day swirling around her brain. She remembered the way her mums lip trembled as she sat in the chair in the hair salon watching her remaining hair fall into her lap. She remembered the defeated look on her mums face when she looked at herself in the mirror for the first time, all of her hair now gone. She remembered the way her mums eyes shone as she let her wrap a pretty scarf around her head, something that soon became her favorite accessory, something she still carry's around with her to this day. The sound of soft buzzing pulled her out of her thoughts, her phones vibrations muffled by the pillowy duvet on her bed. She quickly put the picture down, fingers wiping away stray tears. She reached out for her phone, the name that lit up the screen pushing away any prior negative thoughts.

"Hello." she answered softly, voice quavering from the few tears she had shed.

She pulled herself up onto the plush bed, head elevated on her fluffy pillows. On the other side of the phone Joe was leaned up on his head board, his long legs crossed over each other, his eyebrows furrowed at her tone of voice.

"Hi Cherry." Joe spoke out on the other end of the line, concern meshed in his words. "You okay? Were you already sleeping?"

"Hi." Rosaleen replied through a shaky laugh. "No I wasn't sleeping, was just working on some music. I'm okay, had a day off today but it's felt so long. How was your day today? What'd you get up to?" She asked, steering the conversation away from her.

"Sorry you had a long day." He said sweetly. "It was okay, can't complain too much. Natalia, Maya, Joseph and I finished up all of our group interviews today. I think we did like 6 hours of interviews. Mostly stuff for YouTube and what not. How was yours? How'd you spend your day off?"

"Hope my brother didn't annoy you too much, he can be a pain, but you already knew that." She replied with a small laugh, Joe joining in.

"He was on his best behavior. I think we were all just over the 6 hours of practically the same questions."

"I'm glad he was behaving! Sounds like you had a busy day, I know long interview days are a drag. Mine was good also, I may or may not have finished season 4 of stranger things this morning and then spent the rest of the day trying to finish a song that kept bouncing around in my head." She giggled out.

"I just know you're the biggest Steve Harrington fan girl." Joe said playfully, the grin on his face practically audible.

"Oh you wish! You're wrong, argyle had my heart this season. I've worked with Eduardo before, maybe I'll give him a call." Rosaleen replied cheekily, a symphony of giggles ringing through the phone as Joe scoffed.

"Sureee." He dragged out. "Anyway, can I hear this song you're working on?"

"W-what!? Um- no, it's just finished and I'm not even sure if I like it." She stuttered out, flustered at the question.

Joes laugh rung out through the phone. "Hmm, sounds like you just don't want me to hear it. I'll get it out of you eventually."

"If you say so Keery!" Rosaleen laughed.

The conversation went on for a while, the banter never dying down. The pair went back and forth, sharing stories of the days since they've spoken last. Laughter ringing out through the room every so often.

"Did you get to talk to your mom today? I know Friday's are usually the days she checks in." Joe asked.

Rosaleen smiled at the question, heart swooning at the fact that he remembered.

"I did. She actually did her weekly FaceTime call today so I spoke to her for a bit." Rosaleen replied, voice wavering as the negative thoughts attempted to push back up.

Joes brows furrowed, small frown pulling at the corners of his mouth. "Hey, everything okay?"

"Y-yeah, everything's fine." She stuttered out.

"If somethings bothering you, you know you can talk to me right?" Joe replied, not buying into her words.

"I know, I'm just scared." She said, her voice breaking, Joes heart breaking along with it.

"Scared of what?" He questioned worriedly.

"Scared that if I say it out loud it'll come true."

The line went quiet, only the sound of Rosaleen's soft sniffles were heard over the speaker.

"Its not that I'm superstitious or anything and I know it's sounds stupid it's jus-" Rosaleen started, words instantly cut off.

"It doesn't sound stupid Rosaleen. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Joe said.

"My mum had cancer." Rosaleen blurted out.

Joes mouth fell slightly agape on the other side of the phone, his fingers pulling at some loose threads on his pajama bottoms as he waited for her to continue.

"I was about to turn 15 when she was diagnosed." Rosaleen continued, voice shaky. "She went in to the hospital with what seemed like a really awful stomach flu and they ended up finding a tumor in her intestine. They did surgery to remove it and biopsy it and 3 days later we got the call. They said they'd caught it early and she'd only need a couple rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, it ate away at her but she survived it. She's been in remission ever since, her doctors appointments are every couple months and shes had a couple scares but everything has been okay since then. But today when she called she looked so tired and pale and she said she hadn't been sleeping properly because her stomach has been acting up and I don't know. I'm scared to think of the possibility that this might be it, that it might be back."

Tears were now streaming down Rosaleens face, the sleeves of her jumper had fallen over her hands and were now wiping away her tears. Joe was dumbstruck, his brain searched for the words to say but nothing came out.

"I'm sorry, I know it's a lot. You don't have to say anything, I didn't mean to dump all of this on you." She said through a sniffle.

"Don't ever apologize for sharing your feelings, especially for something like this. I'm so sorry your mum and your family had to go through that Rosaleen. I know my words aren't much consolation, but I can't always offer a shoulder to lean on." Joe replied sympathetically.

"Thank you Joe. It really means a lot." Rosaleen said, a small smile appearing on her lips. "I know she'll be okay, I guess I'm just hoping she's open about when she's feeling sick. It makes me anxious to think that she may be saying she feels okay when she doesn't."

"Yeah I understand, it sounds like a tough situation but I know if you just talk to her about it and tell her how you feel it'll ease up the anxiety. Just to try to stay on the same page about all of it."

"You're right, it'll definitely be something I bring up to my brothers. Just so we can all express our worries." Rosaleen said through a sigh. "Thank you for listening."

"Of course, you can talk to me about anything. This is a safe space." He said softly.

Rosaleen's body warmed at his words, giddiness buzzing through her. "Y'know, you actually came up in my mum and I's conversation."

His eyes brightened at her words, cheeks flushed at the thought of being brought up in conversation. "Yeah?" He asked through a soft chuckle.

"Mhm-" Rosaleen hummed out. "You texted while I was talking to her. She claimed I was giggly so she asked why. Told her you'd texted me and so she asked about you. Asked for your name and how I knew you. I told her how we met and that I was really excited for our date tomorrow."

Her cheeks flushed at her own confession, giddy butterflies fluttering in her chest pushing out any sadness she had felt. Joes laughed softly through the phone, the giddiness Rosaleen was feeling mirrored his emotions.

"Well that makes two of us, cherry."

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁

Liked by imsebastianstan, ivyhart, roseyleenquinn and 203,455 others

hulu Looking FRESH at the LA Premiere! #FreshMovie starring @roseyleenquinn and @imsebastianstan streaming June 10th!

View all 38,889 comments

usera SO EXCITED for this movie 🥹

userb They look SO hot! I didn't know I needed them to star in a movie together until they did 😭

userc I'm so over seeing her everywhere! She's overrated af 🙄

userd The way Sebastian is smiling in the first picture 😗🤌🏼
   ↳ user1 The way Rosaleen is looking at him 😮‍💨🤌🏼

roseyleenquinn Thank you for having me! So excited for everyone to finally be able to see this! ♥️

user2 First everyone is going insane over Joseph Quinn now everyone is overhyping his sister.. They're honestly not that great 🫣

❁ ❁

Liked by roseyleenquinn, hulu, flauntmagazine and 1,480,635 others

imsebastianstan Aisle 6 🎭
Thank you again @flauntmagazine for featuring us @roseyleenquinn @freshmovie

View all 20,768 comments

user1 That last one though 🥵🤌🏼

user2 These photos prove I'm bisexual 😮‍💨

user3 I don't know where to look! They're both SO HOT 🫢

hulu nobody flaunts it like you two 😍

freshmovie suddenly have a strong urge to visit isle 6

usera The third photo has me going absolutely FERRAL! Why is she looking at me like that OMG, they both look SO GOOD 🥵

userb I'm totally going to watch this movie for the plot, there's totally not any other reason 😗

roseyleenquinn You just had to show up in the same outfit but in a different color 🙄
   ↳ imsebastianstan You still wore it better!


❁ ❁

Liked by joekeery, mumsyquinn, eliottquinn and 999,879 others

roseyleenquinn What do you reckon the phone calls about? 😅
Noa and Steves day out... Thank you for having us @flauntmagazine @imsebastianstan🕺

View all 18,789 comments

user1 Rosaleen is KILLING IT omg 🥹

user2 Im LIVING for the Sebleen content, my favorite ship!
   ↳ usera No, we ship Joeleen in this household

user3 That last picture has me IN HEAT 🥵

hulu Looking as fresh as ever! 😍

ivyhart You look STUNNING Rosaleen 😭🫶🏼
roseyleenquinn I love you, I miss you 😭

userb Rosaleen looks STUNNING in that second photo OMG! I Stan an elegant QUEEN 🫶🏼

imsebastianstan Oh boy
   ↳ freshmovie Our thoughts exactly!

imsebastianstan Hello? Is there anyone out there?? 📞
   ↳ roseyleenquinn Noa calling the takeaway restaurant to cancel her extra order of short ribs 😂

userc Not Sebastian DOUBLE commenting!!

user4 I STAN their friendship! 😭

joekeery No wonder I kept getting sent straight to voicemail! 🙃
[roseyleenquinn liked this comment]


user5 Joeleen is alive and THRIVING 😭♥️

usere Does this mean they talk on the phone! Are they together omg!??!??

❁ ❁

Liked by jacobelordi, joekeery, josephquinn and 768,899 others

roseyleenquinn can someone call the contractors remodeling his house and tell them to hurry up... I'm on my final straw 😤

View all 15,766 comments

user2 I VOLUNTEER! 🙋🏻‍♀️

userb I love them omg 🥹🫶🏼

eliottquinn I'm telling mum you're being mean!
roseyleenquinn I'm the favorite, she'll take my side ☺️

user1 I have an extra room, I'll take him off your hands 🫣
   ↳ roseyleenquinn I'd be happy to hand him over, no returns or exchanges!

user3 I want to be part of the Quinn family 😭

josephquinn I told you you'd regret letting him stay 😂
  ↳ roseyleenquinn You can have him! Your extra room needs a guest!
   ↳ ivyhart Tough luck Rosey, it's not happening
   ↳ eliottquinn I hate you all 🙄

❁ ❁

Liked by jacobelordi, maya_hawke, joekeery and 776,987 others

eliottquinn Three likes and I'll tell you guys what and who @roseyleenquinn is writing about!! 🫢

View all 16,765 comments

user1 OMG! Eliott is she releasing new music!? 🫣

user9 Excuse me!... did you say "WHO" it's about!?

userb HOW is she SO hot!? 😭

user2 Eliott you can't play with us like this! We all want an album! We NEED to know!

roseyleenquinn Eliott I SWEAR I'll disown you! 🤬
    ↳ eliottquinn Why so angry rosey?! It was such a sweet sweet song 😗


user4 Eliott SPILL the tea! PLEASE! ☕️

joekeery 👀
[eliottquinn liked this comment]


[eliottquinn liked this comment]

userf STOP IT HE LIKED @user8 's comment! 🚨


josephquinn Everyone send thoughts and prayers to Eliott... Rosaleen's going to kill him 😂

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Authors Note: Ahhhh, here's another long one! Sorry it's been taking a couple days to update, I've just been writing and re writing everything so it all will hopefully make sense! How do we feel about this one? There's more IG posts than usual in this one since there was a two week "time jump" and because I love including them! Next chapter is their date and I'm so excited to write it, I hope you're just excited as I am! The song for the chapter is up on the story playlist linked on the cast chapter as well as some of the previous chapters. The song Rosaleen was writing is "if I get to meet you" by benee, it genuinely reminds me so much of Joe and Rosaleen! Any and all feedback is welcome, I love reading all of your comments! As always thank you all so so so much for reading! 🌷

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