Sybil's Sitters 7 - Playing D...

By DreamingSmall

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Good dads make the best daddies. More

Call Him Daddy
Bath time
Shopping for my girl
Daddy meets my friends
Financial Complications
Cold Showers
Taking charge
I wish I was a good girl
Knowing Niki
Daddy Knows best
Lollypop Game
Six Months Later

Sitting on Sybil

61 0 0
By DreamingSmall


"Back to the stage for your viewing pleasure, Darling Niki!"

I almost missed my cue. I'd been Niki Sex the last time I'd worked here, an equally obscure reference to my bosses 80's rock infatuation. I'd gone with option A to get my job back, the prospect of being well paid to fuck a stranger preferred over blowing my boss for nothing. He'd even come through with the Molly, though knowing his cheap ass it was as likely to be more caffeine than MDMA. I hadn't taken it yet and didn't know that I would, but having it somehow felt right.

My heart wasn't in it. The part of this job that I'd actually liked was the dancing, a chance to be admired without so many rude comments and come-ons. I looked over my prospects, trying to decide which guy to turn up the charm with. Most girls did this with an eye toward the money, flirt their way into a guy's wallet. I was looking for a nice guy, maybe one who would be satisfied with a simple lap dance. We didn't get many guys like that. Bachelor parties, businessmen, and frat guys tended to go to the higher-class clubs across town.

I didn't even notice her the first time my eyes scanned across the room. She was so unexpected. She looked like she belonged there with her boot cut jeans, leather jacket, and hair in a bandana. The second time my eyes took in the room, my outfit now limited to glitter and a smile, I saw her. She winked. I couldn't help but smile.


So, my first trip to the VIP room was with a girl. And, though a bit of a spoiler, so was my last.

"So, what's going on?" she asked as I straddled her lap. Despite the businesslike attitude she put on, her eyes scanned my near naked body like it was covered in gold.

God, I needed that. I'd known that I would fuck things up with Petre, but that didn't help things now that I had. Too much of my self-worth is tied up in being able to attract attention with my body, something that had tanked hard after my stupid attempt to seduce a man who had already rejected me moments before. I'm stupid in general, but horny me? It's like a hormone lobotomy.

"You like looking at me, don't you?" It wasn't really a question.

Her eyes flicked up from my chest to meet my eyes. "Sorry. Do you have to be this close?"

"Kinda," I lied. "They're watching to make sure they get their share of what I earn, so it needs to at least look legit." I could as easily sit across the room and perform for her, but I wanted to be close, to be touched.

"That's pretty sus. Are they listening, too?"

"No. They have a pretty hard rule about audio. Some pretty questionable business goes on back here." Her eyes had drifted away from mine. "You can kiss them if you want? Or bite them?"

"Fuck. Can you turn around, maybe?"

I rolled my eyes. This wasn't all horny me talking. I really didn't want to have the conversation about my disastrous job. I turned around and leaned my back against her, my torso a stretched-out invitation to her hands.

"Look, Niki, you took off without your phone. The only reason I even found you was that this is the place you were when I called you last."

That made sense. Her app is like a fairy godmother, always watching.

"I'm sorry, Sybil. I just had to get out of there."

"What happened? I know you've dealt with some abusive men, but you don't have to put up with that working for me. I've got friends in the police department, or we can sue him. You never have to go back there if you don't want to."

I sighed. "It's nothing like that."

"Well, what is it then?"

"Have sex with me first. I'll cover the fee." We got to keep anything over ninety dollars in tips for every ten minutes of sex activity. The girls here prided themselves on the nine-minute blowjob.

"Niki," she said, her tone not that much different that Petre. She could dom the fuck out of me if she wanted.

"Fine," I said, surrendering. "I tried to give him a blowjob. He said no."

"Oh," she said.


"Relationship stuff. I almost completely useless to you in that regard."

"I don't know, Sybil. I was just so stressed. I hoped that if I could get him to sleep with me, he'd let me stay on another couple weeks." That was a bit of a lie, too. It was nice rationalization, but I liked Petre a lot. I just wanted him to like me back.

"I told you not to worry about the contract. That's my job."

"But why won't he sign a new one?"

"Have you looked at what you earned last week?"

I hadn't. The money from the first week was already way more than I needed. "No, why?"

"You logged a hundred eighteen hours. We're working out a new contract so he doesn't have to pay you to sleep."

"Oh my God, what?" I sat up and turned to face her to make sure she was serious.

"And your disappearing act kept him from buying out your contract, so all of this is officially on the books now."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Don't tell me you're sorry, tell Petre." She caught my look of terror, so added, "Look, you don't ever have to go back there if you don't want to. But you should. At least show him the respect of quitting in person."

"Do I have to quit?"

She shook her head. "No. But give it some serious thought. I don't want to have to look at your tits every time you have a disagreement."

"Liar. You sure you don't want to have sex?"

She bit her lip. "You're my employee, so it doesn't matter what I want. I've never even kissed a girl, but it's been fun looking at you, at least."

"Mmm, a virgin, too. Are you trying to make me quit?"

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