RanPoe Oneshots

By WantedGh-st

197K 2.6K 8.7K

Thanks for being interested in my book! This story contains NSFW themes/Images and if you are under 18 I adv... More

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Surprise [NSFW](Repost)
Neko [NSFW](Repost)
Just a little info about my prefrences
Mafia Poe?? [NSFW]
Brat (1/2) [NSFW]
Bunny! Ranpo × Wolf! Poe [NSFW]
A Vampire's mansion [NSFW]
Study Buddies (AU) 1/2

Overboard [Pirate/Siren AU NSFW]

13.2K 192 1K
By WantedGh-st

Ranpo spent a lot of his time watching ships pass by the small island that he lived near. Once and awhile a ship would be brave enough to come close, he noticed that it was only ever a ship with black sails, never one with any colors, those ships stayed far away.

He had once met a siren who said he should always lure the humans into the water as if they didn't get them first the humans would get them. He trusted the siren given he had a good few scars and his pretty red tail had a rip in the bottom fin. He actually thought he was pretty cool looking, it wasnt common to see another siren, let alone one one with hair the color of a sunset.

He was pretty sure he ended up getting caught in a net and pulled onto one of the black sailed ships though.

The ship coming up to the island now though must have had some smart humans, as Ranpo tried to get them to crash into the rocks with his voice but it anchored safely in the night and he had decided to swim under and check it out, bringing one of his favorite human trinkets, an old knife which still had some sharpness to it which he picked off a skeleton a few years ago.

It was a lot bigger than he thought up close and the chain which dropped the anchor was terrifyingly large, he could fit his whole arm through one of the links. He waited and waited under the ship, hoping the lights from the ship would eventually go out and stop reflecting off the water but they didn't. He could hear the humans walking around the top of the ship and he struggled to resist the urge to try and look at one. This ship didn't look like it had nets, he thought they had nets constantly in the water catching fish but there was no large schools of fish around. He snorted, stupid humans.

He swam out from under the boat, staying under the dark water before slowly peaking his head out of the water, looking up at the top of the boat, the lights werent attached to any humans, just sitting on the edge of the boat. He wondered if the boat had humans since he hadn't seen any of them. he swam over to the smaller boat attached to the big boat and grabbed the side of it, pulling himself up and flopping into it. If he dried off enough he'd have legs like the humans did and he could get into the big boat and see the humans up close.

It was definitely a bad idea but he could always dive overboard and back into the safety of the water.

He waited patiently and when his tail disappeared he stumbled to try and stand on the small boat, he grabbed some of the fabric in the small boat and tied it around his waist with a piece of rope he cut off the side of the boat with the small knife he had. He climbed up the side of the boat as quietly as he could and once at the top he looked over the edge and on the deck and yelped.

Some... fluffy creature was looking back at him with small round eyes and huge puffy cheeks. The creature put his tiny human like hands on the side of the deck with Ranpo's.

Suddenly he turned his attention towards a voice.

"Karl! get away from the edge!" The human gasped when he noticed Ranpo staring back at him. He carefully stood up but Ranpo dropped back into the small boat.

Karl hopped up onto the ledge and the human yelped. "Karl do not! get down! please listen to me-"

Karl hopped down into the small boat, landing on Ranpo who yelped in surprise "AH-"

The human rushed to the side of the boat and looked down at Ranpo and his pet. "Please don't hurt him! He's friendly and he's all I have-"

Ranpo looked a bit terrified, wondering why the creature on his chest was rubbing itself against his face and hands. He slowly touched the creatures head and jerked back when it made a weird noise.

The human sighed and took off his hat, holding onto the side of the boat and jumping down into the small boat with the siren. He picked up the creature who crawled onto his shoulder and rubbed his face against the humans.

Ranpo stared up at the human in confusion. He didn't particularly look scary, but he kinda looked similar to the human who took the red haired siren he met a few years ago.

The human crouched down to Ranpo's level and Ranpo scooted back farther in the boat. "Hey hey it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you, thank you for not hurting him either." he pointed to the creature again.

Ranpo stared at him still before looking up at the creature again whos small round eyes were looking at him again. "What... is that..."

The human looked a little surprised. "Oh? you do speak? Hes a raccoon, his name is Karl."

Ranpo sat up. "He feels weird."

The human laughed a bit. "Ah Im sure theres not alot of fluffy things in the sea." He lifted the raccoon up and Karl climbed back up onto the ship's deck. The human turned back to look at Ranpo. "I'm Poe, do you have a name? Do all sirens have the ability to hide their tail?"

Ranpo brushed his hair out of his face. "Uhh... yes, I think so." he got up and stumbled again, this time Poe held out his arms and Ranpo grabbed onto him, holding himself up.

"Your name?" Poe asked again, looking down at the other's arms, there was a few green scales here and there and he expected webbed fingers.

"It's Ranpo, why are you staring?" Ranpo tilted his head at the other and the humans face turned a bit red, oh that was interesting he didn't know they changed colors.

"Ah, it's just, I think the books I've read are all wrong about sirens." Poe looked at him. "I mean, do you not have webbed fingers? I thought they only ever had their tail but you have legs- and you don't have-"

Ranpo grinned at him. "Only when in the water."

Poe's face was still red. "Ah you do have pointed teeth..."

Ranpo nodded. "You can touch I don't bite." He opened his mouth.

Poe grabbed his chin gently and went to touch one of the pointed teeth but Ranpo closed his mouth, making the other jump. "You said-"

Ranpo blinked. "I wanted to see your reaction if I tricked you, how did you avoid my song earlier?"

Poe raised an eyebrow "Huh? oh, we wore earplugs since we knew of the stories of sirens around here, and seen all the crashed ships. Wait you tried to crash my ship?"

Ranpo looked interested. "Your ship? Its yours?"

Poe nodded. "I am the Captain after all... would you like to come on board?"

Ranpo looked up at the big ship again. "Will you catch me in a net? or stab me with a spear?"

"Heh.. we don't have nets, but we do have spears, I won't hurt you as long as you aren't trying to kill any of us okay?" Poe looked a little nervous.

"Oh, well if I did decide to I don't think you have enough time to plug your ears." Ranpo smiled innocently and climbed back up and fell onto the deck of the ship.

Poe sighed heavily and climbed back up himself, grabbing his hat off the ground and putting it back on.

Ranpo stumbled and got back up. "Oh woah-" He looked around. "It's so big."

Poe nodded. "There's a lot to haul and protect."

Ranpo stumbled but soon got a hang of the walking and even ran to the rack of spears on the side of the cabin. "Woah! these are huge!" he grabbed one off the rack and Poe yelped.

"Careful they are-" Ranpo fell over with the spear. "Heavy..." Poe sighed and walked over to help him up.

Ranpo looked a little dizzy. "everything is so weird out of water-" He held onto Poe. "You humans are weird too, I've seen fish change color but your face keeps turning red."

Poe blushed. "huh? oh- that's not-" he frowned. "Don't worry about it- mind if I ask you more questions? I wanna correct the information in the books about sirens."

Ranpo shrugged. "Go ahead."

"Do you really always try and kill humans? is your voice only used for killing or is it general mind control? what do you really look like in the water? how do sirens reproduce?" Poe continued to ramble off questions and Ranpo shushed him.

"No, no, I can show you, and I can also show you but not the traditional way as I don't actually want kids-" Ranpo scratched his head. "Hmm?"

Poe blushed. "Ah you um, don't have to show me that last one- I was just wondering if its like the myth with vampires and how theyd only be made from humans or if its a type of asexual reproduction or sexual."

Ranpo smiled. "You changed color again!"

Poe groaned. "Oh gods spare me-"

Ranpo grabbed his hand. "Do you know how to swim?"

Poe stared. "Oh um, well yes, I've been accidentally thrown overboard before- RaNPO-"

Ranpo pulled him over the edge of the boat with him and they both fell into the water.

Ranpo resurfaced after Poe who was shivering a bit. "Why are you shaking?"

Poe huffed. "The water is cold-"

Ranpo blinked. "Oh, not for me." he wrapped his arms around the other's neck and his tail twisted around his legs.

Poe yelped and threw his one arm up to quickly grab one of the ropes at the side of the boat so the siren wouldn't pull him under.

Ranpo cooed. "It's actually a lot more than just our voice that can effect a human."

Poe blushed. "Hah- ahh I'm gonna die aren't I?"

Ranpo laughed. "No, I like you, you are different, or well, different from the stories I heard about humans."

Poe slipped his other arm around the siren's waist. "Er... how so?"

Ranpo touched the others neck. "You didn't try and catch me or hurt me, and you haven't stolen anything."

Poe frowned. "Ah... bad time to tell you why my ship is anchored?"

Ranpo frowned. "I'll let it slide because you are cute." He cupped his face in his hands and kissed him.

Poe squeaked and blushed again, taking a moment before kissing the siren back, closing his eyes.

Ranpo cooed as he slipped his tongue into the other's mouth, he loved the noise of surprise the human made.

Poe slowly fought back against the others tongue, bravely venturing into his mouth, seeming to forget about the siren's sharp teeth.

Ranpo moaned into the others mouth as he tugged the humans hair.

Poe gasped and pulled away slightly, his face bright red. He had nearly let go of the rope. "A-Ahh.. what was that for?"

Ranpo purred. "I showed you a bit of how sirens breed~"

Poe blushed darkly. "But I said you didn't have to-"

Ranpo frowned. "No fun in that- besides, I wanted to see if it was true that a sirens moans have an effect on humans and I think it does you are hard down here-" he reached down and grabbed the others crotch.

Poe yelped and grabbed his arm. "T-That wasn't because of that-" he held the other's wrist. "Please come back on the ship."

Ranpo's tail unwrapped from the others legs. "hmm I guess so, you have to carry me though I'm not waiting to dry off again."

Poe nodded. "Okay, hold onto me then, wrap your arms around my neck."

Ranpo got behind him and wrapped his arms around his neck, careful to not actually choke him. "I thought humans were weaker."

Poe frowned. "I steer a ship every day and lift things heavier than you."

Ranpo cooed. "Oh but do you lift things as scary as me?"

"You aren't scary, you are adorable..." Poe muttered and slowly climbed back up onto his ship with the siren on his back.

Ranpo blushed. "Adorable? I am a dangerous force to be reckoned with!"

Poe smiled a bit and sat the siren down, only to pick him up correctly and carry him towards the cabin of the ship.

He opened the door and carried the siren in, kicking the door shut before setting the Ranpo down on the floor. "I'll get us some towels." Poe started to undress, not thinking twice about it.

Ranpo cooed and watched him. "Oh I wonder if me without my tail looks like you without your... weird human fabrics."

Poe blushed. "They are clothes, and maybe, I wouldn't know" He kept his back turned to the siren who slapped his tail on the floor in impatience.

"Stop that just give me a moment to dry off, you are the one who dragged me overboard." Poe rolled his eyes slightly and muttered. "Like a spoiled cat..."

Ranpo whined. "Hurry u-" he squeaked as Poe tossed a towel into his face. He huffed and pulled the towel down, glaring slightly at the pirate who was still half naked, now having put his boxers and shirt on.

"Need help drying off?" Poe picked up the towel and ruffled the siren's hair with it.

Ranpo huffed a bit but let the other dry him off, though he eventually grabbed the towel from him when his legs came back, covering himself with it.

Poe blinked. "Oh I didn't notice, here I'll get something for you to wear." He searched through some of his drawers and frowned. "Uhh.. I think most of my clothes will be too big for you-"

Ranpo shrugged. "I don't normally wear clothes I'll be fine."

Poe blushed. "Umm... not when you look like a human, clothes are kind of a necessity."

Ranpo teased. "Oh humans are so flimsy, weak to the cold, weak to a song, a kiss, nakedness-"

Poe sighed heavily. "Okay well-" he looked st him and crossed his arms. "If you really wanna stay naked then you are staying in here with me."

Ranpo frowned. "Huh?? why! I wanna go look around your ship more!"

"Well I don't want anyone else seeing you naked- err not that I- um..." Poe tried to think of a way to fix what he had said but the siren was already grinning again, getting up and grabbing the other by the shirt, pulling himself closer to him.

"Ahh..." Poe's eyes traveled down to the other. "I swear I didn't mean it that way."

"Mhmm~ Jealous? wanna keep your pretty siren to yourself greedy pirate?" Ranpo pressed up against his chest and continued to watch him.

Poe's eyes avoided the other's. "I never said you were mine, you are just a beauty of the world that I want to study and write everything about you in a book, or write a story of your life-"

Ranpo blushed. "Ah... that's..." he hid his face in the other's chest. "I'm sorry my life has been pretty boring."

Poe gasped and grabbed the sirens hands. "Nonsense! I wanna hear it all! I promise you won't bore me! I've sat through pointless lectures from professors for eight years of my life I'm sure I can handle it if it truly is boring like you say but I highly doubt it!"

Ranpo tilted his head. "Oh I suppose... but I wanna do my own research."

"Ask me anything!" Poe let go of the siren, going to grab a notebook.

Ranpo grabbed the other's shirt and ripped it open, making the human yelp in surprise.

"AH- what??" Poe blushed and grabbed the others hands. "Are you still on about what I said earlier? I said I don't need an example really-"

"Oh, do you not want one? I'd happily give you one." Ranpo grinned. "Only if you want to."

"Well yes I'd love to but given what you said earlier, I'm not sure I'd survive sex with a siren-" Poe spoke quickly and had a flustered look on his face.

"Only if I didn't want you too, so do a good job and you'll be safe." Ranpo was teasing but kept his serious look which made the other nervous.

"You are... joking right..? please tell me thats a joke I don't know what you like! what if I can't give you what another siren can, I'm not sure if your sex is really different or not-" Poe gasped when the siren jumped on him, quickly lifting his arms to catch him.

Ranpo kissed his cheek. "Yes I was kidding, and I'm sure you'll be fine~"

Poe muttered. "Sex with a siren..."

Ranpo chuckled. "First time?"

Poe huffed and looked at him. "You are a teasing brat."

Ranpo looked a little surprised. "Oh am I?"

Poe sat the other on his bed. "Yes... you are."

Ranpo cooed and looked up at him, spreading his legs. "Oh but you wont do anything about it I'm sure you dont have a bit of dominance in you."

Poe tossed his shirt to the side. "Ranpo my dear siren... if I didn't have any dominance how do you think I would have became Captain?"

Ranpo blushed and could feel his heart race a bit. "Ah umm..."

"You forgot that didn't you? well thats okay, I just get to show you hands on how to fix your attitude." Poe grabbed his chin. "Open."

Ranpo cooed and opened his mouth.

"Don't bite or I'll bite you back." Poe put two fingers in the others mouth. Ranpo closed his eyes and licked the others fingers grabbing his arm to has some control over the others fingers.

Poe watched him, his face slightly red as he would glance down.

Ranpo opened his eyes slightly and gently bit the others fingers. Poe looked back at his face and smirked. "Brat." he pulled his fingers out of his mouth.

Ranpo cooed. "Biting me isn't that scary you know~" He gasped as Poe grabbed his one leg and had him on his back in the next moment.

"I know it's not, I was hoping you would." Poe kissed the others thighs and moved his hand between his legs, slipping one of his wet fingers into the siren.

Ranpo gasped and blushed, his nails digging into the blankets on the bed. "A-Ahh~ d-don't do that these dumb legs are sensitive..."

"What do you want the safeword to be?" Poe grinned a bit as he moved his finger.

Ranpo moaned and closed his eyes. "Ahh~"

Poe blushed. "That won't work- how about Ocean?"

Ranpo nodded. "Y-Yes Ocean works." He covered his face with his one arm.

Poe smiled. "Good." he continued kissing the others thighs as he moved his finger, eventually adding another finger.

Ranpo whined and wrapped his legs around the other's neck. "hah~"

Poe bit at the other's thighs, making him squeak and whine, even squeezing his head between his thighs. He cooed. "You really are sensitive Ranpo~" He moved his fingers a bit faster to drive the siren crazy.

"AhH~! w-what did you j-just nGh~"  Ranpo gasped and drooled, his legs trembling.

Poe smirked. "Ah you are really really sensitive there-" with his free hand he carefully grabbed the others dick and stroked it in pace with his fingers.

"Hngh~ hah~!" Ranpo moaned and dug his nails into the blankets again, looking down at the human between his legs. "P-Poe ahh~ m-more."

Poe blushed. "Ask a little nicer Ranpo." he rubbed the tip of his dick with his thumb which made the siren nearly choke on his words.

"P-Please~ pretty please Captain~" Ranpo whined and moved his one hand down to grab the others hair.

Poe cooed. "Of course." He pulled out his fingers and pulled off his boxers.

Ranpo gasped. "H-Huh!? but I said- ahH~!" His sentence was cut short by Poe lifting his legs to wrap around his waist as he slowly slipped into the other.

"Ahh~ don't tense up so much Ranpo." Poe ran his hand from the others stomach up to his chest and purred. "You are doing so good."

Ranpo's whole face turned red and he covered his face with his hands. "Y-You are really... deep..."

Poe blinked and looked down. "Um... darling I'm only about half way-"

Ranpo squeaked. "Huh!? ahH~!" Poe smirked and grabbed his waist, pushing the rest of the way in and letting out a soft groan himself.

"Ngh~ T-There that's all of it." Poe moved slowly at first, enjoying hearing Ranpo's gasps and moans and seeing how he jerked every time he would be fully inside of him.

"H-Hah~ y-you can be rough, p-please be rough this is killing me-" Ranpo whined.

Poe bit his lip. "Good because going this slow is driving me crazy-" He grabbed the other's wrists and pinned them above his head with one hand, lifting his one leg up and onto his shoulder with the other, moving faster and biting the other's chest.

Ranpo moaned loudly and trembled. "HaH~! fuCk~! a-ahh~ y-you are leaving marks-"

Poe purred. "I know, they look so good on you." He moved to kiss him, slipping his tongue into his mouth with no hesitation.

Ranpo whined as he tried to press back against the others tongue but easily caved. 'This human is something else- can humans have this effect on sirens!?'

Poe pulled away to kiss and bite his neck, earning more moans of pleasure from the siren. He wasn't sure If he'd survive not having him every again after this...

Ranpo whimpered. "I-I'm supposed to be ngh~ t-the one who bites-"

Poe blushed and let go of his wrists. "Go ahead and bite."

Ranpo wrapped his arms around the other, his nails digging into his back as he bit Poe's shoulder and neck.

Poe moaned and moved faster, his one hand moving down to grab the siren's dick again and stroke him.

Ranpo bit him harder before pulling away in a louder moan. "AhH~! I-It's too much I-I'm gonna cum!"

Poe gasped and looked down at him. "Then cum, cum for me and be as loud as you want."

Ranpo whined. "But what i-if I can't control my voice?"

Poe kissed him and moved his hand faster.

Ranpo closed his eyes tightly and moaned into the others mouth, cumming into his hand and onto himself.

Poe moaned as well, thrusting roughly into him again and cumming inside of him without a second thought.

Ranpo pulled away to gasp for air, his eyes slightly teary. "hah~ ahh~ y-you came inside-"

Poe carefully pulled out and laid beside the siren, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him against him.

Ranpo whined. "Poe! I'm dirty you are gonna get it all over you!"

Poe cooed. "I don't care, I wanna hold you."

Ranpo pouted and his eyes clouded with tears again. "You are bleeding!"

Poe blinked and looked at his shoulder where the siren had bit him, there was the smallest bit of blood and he chuckled. "Its fine, I can bet my back is worse."

Ranpo yelped. "Huh!? did I scratch you that bad!?"

Poe smiled. "Stay with me."

Ranpo blushed. "Huh?"

Poe squeezed him a bit tighter. "Stay with me, I won't keep you from the ocean forever but you can follow my ship, we can go on adventures together and we can learn so much from eachother."

Ranpo cried. "You are so sappy."

Poe blushed. "Says the one crying, are you alright?"

Ranpo nodded and wiped his eyes. "Yes I'm fine, and yes I'd love to go on adventures with you."

Poe smiled. "Good, then lets sleep well tonight." He whispered. "And lets hope none of my crew actually heard us."

Ranpo squeaked. "I FORGOT ABOUT THE CREW!" He buried his face in the other's chest as Poe laughed.

This holds the record currently for my longest one part oneshot (4k+ words)

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