By azxzelle

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Who will you love back? [Momo, Sana, Mina x Female Reader] More

I: She's Back!
II: Jealousy
III: Y/n's Protector
IV: First Love
V: Sudden Confessions
VI: Promise
VII: Sucker
VIII: Momo's Victory
IX: The Snake Attacks
X: Lifesaver
XI: History Repeats
XII: Better
XIII: Scandalous
XIV: Good Day
XV: Perfectly Imperfect
XVII: Kiss Collector
XVIII: Better Knock Next Time
XIX: Little Rebel
XX: Fun
XXI: Full Of Surprises
XXII: Too Late
XXIII: Consequences
XXIV: Brand New Girl
XXV: Love Back

XVI: Failure

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By azxzelle

"Give me a chance, let me show you how much I really love you. Please, I'm serious about you and all I wanted for you is to see how much I care and love you. Just one chance.. it's all I need"

Sana said making Y/n shocked, she completely forgot that Sana confessed to her not long ago

"Sana.. I'm not ready, all the relationships I had are too much to process for now. I want to be single for the meantime and figure things myself"

Y/n said and it went silent for some moments

"Of course, I'm not rushing you!" Sana nervously said


Momo is eating alone at a café since it's her lunch break. Dahyun happens to see Momo there, she decided to approach her

"Is there room for one more?" Momo heard a voice, she looks up seeing Dahyun

"Yeah" Momo smiled then Dahyun sat down in front of her

"That's weird, you usually eat with full of joy. Bad day?"

"More like a bad life"

"Oh.. I thought everything seems to be fine once we break up because you said I'm pulling you down, guess not"

"Stop being dramatic dubu" Momo rolled her eyes"

"I love it when you call me by that name"

"We were friends before we dated.. why am I not allowed to call you that?"

"You can anytime!" Dahyun grins

"HOLY SHIT!!" A high-pitched voice was heard at the café, it was Sana

"I can't believe what I'm seeing!" Sana excitedly sat with them

"Hey Sanake, what's up?" Dahyun said

"Living the best life Momo couldn't have" Sana laughs then Dahyun confusingly looks at her

"I mean I'm still single and won't get married unlike this one!"

"You're getting married?" Dahyun glanced at her


"Then where's my invitation?! You finally got together with your first love, congratulations!"

"About that.. it's not her" Momo said

"Then who?"

"Kim Heechul"

"Wait.. isn't he the old man who likes you back in high school? So he hasn't gave up yet? You gave him a chance? Why?!" disappointed Dahyun asked

"Business.." Momo started to get embarrassed

"Enough about Momoring, let's talk about you Dahyun! You didn't come to the conference I invited you!" Sana pouts

"Well sorry for that, I'm actually busy now with my business. I have now my instrument shop, stop by at some time Momo"

"OMG you finally got to build yours! I bet you're so happy now!"

Meanwhile ...


I'm with Y/n and we're at the mall, She asked me to come along with her since Lia hasn't come back yet and of course I don't want her to come alone

"Unnie look at the mascot! It's so cute!" She said and pointed out someone in santa clause costume

"Let's take a picture with him!"

"What? No"

"Come on!" She held my hands and we approached the mascot

"Santa let's have a selife!"

"Of course!" He said

"Unnie here, you're taller" She handed me her phone and I rolled my eyes

I can't believe this, I'm like a kid and this is so humiliating. If I didn't have any feelings for her, I would've dropped what we have a long time ago. I took the phone and we took some selfie with this guy who's dressed up as santa

"We're done, let's go" I said and held her wrist as I drag her away

"Unnie where are we going?"

"Away from that man, I can't believe I took a selfie with him. It's embarrassing!" I said as I let go of her

"It is? I don't think so! It's actually fun to see mascots like santa, it makes me remember being a kid. I once believed he was real, did you believe he was real?"

"No, I was never stupid" I said

"So.. I'm stupid?" She gave me those puppy eyes

Yes, you are the stupidest person in this planet

Because if you're not then you should've already know how I felt but then again I never made it clear but how?

"Stop looking at me like that" I rolled my eyes, her phone buzzes and she look who texted her

She's busy on her phone while I'm also busy admiring her beauty, even if she's looking down she still look magnificent. Her face is beautiful so is her heart, who wouldn't fall for her?

"Mom texted me, she wants me to come home now because she wants me to meet her high school friends. I'll go now-"

"I'll drive you"

"No need, my driver is already outside. See you tomorrow, unnie!" She peck my cheek then left leaving me hanging, I touched the spot where her lips was

Did she just...

Fuck my brain is not functioning at the moment, what do I do?! Does that mean something?

HER LIPS TOUCHED MY CHEEK! My heart is beating rapidly, I can't believe what just happened. Now I'm more excited to see her tomorrow, I hope I'll have her tomorrow night. I mean it's a party, of course many people will make her move to her. I want to spend the Christmas eve with her

Next day ...


"But how can we attract the customers, Momo?"

"What do you mean by that, Mr Kim?"

"Your presentation is brilliant, I know you spend a lot of time preparing for this but it's not enough. You're so focused on the goal and outcome, what about the customers? They're the one who will give us this ideal goal but without attracting them, how can we reach this goal of yours?" He asked with a smug on his face

"Didn't you heard what I said? We should focus on-"

"If only Mina is here.. problems would be solved right away" I heard someone whispered, I looked for the person

"But she's not here.. I am so let's stop including her" I smiled

"But Mingyu is right, you should ask Mina for help. Knowing you took the position at this lowest state of the company, you should seek for someone who's more capable"

"Excuse me? Someone more capable? STOP SHOVING MINA'S ACHIEVEMENTS TO MY FACE! I know my sister is better but I'm trying my best so cooperate! She's not here so focus on me, I'm the new ceo not her! Do you know how disrespectful y'all are?! Y'all fuckers know nothing, You think this is easy? It's fucking not especially I'm still proving my worth to useless bunch of men who doesn't give a shit about the company and only here to watch me fall" I said as I look at them with hatred

"Momo, you're too much! Watch your words!" He slammed his hands to the table

"That's Ms Houizaki for you" I said

"If all you don't like the way I run this company then leave, pull out everything. I'm tired of trying to save it anyways" I added and walked out

I run to my office, not minding the people passing by. I know they saw my tears but who gives a fuck? I'm tired of this shithole, I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Why did I even volunteer in the first place when I know I can't do it?

My life's a wreck, I wish it will all go away. When I ran away from home I thought I will start my new life and live it freely but when I came back. I realized I can't escape, I'm still in prison. No matter how much I run, I will still go back. I hate dad but I love him more, I still want to make him proud but I can't even do his job properly

I'm a failure, I never did anything good. I'm such an embarrassment to this family, I'm the real black sheep. How will I face dad later now that I dropped a bomb, I know for sure they will really leave. Because the only reason they stayed in the first place is because of pity after finding out about dad's condition

Now Y/n's my only hope, I need to get her back. Then atleast this misery will be forgotten once I'm with her, I hope I'm not too late

I will end everything with Heechul, I told him we will eat at restaurant. There I will break off the engagement, I don't need his family's money anymore. All I need is her

Time skip ...


I had been hanging around with Y/n all day and I couldn't be more happier, since the Christmas break. We always see each other, I migh deny that I always tell her she's annoying but I always wait for her message saying she wants to hang out

Since it's lunch we will eat at a restaurant, we're done ordering and now waiting for the food. Y/n is at the bathroom, while I'm sitting at our table. My eyes landed on Momo, why is she here?

She's now walking to the table then Heechul follows her, are they having a date right now? Shit, what if Y/n sees them? No, not happening!

Then the waiter comes and put the food to the table, I'm still looking at her and she saw me too. She looks at me surprised then Y/n comes

"Oh I'm just at the right time!" She excitedly said and took the fork

"Y/n, let's finish fast. I'll take you home"

"Home? Are you not gonna take me home before midnight? Remember, we'll go to Sana's party"

"I know but I want to go to somewhere with you" I said as I look at Momo, she's busy talking to Heechul and my guess is... She's not comfortable especially knowing Y/n is with me

"Alright then!"

Whatever ever you do, please don't look back or else you will see Momo and Heechul. It's Christmas, you should be just happy and not sad

Some time~

"I'm done, where are we going unnie?" She asked as we stood up

"Somwhere nice" I said as we walk and covering Momo making sure she won't see her


Oh fuck, what's wrong with you Heechul?!

"It's you! What a coincidence!" I turned around and he smiled

"Who is-" before Y/n could finish I hugged her because if I don't then she will see her

Nothing more hurts than seeing your ex with someone new, I never dated but I know it sure hurt like hell

"Uhm.. why are you suddenly hugging me unnie?" I saw her blush

"Nothing.." I said still looking at Heechul

"Are you Mina's friend? I'm Heechul, I would like to invite you to my wedding so someone will accompany Mina" Heechul said and I rolled my eyes, it caught me off guard when Y/n turned around and saw him

Momo is facing backwards because I know she doesn't want Y/n to see her as well

"Wedding? Of course, I love going to parties!" She smiled

"Good, oh I want you to meet my fiancé.. Momo" Heechul grabbed Momo's hand then she turned around

The two of them locked eyes, they have the same expression. I feel bad for the two of them, why does Heechul have to ruin it?!

"F-fiancé?" Y/n said as she look at her with sadness in her eyes

"Yes! It'll be great to see you come, I heard a lot about you. The three Houizaki are very close to you" He said

"Of course.. I'll come, congratulations Momo-unnie" Y/n smiled while Momo looked down

"We'll go now" I said as I drag her away

We went to the parking lot, I opened the door for her. I went inside, started the engine and drove away. I drove somewhere where there are no cars passing and no people walking

"Are you okay?" I'm so worried right now

"Of course!" She nods

"No, you're not. It's okay, you can tell me everything. Perhaps, vent your anger on me. She replaced you, it was shocking knowing she'll get married" I said

"Unnie.. did she leave me for him? Was I not enough? Am I not making her happy? was I boring?" She asked then tears fall down her eyes, I hugged her

"Is there something wrong with me for her to replace me? Did I do something wrong? Unnie what's wrong with me?"

"Right.. what's wrong with you, why can't you.."

Love me back..

Why can't you see me? I'm here, always has been. Why do you keep on looking at someone else when I'm here?

Is there also something wrong with me?

"Shh.. don't cry" I said as I pat her back

"Unnie, I'm hurt. She's my first crush, how.. did she cheated? Was I just a side chick? Why.." she continues to cry

"She doesn't deserve you.. don't waste your tears on her, I don't want to see you like this. If you're hurt.. so am I so stop crying, Okay?" I said as I cupped her face

"You're always here unnie.. thank you"

"Because I care for you.. so I will always be here with you no matter what happened"

"You will? Promise?"

"Promise" I smiled

We stayed silent as we stare at each other's eyes, her watery eyes are killing me. I hate seeing her like this, if only Heechul didn't saw us earlier she wouldn't be like this

I don't know what gotten into me when I slowly move my head closer to her, our noses touches each other. I kissed her, she closed her eyes and I did too

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