The Hero of Infinity (Ben 10...

By Zach_210

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Y/N L/N was just your average everyday ten year old, playing games and dealing with his father absent from hi... More

Y/N L/N profile
Alien playlist 1
Season 1:And then there was 10
Season 1:Washington B.C
Season 1:lights, camera, ACTION!
Season 1:visions
Season 1:hunted
Season 1: last laugh
Season 1: Kevin 11
Season 1: Lucky girl
Season 1: the alliance
Season 1: Secrets
Season 2: Revolution
Season 2: Black hearted evil, or brave hearted hero.
Season 2: Framed

Season 1: The ultimate threat, Aeizar

458 2 9
By Zach_210

A/N: only chapter with a different exclusive intro!

Tanks were going across the streets of a unmarked town, with them chasing a shadowy figure.


As soon as he said this, long red spikes erupted from the earth and hit the tanks, destroying them making a 7 meter long explosion.

Walked towards the remains of the tank, and pulled up the soldier that somehow got away.

Soldier:..W-we....T-the army will destroy you....

The soldier spat up blood but the person looked down disgusted, looking back with a glare that could kill.

???: I'm betting on it..

The evil boy sent a spear through the man's chest, and began walking away silently into a alley way.

The Next Day.....

Y/N is sitting eating breakfast whilst Gwen and Ben are fighting again... nothing new.

Just then, max came into the RV.

Max: hey kiddos. How's everything in here.

Y/N: good!



Y/N:ok ben! Let's not go into unspoken territory! And Gwen , could you stop shouting? It's slightly annoying.

Gwen looked away , putting on a normal face.

Gwen: sorry Y/N.

Ben:OH SO YOURE BENDING A KNEE TO Y/N?! Yeah, he's my brother from another mother but thirsty much?



Max: ok kiddos, I have a way of settling this argument!

Max got a box and got a ball from there and went outside, to which the others followed.

Max: we're going to play ball!

Ben:....I'm not good at this.

Y/N , who was on maxes side, decided to get something.

Y/N: well, you know what they say...

Y/N grabbed maxes wrench and reeled it back.

Y/N: if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!

Y/N threw it at bens head. Ben fell to the floor and let out a scream.


Max:....I sort of regret this.


Ben had a ice pack on his forehead with a chuckling Y/N at the back.

Y/N: despite the circumstances, totally worth the laugh!

Ben: oh HAHA! Such a funny turn of events!

Gwen: well I thought it was funny Y/N.

Y/N: uhhhhh.... Sure..

Max: ok kiddos, we're going to be stopping by a town for a bit while I go a restock on fuel, ok?

Y/N: sure max!

Gwen: ok grandpa.



Ben: hahaha, ok ok!

Y/N: hmm...

The quadrio exited the moter home and looked around. The city was vibrant and looked quite fun. Except for a huge chunk which was mutilated.

Gwen: woah....

Ben: Jesus!

Y/N: good god.

The two omni warriors(why do I love this phrase so much) and the red head looked on before the 2 males began being their usual selves.

Ben:wanna go on emulator?

Y/N: why not?

The two boys ran inside, leaving max and Gwen outside.

Max: ok gwen, im going to get fuel and might be gone for the remainder of the day. I can trust you to look after yourselves, yes?

Gwen: sure grandpa!

Max smiled and walked away. When he was out of sight, gwen ran off to the direction of the mutilated chunk of the town.

Gwen: just think gwen... it's not about trying to discover any thing or conspiracy... it's just that everything I've tried to get Y/N to be interested in me has been dumb and he's only interested in that other slut , Katie. So if I do this, he'll love me for sure!

She stood near a destroyed building and she went up to a worker fixing it.

Gwen: excuse me, um, have you seen what did this damage??

Worker:...uhh, dunno why you're askin, but if you wanna know, go to that guy.

The worker pointed to a shaking person with a ripped soldiers uniform and had a cloak on his shoulders.

Gwen ran over to the soldier and tapped his shoulder.

Gwen: hey , do you know what happened and what or who did this damage?

The soldier was shaking , muttering something under his breath.

Soldier:..s-spears of hell.....E-earth scorched ....
Horrible c-co-coloured eyes....

Gwen:... what?? Tell me what you know..please...

Soldier:..i-it was a security breach... i-it happened s-so fast...a-a dangerous prisoner escaped... h-he battled the entire army...h-he slaughtered us all...

Gwen: you're the American government, right??

Soldier: y-yes....he killed my best friend a-and walked off...t-the whole city of new y-York is locked down...

Gwen: h-how old was he....?

Soldier: a-about y-your age...i-im not sure if I can t-tell you any m-more...

Gwen: thank you. I'll leave you alone now..

Gwen walked away, and the soldier grimaced and put his hands to his face.

Gwen thought on what he said.

Spears of hell....

Earth scorched....

Ten year old assault...

Gwen shook her head. It couldn't be Y/N. Ben maybe. But then she thought about something in a alley way...


She knew that it could make Y/N do psychotic things and even kill. Maybe it made Y/N get into government trouble, trapped him but when given the chance, he must have busted and destroyed the government. Maybe Y/N had more to him than meets the eye...

Suddenly, a voice spoke to her.

???: a stupid , lusting BITCH, trying to impress someone who's heart belongs to someone else.

Gwen was startled and looked around.

Gwen: w-who's there?!?

Gwen began to run out of the alley, but bumped into a boy.

Gwen: s-sorry I was-

???: sure you are. NOT.

She froze and noticed that it was the same voice from before. She looked at him and was horrified.

Gwen: w-who are you..?

???: im the one whom will destroy all sinners. The devil and the angel. I'm Aeizar.

Gwen was about to run, but a wall of red, glowing spears stopped her.

Aeizar: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Gwen: the s-spears of hell...

Aeizar: so he survived. Not for long.

Gwen was confused but Aeizar grabbed her hair and tugged her across, to her pain. They were on top of a building and Aeizar clicked.

A giant red crystal as big as humongausar formed and he blasted a red laser on top of the quarter of the town, disintegrating that quarter. Luckily Y/N and ben were on the other side.

Aeizar: I can do way much more than that if you dont co-operate.

Gwen: y-you're a monster...

Aeizar: I've been called that all my life. Not really anything new.

Gwen: w-what will you do to me...

Aeizar: I'll battle your alien friends and I'll kill em.. and as for you... I'll give you something your sick mind wanted.

Gwens eyes widened in horror as he was pushed to the ground, Aeizar ripping her cat shirt off.

Gwen: wWAIT!!! PLEASE !!! NOO!!!

5 hours later ......>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Y/N: come on Y/N... you can do it.... The whole world is depending on you...

Y/N was playing super smash bros with Ben as charizard.

Y/N: to break the 130 wins challenge peak! You know , they say it couldn't be done, but I'm doing it!

Ben: go and try my non lingual bro, but Mario is ganna kill your charizard!

These words were premature as Ben was defeated by Y/N.

Ben: mother TRUCKER!

Y/N: aw yeah! 140 wins baby!

Ben: good game man!

Y/N: yeah! Man, that last move was something zero told me to use. It was executed AMAZINGLY!

Ben: bro, I NEED to meet this zero guy. He could tell me a thing or two about games.

Y/N: actually, he probably can. Anyways, wanna do something else??

Ben: yeah. Wanna go outside?

Y/N: yeah. I wonder where Gwen is anyway....

Ben: im sure she's ok. Probably thinking on how to get into your pants.

Y/N: DAYUM!!! 1, we're friends! 2, I like Katie and 3, we're 10!

Ben: y hahaha, just jokin. Let's go Y/N!

Y/N ran out excitedly, only for it to be immediately ruined when he saw more of the town had been destroyed.

Ben: woahhhh.. wasn't most of it like destroyed LESS before?

Y/N: yeah. Someone or SOMETHING just did this... come on!

The two boys ran through the town, as most of it was still intact and people scared when Y/N walked past them.

Ben: hey, uh, Y/N, why do they look I dunno, scared of ya?

Y/N: yeah... let's ask that 20 something year old woman!

The boys ran up to the woman, who was startled by their presence.

Y/N: excuse me miss?

Woman: huh?! Please stay away , young man, especially HIM!

She pointed at Y/N and he looked at Ben.

Y/N: does... she know about the omni-

Ben: uhh, why are you scared of my friend miss?

Woman:...i-i heard a girl that asked a government operative about who destroyed the town... h-he said something about a boy, with black hair, glowing eyes, destroying EVERYTHING!!

Y/N had been confused. Yes , he had red eyes but they were just shiny not glowing as if he was a murderer.

Y/N: im just a normal kid.

The woman covered her mouth, shaking slowly.

Woman: i-im so sorry... my husband and only child got murdered by that... monster...

She knelt down and hugged Y/N, crying.

Woman: god bless you young man...,god bless you....

The woman who as shaky but walked away after she controlled her emotions.

Y/N: Ben... im starting to think that this is bigger than a normal villain...

Ben nodded noticing the danger of the situation.

Y/N: let's head back to the rustbucket and stock up on gear!

The boys bolted to the moter home, getting everything they need.

Y/N: ok, I got my weapons!

Ben: you sure that's gonna be enough??

Y/N:.. yeah, ok, maybe I need a change of outerwear.

Y/N smirked and tapped the omnimatrix and light enveloped Y/N into a black and green suit with a helmet.

Ben: woah... WHEN DID YOU DO THAT?!?

Y/N: Tetrax installed it! I call it the omni-burst suit!


Y/N: DONT worry! I'll give you my kunasais! They can transform along with you when you use your watch.

Ben caugh the weapons and smiled.

Ben: at least it's something! Let's go!

Y/N booted up a giant ion cannon and ran out with Ben.

The two ran out of the rust bucket and ran as fast as they could, and stopped when they saw something shocking.

A boy about Ben and Y/Ns age , looking at a small picture.

Aeizar: I'm sorry mom.. I couldn't protect you from those sick FUDGERs, but I will make sure that all sinners will repent. I promise.

Y/N: who are you?!

Aeizar looked at Y/N and looked at him.

Aeizar: you're the one called Y/N, yes??

Y/N looked at Ben and looked back at Aeizar.

Y/N: how do you know who I am?!

Aeizar: I know lots of things. I know that your friend is Ben. I know of your fathers leaving. I know of your disgusting female friend.

Y/N: who?! Katie or Gwen?

Aeizar: Gwen presumably.

Y/N: where is she....

The boy was silent, not answering.


Aeizar moved out of the way and the sight Ben and Y/N were about to witness was INHUMANE.

On the floor was a sobbing Gwen Tennyson, without anything on with no clothes.

Y/N threw off his helmet and bolted towards her. Ben following suite.

Ben: GWEN!!!

Gwen looked up and saw her cousin and crush.
She at this point was a sobbing mess.

Ben: Gwen! What did he do to yo-

Ben looked down at gwens lower area and his eyes widened in horror as he had to clutch his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Y/Ns mouth was agape, not believing it.

Y/N: Gwen... he... he didn't...

Gwen was sobbing as the substance wasn't any fecal matter but it was indeed semen.

Ben: way.....

Gwen: he...h—-he raped me....

Gwen was sobbing into bens chest, as she was shaking and Ben was slowly brimming with rage.

Y/N turned to Aeizar with a glare of pure hatred.

Aeizar: I gave the whore what she wanted.. someone to FUCK her. I was sickened yes, but I would be lieing if I said I didn't enjoy giving a sinner what they deserve.

Y/N:.. Gwen, can you walk?

Gwen nodded slightly.

Ben: then run. Go find grandpa and stay in the rustbucket. Also , one more word of advice.

Ben stood next to Y/N, both looking at their foe.

Ben: don't mind if you hear screams of agony.

Y/N: Gwen, go!

Gwen shakily nodded and ran as the two alien warriors were now free to let their rage flow.

Ben: you BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!

Ben slammed ferociously on the watch and turned into diamond head and he threw forward gigantic diamond pillars at Aeizar.

Aeizar waved a hand and disintegrated the diamonds but was blasted back by Y/Ns ion blast.

Aeizar: that all you got?...


Y/N flipped forward and punched Aeizar and he stumbled. Aeizar punched Y/N in the gut but he retaliated by shooting Aeizar with 12 ion cannon blasts that sent him into rubble.

The child jumped from the rubble and made a blood red glowing blade. Y/N drew his own blade and so did Diamondhead.

The three battlers charged and began attacking.

The clashing they did wasn't let up by any of them and somehow and sometimes they stumbled over but they still battled.

Y/N took Aeizars blade from his hands and cut his back with it and Aeizar jumped away.





Y/N: listen man, I know it's hard but killing won't bring your mother back!

Aeizar: it won't. But I Aeizar will make sure her death wasn't for nothing as I will punish everything AND EVERYONE OF YOU DISGUSTING HORRIBLE SINNERS!!!!

Y/N glared as he readied the omnimatrix and slammed down.

A/N: fun fact! The uniform of the alien changes if Y/N is in his green and black suit! :)

Red rage: RED RAGE!!!!

Aeizar: come at me then...

Aeizar began to morph and he began laughing maniacally and he stood before Ben and Y/N as a dragon.


Red rage charged at the monster and began punching him , shockwaves errupting from his fists but Aeizar shot a torrent of flames at him.

Ben used his diamond pillars and threw them at Aeizar, sending him crashing down uncomfortably and this gave Y/N to punch Aeizar over and over.

Aeizar shot a gigantic wave of flames at Y/N sending him a few yards away but he easily jumped back with scorch marks and punched Aeizar, making a gigantic crater but a gigantic laser shot both Ben and Y/N into the ground and Aeizar used his hands to punch the two deep into the ground.

Aeizar: I've never used my full power before , so be grateful you both will die at my hands!!

Aeizar flew into the sky preparing a finishing attack but Y/N got up hurting from aeizars attack but was fine. However, Ben was cracking slightly.

Y/N turned back to normal and slammed the watch down again, turning into Chromastone.

Chromastone: CHROMASTONE!

Chromastone prepared a laser blast that was incredibly wide and big.

Aeizar had prepared his own attack and blasted it back at the two omni warriors.



The two blasts collided and there was a cataclysmic beam struggle.

The rainbow blast was getting the better of the flame torrent.

However , aeizars blast got stronger and began pushing Chromastone back a bit.

Chromastone: NGHHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

The energy wave had increased and pushed Aeizar back.


Ben had gotten up and saw the two energy blasts. He suddenly heard his omnitrix beeping and about to turn back.

Before he turned back, he made 2 gigantic diamond pillars and reeled his arm back.

Diamondhead: hell...

He threw the two diamond pillars at the dragon and it made him go off guard.

Aeizar: (OH SHIT.)

Diamond head:DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!

Ben had collapsed, turning back to normal.

Chromastone: HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The chromatic blast blasted forward , in a gigantic humongous wave.

A/N: couldn't find a rainbow energy wave so pretend it's rainbow lol.

This energy blast shot Aeizar miles away, blasting his chest and near a nearby mountain, a humongous rainbow explosion erupted from the mountains that shot 100 kilometres in the air.

Y/N turned back to normal, looking up at the sky, which had returned to its beautiful blue sky demeanour.

Y/N: w-we did it...


2 hours had past and the gang was back in the RV with a big impact on them.

Ben: so the test was negative right Gwen?

Gwen: thankfully yes. I just...he was so rough with me...

Y/N: he did want to make you repent .. for your sins I guess.

Max: I guess this is a secret we won't tell your parents right Gwen??

Gwen:... yeah...

Y/N: DONT worry. It'll all be ok. I know I can't sugar coat it but you're safe.

Ben: yeah. Even though I treat you like SHREK, but I care about ya cous.

Gwen: thank you, both of you..

Gwen was now left to ponder to herself. About what happened. She didn't like how Aeizar raped her. She was 10 and so was he. Then again, the worst thing about it that even Aeizar knew is....

She enjoyed every second of it.

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