By Lancelot1864

284K 11.1K 5.3K

Just another what if fanfic of TBATE (the beginning after the end) originally written by TurtleMe. In this f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132-Final

Chapter 53

1.9K 85 44
By Lancelot1864

Virion Eralith POV

The council was currently in session with everyone talking about recent and future events. I just sighed and rubbed my temples.

'It is way too early for this, I haven't even had breakfast yet.'

Luckily things have been going pretty smoothly, although, Blaine was obviously a little irritated with us. He wouldn't say what, but from what I gathered he's been asking a lot of questions about Arthur lately. If I had to guess, I would say he was upset he couldn't have Arthur under his thumb.

I smiled a little thinking about Arthur. He is growing up to become a good man. I've never seen Arthur look at any other girl the way he looks at Tessia. Not even that Caera girl who couldn't take her eyes off Arthur during his birthday party.

'Ha, like she ever had a chance.'

I still remember when Arthur first started living with us. Tessia was the one thing that always made him feel better when he was sad. And, Arthur was there for Tessia, making her feel happy when no one else could. I am truly glad they found each other, even though it was during the worst of circumstances.

"You ok, Father?" I was knocked out of my thoughts by Alduin who was looking at me as he sat next to me.

"Bah, I'm fine. Just tired of politics." I said.

Alduin just smiled. I could see Merial give off a little laugh hearing us.

"I'm sorry are we interrupting you?" Blaine said looking at us.

I just looked at him irritatedly, "Sorry for interrupting you Blaine. I'm sure whatever you were saying was very important." I said sarcastically, getting a laugh out of Dawsid.

Blaine just shot Dawsid a look. "Oh don't get your panties in a bunch Blaine. He's just teasing you." Glaudera said smirking. Blaine just let out a huff and looked to his side.

"What is it you were saying Blaine?" Merial asked with a smile. Blaine just looked back and took a breath.

"I was talking about the Aurora constellate that'll be coming up soon. Since we were planning on having a festival in Xyrus, I wanted to make sure you had vendors prepared." Blaine said.

"Yes we do. You will have the best vendors from Darv. You will not be disappointed." Dawsid said.

"We also have vendors prepared. They will be arriving in Xyrus a week before the constellate to set up." Alduin said.

"Good, now for the next topi-"

Suddenly, the doors to the council chamber opened and I looked to see Captain Olorin Araric enter.

'What's he doing here?'

"What is the meaning of this? Can't you see we are in session?" Blaine said with irritation.

I could see Aya smirk at the captain, but he didn't smirk back, instead he looked at Alduin with a serious face.

'This can't be good.'

Captain Araic took a knee and began. "Forgive the intrusion your majesties. But I have come with pertinent news." Captain Araric said.

"What is it, Olorin?" Alduin asked a little concerned.

"During the changing of the guard for Clive Graves, it was discovered the two sentries who were placed on him were murdered." Captain Araic said.

"What?! By whom!" Alduin yelled standing up.

"The assailant is not known at this time. There were no witnesses. None left alive that is. But it was clearly a powerful fire mage." Captain Araic replied.

"What about this Graves bastard?" Dawsid asked.

"Gone Your Majesty. He escaped from his cell with the assistance of the assailant it seems. We lost track of them and their whereabouts are unknown. We currently have a squad trying to pick up their trail again. But so far we have had no luck." Captain Araic said.

I slammed my fists on the table. "Captain, I want that bastard found!" I yelled.

Captain Araic nodded. "Yes Elder." Captain Araic stood up and exited the council chamber. I let out a long frustrated breath and stood up.

"Father, where are you going?" Alduin asked.

"To Xyrus Academy. I am going to warn Cynthia, Arthur, and Tessia. I don't want there to be any surprises in case this Clive bastard attacks them." I said. Alduin and Merial nodded.

Alduin looked at Alea, "Alea, would you be able to accompany my father?"

Alea bowed, "Of course, Your Majesty." Alea said.

Alea and I made our way out of the chamber and started making our way to the portal. "Is everything ready for your mission?" I asked Alea.

"Yes Elder. I'll be leaving next week." Alea said.

I nodded. "Very good, you be careful out there." I said.

"I will. Elder if I may." Alea said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's about Arthur and Princess Tessia. They're planning to go on a field trip to the Beast Glades and-"

"I know." I said cutting Alea off. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. But Cynthia has assured me their teacher is more then capable of taking care of them. Besides, they are going to a low ranked dungeon. They will be fine." I said.

"Yes Elder." Alea said.


Arthur Leywin POV

I woke up in bed with a familiar sensation on my left shoulder. I smiled as I opened my eyes and looked to my left. I gazed upon Tess as she slept beautifully next to me. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. She stirred a little but didn't wake up.

I couldn't help but admire how pretty she was, and how lucky I am. I closed my eyes and took a breath feeling happy as ever as I pulled her in close. I could just stay here forever.


My eyes shot open and I was in what looked like a battlefield. Hundreds of destroyed buildings like the ones from my previous dream were all around me. Thousands of bodies laid dead on the floor. Suddenly, a body flew past me and crashed into a building. I looked past me and saw three figures standing side by side looking at me. No, they were looking past me.

I turned around and saw fifteen horned figures facing the three. "Give us what we want. And you may live to see tomorrow," one of the horned figures said.

The three figures didn't say anything. In fact one of them stepped forward and an amethyst flame was conjured in his hand. He shot the flames forward and hit the group of fifteen. Five of the fifteen were able to jump out of the way, while the others were consumed with the amethyst flames and turned to nothing.

I watched the other five land safely, until the three individuals disappeared in amethyst lightning. Each one reappeared in amethyst lightning behind a separate horned figure, and sliced off their heads, killing them with amethyst swords, leaving only two were remaining now.

The two horned figures got into a fighting stance when suddenly another horned figure appeared, landing in the middle of the field. I recognized him as the silhouette from my previous dream.

"It's him!" The figure who shot the amethyst flames said. Suddenly the new horned figure dashed at a speed I couldn't comprehend and killed one of the amethyst warriors by tearing his heart from his chest. The other too disappeared in lightning and reappeared further away.

But the horned figure didn't give them a break as he dashed again and reappeared before them decapitating one of them in a blink of an eye. The last amethyst warrior created an amethyst blade burst towards the horned figure. However, before the amethyst warrior reached the horned figure, he moved behind the amethyst warrior at great speed, and plunged his hand through his chest, ripping out his heart.

"If only you fought with this tenacity in the beginning. Perhaps you all would have survived." The horned figure said.

Suddenly the surroundings changed and I was back in the octagon room. The same crystals glowed and the same amethyst figure appeared I front of me. "The time draws near. They are coming."

"Who are you?!" I asked as I felt my body shaking.

"Your salvation." The figure said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Art!!" I shot up sweating and breathing heavily. Tess grabbed me bringing me in a tight hug.

"Tess?" I asked still breathing heavy.

"I was worried. You were shaking, breathing heavily, and you wouldn't wake up." Tess said holding me tightly.

I smiled as I hugged her back enjoying her warm embrace. "Sorry, it was just a nightmare." I said.

"What was it?" Tess asked looking at me still holding me close.

"I-I honestly don't know. People were fighting. Some of them had horns, like the thing that attacked Sylvia. The others had this weird power. But, it's the third time I've dreamt something like this." I said.

Tess look at me worried and confused. I looked at her and managed to give her a smile. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers giving her a kiss. I broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes.

"Ah don't worry Tess, it was just a dream." I said.

Tess still seemed a little worried, but she nodded her head and leaned her head against my chest. I could feel Sylvie walk up to me and sit down next to me.

'This didn't just feel like a dream Papa.' Sylvie said mentally.

'What do you mean?' I asked mentally.

'I mean, it felt like someone was showing you this. Like it was someone's thoughts. It was weird.' Sylvie said mentally. I looked down in thought.

*knock* *knock*

Tess and I looked at each other, then at the door. "Who is it?" I answered.

"It's Professor Glory." I heard her say.

Tess and I looked at each other confused. "What can I help you with professor?" I asked through the door.

"Get dressed. The director needs to see you and Princess Tessia in her office asap. Yes, I know she is in there, no point in trying to hide it." Professor Glory said in a serious tone.

"Ok, we will be down there soon." Tess said.

"Very good." Professor Glory said as we heard her walk off.

"I wonder what Grandma wants." I said.

"I don't know. I guess we will find out." Tess said.

I nodded, "Alright, let's wash up real quick. I'll go first." I said.

Tess nodded giving me one more kiss before I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I got washed up and changed into my disciplinary committee uniform.

Afterwards Tess and I switched places as she went into the bathroom. I waited for Tess, and a short while later she came out in her student council uniform.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Almost." Tess said.

Tess then walked up to me and gave me another kiss. "Now I'm ready." Tess said. I smiled and looked to Sylvie.

"Come on Sylv." Sylvie jumped off the bed and onto my shoulder.

Tess and I made our way downstairs and out of the SC/DC building. We walked over to the administration building where we walked inside. We walked over to Grandma's office, where I heard some voices inside. Tess and I shared another look as I knocked on the door.

"Come in." Grandma said.

I entered the room first followed by Tess. I was met with Grandma sitting at her desk, with Gramps sitting on the side couch, and Alea standing next to him. Professor Glory was standing next to Grandma and gave us a small smile.

I noticed no one looked very happy, but a little concerned. "Gramps, Alea! It's good to see you, is everything ok?" I asked as Tess and I gave Gramps and Alea hugs.

Gramps let out a sigh, "Take a seat you two."

Tess and I looked at each other hearing the seriousness in his voice. We nodded and took a seat on the couch opposite of Gramps.

"What's going on?" Tess asked, a little worried. I was nervous as well.

Gramps let out another sigh, "I'm just going to cut straight to the point. Clive Graves has escaped from prison." Gramps said.

"What?!" I said in anger.

Sylv hissed on my shoulder, and I could see Tess flinch a little. I immediately wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. She put her head on my shoulder and calmed down.

"How?" Tess asked a little shakily.

"It seems he had help. It is unknown who helped him at this point. We have people looking for him as we speak." Gramps said. Tess and I nodded.

"I want to reassure you, Clive Graves will not step foot on this campus. We will keep you both safe." Grandma said.

"I'm more worried if Arthur finds Clive before anyone else does." Professor Glory said a little jokingly. "But, with that being said, that doesn't mean you should go looking for him. We will be going on a field trip next week, so just focus on that." Professor Glory said.

"We wanted to warn you two so you were both aware in case something happens." Gramps said.

"Thanks Gramps." I said. Gramps nodded and looked at Tessia.

"Will you be ok little one?" Gramps asked.

Tess nodded, "Art is with me. I'll be fine." Tess said smiling.

I looked at Gramps. "I'll keep her safe, Gramps." I said in a serious tone.

Gramps smiled and nodded, "I know you will."

"Why don't you two go get some breakfast? The rest of us will talk for a little bit." Grandma said.

Tess and I both nodded and got up to leave. "Arthur, Tessia, be safe you two." Alea said.

We both smiled at her. "We will, see you later Sis." I said.

"Bye Alea." Tess said. We walked out of Grandma's office and walked outside.

I took Tess into a hug and held her close. "You ok?" I asked.

Tess nodded, "I'm fine. It's just best not to think about it." Tess said. I kissed the top of her head.

"Ok, let's go get some breakfast, then we will head back to the SC/DC building." I said. Tess nodded.

'Don't worry Papa. If Clive even comes near Mama, I'll scratch his face off,' Sylvie said mentally, getting a slight chuckle out of me.

We made our way to the cafeteria where we had breakfast. Afterwards, we walked back to the SC/DC building. I walked into the student council room behind Tess.

"Are you joining us for our meeting Art?" Lilia asked as she watched me walk in.

"No, we will be having a joint meeting. Let's go." I said in a serious tone. Lilia and Jarrod caught onto this and nodded. They followed us into the common meeting room without asking questions.

Once the four of us were in the room, I opened the door to the disciplinary room to see everyone was sitting down.

"Everyone, in here, now." I said.

Everyone nodded and made their way into the common meeting room and sat down.

"What's going on?" Caera said.

"First and foremost, Clive Graves has escaped from prison." I said.

"What? How?" Claire said.

"He had an accomplice. Should you see him on school property, apprehend him on sight." I said getting a nod from the disciplinary committee.

"Caera, was there anything important to discuss?" I asked her. Caera didn't answer, she was looking down at the table with her hand on her chin, looking deep in thought. "Caera?" I asked getting her attention.

"Huh?" Caera said looking up.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Oh uh, ya. Sorry about that." Caera said with a smile. Though, I could see something was off about it.

"Was there anything else to discuss?" I asked.

"Uh no. We were just going to go over the recent incidents. But nothing pertinent." Caera said.

"Ok, then go on your patrols or go to class. Keep an eye out for Graves." I said. The disciplinary committee nodded and stood up to leave.

"Caera. Wait for me in the disciplinary committee room." I said.

Caera looked at me surprised for a second, before she nodded. "Ok." Caera said as she walked into the room.

"We don't have anything to discuss, you are dismissed." Tess said getting a nod from Jarrod and Lilia who left.

Tess sighed, "I'm gonna get started on the paperwork." Tess said.

"Ok, go get it and bring it into the disciplinary committee room." I said.

Tess looked at me and smiled. "I doubt he is on school grounds already." Tess said.

"I don't care. I'm going to keep you close." I said. Tess smiled and blushed as she gave me a deep kiss.

"Ok, sounds good to me." Tess said. I smiled and kissed her back.

Tess then got up and walked to the student council room to get her paperwork.

'Go with her Sylv.' I said mentally.

'Will do Papa.' Sylvie said as she followed Tess.

As she left to get her paperwork, I got up and walked into the disciplary committee room. I noticed Caera was leaning against the table, looking deep in thought again.

I walked up to her, and she kept looking down, oblivious that I was there.

"Caera?" I said.

Caera looked up a little startled, and gave me a small smile.

"Oh sorry. I didn't hear you come in." Caera said.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

Caera looked away for a second, before she looked back at me. "I'm fine." Caera said with a smile. But again, I could see something was off about it.

I gently placed my hand on her shoulder, which seemed to surprise her.

"Caera. If something is wrong, you can tell me. I'm here if you need to talk." I said genuinely.

Caera continued to look at me surprised until she looked down.

"Can I ask you a question?" Caera asked, still looking down.

"Of course." I said.

"If you learned someone had been lying about who they were. Would you be able to trust them again?" Caera asked as she slowly looked back at me.

I looked at her confused. I could see her eyes were a little watery.

"I'd definitely try, especially if they're a friend." I said.

Caera looked away, before she looked back at me. She opened her mouth like she was going to say something, until we heard the door to the common meeting room open.

I looked back and saw Tess walk in with Sylvie on her shoulder. Tess looked at me and smiled. I looked back to Caera, and saw she had wiped her tears and stood up.

"Caera?" I asked.

"Thanks for the concern, but I'm ok Arthur. I'm going to go on patrol now." Caera said as she turned to walk away.

I wanted to call out to her, but for some reason I didn't. I just watched her walk out of the room. I couldn't help but feel concerned for her.

"Everything ok?" Tess asked.

"Ya. Everything is fine. Go ahead and take a seat. We can work on our paperwork." I said.

Tess nodded and we took our seats at the table. Tess sat next to me as Sylvie jumped on the table. As we sat there working on the paperwork, my thoughts went back to Caera.

'I hope she's ok.'

Unknown POV

"Everything is going according to plan sir." The person in front of me said.

"Good, soon we will be able to make our move, and announce our presence to the world." I said with a smile.

I touched the white mask I wore on my face excited to start the attack, to prove to everyone what I am capable of. Suddenly I heard footsteps and saw a hodded figure approach.

"Who is it?" I asked annoyed.

"It's just me." They said as they removed their hood. I relaxed as I saw who it was.

"Ah, well if it isn't my little birdie. Do you have any more information for me?" I asked.

"Did you have the Graves boy released?" They asked.

"Why do you ask?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I was just wondering." They said.

"Well it's no concern of yours. But yes, I had him released, and he has accepted the power. He will be a great asset." I said with a smug smile. "Now, what information do you have for me?" I asked. They looked down, as if hesitating. "Need I remind you what's at stake?" I said in a threatening tone.

"Arthur Leywin." They said with a sigh.

"Yes I received your reports on his powers. I have dispatched two to take care of him when the time comes." I said.

"There's more to him." They said.

"Oh? And what might that be?" I asked, intrigued.

"He has the body of a dragon." They said.

My eyes went wide at this. "Are you certain?" I asked. They hesitantly nodded. I gave a sinister smile as I stood. "Hmmmm, he could be a great asset. Very well then, he is to be captured. I'm sure the High Sovereign will make good use of him. Keep a close eye on him, and report any changes." I said.

"Fine." They said as they turned and walked away.

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