The Owl House (Two Humans)

By Demondragon4444

4.3K 32 9

Y/N a 19 yr old human boy who was raised by emperor Belos when he found him as a baby. Y/ N was trained in th... More

1.Freedom and Survival
2.Demon Hunters Camp
3.My Own Steel
4.The Encounter of Two Humans
5.Father and Son Talk
6.New Encounters and Crazy Problems
7.Echoes of The Past
8. The Corps Clang
9. Fire Breathing & Magic Breathing
10. New Goals & Decisions
12.Water Breathing
13. Serpent Breathing
14. Flower Breathing
15.Insect Breathing
16.Thunder Breathing
17. Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances
18.Former Hashira Training
19.Stone & Sound breathing

11. Beast Breathing

64 0 1
By Demondragon4444

The Next Day.........

Homura:I entered Y/N's room as I see him sleeping, I walked up to him laying on the mat. "Hey, wake up"

Y/N:"mmh? What?" I suddenly wake up from being shaken.

Homura:"rise and shine, sleeping beauty. You better be ready for your first day of training on every breath style, so come on and let's get started"

Y/N:"ok, fine" I said groaning as I stretched my arms out and got ready for the day.


Y/N:after eating breakfast, Homura and I went outside and started out by stretching my limbs and joints. Wish I could say that this going well, but I've never stretched this much in my life, if I continue any further I feel like something will snap. "How much longer do I have to do this" I said dealing with the pain from my body.

Homura:"just a little more and stretch out a bit further"

Y/N:"I don't think I can, I feel like I'm gonna-"


Y/N:"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" I scream in pain from bones dislocating as I drop flat from the ground.

Homura:"you alright?" I said kneeling down to check on him.

Y/N:"I feel like my joints are broken, my spine has been twisted sideways, and I'm sore in place I didn't even know I had"

Homura:"yeah, we've all been there. Believe me"

Y/N:"is all this really necessary?"

Homura:"well you said you wanted to master all 14 breathing styles, right? So your body as to be strong and durable to be compatible with all of them, in this case you need to be flexible enough if you want to master Beast and Love breathing since you'll be required to stretch out your arms really far and some forms of Beast breathing.....may..require you to twist or dislocate some joints"

Y/N:"ok fin- Wait! What was that last part?!" I said jumping up in surprise.

Homura:"oh! Nothing, let's just get started!"


Homura:"ok, so first we'll start with Beast breathing. It mostly involves on quick and straight forward slash moves, but it also helps sharpen you senses for better detecting enemies from a far distance"

Y/N:"alright, then where do we start?"

Homura:"that's where they come in" I said pointing to three kids approaching here.

Amity:"hey, Luz said you wanted help with something?"

Y/N:"oh! Hey, Amity, Willow, Gus, how you all been?"

Willow:"pretty well, and who's she?"

Homura:"I'm Homura, I'm a swordswoman from a far land. I'm here to help Y/N get stronger to take down the emperor"

Gus:"that sounds awesome! So, how do we help?"

Homura:"I'm gonna need you all to create some monsters with your magic, so that Y/N can fight them to deme strait and see how well he fights with different breathing styles"

Willow:"I can help with that" I said as I summon a plant monster in front of him.

Y/N:"ok, perfect" I said pulling my sword out as Luz and the others show up.

Luz:"good luck bro!"

Eda:"this outta be good"

Lilith:"please don't go overboard with him"

King:"you got this!"

Hooty:"Hooty is rootying for you!"

Y/N:I prepared a stance as I memorized all the notes I've written down on my notebook, on every breath style. The plant monster wraps it's vines around me as I'm pulled towards it.

Homura:"ok, use Beast breathing to help you fight!"

Y/N:"ok!" I said reassuring as I grip my sword tight and stabbed the monster in the head, but it hardly even flinches. "Oh man"

Homura:"you call that a pierce?! Put more might into it if you want out of you enemies grasps!"

Y/N:she's right! I need to attack harder if I wanna inflict more damage on my opponent! I may have never used thrusting attacks before, but I have to try everything I can to become stronger! Total concentration, Beast breathing First form: Pierce! I pull my sword back as I stab the monster with full force, as it Shrieks in pain it loosens its grip and I land on the ground. I got it right where I want it. Beast breathing Second form: Slice! I then deliver two slices in the form of an X, as the plant monsters staggers back in pain.

Homura:"now that what I like to see! Keep going!"

Y/N:"alright!" I said leaping forward as I cross my arms. "Beast breathing Third form: Devour!" I use a horizontal slash towards the monsters neck root as I cut off its head, but it immediately reattached its head together. "What!?"

Willow:"you have to cut deeper from the stem in order to defeat it!"

Y/N:"got it!" Beast breathing Fourth form: Slice & Dice! I attacked with two diagonal slashes, shredding the surface of the plant. It then un leashed multiple vines around me as I then leaped up. Beast breathing Fifth form: Crazy Cutting! I spiral multiple slashes in the air, cutting all the vines around me.

Homura:he's doing pretty well so far, let's what more he can do.

Y/N: I stand in front of the giant plant and bring down my blade. Beast breathing Sixth form: Palisade Bite! I hold my sword with one hand, cut the plants head off with a horizontal slash as it then disintegrates.

Homura: *clapping* "not bad at all Y/N, you surprise me"

Y/N:"your saying that like we're finish already, isn't there more to Beast breathing?"

Homura:"yes there is, but we're skipping the 7th form for now since it a tracking move. So let's continue with you swinging your sword for a bit."

Y/N:"ok" I said standing up getting to a stance. "Hey Gus, create a giant monster for me. Be a friend"

Gus:"say no more" I said creating a giant three eye monster.

Homura:"alright, you think you can charge it this beast head on?"

Y/N:"watch me" Beast breathing, Eighth form: Explosive Rush! I run at full speed towards the monster.


Y/N:the monster roars loudly while shooting orbs at me, but I keep going as I then swing my sword around, while closing the gap between us. The beast swings its arms at me to prevent me from getting close as I then thought of something. "This is gonna hurt" I said reluctantly as I then dislocated my shoulder and my elbow, I grit my teeth from the slight pain as I gain my focus. "Ninth form: Extending Bendy Slash!" My arm becomes slightly longer I slash around the beast.

Beast:*groans* *roars!*

Y/N:"huh?!" The beast roars again, but this time some black smoke come out as it surrounds me. I quickly fix up my arms as I concentrate on what to do. "This fog is too thick for me to see, it's even messing with my sense of smell. But I'm not going out that easy. Beast breathing, Tenth form: Whirling Fang!" I spin my sword like a fan as the smoke begins to clear up and the monster is right in front of me while I see a long string attached to its third eye. This is it! Beats breathing, Eleventh form: Sudden Throwing Strike! I throw my sword at the monster, hitting it eye as it poof away.

Homura:"not bad, you got a good arm there"

Luz:"you were awesome!"

Gus:"glad we could be of assistant"

Y/N:"thanks, but we're not quite done here yet"

Homura:"you're correct, so let's go"

In The Woods

Homura:we head into the woods to teach Y/N on the next form. "The 7th form is considered to be the strongest move in Beast breathing. It enhances the users sense of touch to detect enemies or living things from afar. So get down on one leg, feel the vibration of the earth through your body, and focus on your surroundings"

Y/N:"ok" I kneeled down, close my eyes and focus hard in the environment while feeling and listening to what's around me. I can feel the wind blowing, leaves rustling, I can even sense movement going around. Like animals on trees, insects on the ground, and the others slightly moving their feet.

Homura:"you getting it now?"

Y/N:"yeah, I didn't think that sense of touch would be this powerful"

Homura:"exactly, and your about to see how amazing it can be. Who's up for a game of hide and seek?" I said to the others.

Y/N:Homura and the others decided to hide, so I can try to find them with my new sense of touch. They all eventually hide while I have my eyes close and focus on where they went. Ok, focus very hard and listen closely to what's around you. Beast breathing, Seventh form: Spatial Awareness I kneel on the ground while focusing on the vibration around me. I quickly pick up everyone's presence and start going to them. "In the bushes!" I said finding Luz and Amity.

Luz:"hahahaha! You found us!"

Amity:"good job!"

Y/N:"now for the rest. The Clawthorn sisters are up on that tree, Gus Willow and King are camouflaged as those rocks and bushes, and Hooty is just standing right in the open"

Hooty:"what a pretty butterfly!"

Y/N:"now there should be one more" I then go over to the shed next to Eda's house, went inside and I find Homura through a secret door under the floor. "Hello there pretty lady" I said with a playful smile.

Homura:"Well done! My dad would be very impressed with your performance, shall we move on to Water breathing?"

Y/N:"of course" I helped her out of the small space and went on to the next stage of training.

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