Serenade in Blue

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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It was a rough start for the four friends from Brooklyn, but soon they became as thick as thieves. One was t... More

Part One
August 17, 1931
December 24, 1933
October 15, 1936
January 15, 1942
Darling Bea
New Friends and Reunification
Book Two


51 0 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

Captain America and his Howling Commandos fought HYDRA.

While watching a movie of Captain America and his Howling Commandos, Bucky and Phillip appeared on screen next to Steve.

Peggy noticed a picture of herself in Steve's compass and Bea noticed a picture of herself in Phillip's pocket poking out. Colonel Phillips glanced at them and Peggy looked away while Bea smiled and looked at the man she adored.


Bucky, Phillip and Steve were on a snow-covered mountain while the Howling Commandos prepared to zipline onto the train.

"Remember when Phillip and I made you and Bea ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah, and I threw up and she screamed bloody murder?" Steve replied.

"This is payback, isn't it?"

"Now why would I do that?" Steve answered in a smug tone.

Phillip slowly pulled a note from his pocket and handed it to his brother. "I hope you or Steve never have to deliver this, but in case you do, give it to Bea when I'm gone."

Bucky frowned. "No, you'll give it to her yourself."

"It's a goodbye letter, you ass." He let out a breath. "Please, just promise me you'll give it to her."

Steve took the letter and nodded. "Can't speak for Buck, but I'll give it to her if it's needed. But Phillip, you'll see her when we get back from this mission." His fingers curled around the paper as he met his friend's eyes. Instead of the confidence Phillip usually had, he noticed a foreign terror.

"Steve, promise me you'll give it to her."

"I promise."

"And tell her I love her."

Phillip smiled sadly and closed his eyes for a brief moment, uttering another silent wish to see the woman he loved again.

"We were right," Gabe Jones said. "Dr. Zola's on the train. HYDRA dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad."

"Let's get going, because they're moving like the devil," James Montgomery warned.

"We only got about a ten-second window," Steve informed. "You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield."

"Mind the gap."

"Better get moving, bugs!" Dum Dum Dugan said.

"Maintenant!" Jaques Dernier yelled as Steve, Bucky and Gabe ziplined onto the train.


Dr. Zola, watching Steve on a monitor as he fought his way through the train, cried, "Stop him! Fire again!"

Steve noticed Bucky and Phillip on the other side of the door.

Bucky and Phillip shot the man coming for him. They continued shooting and soon ran out of bullets. They ducked behind a pile of crates, choosing to embrace death as an old friend.

Steve opened the door, nodded to his friends, and tossed Bucky the gun. Bucky caught the gun.

Steve darted forward and pushed a crate, causing the HYDRA soldier to move to one side.

Bucky shot the HYDRA soldier and killed him before saying, "I had him on the ropes."

"I know you did," Steve replied as another trooper with a blaster appeared. "Get down!"

"Fire again!" Dr. Zola ordered. "Kill him! Now!"

Phillip picked up the shield, grabbed a gun, and continued firing.

The robotic man fired again and he was blasted through a hole.

"Phillip!" Bucky yelled as he rushed to try to get his brother.

"Phillip!" Steve yelled, moving to get his friend. "Hang on! Grab our hands!" Phillip tried to grab their hands, but couldn't and fell. "NO!"

Steve rested his head on the side of the train, fighting against the forming tears.

Bucky hit his head on the train, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to feel something other than the searing pain in his heart. "I'll tell her."


The Howling Commandos gathered together and Dugan asked, "Where's Barnes?"

Steve glanced down before saying, "Buck and I- we couldn't save him." He walked away, tears stinging his eyes.

Bea ran up with a smile which quickly turned to a frown. "Where's Phillip?"

Bucky shook his head. "Bea, I'm so sorry."

"No. Please. Bucky, Steve, where is he?!"

"We couldn't save him. We tried. But the bar gave way and he fell. We couldn't catch him."

She stepped back, shaking her head as she yelled, "No! You're lying, James! Phillip's gonna come strolling in with his cocky, adorable demeanor!"

"Bea, no. He won't. He's gone. The least we can do is honor his memory."

Bea nodded. "I don't believe you. But we'll hold a service for him nonetheless."

"Bea, I don't know if-" Steve began.

She cut him off. "No! We will be having a service for him, Steven. It is the very least we can do."


Bea gave a sharp nod and decided she would get as drunk as she could. Anything to take away the pain.


Steve, Bucky and Bea made their way to the bar where Steve had enlisted his Howling Commandos.

Bea stared at her friend in disbelief before entering the bar.

She grabbed herself a glass and a bottle of whiskey, praying she could get drunk enough to escape the pain of losing the man she loved.

Bucky glanced at his friend worriedly and said, "You should ease up, Bea."

Bea glared at him. "If I want to get drunk, I will." As she swallowed another shot of amber liquid, she realized she felt nothing. All she wanted to do was forget, and she couldn't even do that. She threw the cup and screamed, then collapsed to her knees and began sobbing.

Bucky walked up to her and embraced her.

Outside, Peggy, unaware of the vastness of the emotions the friends were feeling, though she had a vague idea, followed the voice of a radio through the rubble.

A man on the radio said, "Blackout is still in effect throughout the London area. Please wait for the all-clear. Your attention, please. All citizens shall remain indoors until further notice. Blackout is still in effect throughout the London area."

Peggy found Steve, Bucky and Bea pouring themselves a drink.

Steve glanced up and said, "Dr. Erskine said that... the serum wouldn't just affect my muscles, it would effect my cells. Create a protective system of regeneration and healing. Which means um... I can't get drunk. Bucky and Bea can't either. Did you know that?"

Peggy looked at them before saying, "Your metabolism burns four times faster than the average person. He thought it could be one of the side effects." She changed the subject. "It wasn't your fault."

"Did you read the reports?"


"Then you know that's not true."

"You did everything you could. Did you three believe in your friend/brother? Did you three respect him?" Steve, Bucky and Bea looked at her as if to say yes. "Then stop blaming yourselves. Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice. He damn well must have thought you three were worth it."

"I'm goin' after Schmidt," Steve decided. "I'm not gonna stop till all of HYDRA is dead or captured."

"You won't be alone."

Bea took another silent sip of her drink as a determined look crossed her face. She downed her drink, gathering up all the liquid courage she could.

She looked at her friends and said, "Let's get them."

Bucky glanced at her worriedly. "Bea, I don't think-"

"What? You don't think I should come?"

"No. I'm worried you'll be reckless and stupid. I know I'll be."

"Of course I'm going to be reckless and stupid."

"Phillip wouldn't want that, Bea."

"I don't care! I can't sit by while they get away with what they did!"

"They're not getting away with it, Bea," Steve told her.

Her hand curled around her empty glass. "Steven, James, you two can't stop me from doing this."

The three had a silent argument and Steve let out a defeated sigh. "Fine. Let's get them."

Bucky nodded. "There'll be hell to pay."

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