I don't want to be alone (con...

By shadowcore0

16.1K 431 792

A few months After kunikida and dazai got together the to got into a fight with dazai leaving the house sayin... More

The wedding 1
Christmas special
New year's special
Chapter 14 if it went diffrently


520 12 14
By shadowcore0

Dazais pov


I've never heard something more wonderful.

I opened my eyes to see kunikida asleep. I moved a little bit closer but it seemed like he was in a light sleep since his eyes shot open at the small movement I made.

He stared at me for a minute before I smiled at him.

"Good morning " .

He started for another few minutes before he silently brought me into a hug that I nuzzled into.

"Dazai" he mumbled placing his face into my hair.

We stayed like that for awhile before he pulled away and cupped my face gently between his hands like I might break at any moment.

"How do you feel".

I smiled

"Silence had never sounded so good before".

Kunikida sighed in relief before bringing me back into his arms.

" I'm so glad you're ok ".

I nodded and after a few more minutes I pulled away and pouted.

"I'm hungry".

Kunikida chuckled before sitting up out of bed.

"How about we go to the cafe and get some breakfast then tell the agency your doing better".

I squealed with joy at the thought before I jumped on kunikida and kissed all over his face. He barely ever takes us out to eat so this was really special.

Kunikida laughed before gently grabbing my shoulders and turning me around so I was pinned to the bed. I blushed bright red thinking this was ganna turn dirty but instead of kunikida doing what I thought he would he started ticking me.

I laugh and flail around as kunikida continues.

After are tickle fight kunikida and I got dressed before heading to the cafe.

Once we got there we walked to our normal seats and when the waitress saw us she looked surprised.

"Mr kunikida mr dazai it's been awhile since I've seen you two " she said with her smile.

"Yeah we've been busy with stuff " Kunikida said.

I know he didn't like the waitresses not because of her being rude or anything but because I used to always flirt with her. Even when I was dating Chuuya I would fake flirt with her.

I smiled at the waitress. "Can I get my regular coffee and a chocolate muffin".

She looked a bit surprised I didn't flirt with her as did kunikida but she nodded and looked to kunikida. "I'm I'd like just a black coffee and dazai and a blueberry muffin". She nodded and left the table to get our orders.

I saw kunikida relax in his seat a bit after she left before I giggled and he looked up.

"What is it"? He asked as I made a come hear motion with my finger so he leaned over the table as did I and I connected our lips in a quick peck.

"Don't worry I won't flirt with her anymore".

Kunikida nodded.

"I trust you it's just... you still flirted with her when you were with Chuuya so I didn't know".

"The reson I flirted with her then was because Chuuya and I dating was a secret and if I suddenly stoped then it might rise suspicion. Also I asked Chuuya if it was alright to and he understood. If he had said no then I wouldn't so there's no reason for you to worry".

Kunikida nodded before kissing me again quickly and a few minutes later the waitress put the food on the table and let us be.

Kunikida and I ate  for awhile then after we started to leave to go to the agency. On are way out the waitress called.

"Oh dazai it seems you have turned into a new man".

"I sure have". I said with a smile.

"Maybe  dice your a new man that means you might pay your tab".

"I'm not that new of a man" I said running up the stairs to the agency and kunikida rolled his eyes and fallowed me up.

Once I got to the door I took a deep breath before opening it.


"DAZAI SAN" I suddenly felt someone tackle me in a hug and looked down to see atsushi hugging me tightly.

"Oh atsushi I see you have missed me".

I felt him nod

"We'll you won't have to miss him for long since dazai is completely recovered we can start work again". Kunikida said from behind me.

Atsushi looked up at me with wide eyes and a vid smile. "Your all better now".

I petted his head and nodded. "I'm better then before".

We heard someone clear there throat and saw the president and yasano standing by the door.

"I hear dazai has made a full recovery " fukazawa said and kunikida and I nodded.

"I'd like to do a quick check up just to be sure if that's alright with you". Yasano said walking over and I nodded. "I'm good with it".

During the check up kunikida went to the presidents office to discuss stuff and I did feel I bit lonely but convincing yasano not to cut my leg off for future reasons kept me occupied.

After I said by to atsushi and yasano kunikida and I left. "I wonder how long it would have taken ranpo to figure out what was wrong with me if he was hear". I said on our walk home. Suddenly my phone started ringing.


"I would have figured it out immediately if I was actually there".

"Oh hi ranpo".


He hung up and kunikida and I laugh.

"The president said we can start work again tomorrow" Kunikida said and I groaned.

"But it's so boring and I'll probably have a Mountain of paperwork waiting for me".

Kunikida rolled his eyes before stopping infront of a park.


"Can we walk through hear for a minute"?

I nodded and we started walking through the park.

It had a lot of flower beds and benches and also a playground for the little kids kunikida stopped at a bench surrounded by flower beds and sat down. I sat next to him.

"Kunikida are you ok"?

He nodded before taking a deep breath.

"Are you sure there all gone"?

I nodded.

"Why have I been acting weird".

"Not really I just want to make sure before I ask you this".

"Ask me what"?

"Will you marry me"?

(It's 11:35 pm and I'm debating on going to sleep or not. Anyway yay not a super angst chapter. I'm probably ganna turn this book into a scenario book after I'm done with the main story  but idk). 

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