La Missione

By lilcutie_el

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Will this be my downfall? ...................... Amary Acosta, a high valued agent. She knew one day, death w... More

Miss: El
Chapter 01: Possession's Mission
Chapter 02: "Decision"
Chapter 03: "I'm in"
Chapter 04: Farewell
Chapter 05: "New House" ( part 2 )
Chapter 06: " Hayden King "
Chapter 07: " Portal "
Chapter 08: " Meet "
Chapter 09: " Threat "
Chapter 10: " Clumsy "
Chapter 11: " Him "

Chapter 05: "Move Out" ( part 1 )

123 105 8
By lilcutie_el

Amary P.O.V

I take my last glance at my room and grab my small black backpack that has all my supplies and whistle to Luxe, who has been sleeping on my bed. It's 5 in the morning and I've decided to just leave to avoid such a dramatic moment with my family.

Luxe and I walked down the hallway and downstairs without making a single sound to prevent them from waking up. When we got to the living room, I walked over to our center table and placed my written letter on it.I had written it earlier to say my words to them and my mission. It's a better way to say those words through writing than to have them said from my mouth.

I was about to walk to the main door when my father appeared from nowhere at my back.

" Living without getting caught, my girl?" He said in a simple tone.

" I guess I failed then," I responded when I finally recovered from my shock earlier.

"Remember what I've said to you, princess," I nooded.

"I'll keep it in mind, dad," I reassured him.

He stomped his foot to close our distance and hugged me tightly. I responded to his hug. It lasted for a moment.

" Go on now, princess. "Your mother would be awake any minute now," he said, slowly releasing his arm from my grasp.

"Be careful, dad, I love you," I muttered as I let go of his arm around me completely.

He walked me up to the main door, and I waved at him as I began to walk without him. He does the same. When he returns to our house, I finally turn my head to the road.

The cold breeze embraced my face. It's a relaxing feeling. I open the passenger's seat for Luxe to get in. I walked around my car and I took a quick look at our house before going in. "It's just a year, Amary," I convinced to myself to prevent me from feeling sad .

I drove up to the main road and watched my right rearview mirror, watching the house fade slowly from view. I took my eyes to Luxe when the house completely disappeared. He is enjoying the air bumping against his face as I speed up my car. The road is still peaceful as it is just early. I looked at the direction of the sun that is now slowly peeking from the thick cloud that covers it. I stared at it for a while. It's a beautiful view. It's like another chance for me to live my life to the fullest.

I am now driving to Ada's apartment as I still needed to wait for my brother to go to his office at 8 a.m. I needed to talk with him before I completely started my mission.

After a couple more minutes, we get to the building where Ada's apartment is located.

We got into the elevator, and I pressed the buttons for the floor we were going to. It opened up and I let Luxe walk ahead of me. He exactly stopped at the door of Ada's room. He really knows where exactly it is as we come here so frequently.

I touched the doorbell button, and Ada opened it quickly. I guess I've woken her up with my message earlier. Yeah, I texted her at 4 that I'd be here at 5 to inform her ahead, as I purposely left my phone and laptop in my room at our house to prevent me from being tracked.

" I suppose that I've woken you up again," I said in a certain tone in my voice. She made a bet and laughed." Be thankful I woke up earlier before your text arrived." If I didn't, no one would open the door for you, "she stated.

We went inside and I let Luxe go to his favorite spot here; the sofa that Ada bought for him. Her apartment has this purple and white theme that makes it feel so girly. Yeah, I hated light colors. I'd prefer to just use gray or black rather than use these kinds of colors.

" You hungry?" Ada asked before walking into her room that it was not that far from the living room.

I responded to her, "No, not yet."

I placed myself comfortably on her soft sofa and shut my eyes. I let my body relax a bit.

I heard a few footsteps approaching in my direction, so I assumed it was her.

" Here," she said, and grabbed my hands. I felt something on it, so I opened my eyes to see what it was.

It's a small purple box. I gotta admit that this girl is really addicted to this color.

"It's a necklace. I put some trackers in that to track you if you're in danger or something," she stated. I opened the box and I saw a silver necklace that had an engraved letter C as a pendant on it. It's beautiful. I faced her and gave her a questionable look.

" Just making sure if you need some help, Cole," she added, as she got the meaning of my face I gave her.

"Fox, I'll be fine, okay," I said to reassure her.

" Yeah, I know. "Just take that in case," she admitted. She also pulled another box from her paper bag, and I saw that it was the same box as what she gave me.

" I also got one, in case you wanted to track me and check whether I was still breathing or not," she said dramatically. I laughed at what she did.

"Of course, I will track you, Fox," I said in misbelief.

" Good to hear that," she chuckled.

" This is what you worked on earlier," I confirmed to her.

" Yeah, I installed those tiny clasps on this necklace,"

" Can you explain how it works?" I playfully said that because I still want to bond with her a little longer because I know I'll miss this crazy woman.

She instructed it to me and I just listened to her as if I really didn't know how to. I know how to use it in the first place. She finished what she discussed, and we talked about some other staff for a bet.

" Cole, at least save my number on your new phone for us to talk," she said, persuading me to save it. I tilted my head twice as a sign that I wouldn't do it. It's a dangerous act. What if she calls me when I'm with the mafia people? It will cause some trouble.

" I'll text you or call you when I'm available, Fox. Saving your phone number into my device is a bad act for my mission," I explain.

She just sighed.

" As you say, just make sure that you'll be okay, OK?"

" I will be, just focus on your things as well." "I warned her. Plan your mission well. Prevent your life being endangered."

" Aye," she responded.

" Guess I should keep going then," I stated while looking at my watch. It's 6:55 am, enough for me to eat outside and pull over at our company.

" No, we have to eat first. "You have to eat before you leave," she said, and hopped off the couch.

"OK, momy," I said teasingly to her. She didn't bother to reply and entered the kitchen straight. I followed her and we ate.

"Don't you dare take off that necklace,Cole," she said, warning me as we walked towards the door.

"Okay, okay, I won't. Do the same as well, "I respond to her.

" I will, it will stay just right here ," She said while and pointing at her chest. I pulled her closer to me and I hugged her tight.

" This is not a goodbye, Fox. It's just see you later, "I assured her between our hugs.

I felt a warm liquid on my shoulder. I know now that she's crying. "Hey, you're making me not to leave," I said, rubbing her back.

"It's just that I'm going to miss you, Cole." I'mgoing to miss you every time I go to our office, "she said, crying. I made a wager and laughed. " Be happy, your boring friend will be gone for a while. Go enjoy your life and find someone just like what you planned," I said to her , convincing her not to miss me that much. I skipped my family drama, but Ada's was not an exception.

" Hey, stop. I'm okay and you're going to be okay as well." I said those words as I pulled her away from me.

She stopped crying and wiping her tears like a child. I teased her, "I don't expect that agent Fox will cry for her boring partner," I teased her.

She slapped my shoulders lightly and let out a small smile. " There, I saw a smile on your face. Smile always, Fox," I said, and tapped her shoulder.

"I'll go now, take care and don't worry about me," I said and held her hands in mine. "Inform me if you're getting married," cracked for a joke to light up our conversation. She just chuckled.

" Bye for now, Fox," I said, and started walking away from her with Luxe. " Bye for now, Cole," she said, sobbing. I smiled and waved a bet at her and she did the same. I let out a sigh before I entered the elevator and looked for her. She keeps on waving before the elevator finally closes.

" Ill see you agin, Fox." I said to my self.


Xander P.O.V

I arrived at my office at 8:45 a.m. and sat in my chair, checking some documents before my first meeting at 10 a.m.I heard Liza talking with someone happily. After a minute, someone pulled my glass door at my office. My face lights up when I recognize the figure who is coming after the door. It's my sister.

Her eyes met mine, and she smiled at me. " What a nice morning surprise, sister," I said to her and rose to hug her. She just smiled at me again.

" What brings my sis here at this early hour, huh?" I asked in between our hugs. "Just messing with my brother's face," she laughed.I do the same. She sat on my couch lazily and let out a sigh. I assumed this woman had something to tell.

I said in a joke form, "Tell it before you're out of breath, sighting over and over again." I want her to tell me and relieve her feelings slightly.

She sighed, again.

"I'm leaving for a year, frères," she stated, and turned to me. I sat beside her.

" For a vacation or mission?" I asked her even though I knew what it was.

She laughed before she responded to me.

" For both brothers," she said, chuckling.

I faced her with a serious expression on my face. " Be careful," I said, with the same expression. She laughed. " You guys are making me feel bored about that word. People keep on reminding me of that," she said with an annoyed expression. "I'm serious, Al," I said to her, making her back into her serious mode too.

I'm super against her career now. I still remember the day she passed her resignation letter to me, saying she wanted to change her career to this. She was my vice CEO for a year, and I thought she had forgotten her main dream of becoming an agent, but she hadn't. During that time, I was willing to give up my position and give it to her just to make her stay, but it didn't help. She pursued it, and none of us could stop her because it is the only thing that makes her happier than sitting in a four-cornered room all day reading documents, which is what my parents and I wanted her to do.

"Okay, I will," she said as a sign of defeat. We talked about how my marriage with my wife goes at the moment and some of the staff about how our company is going for a while more, before 10 a.m. arrives. I would have loved to chat with her more, but this meeting is important for our company, so I need to go on time.

" I guess the company needs you more than I do, brothe," she stated as she rose up from my couch. "Perks of being a CEO, sister," I replied, rising as well.

"That's why I stopped this thing, brother." It is so boring sitting all old men at the table, talking about how to earn more money, "she said and smirked." I laughed at what she did.

" I love you, sister," I said, closing the distance between us and hugging her. She responded as well. "It's my 3rd and last hug for this day, brother," she said laughing. " Just cherish the moment you're hugging your handsome brother, little sis," I said teasingly. She slapped me on my shoulder hard. She hated me calling her little. She felt humiliated for it, just like when she was a child.

" I am not little, Xander!" She said, emphasizing the word little. I laughed hard.

She just pouted and walked away from me. " Is that how you said I Love You to your brother, who saw and defended you a hundred times from your bullies to prevent you from crying so hard?" I said dramatically.

"It was a long time ago." I can defend myself now, brother. " She said before she grabbed Luxe's tie to go with her. " I love you too, brother." "I just wanted you to know that I'm not as mean as you are," she yelled as she exited my office.I laugh again at her and prepare for the meeting, which I am 5 minutes late already. My sister is much more valuable than anything.

..... to be continued...

Hi guys!

I've decided to split this chapter into two parts as it's so long for one;)

Keep in touch, share, vote, comment, and follow to stay up to date!

Bye for now. Keep safe, guys.

-Ms. El;)

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