The Child That Changed Everyt...

Por AvengerKat

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Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and Grand Marshall Hux have been commanding the First order for years now. They have... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (End of Part 1)
Part 1 recap
Chapter 1 (Beginning of part 2)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Part 1)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
(End)Thank you for reading

Chapter 18 (Part 2)

39 0 7
Por AvengerKat

Kylo and Rey both landed the Falcon, walking into a large structure that was emitting lightning.

He could feel the Dark side strongly influence the planet. Kylo tried not to run but he couldn't help it. Rey closely followed after him. They descended to the lower level from a rock platform. Both of them looked around at the darkness, the only light being the lightning that would occur.

Kylo and Rey ignited their lightsabers, taking caution around every corner. Kylo noticed the yellow liquid tubes filled with bodies. More accurately, Snokes body. He didn't understand why they would be here. After all this time-.


He turned to Rey, looking at her walking up into a passage. She was staring at something on the other side. Kylo ran up with her, now realizing what she was staring at.

There was this large throne, in the center of some arena. Palpatine was hooked up to cables that held him up. He could feel Rey shaking next to him.

He suddenly felt someone come up behind them. Kylo turned around to see Sith Troopers behind them, taking both of their lightsabers and moving them out into the arena. Kylo tried to find an exit but there was none. He also tried looking for Amidala but he couldn't find her.

The troopers set both of them in front of Palapatine. Lightning flashed all around them. Kylo looked up at Palpatine's crippled face, only to find him smiling down at them.

Kylo wanted nothing more than to kill him.

"Where's Amidala? I will kill you, just as my Grandfather did. You will fail again."

Palpatine let out an unruly laugh, more lightning flashing around them. Kylo looked over to Rey who he could tell was scared, he could feel it through the Force. He needed to think of a way to get them out of this.

"My boy. I warned you, didn't I? From the day you were born I warned you about love, how it will destroy you in the end, but you did it anyway.......There is much power in her, but you failed to train her how to control it. For someone who claims his old master failed him, it seems to me that you have repeated history my boy. Looks like you could never grow out of the Skywalker namesake."

Palpatine unhooked himself from the wires, leaning down directly in Kylo's face. Kylo tried pulling away, but the troopers kept him held.

"Oh Kylo Ren, how the mighty have fallen......... Your daughter is gone I'm afraid. Only listens to the voice that gave her peace. Sad thing to know her fathers couldn't give her that. Too many wrong decisions in too little time. Just like little Ben Solo. Too weak to stop it."

You know I'm right.

No. He wasn't. Knowone had ever fought for Ben Solo. The whole Galaxy was fighting for Amidala. There was hope.

Kylo turned to Rey and nodded, both of them calling their lightsabers to each other and killing the troopers behind them. Once they were both free, Kylo ran to strike Palpatine, only for his lightsaber to be blocked by a beam of white, just before meeting with Palpatine. He could noticed her Lightsaber from anywhere.

Kylo looked down to see Amidala, emotionless, staring right back at him. He almost broke at seeing her like this. It wasn't her though. He couldn't tell how much of her was left. Had they been too late? No. There was still hope.

"Amidala, listen to me, this isn't you. I need you to listen to me, please. Give me a sign."

He only heard Palpatine laugh in response, placing his hand on her cheek. Kylo could only watch. He wanted to cut his hand off at that moment. Kylo didn't just want to kill him, he wanted him to feel every second of it. He had to deal with Amidala first though, then kill later.

"She has made a decent apprentice. I will say it took quite a lot of time to get her fully compliant. Too stubborn for her own good. I wonder where she got that from?"

In an instant, both Kylo and Amidala were sent flying to the other side of the arena, both falling to the ground. They were cut off from Rey and Palpatine but Rey's presence in the Force was strong. Kylo knew she could handle herself.

Within moments, Amidala stood up and crashed her saber with Kylo, both of them stumbling into fighting positions. Kylo had to play this defensively, hoping to not hurt her. He just had to get through to her somehow. He only hoped Hux was doing better than he was.

Hux was pacing around the bridge, listening to his crew yell back and forth information to him. They were losing more men each hour, but were making a considerable dent in the Star Destroyers. Hux only had to buy them time down on the surface, as if time was the only thing they needed.

Hux had this nagging feeling as if he was needed. A silent voice in his head crying out for help. He could have been making it all up because he was stressed about the whole situation but it was something else. He could almost make it out to be Amidala. If only he was Force Sensitive, he would know for sure. Maybe it wasn't the Force. Maybe it was just that instinct that he knew his family needed him. That his daughter needed him.

"Mitaka, bring General Dameron online."

Without hesitation, Mitaka flipped the Comm Speaker to open. Many loud bands came from the speaker, then some mild cursing that was also followed by loud beeps.

"What is it Hugs, I'm kind of busy! Do you need us to retreat?"

"No Dameron......I needed to let you know that my presence is needed elsewhere. General Mitaka will take over for me in my absence."

"Hux, that's not, we need you here. There's a plan we have to follow. General Organa-"

He knew it was crazy, that's why he was doing it. There was no way in hell he would just stay up here while his family was down there.

"Dameron..........Poe, my family needs me. I trust Mitaka with my life. I need to do this."

A large sigh came over the speaker, followed by more beeps and boops.

"Ok. Be careful.......and may the Force be with you."

The Comm signal switched off, leaving his crew staring back at him. He could tell what they all were thinking.

"Ready my Tie-Advance. I must leave now."

The rest of the crew turned back to their monitors and Data-pads. Hux turned and left the bridge, walking to the hanger bay. Mitaka ran after him.

"Sir.....I'm not sure this is the best course of action...."

Hux turned to him smiling, setting a hand on his shoulder.

"Dophed, you are ready for this. You have always been ready. You are the finest Lieutenant I know. Your a General now. These are your people, don't forget that. Direct those men as I have directed you. Promise me that you will take care of them."

"Yes Sir.....Just, come back in one piece."

Hux smiled and walked to the docking bay, not looking back. They would be in good care, Hux knew that. He only hoped he wasn't too late.

Amidala stumbled back, still holding her stance. Kylo was trying not to go too hard on her but it was getting more difficult to keep his defense. She seemed to not even be there, just doing the motions.

"Amidala listen to me. This isn't you. Palplatine is controlling you!"

Amidala struck harder, Kylo meeting her halfway.

"You were going to send me away. You were going to leave me. I will finish what you started. I can change all of this."

She reminded him so much of himself. Controlled by Snoke, trying to finish what Vader started. Trying to change who he was not for himself, but for others. He was never truly himself until he met Hux. Until he let him into his life.

"Amidala, he will alway be the one to change things, not you. I would never send you away..........When I found you, you were nothing.....but not to me. You can change history, but you need to make that decision, not him."

Amidala backed off, pulling her hand up to her head. She seemed to be fighting with herself. Kylo slowly walked closer to her, trying not to make her jump.

"Please, know what- I only want to make you proud, please."

Kylo's heart ached when looking at her in pain. He knew she was trying to get her mind under control, but Palpatine was nothing but persistent.

"Amidala, we were never going to send you away. We have only wanted to protect you. We wanted you to have a better childhood than we had. I love you Amidala, nothing will ever change that."

Amidala was still clutching her head in her hands, breathing heavily. She was trying to fight it but he was just too strong. Kylo only moved closer to her.

"I only wanted to make you proud. I wanted to be just like you. Palpatine showed me what the First Order can become."

Kylo finally got up in front of her, taking her lightsaber and switching it off. Then he moved his hand to her cheek, wiping her tears.

"The First Order, all of this, means nothing. Your family, friends, people around you, that's what's important. I failed to teach you that, and I'm sorry. I have always wanted you to be better than me. I want you to live a normal life. One full of joy and color, not being stuck in some ship. I promise you that will be your future. Not this, not the Order, but peace. Never lose that hope."

Before Amidala could respond, Kylo was able to get an opening into her mind and silence it, causing her to fall into his arms. He set her down gently on the arena floor, kissing her forehead lightly. He wished he had more time.

Kylo left her laying there, meeting with Rey on the other side of the arena. She noticed this and stood with him, distracting Palpatine so he could stab him with his lightsaber.

Palpatine let out a bloodcurdling scream as he died, shooting out the last of his Force in the process, striking Kylo in the chest. He flew back, collapsing into Rey's arms.

Palpatine was dead.

Amidala slowly opened her eyes to see her father and Rey both standing before Plapatine.She tried getting up and tried to stop them but she was too late. She felt him die.

Amidala collapsed on the ground, feeling the weight in her mind disappear. She was freed from his presence plaguing her mind. Her vision cleared and the voices in her head were silenced. She looked up to see Kylo fly back into Rey, lightning striking all around them. Amidala then remembered the events that had transpired. Everything that she had done.

This was all her fault.

Amidala grabbed her lightsaber and quickly ran to where Kylo and Rey were sitting. She came upon the image of her father, lying lifeless on the floor. She kneeled next to him, leaning down to try and hear his heartbeat. She heard nothing.

She only remembers creaming his name in the empty arena, hearing herself echo for miles. She could hear Rey crying next to her. All of this didn't seem real. It was only when Rey pulled her up and took her arm that she was brought back to reality.

"Amidala, we need to go. This place is falling apart-"

"No! We will not leave him. I can't, please."

Amidala could feel the sadness radiating off of her but also regret.

"I promised your father I would take you home, and that is what I'm going to do."

Amidala didn't take in her words until she felt herself being pulled away from Kylo.

Nomatter how hard she tried to break free, Rey still had her hold. She was too short and too thin to pull out of Rey's grasp. She fought and screamed, letting her tears flow. She was useless. She didn't even have the power to save him.

You have many paths to choose from, young Padawan. Your father has taught you well, but you must decide for yourself. You have to want this path.

She wanted this path. She wanted to save him.To go on the path of peace, but she could only do that if her father was alive. She knew there was no other choice.


Rey stopped, turning to her. Amidala had known  that Rey knew what she was going to attempt. It would probably kill her, but it had to be worth it. She had to have hope.

She was able to get Rey's guard down just enough to break out of her grasp, running back towards Kylo.

She ignored Rey yelling at her and centered her mind, letting her body relax and she ran into oblivion. There was darkness, then she was herd the distinct sound of lightning.  She didn't know if it worked until she was placed in front of her own body. She was there. Right where she needed to be.

Amidala quickly picked up her body, feeling it radiate with the Force. She just had to make it over in time. Amidala felt the body in her hands shifting slightly.

"What are you-"

"Shhh, it's ok. You need to trust me. I'm you but from the future. Will you help me?"

Amidala was surprised when all she got was a nod in response. No questions, just openness. They could do this.

When she finally got over to Kylo and Rey, she sent them flying back out of the way with the Force. She stood in front of Palpatine, both her and herself standing up with him. He seemed surprised to say the least. It was time to finish this.

Both Amidala and herself nodded to each other and stood their ground, blocking Palpatine's lightning, creating a wall with their hands. Amidala only stared into Palpatine's eyes, not backing down.

She felt her past self and herself emerge into one, pushing back with the Force. She watched as Palpatine was pushed back with his own lightning, bursting into nothing. She paused, breathing heavily. Palpatine was now, truly gone.

Lightning illuminated the arena. Kylo and Rey could only watch as Amidala pushed Palpatine with the Force. Kylo tried calling her but she only proceeded.

Palpatine pleaded for his life one last time. In an instant, lightning shot back at him, turning him to dust.

There was a moment of silence, before he was truly gone. Palpatine was no more. A feeling in the Force. A feeling that there was finally balance in the galaxy.

Kylo ran up to where she was, catching her in his arms before she fell backwards from exhaustion. Kyllo heard Rey scream his name but he couldn't respond. His whole body was shaking as he gently set them down on the floor in front of the throne.

He tried feeling for her life-Force, but it was barely hanging on. She was breathing heavily, practically gasping for air. Kylo tried to sit her more upright, as if that would be any easier.

"Amidala, love I'm here. I'm right here, don't go please, please don't go."

Kylo tried looking around, to look for any sign that the Force could show them. Anything. Rey came up behind him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

He cried, holding her close to him. He tried to call upon the Force but he was too weak to do anything. After what seemed like forever, he felt her hand come into his, holding it lightly.

He almost burst into tears when he felt her life Force come out a little stronger. He could feel her trying to work through it in the Force. The Force was keeping her alive. He had to have hope.

Amidala, I'm right here. It's going to be ok. Be with me."

He could hear her try to match her own breathing with his. He needed to let her know that they were safe now. Palpatine was dead.

She tried opening her eyes, but quickly shut them, crying out in pain. Kylo only held her hand tighter, sending her encouragement through the Force.

"Don't try to open your eyes. It's ok, I'm right here."

"Dad? I can't, I'm sorry."

Kylo only hugged her closer, picking her up and standing with Rey. Both of them looked around the crumbling arena. Rey could definitely make it back to the Falcon, but Kylo would be too slow trying to carry Amidala.

Rey looked around for another exit. Then out of nowhere, She started pointing at the ceiling. Kylo looked up to see a Tie-Advance heading straight for them. Kylo and Rey both stood their ground as much as they could. Kylo honestly wasn't in the best place to do another fight.

When it landed, Kylo was not expecting to see Hux hop out from the Tie and practically run to them.

"What are you doing here?, The fleet-"

"I felt you, I sense you needed me, I. Maker, what happened, is she ok?"

Hux practically threw himself on her, looking her all over to see where she was hurt the most. Kylo could tell he was trying to keep it together, but couldn't help keep his tears at bay. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Amiala lifted her arm slightly, still refusing to open her eyes.


"Yes my love, I'm here, I'm right here. Were going to get you out of here."

Hux took her into his arms, keeping her close. He nodded to Rey and Kylo, then went to go get them settled into the Tie. It would be a little cramped, but they would get her the help she needed.

"Rey? Will you be ok on your own?"

"Yes, your ship will be much faster to get her there. I'll rondevu with Poe and the rest of the fleet. I'll let Leia know to get medical ready."

Kylo noded, letting her run back to the Falcon. He ran back to the Tie, climbing up to get in. Before he got in though, he turned around, seeing the blue outline of Han Solo. His father.

"Bring her home, kid."

He breathlessly nodded back to him as the arena crumbled into pieces. The last remnants of Plalpatine, crumbling into pieces.

Before he knew it, they jumped into Hyperspace.

-"That's how we're going to win; Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love."- Rose Tico (The Last Jedi)

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