No Control | HEEHOON 🔞

By Taitsu97

51.3K 1.3K 365

Heeseung has really strong ruts. Sunghoon has really strong heats. The logical solution, according to Sunoo... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4 🔞
Part 5
Part 6 🔞
Part 7
Extra 1
Extra 2

Part 3 🔞

8.7K 178 94
By Taitsu97

None of them had ever seen Heeseung during his pre-rut period before. Usually, Heeseung would lock himself inside the special room way before his rut started, they all wondered why he did that, but they didn’t question him. Now they kind of understood why.

When they woke up it was obvious, by his scent alone, that Heeseung’s rut would hit at some point during the day. They weren’t even in the same room and they could smell him.

It became even more obvious when Heeseung growled at Jake when he got close to Sunghoon during breakfast. Heeseung had immediately apologised, but Jake just laughed it off. Sunghoon had blushed, secretly liking how possessive Heeseung seemed to be.

Jake’s incident wasn’t the only one, throughout the day, Heeseung unconsciously growled at everyone who got too close to Sunghoon. He’d almost pushed Niki when the younger had hugged Sunghoon, thankfully, Jake and Jay were there to get him to think again before he did anything stupid. It also happened the other way around, when Sunghoon got too close to any of the alphas, Heeseung would appear and pull him into his arms. Sunghoon would be lying if he said he didn’t do it intentionally a couple of times.

Heeseung was embarrassed by his behaviour, but the rest were understanding and tried to make Heeseung see it was normal. Sunghoon had subtly hinted that he liked it, but Heeseung didn’t seem to catch onto that.

After lunch, Sunghoon and Heeseung started settling in Sunghoon’s room, brining everything they thought they may need. From some emergency food, in case the other couldn’t bring them anything, to water and several changes of bed wear. They brought all of Heeseung’s pillows and some of his clothes for Sunghoon to make a nest. At first, Sunghoon hadn’t even realised he wanted to nest, but then it became obvious as he started arranging everything in his room. He guessed his Heat would probably start before Heeseung’s rut was over.

They decided they wouldn’t be using the special room since it was mostly used when spending heats or ruts alone and because Heeseung wanted a door which was easier to open. The special room’s door was sturdy and extremely hard to open, if things got too much and Sunghoon wanted to run away he wouldn’t be able to in there. The others also wouldn’t be able to get to them fast if Sunghoon asked for help. Sunghoon tried to reassure him that wouldn’t be necessary, but Heeseung insisted.

Since Heeseung shared his room with Jake, they chose Sunghoon’s room instead to spend Heeseung’s rut in. They thought it wouldn’t be nice to kick Jake out. Also, Heeseung probably wouldn’t like the smell of another alpha being around. Sunghoon, on the other hand, had a room for himself. Originally, Jungwon and Sunoo shared a room while Jay and Niki shared another. When the couples got together they swapped rooms, and now Jay and Jungwon shared one room and Sunoo and Niki the other. They also shared the bed more often than not.

They had just finished dinner, Sunghoon was lazing around on the couch waiting for Heeseung to call for him. Heeseung came out of nowhere and he didn’t look like himself. He seemed agitated and disoriented. His eyes zeroed in on Sunghoon and he went straight for him. Sunghoon didn’t even try to resist when Heeseung forcefully kissed him, tongue going deep into his mouth, Heeseung’s strong grip at his waist pulling him closer. He kissed back as best as he could, loosing himself to Heeseung’s scent.

Heeseung smelled heavily of rut and Sunghoon was ready to spread his legs and let him take him right there, in the middle of the living room. His eyes were closed and his mind was somewhere far away. He didn’t care that everyone heard him moan when Heeseung grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back to have access to his neck. Heeseung licked and kissed all over his throat and bit over his scent gland a few times making Sunghoon shiver and whimper and leak so much slick. And then Jay’s voice broke through the haze.

“Sunghoon, you have to go to your room,” he reminded him. Heeseung openly showed he was displeased with his presence and clung to Sunghoon, keeping him away from Jay.

Sunghoon sobered up enough to realized that, while he was pleasantly affected by Heeseung’s scent, Sunoo and Jungwon were not. They were affected, but not pleasantly, they were cowering and hiding behind their alphas like their lives depended on it. Heeseung’s scent was strong and territorial, like he would fight anyone that came close to them. Sunoo and Jungwon were terrified of him.

“Alpha,” he softly called, removing Heeseung from his neck, “take me to my room, where we can be alone.”

Sunghoon wasn’t sure that would work, Heeseung seemed pretty far gone, but he guessed he couldn’t be fully in his rut yet. Everyone stood still, waiting for Heeseung’s reaction. Sunghoon was doing his best to stay conscious or else he would let Heeseung do whatever with him right where he was. In a second, Sunghoon saw Heeseung’s eyes get focused, he groaned in frustration and hid in Sunghoon’s neck again. This time though, it wasn’t sexual, Heeseung had regained control of himself and was pretty embarrassed by his actions.

“Sorry,” he muttered against Sunghoon’s neck, accidentally causing shivers to run through his body.

“It’s okay, let’s go before it really hits,” Heeseung nodded and turned to start walking towards Sunghoon’s room.

Heeseung held Sunghoon’s hand and started walking, looking at the floor to avoid everyone else’s stare. Sunghoon looked over at Sunoo and Jungwon, just to be sure they were okay. They seemed to be calming down now that Heeseung’s scent had toned down a bit. Niki and Jay probably had helped releasing their own scents. Jake looked at him, silently asking if he would be okay and Sunghoon just nodded. Heeseung had been forceful just a second ago, but Sunghoon was convinced Heeseung wouldn’t hurt him. He may be rough with him, but not actually to the point of causing him pain. At least, no more pain than what Sunghoon wanted.

As they walked inside Sunghoon’s room, Heeseung closed the door without locking it. No one would want to walk inside as they all knew what was going to happen in there, and again, Heeseung wanted Sunghoon to be able to escape if he wished to. Sunghoon doubted he would be able to reach the door if Heeseung was like he had been in the living room, but he didn’t mind. Now that Heeseung was more conscious of his actions, the atmosphere was a little tense. Sunghoon sat inside the nest he had arranged and waited as Heeseung seemed to hesitate.

“I- We should- Before it hits…” Heeseung seemed nervous, but Sunghoon couldn’t understand what he was trying to say. “I think we should… start before my rut hits.” Sunghoon was taken by surprise, but he was not going to say no.

“Okay,” he breathed, still a little bothered by how much Heeseung had messed with his neck before.

“I just… I don’t want to hurt you,” he explained, “and I don’t think I’ll… properly prepare you if we wait for my rut to begin.” Sunghoon thought that the idea of Heeseung just taking him raw without notice was quite exciting, but he also knew that would hurt a lot more than he could take, so he nodded.

“Do you want to do it or do you want me to prep myself?” Sunghoon asked fast before he could feel any shame. Heeseung, however, seemed to have been hit by a truck as he heard Sunghoon’s question.

“I- ho- what- what d-do you prefer?” Sunghoon found Heeseung’s stutter out of nerves to be cute. Heeseung was being too cute. 

“Then I’ll start and you can join if you want,” Sunghoon said and he had to admit, he was getting a little embarrassed now that he had to take off his clothes.

“O-okay,” Heeseung still stayed pretty far from him, not yet getting inside the nest. “D-do you need… lube?” Sunghoon shook his head.

“Get it for later, but I’m… I’m pretty wet already,” slowly he removed his pants, he didn’t want to look at Heeseung after he said that.

He heard Heeseung looking for the lube, and as he did that Sunghoon took off his underwear as well. He debated for a second if he should take of his t-shirt as well, he’d probably end up naked soon enough anyway. He didn’t want Heeseung to rip the shirt off him, he really didn’t even if he found that hot. He liked the T-shirt more than the image of Heeseung tearing it off his body. He lay down on his back and propped his hips up a little with a pillow. Thinking in what position he was as he ran his right hand down his chest and in between his legs made him blush. Adding the fact that Heeseung could see everything from where he was standing did not help.

He had his knees up, feet planted against the mattress as he started feeling his wet hole. Sunghoon didn’t want to rush himself, and Heeseung seemed to be doing fine enough for now, so he very slowly put one finger inside. It wasn’t much, and he was embarrassed by how excited he was already, Heeseung could see how much slick was coming out of him and he was fully conscious at the moment. He didn’t want to hurry, but he needed more than one finger, so trying not to be too self-conscious, he got a second finger in.

Moving the fingers inside himself felt in between weird and pleasurable, it was not the first time he did it but he could feel Heeseung’s eyes on him. He closed his eyes just to avoid looking at Heeseung. He started moving his other hand like he usually would, teasing himself all over his chest and stomach. The soft caresses together with his fingers made him whimper a little, but not loudly like he had in the living room. He felt himself getting hard the more he touched and the more he thought about Heeseung’s stare.

“We didn’t talk about condoms,” Sunghoon was so lost in himself that for a second he didn’t understand what Heeseung had said.

“I thought we weren’t using them,” Sunghoon answered breathing heavily, “we are clean, we get tested every couple of months.” Though neither had ever spent a rut or heat with another, they were not virgins, and the company made all of them get tested just in case.

“I know,” Sunghoon looked up at Heeseung, he was pointedly not looking at Sunghoon who still had two fingers inside him and half hard. “But what about…”

“What about?” Heeseung fidgeted a little.

“Uh… what if you… get pregnant?” Sunghoon didn’t mean to moan at that moment, but he was still fingering himself and he hit a pretty sensitive place.

“Sorry, ah…” he willed himself to stop moving his fingers, “I get the shot like Sunoo and Jungwon.”

“You do?” Sunghoon nodded.

“Yeah, I’ve gone with them since they started getting it, in case it was needed,” he explained, “I know it can fail, but I think we are pretty safe.”

“Oh…” Heeseung played with the bottle of lube in his hand awkwardly as Sunghoon went back to fingering himself and touching all the places he already knew were sensitive.

“Ah!” Sunghoon may have rushed a bit getting a third finger in and he hissed at the burn.

“Do you need some…?” Heeseung pointed at the lube in his hand and Sunghoon nodded. “C-can I…?”

“Yes, please.” Sunghoon didn’t care what Heeseung was asking permission for. Anything that would get the other closer to him instead of uncomfortably standing in front of him was welcomed.

Heeseung kneeled between Sunghoon’s legs still fully clothed, which made Sunghoon feel all the lewder. Carefully, Heeseung took Sunghoon’s hand and removed the fingers from his hole, and honestly, if Heeseung wanted to finger him, Sunghoon was more than happy to let him. However, Heeseung didn’t immediately go for it, instead opting for tenderly stroking Sunghoon’s inner thighs with the tip of his fingers. The lube was placed next to them as Heeseung continued caressing all over Sunghoon’s legs and lower stomach. He got so close to his entrance and dick, but he never touched them. Sunghoon couldn’t stop his body from moving under Heeseung’s touch.

When Heeseung finally put a finger in taking pity on Sunghoon’s pleading eyes, Sunghoon felt ten times better than when he had started. He didn’t know if it was because of all the teasing he had to endure or because it was Heeseung doing it, but he didn’t care. What he did care about was how Heeseung’s finger was making him feel like he was in heaven. This time, and taking Sunghoon by surprise, Heeseung wasted no time in getting a second finger in. The little yelp that escaped Sunghoon at the surprising had Heeseung smiling playfully at him.

Heeseung spent some time with just two fingers inside Sunghoon while he kept touching him with his other hand. Going further up over Sunghoon’s chest, slightly scrapping his nipples and further down towards Sunghoon’s dick. Once again, Heeseung removed the fingers from inside Sunghoon, he was starting to get frustrated. But, he realised Heeseung had done that so he could take of his t-shirt. After that was done, Heeseung moved higher between his legs, taking the lube he poured some on his hand and placed three fingers at Sunghoon’s entrance. He didn’t push them in right away, instead he circled around it a little before slowly introducing them.

Neither had tried to go for Sunghoon’s prostate aside from that incident while they were talking. The whole thing more to get Sunghoon stretched and ready for when Heeseung’s rut started, which would be in any moment. The alpha was doing his best to fight his instincts and urges to make sure he wouldn’t be hurting Sunghoon. Heeseung was now using his mouth to lick and kiss over Sunghoon’s torso, and Sunghoon had stopped trying to contain his sounds. Every kiss and touch felt more intense and Sunghoon had moved his hands to entangle them in Heeseung’s hair.

He didn’t get to enjoy that for long as Heeseung started biting him harder, sucking at the skin and leaving marks everywhere. The first bite had Sunghoon twitching away from Heeseung, it had been unexpected and he just reacted. After that, he let Heeseung do it as much as he wanted, wherever he wanted. It was obvious to Sunghoon that Heeseung’s rut had started and he could no longer hold back. He felt pretty stretch already, so he guessed it wouldn’t hurt much even if Heeseung decided to just start fucking him.

Which was, basically, what happened.

As soon as his rut hit, and after he had his fun marking Sunghoon, Heeseung moved backwards, barely managing to take of his pants, and he instantly got his dick inside Sunghoon. Sunghoon moaned a little in pain, it was sudden and forceful, but he could take it. With laboured breathing he braced himself holding onto a pillow and Heeseung started moving with strong thrusts. It might have been more than he had anticipated, but not enough to make him want to leave. Heeseung’s scent was starting to clog his mind anyway, so he knew in no time he would not be thinking about anything other than Heeseung’s knot.

“A-alpha,” Sunghoon panted, body shaking at the intensity at witch Heeseung was pounding into him, hands gripping his hips tightly and driving Sunghoon towards him.

Sunghoon kept moaning and panting, sometimes nothing coherent and sometimes Heeseung’s name. He had completely lost control over his body, his legs shaking and his hands unable to stay in one place. The only reassurance he had that Heeseung knew it was him there and not any other random omega was the occasional grunt of his name mixed with other pretty animalistic sounds. That was enough for him. Tears fell from his eyes at the force of the whole thing, his muscles felt tired and his throat was starting to hurt, yet he could not bring himself to want Heeseung to stop. Not while he was pounding mercilessly into him or as he marked him even more. Specially not when Heeseung leaned over him and kissed him viciously. He started to taste iron as his lip started bleeding at some point while they kissed, Heeseung biting it strongly. He couldn’t resist and he didn’t want to.

His mind was elsewhere; he couldn’t think anymore. Unexpectedly, Sunghoon came as he started feeling the base of Heeseung’s dick swelling. His orgasm ripped through his body and gave him no time to even moan, his voice getting caught in his exhausted throat. Heeseung didn’t stop kissing and marking him, when Sunghoon moved his head to the side, Heeseung simply started kissing his neck. Come laid on Sunghoon stomach, dick twitching as he continued to be stimulated, legs parted and mostly unmoving except for the occasional spasm. Heeseung’s knot kept getting bigger and it made moving to be more difficult and painful.

“Heeseung… Alpha please, your knot, give me you knot…” Sunghoon begged, all his body felt sensitive but he still needed to have that.

It worked almost like a spell, Heeseung thrusted his hips violently and he pressed against Sunghoon with all his strength as he came inside him. Sunghoon moaned loudly together with Heeseung as he felt like he came a second time even though his cock was spent against his skin. He tried hard to regain his breath, panting and swallowing the extra saliva that had accumulated in his mouth. But the stretch from Heeseung’s knot and the exhaustion that came from handling all of Heeseung’s ferocity had left him more tired than he expected. Heeseung was still attached to his neck, but he also seemed to have trouble breathing.

This was just round one of many, and Sunghoon did not look forward to getting back to work after all of this was over. He’d definitely need time to recover.

“Oh my god,” Heeseung murmured as he stopped biting Sunghoon’s neck.

“You okay?” Sunghoon would have chuckled if he’d had the energy.

“Am I okay? Are you okay?” Heeseung got up slowly to look Sunghoon in the eye, he tried his hardest not to move his lower body as they were still connected.

“I’m fine, I’m not the one going through a rut,” Sunghoon answered, trying to joke a little, “you didn’t hurt me.”

“I made you bleed and cry, but you say I didn’t hurt you,” He softly caressed Sunghoon’s face with one hand, moving a few sweaty strands of hair out of the way.

“Yes.” Sunghoon reassured him, “how are you feeling?”

“Not… Never been this conscious while in rut before,” he admitted, “I hate saying this actually helped when you probably had a hard time.”

“Hyung…” Sunghoon sighed and shook his head, he wasn’t going to argue with him, at least not while they were like that. “Do you think you can reach a bottle of water without moving much?”

Heeseung tried, in the process he moved a little more than he had expected making Sunghoon hiss. It wasn’t too painful, more unexpected than anything else. It got him the water he needed, so he didn’t complain, even if Heeseung looked a little guilty about it. He drank half of it before stopping thinking if he drank anymore he’d end up wetting himself, and not in the sexy way.

“How long does it usually take?” Sunghoon asked.

“Uh… like ten minutes? I’d say I’ll be able to pull out soon…” Heeseung was holding himself up with his arms around Sunghoon.

“I mean, in between waves” Sunghoon clarified, though it was good to know that too.

“I don’t- I don’t know?” Sunghoon looked confused, “I don’t usually have breaks from… all of it.”

“You usually go two full days of uninterrupted rut craze and you never thought of asking for help?” Sunghoon thought if his heat were to be constant, even if it were to only last a day, he would have gone insane already. He couldn’t imagine being in that state for two full days without a break.

“W-well… I-it’s not that bad?” Heeseung tried, and had it not been because it would literally hurt him if he did, Sunghoon would have kicked Heeseung.

“Let’s see how long it takes between this and the next one so we can be more prepared for the one that follows,” Sunghoon suggested and Heeseung nodded.

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