No Control | HEEHOON ๐Ÿ”ž

By Taitsu97

51.3K 1.3K 365

Heeseung has really strong ruts. Sunghoon has really strong heats. The logical solution, according to Sunoo... More

Part 2
Part 3 ๐Ÿ”ž
Part 4 ๐Ÿ”ž
Part 5
Part 6 ๐Ÿ”ž
Part 7
Extra 1
Extra 2

Part 1

7.8K 193 45
By Taitsu97

It was one of those days when the omegas in Enhypen just gathered together to talk and spend some time away from the alphas. And so, Jungwon, Sunoo and Sunghoon sat together in a room talking about random things. Sunghoon did feel a little left out when the two would talk about their boyfriends. The others might have shared more than Sunghoon had wanted to know about them and their relationships with Jay and Niki. And then Sunoo brought up that issue.

“Heeseung-hyung’s rut is coming up soon, isn’t it?” Maybe it was just Sunghoon who didn’t want to think about that specific thing.

They all know that while Heeseung’s ruts were short, lasting two days at most, they were intense. Or so Heeseung claimed, none of them had ever spent one of his ruts with him, but they had no reason to doubt him. He never went into detail as to how it was intense, and Sunghoon really appreciated that. The last thing he needed was to picture Heeseung during his rut with details, his imagination was wild enough as it was and he did not need that feeding into his hopeless feelings.

“I think it’s in a couple of days? Jay’s in a week, so it should be before that,” Jungwon answered.

The thing was, with all the time they spent together, the alpha’s ruts had more or less synced up and the same happened with the omega’s heats. The fact that they had to take suppressants during I-Land, for obvious reasons, and had gotten off them right after had helped syncing them up. They weren’t yet synced to each other, but with Sunoo dating Niki and Jungwon dating Jay, Sunghoon had no doubt it would happen sooner or later. They just had to spend a couple more cycles together and it would definitely happen. Sunghoon didn’t know yet if that would be a blessing or a curse.

“I feel a little bad for him, maybe if he had someone to spend it with,” Sunghoon ignored the pointed look Sunoo was sending him, “he wouldn’t suffer so much.”

“If he wanted help, he would have asked someone,” Sunghoon said, though he wasn’t so sure that would be the case. “Also, we don’t know if he suffers, he said they are intense, that could mean anything.”

“Right, because intense can mean that many different things when talking about this,” Jungwon rolled his eyes.

“Remember when you said your heats are intense,” Sunoo started.

“Please, don’t.” Sunghoon did not want to remember what he had said.

“I remember you saying something about needing a knot so bad you thought you would die?” Sunghoon groaned in embarrassment, “or was it wanting to be filled up till you felt sick? Maybe it was just a thick hard-”

“Can we forget I said any of that?” Sunghoon wanted to disappear.

“I get it though, it does feel good during heats,” Jungwon commented, and Sunghoon really didn’t want to think about how it felt.

“It feels good regardless,” Sunoo added. Niki was either the luckiest or unluckiest person ever for dating Sunoo, Sunghoon couldn’t decide. “Anyway, I’m just saying… you could offer your help, and he could help you.”

“You two are friends and have terrible cycles, so it would make sense,” Jungwon said, obviously having talked about this with Sunoo beforehand.

The truth was, it wasn’t unheard of, in fact, it was pretty common. Friends who had a hard time during their heats or ruts would make a deal to help each other. It was convenient and most of the time they were so out of it during the act that it didn’t even affect their relationships. However, most of the time those friends didn’t have feeling for each other. And Sunghoon was pretty in love with Heeseung already. He couldn’t put himself in that situation and expect his heart to come out intact.

“I’m not going to offer my help, if he asks I’d consider,” if Heeseung were to ask, Sunghoon doubts he would be able to say no.

“Heeseung-hyung would never ask,” Jungwon sighed, “he wouldn’t want to bother anyone, we don’t see him at all when he’s in rut.”

“You don’t see me when I’m in heat either,” Sunghoon comments, “I don’t see any of you, and I don’t want to either.”

“Your heats are extreme, I don’t want to see that either,” Jungwon was quick to say.

“And we spend it with our boyfriends, not a fair comparison,” Sunoo points out, “we see Jake-hyung all the time.”

“Let’s be honest, we all envy Jake.”

While most of them were inconvenienced by their heats or ruts to different degrees, Jake was just fine most of the time. Sure, his rut lasted longer than any of theirs, but it was so mild sometimes you could even miss it. Sometimes it was a little stronger, and he would lock himself up, but more often than not, you’d see him through his rut like he was just mildly horny. It could get awkward sometimes, but nothing they couldn’t handle.

“Which is why,” Sunoo insisted, “you should help Heeseung and let him help you, it’s not like you want to help Jake, do you?”

“What if I do?” Sunghoon knew he was being stupid.

“But do you?” Jungwon asked.

“Well… no, but that’s not the point,” Sunghoon admitted, “maybe I just don’t want to help or be helped by either?”

“I don’t know why you are lying; we all know you want Heeseung-hyung.” Sunghoon pushed Sunoo for that.

“It doesn’t matter if I want him or not, if he doesn’t want me,” Sunghoon didn’t mean to sound so dejected.

“Oh, you want him want him,” Jungwon seemed to just realised.

“Of course, what did you think?” Sunoo answered instead of Sunghoon.

“That he just wanted to have sex with him? This does change things,” Jungwon stopped Sunoo. “We can’t ask him to do that if he likes Heeseung, it could be dangerous.” At that point, Sunghoon was not about to deny his feelings if Jungwon was going to be on his side.

“That is exactly why he should do it,” Sunoo insisted, “you don’t want Heeseung-hyung to spend his ruts with some other omega and!” he paused, “you don’t want to spend your heats with another alpha.”

“You keep ignoring that Heeseung-hyung doesn’t want me, during or out of rut,” Sunghoon reminded him. Sunoo just rolled his eyes.

“You haven’t asked him yet,” Sunoo’s point was valid. “The worst that could happen is he says no, friends ask each other all the time, it’s not like he’ll figure out you are in love with him just from that.”

“Saying I’m in love is…”

“The truth, don’t even try it.” Sunoo warned him, Sunghoon couldn’t really argue.

Could Sunghoon live with Heeseung rejecting his offer? Probably so, but he would be embarrassed for a couple of days at the very least. He didn’t want their relationship to become awkward because of him, he was already doing his best so his feelings wouldn’t show. Deep down, he had a feeling he would mess it up if he did offer. He was also convinced Heeseung would refuse him, so there really was no point in asking.

“I don’t know, if Heeseung-hyung says yes, Sunghoon-hyung would end up in a no-feelings arrangement… and we know that’s impossible on his side.” Jungwon wasn’t wrong.

“That’s when he starts trying to get it to be more than that, it wouldn’t be the first time.” Sunoo said, matter of fact.

“Just because it worked with you and Niki doesn’t mean it would with me and Heeseung-hyung.”

“I still think you should ask, if you are so sure he’ll say no, you have nothing to lose.” Sunghoon looked at Jungwon for help, but the other just shrugged, there was nothing else he could say.

“It’s still up to me, and I don’t think I can do it,” Sunghoon said.

Because, even though he could think of a thousand reason as to why it was a bad idea, he still wanted. He wanted to have that with Heeseung, and Sunoo trying to convince him was giving him some much needed encouragement. He was terrified of the consequences asking could have, completely frighten of Heeseung agreeing or disagreeing. But he had to admit, having someone to spend his heats with would be nice, and if that someone was Heeseung all the better. Also, being there for Heeseung during his rut, knowing the other trusted him enough for it, that would probably give him enough confidence to confess.

He’d have to think some more about it, really take everything into account. He didn’t want to cause any problems within the group, specially not because he had gone and fallen for another member who didn’t like him back.

“You are considering it.” Jungwon meant to ask, but it came out as a statement.

“I just…” he started but didn’t know what to say, “It would be nice.” Sunoo smiled.

“It’d be more than nice and you know it,” his smile turned a little mischievous.

“I-” Sunghoon started, but just as he was about to say something, probably, embarrassing, Jay walked into the room.

They all stopped to look at him.

“I feel like I walked in on something I shouldn’t have,” Jay was frozen in place, “what were you talking about?”

“Heeseung-hyung’s rut,” Sunoo answers honestly.

“Why?” He asked confused.

“Just thinking, he says they are ‘intense’, but we don’t really know what that means… for alphas.”

And Sunghoon knew what Sunoo was doing, if anyone knew anything about Heeseung’s rut, it would be Jay. If they could get any information on it, he knew he could probably convince Sunghoon into offering his help. There was no way Sunghoon wouldn’t offer it if he knew Heeseung suffered through them.

“Well… but you should know? I mean, you know how Niki’s are, and” he turns to look at Jungwon, eyes softer, “you know how mine are.”

“Yes, but it’s not the same, is it? With an omega and alone,” Sunoo countered, “for omegas at least, it isn’t, with an alpha is way more manageable.” Jay stopped for a second.

“I don’t want to know…”

“Also, Heeseung-hyung made it sound like his are worse than other alphas?” Jungwon was using all his charms to get Jay to answer.

“Uh… okay, but you can’t tell him I told you,” he gave in, “from what he’s told me, he said he just gets very aggressive and he has a very strong urge to… mate, basically, which is what we all feel though maybe stronger on him.” Everything that sounded pretty standard, “he also said it… that it was so strong he hurt himself a couple of times, trying to get out of the room.”

“What do you mean?” Sunoo asked.

“Like, you know the room is built so it’s really hard to break in or break out.” They all nodded, “during his rut, he tries to get out to get to an omega, but he tries to the point of hurting himself.”

There was a collective realisation between the omegas. Neither Sunoo nor Jungwon had used the room in their new apartment since they were already with their alphas, but Sunghoon had. He knew how hard it was to get in and out of it, even while completely conscious. It was just built to protect them and offer a safe space for both omegas and alphas who were alone. He had noticed some of the furniture and the walls had weird marks, like they had been damaged. He never considered that could have been Heeseung. The door had the most damage.

“So you are saying… he’s in pain,” Sunghoon didn’t want to know the answer to Sunoo’s question.

“Most definitely, even without that, he’s said that he feels like his insides are being stabbed, he feels like dying most of the time,” Jay answered. Sunghoon’s entire being fell to the floor, Heeseung suffered so much and he didn’t ask for help even once.

“Would being with an omega help him?” Jungwon asked, and Jay did his best not to look suspicious.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea…” Jay admits.

“Why?” Jay raised his eyebrows at Sunghoon’s question making his blush.

“I mean, the omega would have to be very willing to submit and know that they’d be up for quite the rough time,” Sunghoon almost got wet at the thought of Heeseung being rough with him, but he controlled himself. “From what he has said, he doesn’t have much control during his rut, if any at all, which would mean the omega would be in front of pure alpha instincts… Heeseung-hyung’s are pretty strong.”

“And… if the omega was willing?” Sunghoon asked, just a little bit red on the face.

“Are you thinking about it, Sunghoon?” That made Sunghoon blush harder, “I’d say, if the omega was sure, to go for it.”

Sunghoon had a lot to think about, and he knew it would be hard with all this new information to not seriously consider offering Heeseung help. He’d do anything for Heeseung to not be in pain, and if he got to have sex with him and relieve his own heats in the process, all the better. Thinking of how Jay had described Heeseung’s ruts made him want to help him even more. Not only to ease Heeseung’s agony, but because he was starting to fantasise about how that would go. He really didn’t need to know, but now he did and he couldn’t stop thinking about it.

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