Super Soldier Izuku

By izumomolover25

42.6K 492 289

Izuku was a happy boy until his 4th birthday where he was diagnosed quirkless More

Bio and house
Izuku Barnes
Side story break up
Realization and USJ
Arrange marriage and date
Tony adopts momo
Sports festival
Rest of the harem
Turn of events

Interns and betrayed

3.1K 27 20
By izumomolover25

After the sports festival Izuku and Momo went to have their merry way together as one. Momo was the upmost happy that she has a guy like Izuku. Izuku has been doing his own thing for quite a while and spends time with momo. Izuku felt more and more love with her some she has been abusive like the other girls. Now it was time for hero name and what Intern to go to momo was gonna pick a hero but Izuku stopped her.

Momo: Izu why did you stop me for picking Uwanbi

Izuku: because all she cares about is looking fabulous as your fiancé I don't want that happen to you.... You mostly need to work on your physical strength not your looks that's how most guys come looking for you because you want to show your body not your strength.

Momo thought about it and realized that he's right and that mostly she doesn't want any guy coming for her body she would defeat the purpose  of having Izuku as her lover and she hugged him.

Momo: thank you Izu for making me realize that if it wasn't for you I don't know what will happen at that moment.

Shoto:(damnit why the fuck did you stop her her body was so close to being mines if she did it)

Izuku: anything for my fiancé now let's go

Momo: wait we need to give our hero name.

Izuku stopped and went back to his seat next to Momo. The name went like this.

The winter soldier: Meta

The creative hero: creati

The half and half twins: half cold half hot / fiery Hot

Izumi tried to do the same hung as Izuku but ended up getting hissed at and she gotten deku

The explosion twins: ground zero / hot zero (best of what I can come up with)

The rest doesn't matter

Izuku had picked Bucky and Momo followed thru but tricked Izumi into thinking they were going to Gt even tho he got nothing to do with Izuku is doing but he did keep in contact. Izumi got upset that she got tricked into thinking they were going to GT house. Even tho Gt didn't want to do it he did it for Nana because they are actually good friends and family with each other. With Izuku and Momo they went to Bucky to train. After a full week with Bucky they went to Hosu to relax from the training until they heard Tenya fighting stain. They stepped in and stopped stain with Izuku smacking Tenya in the back of the head because of his vengeance. After the week finished they went back to UA and Izuku told nezu and Aizawa about what Tenya has done and they are settling the punishment for Tenya. As they had head back to their dorms momo gotten lustful and they done the deed and days later momo gotten pregnant with Izuku child but she was afraid of what he'll do.

Momo:(ok momo you need to tell him so he'll know that he's a father)

As she walks towards him she rubbed on his metal arm that made him look.

Izuku:*looks at momo* hey there you alright?

Momo*breathes in and out* yes I want to tell you that I'm pregnant

Izuku and Jirou: NANI??

Izuku gotten scared when Jirou heard that momo is pregnant but they see that Jirou is in panic mode.

Momo: yea I'm pregnant but jirou why are you here?

Jirou: it's about him *points at Izuku* bakugo and shoto have a photo saying he is the UA traitor and has everyone wild up the girls who tormented you said I'm glad that they were trying to trick him but I got to say only your squad don't believe the photos and bitch of a women who wanted you back and bitch might said that they glad that your a went missing. What are we gonna do?

Izuku has called the avengers and told them to be here asap and they came as fast as they could and Izuku told them what jirou said and what momo said.

Tony: ok then let's go.

Ass might: don't take that damn traitor with you he's gonna betray you.

Tony: shut up you wash you wanted Izuku but you never showed that you really meant it.

Izumi: I do try until I saw the photos of Izuku killing people Helmand here I thought I can rekindle my brother sister relationship worth him but I was a fool.

Izuku: and when you what that I wasn't don't come crying to me trying to do it cause your a lost cause now.

Izumi: I doubt that(am I doing the right thing here)

Shoto: let go momo now you villainous bitch.

Izuku: let's go yall.

Tony: if any of you tried to follow us you will get hurt.

Nezu: thank you for taking Izuku even though I don't believe that Izuku is and Izuku I'm sorry that your time here is over I really am.

Izuku: it's ok Nezu at least you believe me along with Momo and what's your name miss?

Jirou: oh my name is Kyoka jirou.

Izuku: nice to meet you and Jirou here (no but she will be doing an oc)

Nezu: your welcome

As they left and everyone tried to hurt them but couldn't but they were mad that Nezu let them go scot free and denki got mad that his crush left him.

Denki:(damnit our planned failed we will get them)

As the married couple, jirou and the rest of the avengers left they went to America momo helped jirou in speaking American and Jirou did very well and jirou seems to have a crush on a boy named Miles(yes the Spider-Man) and he had the same but they became a Tsundere that they really like eachother and they congratulated Izuku and Momo on both their marriage and their first child together.

Before I end this the houses in the bio is in America the whole time where he was at was at the dorms this whole time sorry if I confused you all I don't mean too and if I offend you I'm sorry and that's the end of this chapter till next time izumomo lover out

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