The Mafias Princess

By roseyzoa

13.4M 293K 179K

" W..what are you-" " Do you want me to show all those people who you belong to the easy way or the hard way... More

Cast+book trailer+intro
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five


412K 9K 2.1K
By roseyzoa


The next morning I was given the engagement ring from one of Mr.Agostis workers. It was an expensive diamond ring and as soon as my mama and Anastasia saw what it was I was slapped across the face. This time I got a small cut on my face from mamas ring and the blood slowly came out at the same time Anastasia threw the box with the ring at my face and stormed off crying.

" See? Even that Italian scum doesn't care enough about you to give you an engagement ring in person worthless bitch." My mama scowls at me, walking out after Anastasia.

Sighing I kneel down and pick up the ring and its velvet box and put it in my nightstand drawer. I decide on only wearing it without them around or they'll get angry, like always.

I feel more blood drip down my cheek and I grab a napkin, quickly trying to dry it off while scurrying to find a bandage before the blood went everywhere.

As soon as I found a bandage I placed it over the cut and lay on my back on top of the same blanket I've had since I was 7 and blow off a piece of hair that was tickling my face as I looked up at the ceiling.

Why would that man choose me? Was it really so he can go mess with other girls since I wouldn't say anything about it like my papa said?

What if he was worse then papa?

Thoughts of his cold, emotionless eyes flash in my head from last night and just from that I could tell he'd hurt me.

In fact, he looked like he would kill me if I ever did anything wrong.

" Miss Novikov?" I hear a knock at my door and open it up to one of our maids Jane. She's worked here for 5 years now and always had to clean up after papas mess when he got angry.

" Yes Jane?" I reply, looking at her with a small smile. All of the maids in the household knew how I would get treated and always checked up on me to clean any injuries I got.

" Your father wants to see you in his office." She says, a sad look in her eyes as she glances over to my now blood soaked bandage.

" I'll be right down. Thank you." I say quietly and close my door, going to brush my hair out before seeing him.

My papa hated it when we had messy hair, he said it was distracting to his eyes but I think it was because it reminded him of Nikolai. The most I remembered of him was his messy hair, he liked it that way.

After I finish brushing out my hair I walk down the long hallway to my papas office and as soon as I walked in it smelled like cigarettes and alcohol.

He motions for me to sit down and I do as I'm told, sitting across from his desk.

" You called for me?" I say quietly, trying to calm my nerves.

" You're moving out tomorrow afternoon." He says, lighting up a new cigarette and throwing the lighter back on his desk.

" W..what? Where?"

" Mr.Agosti wants his little toy to move into his house no later then tomorrow." My papa sneers and my eyes widen.

Mr.Agosti? I had to move in with that devil tomorrow?!

" The maids will load all your stuff in his dirty car so pack before morning. I don't want to see any of your shit left here, now get out of my office." He mumbles, the cigarette dangling in his mouth and I quickly stand up and walk out of the room, releasing a breath when I'm finally out.

As I'm walking back to my bedroom thoughts keep swirling in my head on how any of this was even real. On why some weak girl like me was his choice of a wife when someone so perfect was right in front of his face.

He must be a psycho. He must just want me for torture or just as his little toy like papa said.

Sighing I pull out my small bag and start packing my few belongings. A couple of tops, 1 pair of jeans, pajamas, undergarments, deodorant, my hairbrush, and some chapstick that's nearly been used to death.

Tomorrow I would leave this place forever. The one place I've wanted to leave for years, yet all I'm being brought to is another place of torture, and not one like this.

One with the leader of the Italian mafia.

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