Someone To Love Me

By AhmadEwing1

9.4K 106 124

Meg has the last laugh More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 2

1.4K 17 17
By AhmadEwing1

Warning - Strong Language, Violence.

* The next Day, James Wood High School *

Isaiah rolled his eyes as hoes- I mean girls from James high sent him flirty looks. He wasn't into any of them.

The only one he had eyes on was Meg Griffin. She was a beautiful brunette and he couldn't wait until he met her.

That's if she wanted to get to know him. The girl looks like she didn't talk to anyone.

Anyhow, he made it to his locker, opened it, and grabbed his books for class.

He signed as he glanced at the photo that was hanging on his left side.

The picture was of his late sister Julia. It honestly sometimes made him upset thinking about her death.

Once finished Isaiah closed his locker and looked at the entrance of the school as a female came walking in.

Isaiah's heart nearly exploded out of his chest. There, coming inside the school was Meg Griffin.

He made his way over to greet her but some should of been abortions beat him to it. Connie D'amico and her 'friends' were saying horrible things to Megan.

" Hey, Meg where are you going in such a rush?" Connie sneers. Meg looks like she wanted to cry.

' Poor girl, no telling she deals with this all her life ' Isaiah thought.

With courage, he made his way over to her and place his arms around her shoulders, and pulled her close.

" Who are you?" One of Connie's friends asks in a flirty tone. Isaiah wanted to puke at her tone.

'And besides, she wasn't all that attractive, I hate girls with short hair, and she looks like a man pretending to be a woman' he thought.

"The name is Isaiah Patterson, and who are you?" He said with a bored tone.

There was suddenly a crowd around them. He felt claustrophobic. He hated when people surrounded someone.

Who still does that?

"My name is Veronica miller and maybe you should call me sometime." She replied in what she thought was an attractive tone.

There was a pause and finally, the dark-haired boy sighed and looked down at Meg.

She was looking up at him with a confused and unknown emotion.

Finally, he answered the blonde female in front of him. "No thank you, it seems you have been sleeping around with half one the school, that goes with the rest of you as well. I am not available. The only one I am going out with is Meg Griffin." he said with confidence.


No one made a sound. it was almost as if no one was there. Finally, Connie had a smirk on his face.

Isaiah already knew he wasn't about to like what she was about to say.

"You and Meg, dude she's like the worst in school, I am the one everyone wants. AND what do you see in her? She is very unattractive. No boy has ever dated her, hell she may still be a virgin." Connie said, still smirking at the small brunette under his arms. (Least she ain't a street girl)

Isaiah's blood boiled at her words. How Dare She Say That? Who The Hell Did She Think She Was Going Around Trying To Embarrass People? He thought in anger.

"Least she doesn't exhibit thot behavior!" He growled. the crowd gasps at his words. just then their boyfriends or whoever the male hand around them were to them.

" Who are you dude?! Why don't you beat it huh?" The one called Leo growled.

Isaiah braced himself, he wouldn't go down without a fight. He would defend Meg.

That was something that should have happened a long time ago. But sadly no one did that. Instead, they join in like fatherless children.

They even called her ugly?! She wasn't ugly at all. Her glasses were a weird shape but that wasn't something he couldn't do about it.

"I don't think so!" Isaiah said through clenched teeth. Everyone starts laughing then.

His face turned red and he was ready to go to war.

*Couldn't find a fight for this and can't think of one right now*

Once the fight was over. Isaiah walks away with a bloody lip, black eye, and a busted ear. The nurse fixes him up though.

Meg was glad the boy took up for her, no one ever did what he did.

People always made fun of her and she didn't know why.

Anyway, right now she was on her way to lunch. As she finally arrives she went to go sit with her friends.

"Hey Meg, we heard about the name of that boy named Isaiah who defended you." One said with a smile on her face.

"And we also heard you guys are an item." The second one replied, wiggling her eyebrows at meg.

Meg found herself blushing. "QWe don't actually know each other, I mean we texted yesterday. That's about it." She said looking down trying to hide her face.

'I mean he did take up for me, no one has ever done that for me. Everyone bullies or hates me, which I don't know why. the only one who likes me is brian, and he only tolerates me' She thought sadly.

"Well besides that, he is kinda hot. He comes off as a bad boy, but he doesn't have that personality. Just the looks." The third one replied.

As they start eating their lunch Neil Goldman starts walking to the table.

Meg prepared herself to fight him off, but he stops suddenly which confused her.

Isaiah said something to the ginger head boy and he walked off clearly annoyed at the tall attractive boy.

he then starts walking over to her table. Meg's heart starts to race and her palm started to sweat.

In a flash, she glances at her friends to see them leaving the table to give them some privacy.

"Guys what do I do?" she said in a hushed tone. they all smiled at her.

"Talk to him" Was the reply she got and they were gone. With annoyance, she turned her attention back to Isaiah.

He towered over her, and he smiled at her. "Do you mind if I sit here?" He asks.

Meg nodded.

she had no other choice but to speak to him. "Sure, go right ahead. " She said nervously.

Once they finished their food, they started to talk. But Meg wanted to know something.

That's if he was comfortable with telling her, people always bullied her, so she never talks to anyone besides her 3 female friends and they have their own lives.

"Isaiah, can I ask you a question?" Meg asks.

"Sure, go ahead."

"How long have you been here?"


To Be Continued.

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