The Freak and His Queen [Eddi...

Af CallMeOatmeal

8.3K 297 30

Stranger Things Season 4 *SPOILERS AHEAD* Chrissy & Eddie both survive Vecna and they FALL IN LOVE. Yes, ther... Mere

A Deal in the Woods
The Monster's Curse
Eddie the Banished
It's Over
Chrissy the Brave
A Queen for A Queen
Graduation (This Year is My Year)
Moving On
Family Video
Lover's Lake
Hawkins' Newest Couple
Love Is Hard
The First Time
Night Moves
One Rainy Day in Columbus

The Kiss

408 16 4
Af CallMeOatmeal

Chrissy lay in her bed in the moonlight unable to sleep, not because of a nightmare, but because she didn't want to stop thinking about the kiss.

The movie had ended and they had been laughing about something, and then they'd stopped and Chrissy had found herself just looking at Eddie; at his curly hair, his beautiful brown eyes, his lips... She'd felt something shift between them and, without thinking, she'd inched closer to him on the couch. Then he'd asked her, so sweetly, "Chrissy... do you want me to kiss you?"

She'd been surprised. If she was being honest with herself, she hadn't really thought about it until that very moment. It was true, she'd been drawn to Eddie ever since the night he'd saved her. But she'd found her feelings for him confusing. She liked him, he made her feel safe, and he made her laugh, but was it more than that? At prom she'd kept thinking how handsome he was, and she'd found it dizzying being held by him while they danced. But still, she hadn't been sure. Not until that very moment when the air between them suddenly felt charged and she realized she truly wanted him that way.

Yes, for a moment she'd been surprised, but a moment later she'd known her answer. She had nodded. "Yes," she'd whispered. And he'd reached between them and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and she'd felt a shiver run through her entire body at his touch. Then, he'd kissed her. Just one soft kiss and her heart had leapt when his lips met hers... and sunk as soon as he'd pulled away.

So Chrissy had kissed him again. She'd registered his moment of shock when she grabbed him. His brief hesitation, then he'd kissed her back. Slowly. She had twined her fingers in his hair, delighted by how soft it was, and pulled him close. He'd wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer. It had been a deep, slow kiss. New and exploratory. He'd responded to her movements and she'd enjoyed the feeling of being in control. When she'd finally decided to stop they had both been panting. He'd stared at her, his brown eyes darker than usual, his lips red, and she'd had to fight the urge not to throw herself at him again.

"I've never kissed anyone," he'd said, blushing. "Not like that, anyway. I'm sorry if I did it wrong." His voice had sounded pained.

"No," she'd said, and kissed him again, gently. He'd leaned in to receive the kiss. "I liked it," she'd whispered when they parted.

Then he'd grinned at her, his usual grin, only now it set her insides on fire to see it so close. He'd touched his nose to hers. "I liked it too," he'd whispered back. Then he'd wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. She'd hugged him back with all her strength, feeling the muscles of his back beneath her hands, breathing in his smell.

When they'd let each other go he'd said he wanted to stay which was why he should probably leave and she'd agreed. "Can I see you tomorrow?" he'd asked, and she'd nodded. They had set a time for him to pick her up. When he'd left he'd stood on the doorstep and turned back and kissed her hard and quick, leaving her breathless, before running out into the rain to his van.Chrissy couldn't remember if she'd had a more magical night in her life. Eddie had been so sweet and funny and then the kiss — it had been perfect. She hadn't known she could feel that way with someone. And she couldn't wait until tomorrow.


Eddie lay sprawled on top of his bedspread where he'd fallen when he'd come home, fully clothed, eyes closed, wide awake just thinking about Chrissy. From the moment he'd entered her house he'd been intoxicated with her. They'd joked around in the kitchen making popcorn. He'd trailed her around, trying to help, and she'd laughed at nearly everything he'd tried. He'd invaded her space and she his. Every time she'd turned or walked past him she'd brushed against him, so lightly that every nerve in his body had had to strain to feel it. To feel her.

Sitting next to her on the couch throughout the movie had nearly been more than he could stand. Her bare arm had rested gently against his and it had been all he could focus on for huge chunks of the movie. It had been the most exquisite distraction he'd ever experienced.

Eddie couldn't remember what he'd said to make Chrissy laugh when the movie ended, but they'd been laughing and then they hadn't been and she'd been looking at him so intently, her lips slightly parted, when he'd suddenly felt it. The feeling Steve had described to him. The electricity.

Without thinking he'd asked her if she wanted him to kiss her. Beautiful Chrissy had looked surprised, then, impossibly, she had nodded. "Yes," she'd whispered. He'd felt his face flush with heat as he'd looked from her wide eyes to her lips. Chrissy Cunningham wanted him to kiss her. And Eddie, his heart hammering, had tucked a strand of her silky blonde hair behind her perfectly shaped ear, and done just that.

He remembered how she'd looked when he'd pulled away. It was all he could do not to kiss her again, but he wasn't sure she wanted that. So he'd been surprised when she'd grabbed him. She'd buried her hands in his hair and pulled him back down and he'd pressed his mouth to hers. This time all of his thoughts were driven from his mind because he was kissing Chrissy and she was kissing him back. When she'd put her hand against his chest and he'd felt the heat of it through his shirt he'd thought for sure his heart would explode. They'd kissed long and slow and deep and he'd savoured her soft lips and the feeling of being held by her and she hadn't rushed him — he'd just followed her lead and learned how to kiss her as best he could.

When she'd pulled away he'd had to hold himself back. He'd wanted so much more of her. He'd never wanted to stop touching her. She'd been so sweet when he'd told her he'd never kissed anyone like that before. When she'd said she liked it, he'd believed her. To stop himself from kissing her again, he'd hugged her to him as tight as he could. He'd pressed his nose into her hair and inhaled her sweet smell, and he'd felt like the luckiest man on the planet.


Eddie groaned when the phone rang. He didn't want to get up. He didn't want to stop thinking about Chrissy's hair, her eyes, her lips, her laugh, her everything. He dragged himself off his bed and jogged to the kitchen.

He picked up the phone and answered with a more-than-slightly annoyed, "Hello?"


"Chrissy?" Eddie's eyes widened and his heart started to beat faster. "Are you ok?" he asked quickly, immediately worried.

"I'm ok!" Chrissy laughed and Eddie calmed down. She was ok. Chrissy was ok.

"Good. What's up?"

"Do you want to come over earlier? For breakfast?"

Did Eddie want to see Chrissy sooner? See her in the morning in the sunlight in her kitchen? Drink juice and coffee and eat cereal or whatever with her?

"Obviously," Eddie said, and Chrissy laughed.

Author's Note:

Hey! Thanks so much for all the reads and likes! What movie do you think they watched together? I had Ladyhawke in mind (fantasy and romance, how can you go wrong?), but it would be fun to know what you think!

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