A Fighting Chance

Av jw0507

1.6K 213 10

Nothing is simple for Katie, she decides one night to leave her current life and start afresh to save her san... Mer

Hard Choices
My Knight
A Clean Slate
Tequilla and Truth
Fear and Loathing
Drifting away
Lost and Found
Secrets not Lies
The Future
Forced Hands
Questions Answered
Viva Las Vegas
New Starts
Prince Charming
Comfort and Joy
Dampened Spirits
Deja Vu
The Christmas Present
Happy Ever After

Changes, Beginnings and Dorks

54 6 0
Av jw0507

The weekend passed in a flash. We spent most of it on the beach as the weather was so good, picnicking, paddling and generally acting like a normal couple. Not a film star and his delicate waif of a girlfriend. I was summarily reminded of exactly how delicate on the Sunday night.

We had spent a second day at the beach, this time we had stayed late till it was dark. We'd spent hours collecting all the driftwood we could find. Lugged some big stones into a circle and made a fire. It was wonderful. We sat as the sun went down, Tom behind me as I lay back on him, watching the fire crackle and the stars come out. Perfect. We chatted about everything and nothing. We chatted about work, he was due to start a new series for Disney later that year, and would be very busy for several months. He felt really guilty that I would be on my own for long periods, although shooting was in the UK, only a few miles from where would live, days would be long. I might not see him for more than a few minutes at a time for days on end. I tried to convince him that it was ok, I knew what I was getting into the minute I'd agreed to live with him. As long as we were in the same place at the same time for a minute I was happy.

"Tom, you have to do what you love, this is a chance of a lifetime for you. Lead actor AND executive producer? Who would pass that up!" I smiled up at him, his eyes reflecting the firelight as he stared mournfully into it. He looked down and sighed gently with a smile,

"What did I do to get so lucky? I don't deserve you " he leant down and kissed me. "Well, it all wont kick off for a few months so we could - if you want - take a trip overseas?" I sat up, intrigued,

"Really? Where?"

"America" he smiled "Remember you promised to let me show you off to the world, to travel with me and see new places?" I nodded "Well, I'm holding you to that promise now! I think it;s time you met Kevin and Joe and all the rest. We can go to see them at Marvel HQ then do all the touristy stuff" he winked "You'll like Kevin, he was scared of me when I did my Loki at San Diego" his eyes twinkled dangerously. "He knew his place my little Midgardian" Loki finished.

I grinned at him "And if I refuse? What if I do not remember either my promise or my place Your Highness" I crossed my arms in front of me, a look of defiance on my face.

"then PET" he said and I swear his eyes changed colour "I will just have to remind you who is in charge here. I am a GOD you.." I cut him off, throwing myself at him, knocking him back onto the sand, lying on his chest as he groaned quietly.

"Puny God" was all I said before I kissed him into silence. We stayed out all night that night, crawling home in the dawn light of Monday morning, tired and happy. I knew we would remember that precious, still carefree, time by the fire for a long time to come.

As I got in the house, I started to feel a little bit odd. Not unwell exactly, just odd, as if I wasn't quite in the moment. I was a spectator looking in on myself. My back really hurt, low down, and I told myself that it was just I was over tired. As I said, I was still relatively weak and probably just over exerted myself. In the best way possible. I told Tom I was going for a lie down and he came to cuddle just till I was asleep. His Mum would come home today and he wanted to break the news to her about me moving out. I nodded agreement but couldn't muster any energy to speak. Tom looked at me worriedly

"Are you ok love?" he asked putting a hand to my forehead "you're awfully warm" I nodded

"I'm just exhausted" I smirked "you wore me out you devil" and he blushed a little looking so cute I could have pinched his little cheeks. "carry me to bed?" He bowed and swept me into his arms ,

"One day little one, one day" he murmured as I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest "this will be me carrying you over our marriage threshold" but I didn't hear him. Sadly, I was fast asleep.

Moving in was a whirlwind of activity. Diana had been thrilled at the news, but insisted we should visit - I should visit - as often as possible. We made the final trip to London, Diana came too, so she could see Emma as well. We chatted in the living room as Tom and Emma pottered about in the kitchen opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

"You're just as precious to me as Tom is to you my dear, I will miss you but I am so happy for both of you. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be bringing.. " she tailed off, realising what she was about to say. Her face fell, "Oh my dear child I'm so sorry, that was crass and insensitive of me. What must you think" Her eyes were full of remorse and my heart ached for her.

"Diana please don't give it another thought. I - we - have accepted the situation, and given the alternative it's a small price to pay for all this....for all of you." I motioned around the house we now stood in and the people in it. I hugged her and we turned to see Tom and Emma return with the glasses suitably filled.

"To Changes and Beginnings" said Emma raising her glass, smiling at me broadly "And to Kate for being brave and mad enough to make them with my dork of a brother"

"Changes Beginnings and Dorks" we all chorused with Tom pretending to be wounded to the core. Laughing we sat down and spent a good couple of hours just generally laying into Tom with all sorts of jokes and stories and teasing. Emma and I were going to be great allies.

As we sat, I became increasingly uncomfortable , my seemingly new back problem bothering me again. It had never really gone away since the beach. I must have lifted something awkwardly I told myself and went to the kitchen to take a couple of Ibuprofen. Tom followed me in and spied me popping them.

"what's up sweetheart?" he asked casually, coming to refill his glass. "sore head?" I shook my head,

"No, back - sore again where it was after that night we spent on the beach. I think I must have really pulled something" I said and immediately realised the consequences of rash words. Two glasses of champagne in and Tom was definitely relaxing into his new life with me there

"Yes you did my darling " he purred, putting his glass down and pinning me to the counter with his body, his arms reaching round me, "me, several times I seem to remember" and he kissed me deeply sending shockwaves through me. My stomach clenched and somewhere below a fire started, a fire that could only be put out by one thing. A small moan escaped my lips as I felt something awaken in me and I gripped his chest through the fabric of his shirt. This seemed to send him over the edge.

"Upstairs, now" he growled, his eyes burning and his mouth millimetres from my ear. Wide eyed , I nodded and we crept from the kitchen, past the living room and fled upstairs, locking the bedroom door behind us.

Instantly the door clicked, he grabbed me and kissed me roughly, his mouth moving over my neck, shoulder and down as he pressed me against the door. This was a Tom I hadn't seen before, but one I would crave again and again. His hands tore at our jeans, pulling mine to the floor and I stepped out, leaving them at our feet. His hung around his thighs, leaving him exposed. His strong grip lifted my thigh as he pressed himself to my core, moving slowly at first then faster and harder. His mouth settled on my neck and he nipped me gently, making me moan out loud. As I felt him slip inside, I swore and he put a hand over my mouth muffling my cries. This only served to turn us both on even more and as we hit our high together, he cursed into my neck, shuddering. As we calmed down, we began to giggle like children, realising that perhaps the house wasn't as soundproof as we thought. His Mum and Emma probably realised exactly what had been going on. We sorted ourselves out and went back to the living room hand in hand.

As expected the two of them turned as we walked in and in unison said "quite thin walls aren't they?"

"next time brother dear, at least wait till we're watching tv ok?" Emma added smirking.

We just stood and looked at each other, then all four of us burst into embarrassed laughter. I said nothing, just looked at my feet and continued to heat half of London with my red hot cheeks.

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