A Blooming Rose

By va_18x

170K 8.3K 3.7K

Book #3 of the Rose series Everly and Mason have had the most beautiful love story. Not only have they had e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 44

2.2K 110 54
By va_18x

If it weren't for Mason's cologne all over my bed, I would've thought last night was a dream. I was in and out of consciousness the entire night listening to Mason quietly talk to our baby. I'm not quite sure what time exactly he came in, but soon after I feel asleep I heard light whispers.

At first I thought I was just dreaming, but soon after I realised I wasn't. My body was asleep but my mind was awake, I was aware of everything around me. Mason was up for the longest time speaking just to our baby.

He promised it that he would be there for them, how he'd rather die than not be present in their lives, how he'd never miss a single sports game or recital, how he'd be there every step of the way holding their hand.

He told our baby stories of his life back in England, how he used to be a mischievous boy and stress Kelly out all the time. He said 'mum said you're going to be a pain in my ass and get revenge for her' and I couldn't agree more.

He told it about us, how we met, how he was starstruck when he first saw me, how he so nervous asking me on our first date and to be his girlfriend. He told our baby how he'd never expected me to be with him this long and how he knew he loved me the moment he asked me to be his girlfriend almost four years ago.

My insides turned into mush every time he spoke, it's as though he doesn't know how to say anything but sweet things. He's the most perfect human and he doesn't even know it.

Laying my head on the island in the kitchen, mom placed a plate of pancakes and a plate of toast in front of me. The boys are still fast asleep considering it's nine in the morning and that too on a Saturday. The kids don't have school and dad took a day off so he could spend the day at home with us.

While I was eating a slice of toast, my phone buzzed on the counter and I can bet my life that it's Mason.

I'll be asking Athena whether or not
you finished your breakfast.
- Mason

You left early this morning.
- Everly

I had to get to work my love. I'll be
back tonight. Don't miss me ;)
- Mason

We won't 🙄
- Everly

Putting my phone down I quickly finished off the plate of toast before digging into the pancakes. I discovered that if I eat at least one slice of toast before each meal, my stomach get settled just eboigh for me to eat an actual meal. I do still end up throwing up, but not as much as I did earlier.

"Did you have horrible sickness when you were pregnant with the twins?" I asked mom as she took a seat next to me with her own breakfast.

"Thankfully I never got morning sickness. I was very lucky in that department, I probably would've ripped my own stomach out." She laughed as I rolled my eyes in amusement and stared at my phone.

I wonder if Annabelle had horrible morning sickness. I wonder what her symptoms were like. Was her first pregnancy hard? Did she have a miscarriage?

"...store today?" I heard her speak as I shook the thoughts away and turned to face her.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked again as she lightly slapped the back of my head.

"Always in the clouds aren't you." She laughed. "I asked if you wanted to go to the bookstore today." She repeated.

"Mhm, I need a couple books to read and I thought I might as well get some pregnancy books." I said as she thought about something for a second before quickly getting up.

"You just reminded me." She yelled from god knows where as I waited for her to return.

She soon came rushing back with a stack of books in her arms. She placed them on the counter and dusted her hands off while I picked up the top one.

A guide for the first time mommy's

"I was going to give you these the day you told us but they were in a storage box somewhere covered in dust. So I dusted them all off and put them away to the side to give to you." She smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Thanks mom." I grinned as she pulled away and waved me off.

"Don't forget there are a lot of things books can't tell you about or teach you. You figure it out on the way or you just know it yourself. Instincts." She said as I nodded and opened the front page.

We heard light footsteps coming down the stairs. The sleepy twins stumbled in and took a seat besides me while mom started on their breakfast.

"Apple juice on the rocks." Hayden groaned as I got up and poured him his drink before sliding it over

"Thanks Vee." He yawned as he raised the glass to his lips but instantly put it down.

The twins eyes both widened as they snapped their heads in my direction.

"Vee!?" They yelled as they charged over to me and wrapped their arms around my waist hugging me as tight as they could. "When did you get here?" They asked at the same time, the previous sleepiness long gone.

"Yesterday while you guys were playing with Miles." I grinned as I ruffled their hair and sat back down on my seat.

"Is it true or did mom and dad lie to us?" Hudson asked in excitement.

"Is what true?" I asked innocently while they rolled their eyes and face palmed themselves.

"That you're going to be a mom!" They exclaimed as I leaned back from how loud they were.

"Mhm, right here." I grinned as I pointed at my belly.

"We didn't hurt her did we?" Hayden asked apologetically.

"No you didn't, don't worry." I reassured as they both visibly relaxed before sitting down. "Why do you think it's a girl?" I asked curiously. It's only been a week since I told the family and they already have their predictions.

"I think it's going to be a boy." Hudson shrugged while Hayden rolled his eyes.

"Twenty bucks it's a girl." Hayden said as he held his hand out to his brother.

"Make it fifty it's a boy." Hudson smirked as they shook hands. These boys! "When do you find out it's a boy?" He asked as Hayden kicked him while I slapped a hand over my face.

"When I find out, I'm not telling either of you." I said as they jaw dropped. They both opened their mouth to say something, but mom instantly shoved a pancake in their mouths to shut them up.

"Go get dressed." Mom whispered as I quickly rushed out of the kitchen and ran up the stairs while the twins whined downstairs.

Every time I come home, be it for just a day, it's like I'm back in high school. Unwanted early mornings, fresh breakfast, hugs and kisses, the twins fighting for my attention. It feels so heart warming.

Laying on my bed, I pulled my phone out and tapped on the camera icon before hitting record.

"Hi love bug, guess where I am? I'm in my old bedroom!" I grinned as I flipped the camera to show my childhood bedroom. "I grew up here believe it or not. I'm spending the weekend with grandma, grandpa, Hayden and Hudson because I really miss them. Your daddy's been taking up too much of my attention! Don't worry though, when you're here you'll have it all and your poor dad will be crying for it." I laughed.

Rolling my shirt up, I got up and stood in front of my long mirror leaning against the wall in the corner of my room. I flipped the camera and turned to the side to show off the tiny, almost unnoticeable bump. It looked like I'm extremely bloated and ate too much, but it's there.

"I'm nine and a half weeks, and this is you right now. Really really tiny my little love bug." I smiled as I rubbed my belly and did a couple poses before flipping the camera back. "I can't wait till you're in my arms so I can show you where I grew up, I love you baby." I grinned as I blew a kiss and waved before ending the video and adding it to my album.

I love doing these videos. It's like a little stress reliever of some sorts just documenting little tiny things that I know my baby will watch when he or she is all grown up. When they have a million and one questions like I did when I was younger, I'll have these videos to show them.

I feel like Teddy from Good Luck Charlie.

After my necessary hour long shower, I got changed into a pair of sweatpants and a crop top before starting on my hair routine. The last couple of weeks have been so bad that I haven't given my hair any attention. My half an hour hair routine after my shower completely disappeared and turned into a ten minute hair dry.

It feels nice to finally fix my hair up and make it all pretty after being semi pretty for so long.

Once I was done, I made my way downstairs and into the living room where the twins were putting on their shoes. Dad had already got his jacket and shoes on but he was still looking for something. I bet you ten bucks it's his keys.

I skipped into the kitchen and grabbed his keys from the counter before tossing them over to him. He was immediately caught by surprise before letting out a sigh of relief.

"It's the old age." He waved off as I rolled my eyes and slipped on my sneakers.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I looked for my jacket.

"Dad promised us he'd take us to the arcade with our friends." Hayden said as he helped Hudson tie his shoe lace.

"Oh yay!" I grinned as the twins looked at each other before a guilty look made its way to their faces.

"Sorry Vee but there's no space in the car." Hudson nervously laughed as my smile dropped.

"Oh, okay. It's fine, you guys go. I'll see you later." I smiled as they opened their mouth to say something but I just waved them off. "Really, it's okay." I reassured them.

"Then why are you crying?" Hayden asked guiltily. Stupid pregnancy, stupid hormones.

"It's just hormones, they've been all over the place lately." I said as I wiped my eyes.

"What are hormones?" Hudson asked as I covered my face with my hands before wiping my eyes once again.

"Aren't you guys getting late? Your friends will be waiting for you, go." I said as I gently pushed them towards the front door.

"Sorry, doll I forgot I promised them." Dad said apologetically. "I'll come get you once I've dropped them off, yeah?" He said as I quickly shook my head.

"No don't worry about it, it's fine okay. Plus I was going to do some reading anyway. Boring." I laughed as he let out a soft sigh before nodding.

Kissing the top of my head, he left the house with the twins rushing forward and finally closed the front door. Locking it behind him, I walked into the kitchen to grab the books I had left to see a sticky note on top of them.

'Got called in for an emergency, I'll try be back before lunch. Have fun with the boys! - Mom'

Guess I'm alone.

Scrunching up the note, I tossed it in the trash before carrying the books into dads office. I remember every time I had homework from when I was a little kid till even now, I'd do it in dads office if he wasn't here. I felt like a big girl with her own office and piles of important work to do. Addition and subtraction was very important, I wouldn't be the person I am today without it.

Sitting on his chair I pulled my legs up to my chest and leaned all the way back. I opened up the first page and got to reading.

The first couple of pages was enough to send me over the edge. I was sobbing like a baby reading about the beauty of women. How they're the most important, and strongest of species because their bodies can do something so miraculous. They combine two bits of DNA and create an entire human. It's so bizarre to me that something like this is even real, something I'm doing right now.

I was so engrossed in reading, I hadn't heard the constant buzzing of my phone. It wasn't till I coincidentally looked over at it and saw a name flash on the screen.

Marking where I finished, I grabbed my phone and was just about to answer Mason's calls but it cut off. He sent me a bunch of messages and called me twice.

Tapping on his contact, I put the phone on speaker and waited for him to pick up. It didn't take him very long considering barely a second went by and he had picked up.

"Missing me already?" I teased.

"Very much." He sighed as I looked up at the clock hanging in dads office to see its 12:30. He must be on his lunch break. "Have you eaten lunch? What about breakfast, what did you eat?" He asked as I put the book down and made my way to the kitchen.

"I ate toast and pancakes. What about you, what did you eat?" I asked as I searched the refrigerator for something I can just snack on. I don't feel so hungry.

"Well, I ate a full English breakfast with Harry." He chuckled. 

"You mean you are half." I smiled knowing Harry definitely ate half of Mason's.

"Yes, but he ordered two so I don't know how the fuck he ate mine too." He said as I burst out laughing. "What about lunch, have you eaten?" He asked.

"Yep, mom made a chicken salad. Its yummy." I lied as I pulled out the grapes and sat on the counter.

"I don't hear the twins, I thought they'd be bothering you." He said as I felt my eyes prick with tears.

"I managed to escape but I'm pretty sure they'll be back for me. Have you eaten lunch?" I asked as I heard a couple voices in the back.

"I was just about to actually, I'll call you and make sure you reply to my texts!" He said as I rolled my eyes in amusement.

"I will, I love you." I grinned as I quickly hung up on him.

Barely a second went by and my phone was ringing. Mason. Tapping the green button, I put the phone on speaker and his voice filled the silence of the kitchen.

"I love you more." He quickly said before hanging up.

Rolling my eyes at the thought of the silly grin I know is definitely on his face, I made my way back to dads office with a bowl of grapes in my hand.

I sat back down in his chair and continued eating while reading. Each page I turned I grew more and more interested. Despite studying medicine, all we learn about pregnancy and child birth is the scientific and technical side of it, never the emotional side. So reading about the connected a mother has with her child from the moment A baby is conceived is surreal to me.

During pregnancy, especially the very first one a woman has, it is crucial she has as much knowledge possible from her own mother. Each woman has their own unique pregnancy, however many symptoms and even problems are usually genetic.

I read over that same paragraph twice, three times, four times. I really do wonder how her pregnancy was with me. Was she as sick as I was or even? Did she used to eat toast and crackers to help? Did she have complications?

Putting the book down, I pulled open the drawers of dads desk. He must have some sort of number to contact her. Knowing him he'll have it even though he might not necessarily need it or use it. He'll have it.

I pulled the files out and read the names written on the top corner till I finally found hers buried deep under the large pile in the bottom drawer. I opened it up and read through the first page till my eyes circled on the prison phone number along with her inmate number.

Opening up the keypad on my phone, I dialled the number in and put the phone on speaker. A couple rings later, the automated voice recording filled the gnawing silence of the room till an actual person spoke.

"Bayview Correctional Facility how may I help you?" A bored voice spoke as I gulped and kept my eyes on the inmate number. Do I really want to do this?

"Hi, I'd like to speak to inmate D5829VW." I said. I guess I really am.

"Relation?" He asked.

"Daughter." I responded with a horrid taste in my mouth.

"Name?" He asked.

"Everly Rose Carter." I sighed.

"I'll transfer you now." He said after a couple seconds of silence.

The silence was replaced with a ringing till someone picked up the phone.

"Everly?" A croaky voice spoke on the other end instantly making me cringe.

"Annabelle." I gulped.

"Never thought I'd hear your voice again." She laughed as I rolled my eyes and clenched my fists. "Why?" She asked.

"I wanted to ask you some things." I gulped as she stayed silent.

"Like what?" She asked softly as though changing her tone would make me tell her all my problems right then and there.

"Did you ever have a miscarriage?" I hesitantly asked. I'm still not sure if I've made a mistake or not.

"Are you pregnant?" She asked as my hand instantly went to my tummy.

"It's a yes or not question." I said as she laughed.

"Mines a yes or no question too." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"No I'm not." I lied, rolling my eyes. I just want to stab her in the throat with a fork.

"Okay, well I did. I had two miscarriages, one before Ben and another after Aiden." She said sounding...upset? I guess losing a baby can do that to even the most evil people.

"What was your pregnancy like with me?" I asked as I hugged my legs and stared down at my phone.

"You're pregnant aren't you?" She asked.

"I'm not." I gulped as I slapped a hand over my face as though she can see me.

"Congratulations, Everly. I'm sure you'll be a great mother, a better one than I tried to be." She whispered almost as though she was regretful. But I know better than that. "I-" she started but the call immediately got cut off.

Looking at my phone in confusion, I was about to call the number back but the sound of the front door opening and the twins laughing stopped me.

Checking the time it's a little after six in the evening. How they still have so much energy is beyond me.

I quickly put away the file back where I had found it and picked up my books. Making my way out of dads office, I walked into the living room to see the twins, Miles, and a couple of their friends putting their things away before rushing up the stairs.

Dad instantly collapsed on the couch and closed his eyes as I sat down on the end and laughed.

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