Young Justice: Directive 51 (...

By Matt-From-Wii

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(Y/n) (L/n) doesn't have an ordinary life, he never did. Brought into the Strategic Homeland Division at an e... More

Chapter 1: A Strange Beginning
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Humanity
Chapter 4: Failsafe
Chapter 5: Disordered
Chapter 6: Secrets
Chapter 7: Misplaced
Chapter 8: A Trip to Paris
Chapter 9: Coldhearted
Chapter 10: Image and Agendas
Chalter 11: Insecurity
Chapter 12: Gone
Chapter 13: Rest
Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 15: Usual Suspects
Chapter 16: Auld Acquaintance
Chapter 17: Set the Stage
Chapter 18: Another Close Call
Chapter 19: Tip of the Talon
Chapter 20: The Nest
Chapter 21: Disaster
Chapter 22: The Aftermath of Victory
Chapter 23: Yet Another Tragedy
Season 2 Character Info
Chapter 24: First Day
Chapter 25: An Attempt at Comfort
Chapter 26: Project Mockingbird
Chapter 27: Depths
Chapter 28: Hurt
Chapter 29: Suffering
Chalter 30: Before the Dawn - Cornered
Chapter 31: A Strange Feeling
Chapter 32: Stranded
Chapter 33: War
Chapter 34: Repercussions
Chapter 35: Reunited
Chapter 36: Intervention Part 1
Chapter 37: Intervention Part 2
Chapter 38: Recovery
Chapter 39: Preparation for the Summit
Chapter 40: The Summit
Chapter 41: Endgame
Chapter 42: An Absent Clown
Chapter 43: The Guest House
Chapter 44: The Dominoes Start to Fall
Chapter 45: In the Mind of an Agent
Chapter 46: End of the Beginning
Chapter 47: A Vacation
Chapter 48: One Quick Mission
Chapter 50: Fate's Gambit
Chapter 51: A Sentinel of Order
Chapter 52: Private Security
Chapter 53: Rescue Op
Chapter 54: Triptych
Chapter 55: Home Fires
Chapter 56: Real Power
Chapter 57: True Heroes
Chapter 58: Sidelined
Chapter 59: The First Wave
Chapter 60: New York
Chapter 61: The Dark Zone
Chapter 62: The Penthouse
Chapter 63: Everything will Burn
Chapter 64: Early Warning
Chapter 65: Beginning of the End
Chapter 66: Death of the Division
Christmas in the Cave: (Christmas One Shot)
Chapter 67: Rogue Agents
Chapter 68: The White House
Chapter 69: Terminus
Chapter 70: Into the Breach
Chapter 71: Overwhelmed
Chapter 72: Nevermore
Chapter 73: It Belongs in a Museum
Chapter 74: Lovers on the Run
Chapter 75: Paradise Under Siege
Chapter 76: The Underworld
Chapter 77: The Beautiful Bride
Chapter 78: Doomsday vs The Justice League
Chapter 79: Rebirth
Chapter 80: ANNA's Plan
Chapter 81: Trapped in Time
Christmas Special # 2
Chapter 82: For All Magic
Chapter 83: Gotham City

Chapter 49: Markovia

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By Matt-From-Wii

3rd Person POV:

Zatanna and Kelso arrived at Kelso's home. The small house was in a nice quiet neighborhood and had a decent size front and backyard. Palm trees littered the sides of the street and Zatanna couldn't help but feel relaxed.

Kelso locked her car and opened the front door, letting Zatanna inside before locking the door behind them.

Kelso: "(Y/n) didn't give me any specific details, he just said that he needed me to watch over you for a few days. Care to fill me in?"

Zatanna: "I'm having bad dreams... nightmares."

Kelso: "....Okay. Like magic dreams, or just normal ones?"

Zatanna: "Magic dreams? No, I don't know... I just have a bad feeling about them."

Kelso: "Okay, no problem. Kitchen is fully stocked so help yourself. I'll go set up the guest room and then you can unpack."

Zatanna: "Thank you."

As Kelso went down into the small basement to find the spare mattress, Zatanna looked through the kitchen to find something to eat.

Outside, John Constantine appeared on the roof of the house across the street. Once the purple fire died down, the magic user crouched down and gazed across the street.

Constantine immediately found his target. From his spot on the roof, Constantine could see Zatanna in the kitchen, making popcorn and pouring drinks for her and Kelso.

Constantine smiled and made sure the next step of his plan was ready.



(Y/n) POV:

I hate this plan. Dick knows I hate it and he's still making me do it.

I'm currently riding in the Supercycle with Conner and Jefferson. Dick stuck me on security detail, watching our gear that will be stashed in the Markovian national cemetery. I'm stuck there until Artemis and Dick are done at the Prince's coronation reception.

While I'm sitting in the cemetery, Conner and Jefferson will be moving to the Markovburg Children's Hospital, a short drive away.

We arrived at the cemetery without any issues. The Supercycle landed and Conner and I began unloading the gear while Jefferson checked the perimeter.

Conner: "Have you watched Gar's latest commercial?"

(Y/n): "Commercial? I thought he was starring on a TV show. What was it called, Space Trek?"

Conner: "Yeah, but he's been doing a bunch of interviews and commercials, raising awareness for meta-human trafficking."

(Y/n): "You're trying to get me to watch it, aren't you?"

Conner: "Well, he's done a couple of interviews and seeing as you'll have nothing else to do here..."

(Y/n): "Fine."

Conner: "You might be surprised."

I've got no idea what Conner means by that but I guess I'll know soon enough.

After we finished unloading the gear, Conner and Jefferson took the Supercycle and left for the children's hospital.

I sat down on one of the crates full of our gear and took out my phone. Conner sent me a link to the commercials and interviews before leaving and I sighed before clicking on the first one.

The next thing I knew I was looking at Gar in his Space Trek costume walking through the main set of the show.

Gar: "On the Engager, if Clamulons capture our crew mates, we move heaven and earth to find them. But this year alone, over 16,000 child and teen abductions have been reported world wide due to the illegal trafficking of meta-humans. Please, watch over your children. And remember, if you see something, scream something."

Gar suddenly turned into an eagle and screeched in front of the camera. I honestly was expecting something more with the way Conner pushed for me to watch these but at least Gar's doing work that he thinks will help. Of course just because he thinks it's helping doesn't actually mean it is. The sad fact is, meta-human trafficking is shaping up to look like normal crime. We can continuously fight it, but we will never get rid of it.

Without thinking I clicked onto the final link. I was immediately met with a young blonde haired girl named Courtney Whitmore.

Courtney: "Race for light speed people! I'm your very own Courtney Whitmore and today, we are rocketing across the galaxy for another Goode World Studios explosive interview! We're hanging out with the most transformative young actor in Hollywood, the star of the hit sci-fi series Space Trek: 3016. That's right, it's Lieutenant Torque himself, Garfield Logan."

Gar: "My friends call me Gar."

Courtney: "Well, just between friends, Gar, I'm dying to know about a certain special friend you've been seen with. Queen Perdita of Vlatava."

Gar: "Ha, what can I say? She's my queen and I'm her fool in love."

Courtney: "Tell the kiddies at home how you two became "Gardita."

Gar: "Well, it's not a happy story. We met at a funeral for a past friend."

Before I could process what Courtney said in response, the images of Wally's funeral flashed through my head. I tried to fight it. Tried to push them out but I failed.

It took a few seconds for me to pull myself back to reality and turn my attention back to the interview.

Courtney: "Speaking of hearts and minds, you've recently begun a campaign to unify the world in vigilance against a growing threat."

Gar: "Totally, Courtney. As one of the few openly meta-civilians in the world, I want to raise awareness for meta-human trafficking. Kids our age are being targeted and abducted, forced into an underground market where they're experimented on. Brave people are standing up to fight back, I have had the pleasure of meeting a few people in the Strategic Homeland Division and have gotten a first hand glance at the work they're doing to end meta-human trafficking worldwide. But despite the Division's efforts, it's not enough. They need our help. So we all need to stand up and help them fight back. Remember, if you see something, scream something."

I clicked off the interview and put my phone away, I couldn't care to watch more.

I didn't have much down time. My radio activated the second I finished putting on my combat gear.

Nightwing: "Nightwing to Vanguard. Targets are scrambling. Tigress is en route to your position, I'm in pursuit of the targets."

(Y/n): "Copy that, Nightwing. I'll be ready to move when she gets here."

Superboy: "Vanguard, come in. The security system at the hospital is wired to the alarm."

(Y/n): "Standby, ISAC will get you an opening without alerting the guards."

It didn't take long for ISAC to deactivate the security system and to pull the blueprints of the entire building.

(Y/n): "Security system is down for the next 30 seconds, I've also sent you the blueprints for the entire building. It looks like there's a hidden entrance to an old subway platform in the morgue."

Superboy: "Copy that."

(Y/n): "ISAC is also picking up a large amount of power, way above normal levels for other hospitals. This is definitely part of Bedlam's operation."

Black Lightning: "I'm getting the same feeling. We found the hidden entrance, moving into the abandoned subway now."

(Y/n): "Copy that, send a signal if you run into trouble."

I didn't receive a response. That wasn't unusual but what startled me was the static radio transmission. Bedlam must have some sort of signal jammer. I immediately started using ISAC in an attempt to bypass the signal jammer.

ISAC: "Signal restored."

(Y/n): "Lightning, Superboy can you hear me?"

No response. I ordered ISAC to check again and received the same response. I sat down on the crate with our gear and pulled out a laptop from my bag. I've started carrying around a laptop in my kit for this exact reason. After having ISAC mysteriously jammed in Qurac I've elected not to entirely rely on the supercomputer.

After a few minutes of messing around on ISAC's subsystems I found the problem. ISAC never even detected that our communications were disrupted by Bedlam's jammer. Why isn't he working properly? It's almost never malfunctioned before and the times that it has it notifies me when it detects the error in my order or its subsystems.

I heard a twig snap and activated my shield, spinning around to face my attacker. I was just in time. Crimson's axe got lodged in my shield and I punched the Hunter clean across his ballistic mask.

Crimson staggered back and used a nearby headstone to steady himself. I dropped the shield and grabbed my rifle. Crimson brought his hands to his face and fixed his mask while feeling his jaw.

Crimson: "There it is, that's what makes us so special."

(Y/n): "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Crimson: "I wanted to see something for myself. You continue to impress me, kid."

Tigress: "Vanguard!"

I heard Artemis running up behind me and saw Crimson lower his hand to his holster. In a split second I fired. The shot rang out throughout the cemetery. I aimed directly for the gap in Crimson's armour and hit his collarbone. I saw blood shoot out for a split second before smoke shot up, blocking my view for a few seconds.

By the time the smoke cleared, Crimson was gone. I walked over to a nearby headstone and looked at the blood that's splattered across it.

Tigress: "That... that was Crimson. The Hunter, what is he doing here?! Is he working with Bedlam and did you know he'd be here?"

(Y/n): "No, I didn't, and I don't think he's working with Bedlam."

Tigress: "Are you sure?"

(Y/n): "Positive, he was after something else."

Tigress: "What?"

(Y/n): "Confirmation."

Tigress was too stunned to speak. I stood up to face her just as a bright purple light shot up from the other side of the cemetery.

(Y/n): "Get changed out of that dress and we'll go check that out."

Tigress: "I won't be long, you can go now if you want."

(Y/n): "It doesn't matter what that is. We know a Hunter is nearby, I'm not letting you out of my sight."

Tigress simply nodded as I grabbed my shield and tore the combat axe out of it. I attached the axe to my belt, retracted the shield into the small gauntlet and secured it on my backpack. I picked up my rifle and started checking our surroundings while Tigress got into her mission uniform.

Once Tigress was ready we quickly moved across the cemetery. It wasn't long before we were right on top of three men hastily shoveling dirt into a giant hole in the ground.

ISAC: "Civilian vital signs critical. Immediate medical attention required."

(Y/n): "I'm moving in!"

Tigress: "Copy that!"


3rd Person POV:

Zatanna and Kelso were cleaning up for the night after watching television. Zatanna reluctantly went to bed, fearing another nightmare but was far too shy to admit it to Kelso for fear of being harshly judged.

Kelso for her part knew Zatanna was scared and rightfully so. Though the experienced agent had little knowledge or experience in the magic department she could tell something was off. Kelso knew something was happening to Zatanna; she just wasn't sure what.

Kelso's plan was simple: keep Zatanna safe until (Y/n) gets back or until they learn more about whatever's happening to Zatanna.

Zatanna closed the door and climbed into her bed. She tried to stay awake but was exhausted after the previous night and quickly passed out.

Zatanna awoke in a city on fire. Snow fell and blurred her vision as skyscrapers burned. She spun around in all directions, trying to see something, anyone or anything she recognized. The power was out as far as the eye could see and the only source of light in the dark night was the burning buildings, which provided more than enough to see clearly.

"You can't save him!"

The feminine voice echoed in Zatanna's head as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

"You will both be mine! The Lords of Order will fall before my power!"

Zatanna's gaze focused on three Hunters walking down the street towards her as buildings collapsed and vehicles burned.

Suddenly (Y/n) came into view. He was in his winter combat gear and held his deployable shield and a Hunter's combat axe. He stood still, blocking the Hunters path as they steadily walked towards him.

"The world will burn if you resist me! I am the only one that can save everything you love!"

Zatanna's heart was pounding like crazy. She wanted to desperately scream out to (Y/n) and get him to come to her side. Despite her using every bit of willpower she could muster, she couldn't make a sound.


Zatanna gasped and shot up in her bed. Her face was covered in sweat. She started climbing out of bed and saw him. John Constantine was standing at the edge of her bed. She screamed as John lunged at her, tackling her to the bed and clamping his hand over her mouth. Zatanna fought desperately to get him off her before she could be properly pinned down.

Zatanna managed to knee John in the gut and slip out of his hold and climb out of her bed. As Zatanna jumped to her feet she tried to cast a spell, only to find that her magic wouldn't work.

Constantine smiled as he stood up and cracked his knuckles. He reached into his trench coat and pulled out a small amulet with a purple gem in the center. The amulet has a gold ring with the Latin word for witch engraved in it with the gem glowing in the center.

Constantine: "A gift from our mistress. As long as I'm holding this, the amulet of Circe, you won't be using any magic."

Zatanna started to panic as Constantine moved towards the door, blocking her only escape. His eyes glowed a soft purple as he smiled at her.

Constantine: "Come one, she's waited long enough. If you come quietly and cooperate, I won't have to drag your pathetic boyfriend to Circe's castle on his knees."


(Season 1: between Disordered and Secrets)

Artemis and Wally are walking the empty halls of the Cave. A severe thunderstorm smashed any plans the Team had for the night and forced them to stay in the Cave. Robin went back to Gotham, Kaldur to Atlantis and M'gann and Conner retreated to the garage to work on the Team's motorcycles.

The speedster and archer have been looking for the only pair unaccounted for. As they searched the Cave it suddenly dawned on them, Zatanna and (Y/n) have spent every minute together when they're both in the Cave.

Wally: "Zatanna and (Y/n) have been spending a lot of time together."

Artemis: "Yeah you're right, you know what that means?"

Wally: "Oh yeah, our resident agent's fallen in love."

Artemis: "Let's go find them."

After a short walk the pair arrived at the gym. They slipped in and crouched down behind some equipment and watched (Y/n) and Zatanna.

Zatanna is dressed in a sports bra and shorts. She purposely chose the outfit in an attempt to fluster (Y/n) before flirting with him. Her hair is tied in a ponytail with a few loose strands hanging down on either side of her face.

(Y/n) is wearing a t-shirt and shorts and is focusing on the punching bag, demonstrating how to properly fight and trying not to get distracted by Zatanna's appearance.

(Y/n): "I'm serious, what Canary has taught us is good, it's mostly defensive stuff for now but it doesn't hurt to get a head start on offensive fighting styles. You never know when your magic might fail you, this way, you won't be helpless."

Zatanna playfully groaned as (Y/n) ordered her into a fighting stance and had her square up against the punching bag.

Zatanna: "Seriously, when is my magic ever going to fail? It works by me talking, if I can't talk then there's probably a bigger problem at play and I'll need help anyway."

(Y/n): "Just humour me, please. With the level hand to hand combat training Canary's put the Team through I feel like a useless addition to the Team. The only thing of value I've brought to the table is how to disable a high tech explosive."

Zatanna: "Please, you're far from useless, you're great at cleaning up after dinner. Oh and the Team loves it when you do most of our day to day chores when you're here by yourself."

Zatanna smiled smugly at (Y/n) and the agent rolled his eyes in response.

(Y/n): "Hilarious, now fix your stance. Keep your arms closer to your body."

(Y/n) walked around to Zatanna's back and stepped close to her, grabbing her arms from behind while pressing his chest to her back and using his leg to adjust Zatanna's legs.

At this point Zatanna couldn't care less about her fighting stance. Her face was bright red and she couldn't speak. (Y/n) subconsciously pulled her as close to him as he could to fix her stance and after Zatanna slurred out a flustered response did he realize how close they were.

(Y/n) instantly backed up, his face as red as Zatanna's. He quickly asked her to punch the punching bag and hid his face from her view. Zatanna put all her energy and focus into the moves (Y/n) demonstrated, in hopes that her face would return to its normal colour if she focused on something other than (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Yeah, yeah that was good... uhhh do it again."

Zatanna: "Yep sure thing."

Across the gym, Artemis and Wally were desperately holding back laughter. Zatanna and (Y/n) wouldn't look at eachother and their conversation stalled to an awkward silence. Zatanna focused on her punches, cursing herself for making the situation awkward and taking out her anger on the punching bag.

Zatanna: "OWW!"

Zatanna recoiled back and grabbed her right hand. (Y/n) instantly got over his flustered state and rushed to her side, grabbing her hand and removing the boxing wrap.

Zatanna blushed once again as (Y/n) forcefully moved her back to the closest bench and gently pushed her down. (Y/n) knelt down and finished removing the wrap. He gently ran his thumb over Zatanna's hand and found a small chip in her nails.

(Y/n): "I'm so sorry, I should've had you use the gloves."

Zatanna: "No, no it's okay. I wasn't doing what you taught, I was just taking out some anger."

(Y/n): "We can stop now, I'm sure you don't want to break another nail."

Zatanna: "N-no, it's alright. Why don't we just start one of your workouts... I haven't done anything today so I should spend some more time training."

(Y/n): "Right... you want to do my workout... like what I do every day?"

Zatanna: "....Yes."

(Y/n): "I'll knock the weight down but, it's not the weight that will get you, it's the reps."

Zatanna: "How hard can it be?"

*Small Time Skip*

Zatanna regretted everything. She was in the middle of a barbell squat and cursing herself out in her head.

"Me and my big mouth. All I wanted to do was impress him and now I'm covered in sweat and barely keeping it together."

(Y/n) knew she was close to giving up. Each time she looked like she was about to call it quits he'd convince her to do one more set or one more workout.

(Y/n) was spotting Zatanna through her barbell squats and the second Zatanna set the barbell back onto the rack (Y/n) grabbed a hold of her hips and ripped the weight lifting belt off, allowing her to breath properly. The force and speed (Y/n) grabbed her and ripped the belt off, flustered the magician yet again and she made sure to hide her face while getting a drink of water.

(Y/n): "You did great, why don't we call it a day."

Zatanna: "Yeah, yeah I'd be okay with that. B-before you go... I just want to say thanks. I... I uh like training with you and I think the stuff you showed me is really important."

(Y/n): "No problem, Zatanna."

(Y/n) left the gym and didn't notice Artemis and Wally on his way out. Just as the speedster and archer were about to make their presence known, they noticed Zatanna cursing herself out.

Zatanna: "Nice job Zatanna,stuttering like a fool."

Zatanna sighed and looked around at what she thought was an empty gym.

Zatanna: "And now I'm talking to myself... great. No wonder he rushed out of the gym. He probably thinks I'm crazy."

Artemis and Wally revealed themselves, finally letting their laughter out. Zatanna froze instantly and her face went as white as a ghost. A split second later the anger boiled over.


Artemis: "Wow, you've really fallen for him, haven't you?"

Zatanna: "SHUT UP!"

*End of Flashback*

Zatanna lunged at Constantine, throwing her first punch and catching him completely off guard. The punch caught Constantine's jaw and caused him to stagger back into the bedroom door. Zatanna didn't give her attacker any chance at recovering, she quickly sent another punch at Constantine and caught him in the side of the head.

Constantine retaliated and swept Zatanna's legs out from under her, causing the magician to fall on her back. Before Constantine could capitalize, Zatanna used both her feet and kicked him in the gut. A split second later Zatanna pushed herself up and got back in a fighting stance.

Zatanna: "You think just because I don't have my magic that it means I'm helpless? Think again jackass."

Constantine: "I wanted to do this the easy way, but if you're insistent on being a bitch, I'll drag you to Circe on your knees."

Constantine pulled out a large knife from his jacket and lunged at Zatanna, tackling her to the ground and attempting to stab her. Zatanna used both her hands and grabbed onto Constantine's. She managed to stop him with the knife less than an inch above her neck.


Kelso suddenly crashed through the door, wielding a handgun and a knife slightly smaller than Constantines. Kelso jammed the knife into Constantine's shoulder and wrapped her arm around his neck, throwing him off Zatanna.

Before Zatanna could comprehend everything that just happened, Kelso ripped her up off the floor and pulled her out of the room.

They didn't get far. Once they arrived in the kitchen they were face to face with an assassin.

The red hooded assassin Kelso saw in Boston now had several ISAC watches clipped to his belt. But what was far more horrifying to Zatanna and Kelso was the Hunter standing behind the assassin.

Kelso took aim at the red hooded assassin and was about to fire when Constantine grabbed Zatanna. In the next split second Constantine spun Zatanna around and smashed his lips against Zatanna's while his eyes were glowing a bright purple.

Zatanna screamed in horror but all that slipped out was a muffled cry for help. Tears streamed down Zatanna's face as a soft purple glow overtook her beautiful blue eyes. A short moment later Constantine broke the kiss, both his and Zatanna's eyes glowing bright purple.

Kelso: "Oh that's so not fucking good, (Y/n)'s going to kill me."

The Hunter was the first one to strike, quickly raising his rifle and firing one shot. The shot connected with Constantines shoulder and he crashed down to the ground. Kelso dove for cover, attempting to get clear of the two sides and make a plan that saved Zatanna and kept them both alive.

The red hooded assassin lunged towards Zatanna, a short sword in one hand and a handgun in the other. Before he could swing his sword at Zatanna, Kelso shot it out of his hand.

The assassin fired at Kelso, forcing the agent to hide behind her couch. The Hunter joined the fight, taking out his combat axe and rushing Zatanna as she stepped in front of Constantine.

As Constantine was picking himself up he removed the purple gem from the amulet, allowing Zatanna to use her magic. The purple colour in Zatanna's eyes brightened as Circe's control over her became absolute.

Zatanna snapped her fingers, disappearing in a bright burst of purple fire and taking the amulet and gem with her.

Constantine was left on the ground laughing as he assessed the crowded room.

The Hunter dropped a smoke pellet after Zatanna's disappearance and when the smoke cleared both the Hunter and assassin were gone.

Kelso: "What did you do?!"

Constantine: "It's nothing I did, I was captured months ago by Circe. I fought just like Zatanna's going to fight, but in the end I wasn't strong enough to do what she needed me to do. So she captured someone strong enough and she now has no further use for me."

Kelso: "Circe? Like the Odyssey Circe?"

Constantine: "Yes. The gods cast a spell long ago, a spell that locked Circe in her castle. Whether Zatanna knows it or not, she is the strongest magic user on the planet. She has the potential to surpass Dr. Fate. Circe knows this and that's why she sent me after Zatanna. She wants Zatanna to break her free."

Kelso: "How do I save her?"

Constantine: "You don't. To go to Circe's castle is suicide, I tried. I thought I could stop her, beat her before she found someone strong enough to break the spell that's holding her to her castle. Zatanna is going to be enslaved to Circe for the rest of her life. Oh and please give my regards to (Y/n). Zatanna did put up one hell of a fight."

The purple glow returned to Constantine's eyes and he snapped his fingers, disappearing in a bright purple flame. Kelso was left alone trying to figure out what the hell just happened.


(Y/n) POV:


Tigress and I attacked four men shoveling dirt onto a suspiciously familiar girl of Quraci descent. After a short fight we pulled her from the grave and began running down the road towards the children's hospital while calling for backup from the Supercycle.

(Y/n): "Vanguard to Nightwing, we've hit a bit of a snag and need emergency extraction."

Nightwing: "Supercycle is already enroute to your position."

As we continued to run down the forested road, Tigress turned her attention to the girl we were dragging along with us. I took a quick look, it was all I needed. This girl is 100% the one Ellie and I saw getting dragged away by Bialyan soldiers in Qurac.

Tigress: "What's your name? Do you speak English?"

(Y/n): "She's from Qurac. I saw her when Ellie and I were running from the Bialyans."

Tigress: "Are you sure?"

(Y/n): "Positive."

A few minutes later we were on the Supercycle and heading towards the children's hospital. I focussed on the night sky as we tracked Jefferson's signal.

ISAC: "Friendly signal detected."

(Y/n): "I see him!"

Jefferson is laying face down in the water and there's no telling how long he's been like that.

The second the Supercycle was low enough I tore off my backpack and plate carrier before jumping over the side and into the water.

The water is freezing cold and perfectly clear. I swam over to Jefferson as quickly as I could and started pulling him out of the water.

By the time I dragged him ashore, Tigress had landed the Supercycle. I started chest compressions on Black Lightning and within a few seconds I had him breathing again. Lightning sat up and coughed up some water before looking up at Tigress and I.

(Y/n): "Welcome back. Any idea where Superboy is?"

Lightning: "No idea, that thing got him."

(Y/n): "Alright, new plan. The Supercycle stays here and watches over this girl, while we go back through the sewer and find Superboy."

We made sure this girl was safe on the Supercycle before climbing into the sewer and beginning our walk back to the abandoned subway.

(Y/n): "Tigress, stay back with Lightning, I'll take point and clear any opposition."

Tigress: "Copy that. Lightning powers?"

Lightning: "Still not working. And I'm hoping we won't need them."

After a few minutes of walking in silence, we arrived at a massive hole in the ceiling created by Superboy when he and Lightning fled their attacker.

I used ISAC to clear up our communications and Nightwing immediately called us.

Nightwing: "Vanguard, what's your status?"

(Y/n): "In position and ready to engage."

Nightwing: "I've spotted a group of teens and children in pods, they are currently loading them up onto a rail car."

Lightning: "Nightwing, stop them from taking those kids! Now!"

Nightwing: "Negative, I still have to find our people.

Tigress caught up to me and I readied my grappling hook so we could get up to the subway platform.

Nightwing: "I've found SB, they've got him in a pod. I also have eyes on Prince Brion, it looks like they tried to make him meta-active."

Tigress: "Oh SB is not going to like that."

Nightwing: "I've also spotted Dr. Helga Jace, it looks as though she disobeyed Count Vertigo's orders by activating Briton's meta-gene. And Vertigo just said "his highness", I think Prince Gregor is behind Bedlamb."

(Y/n): "Gregor and Brion are seventeen, that doesn't make any sense. Wait... oh I'm an idiot. It's DeLamb, the regent!"

Nightwing: "Oh I totally should've seen this coming."

(Y/n): "Contact rear! Lightning move!"

The plasma monster thing just appeared out of nowhere. Tigress and Lightning barely got out of the way in time. This lava monster waved its arms in a throwing motion, shooting clumps of lava out at us.

(Y/n): "Lightning! Zap this damn thing!"

I really don't want to shoot this creature, odds are it's a captured teen or child that has their meta-gene forcibly activated.

Lightning: "I-I can't... not again."

(Y/n): "Fine, Tigress, smoke screen now! We'll retreat up into the subway!"

Tigress: "(Y/N) LOOK OUT!"

I turned in time to see a clump of lava get blocked by a mysterious red shield. The red holographic-like shield stopped the lava a few inches from my head and saved my life. As I staggered back in disbelief I saw the Supercycle with the Quraci girl arriving through the tunnel.

The girl is surrounded by a red aura, the same shade as the shield. Her eyes are also glowing red and she's screaming "no kill" as the Supercycle shoots at the lava creature's feet.

Tigress: "Oh I'm so glad you didn't listen!"

(Y/n): "Let's move people!"

Lightning, Tigress and I threw ourselves on the Supercycle and flew up into the subway. We were immediately forced to jump off the Supercycle and find cover. Four of Bedlam's men were stationed beside the pods full of abducted children and using them as human shields while firing at us.

(Y/n): "Nightwing, what's your status?"

Nightwing: "I need a little help with SB, the Prince and Dr. Jace."

(Y/n): "Moving to your position, Tigress, ISAC will blind them for a few seconds, be ready!"

I rushed off without waiting for her response. I felt a few shots breeze by that were a little too close for comfort but I made it to a support pillar without suffering a scratch.

The bullets tore into the support pillar, sending chunks of brick in all directions as the relentless assault chipped away at my cover. I launched my ISAC drone and waited. A few seconds later a bright flash lit up the subway platform. I took the opportunity to rush towards Nightwing's position, while Tigress and Black Lightning took down the men that staggered out from behind the transportation pods.

I crashed through the door to find Nightwing holding up Superboy who was struggling to stand. On the other side of the room, beside two of the pods used for activating meta-genes, was Dr. Jace and Prince Brion. Brion was covered in tar and starting to wake up.

Dr. Jace: "Please my Prince, calm yourself. Your fear and anger make your powers unstable."

Brion started panicking despite Jace's warning and his feet and arms began to glow. The floor started melting as gagged rocks shot up around the room.

In a split second I took out my taser and shot the Brion in the back. He screamed and in an instant he was unconscious on the ground. I holstered the taser and let out a sigh of relief as Dr. Jace was screaming at me about excessive force.

Nightwing: "Was that really necessary?"

(Y/n): "Yes."

I can tell Nightwing's holding off a smile as Superboy started to wake up. It wasn't long before he regained enough of his strength to stand.

(Y/n): "Look, his meta powers are clearly rock related, so if you wanted to drag him out of here while he was melting the floor then I apologize for ruining your fun."

Superboy stumbled forward and I slid in front of him and grabbed his arm, forcibly helping him stand as a deafening bang rang out in the distance.

Lightning's voice crackled in over my radio, he sounds like he's on the verge of tears.

Lightning: "No... the kids... they boom tubed them away. They're gone."

It hit me all at once, we will never save those kids. We have no way of finding them and within days they will be deployed on the frontlines in some war in deep space or killed if their meta-power gets deemed useless.

Nightwing: "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't think that they'd use a boom tube."

(Y/n): "We can't worry about that now. We have to get out of here before DeLamb gets his soldiers to storm this place."

*Small Time Skip*

Everyone was loaded up on the Supercycle and we were flying through the tunnel. We eventually blasted our way through a thin wall and emerged out from the side of the mountain, landing in a farm field below.

Before we had a chance to land, Brion woke up and started screaming.

Brion: "What is this?! WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!"

Dr. Jace: "Please calm down, they're here to keep you safe!"

Brion threw himself out of the Supercycle and landed in the farm field. We landed beside him and everyone hopped out, Superboy stepped forward and started helping Brion get control of his meta abilities.

ISAC: "Intercepted hostile broadcast."

I connected to the broadcast and saw Brions uncle, Fredrick DeLamb, leader of the Bedlam syndicate and now regent of Markovia.

DeLamb: "Ladies and gentlemen. I come bringing grave news to you all. My security forces have discovered something terrible while combating meta-human trafficking in Markovia. It have come with irrefutable evidence that Prince Brion has activated his meta-gene and is likely the criminal mastermind behind meta-human trafficking in Markovia. It is also likely that Brion is responsible for the abduction of his own sister, Tara."

As it turns out, playing the broadcast was the worst thing I could've done. Brion screamed in rage and started sprinting towards the castle in the distance, sinking into the ground as he went.

Superboy: "I'll get him!"

Superboy jumped after Brion just as Count Vertigo arrived through a boom tube about fourth feet in front of us. The Count was backed up by the plasma creature, Dr. Simon Ecks and four henchmen with automatic weapons.

Vertigo: "Sending your heavy hitter away, not very good at this game are you, Nightwing?"

(Y/n): "Actually I'm standing right here. ISAC, let's fuck them up."

I deployed every gadget in my kit. Two drones, a deployable turret and an excessive amount of seeker mines.

Vertigo: "Bring me their heads."

Tigress and I surged forward. My ISAC drones dropped several small explosives and sent Vertigo's men crashing to the ground. Nightwing threw a dozen small smoke grenades in all directions, surrounding the battlefield in thick smoke.

The smoke allowed us to get close to our opponents and easily deal with them. I holstered my rifle and used my deployable shield and handgun. I really want to refrain from killing anyone but I may need to break out the heavier weapons to deal with this plasma creature.

Dr. Ecks turned out to be a meta-human as well and can create clones of himself. Within a few seconds the battlefield was full of Eck's clones. Fortunately I can shoot these clones without killing him and before long I was dispatching these clones faster than they could enter the battle.

Tigress: "Vanguard! LOOK OUT!"

I spun around and Tigress tackled me into a ditch just as the plasma creature swung at me. Tigress and I crashed into the bottom of the ditch and she landed on top of me. We groaned in pain as we pushed ourselves up to our knees.

(Y/n): "Thanks."

Tigress: "Yeah... no problem."

I smiled at Tigress but the smile was instantly wiped off my face. A deafening scream rang out and we looked up to see the plasma creature holding the Quraci girl by the head, burning a hole right through her head.

(Y/n): "Oh no...."

The second the girl stopped screaming the creature threw her corpse into the ditch with us. As Tigress and I looked down at the body a few feet away, Lighting screamed out in anger and attacked the creature, sending powerful blasts of lightning at it.

Tigress: "That poor girl... HOLY FUCK!"

The girl suddenly sat up and shouted "no kill". Despite her missing half her face she seems to be somehow alive and kicking. Suddenly a purple aura surrounded the girl and her wound miraculously started to heal. In a few seconds she looked completely healed, the only evidence she was ever burned was her half melted hijab.

(Y/n): "And I thought I healed fast."

Tigress and I were marveling at the girl when a gunshot rang out. We scrambled out of the ditch to see a farmer holding a hunting rifle and the plasma creature falling forward. The plasma creature instantly cooled down and it's body hardened, the lava turning to rock in mere seconds.

I raised my rifle and ordered the farmer to drop the gun as Lightning screamed at the farmer.

Lightning: "THAT WAS A KID! AND WHEN YOU REALIZE THAT... and when you realize that you'll never forget it."

I spun around when I heard a boom tube activating. I shot at Vertigo as he and a few of his men scrambled into the boom tube before it snapped shut.

Tigress: "Nightwing... What do we do? We can't leave them?"

Nightwing: "We go home."

ISAC: "Priority transmission received."

Kelso: "Hey, kid.... L-listen. You need to get to my place as fast as you can. It's Zatanna, something terrible has happened. I'm going to try and get some answers before you get here but I'm not sure where to start."

*Small Time Skip*

3rd Person POV:

(Y/n) and Artemis crashed through the front door of Kelso's house. Each in their civilian clothes and hearts racing. Before they could find Kelso they ran into Dr. Fate, who appeared in Kelso's kitchen with a bright flash.

(Y/n): "Where is Zatanna?!"

Dr. Fate: "She is gone, corrupted by Circe's magic."

(Y/n): "Who is Circe?"

Dr. Fate: "Long ago the gods of old trapped her on a magical island in a massive castle. It was a punishment for trying to undermine the will of the gods and conquer the known world. It took a massive army of gods and men to drive Circe and her forces to that island and every bit of magic the gods had was put into the spell, binding Circe to the island."

(Y/n): "What does she want with Zatanna?! WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN US?!"

The agent stepped forward and grabbed Dr. Fate, only for the god to swiftly slip out of his hold and brush his hands aside.

Dr. Fate: "I had no idea Circe's cage was weakening. She will need Zatanna's magic to break the spell the gods placed on her."

Artemis: "You think Zatanna is strong enough to break a spell placed by the gods?"

Dr. Fate: "She is. Zatanna has the potential to be the strongest magic user the world has ever seen. Circe knows this, and that's why we must rescue her before she succumbs to Circe's torture."

(Y/n): "Where is Circe's island?"

Dr. Fate: "I will take you there, but be warned. One must sacrifice everything they fear to lose, if we are to defeat Circe."

Artemis: "Care to elaborate?"

Dr. Fate raided his hand and a blinding light overtook Kelso's kitchen once again. When the light faded the kitchen was empty.

Artemis and (Y/n) opened their eyes to find themselves on a beach. The entire island was surrounded by a thick fog, making it impossible to see anything past thirty feet out to sea. Inland, the two heroes immediately noticed a large forest with a massive mountain in the distance. On top of the mountain was a huge castle, the biggest either of them had ever seen.

Artemis: "Where's Fate?"

(Y/n): "No idea. He could've at least changed us into our mission uniforms. If a fight breaks out we're screwed."

Artemis: "Any idea what Fate's little prophecy means?"

(Y/n): "I'm trying not to think about it. Let's just get to Zee. I can't let her be tortured by Circe."


Inside the castle, Zatanna is trapped in the satanic pentagram much like Constantine was months ago. She's thrashing about, attempting to free herself as Circe plays with the magic amulet, inhibiting Zatanna's magical powers while watching the helpless magician struggle.

Circe: "You've seen everything that will happen, why don't you just give in and I can stop it. Your friends will be spared, you can live in peace with your agent."

Zatanna: "Y-your full of sh-shit."

Circe: "Well, I tried the easy way."

Circe's hands started to glow a dark purple as magical energy pooled in her grasp. The pentagram started to glow purple as Zatanna screamed out in pain. Purple magic gripped Zatanna's body and made her feel like her entire body was on fire. Circe's laughter echoed throughout the castle only to be drowned out by Zatanna's screams of horror and pain.

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