I Will Protect You

By LounyCamacho

374 28 5

We are not mutants that are causing danger to people. We are not freaks of nature, to bind people through our... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter eleven

7 1 0
By LounyCamacho

Leila's Point Of View

Carson's piercing scream echoed through all the house. Jonathan, Mickey and I looked at each other, and in that instant I left the homeroom, to where Carson screech began. Mickey stayed with Jonathan saying that I'll be ok.

As I exited the room, a gasping sound came from my mouth as I covered my mouth with my two hands.

There it was Carson on the floor carrying a men's body in his arms, with a spear pierced through his stomach, blood splashing everywhere.

"Jacob!!! Please" he roared, shaking him lightly. At that time three figures ran from another room at my left and to Carson.

"Jacob, stay still buddy please" a guy with black hair and gray eyes said as he tried to take the man out of Carson's hold. But Carson denied, looking at him with a glare that would kill people.

"I can't leave him we need to help him now. I won't leave him" he scram. Suddenly I could see that his body was creating that plasma energy that he used. Something told me he was loosing control.

At that time another guy with lightly dark skin and almost completely shaved and dark green eyes head turned to the boy who was still standing there without realizing the situation, just like myself.

"Tommy go get Clara and bring her now" the man screamed and the boy nodded. With a cloud of shadows he disappeared instantly. When the shadows disappeared he was gone. Like an act of magic.

"Lady we need your help" I snapped out of my thoughts as the guy with steel gray eyes looked at me desperately and through my being. Like demanding for my help and me without complains, accepting.

"Yeah what do you need?" I asked walking quickly to them.

"I need you to fill a big vase full of water and some towels, as if you can find alcohol and gausses as fast as you can" he ordered and I immediately knew what to do. Suddenly when I was about to go, he shout to Carson to stay calm. His energy slowly disappearing, but not at complete.

His face showed, anger, madness, rage but most of all fear.

I stand up and ran into the room where the other men got out. I entered the room, knowing it was the kitchen and headed to the counter looking through the doors finding a big vase. Quickly heading to the sink I started to fill it with water. As that finished I ran to the cupboard and found whiskey. That'll do.

I turn off the faucet in the sink and grabbed the vase of water, heading out to Carson who was still shocked with his friend on his arms.

"I don't know where the gausses are" I said without referring to no one.

"Their in the bathroom, up the stairs the first door on the left" Carson's rasp voice, echoed in my head.

I nodded and ran to the stairs, but first the door to the homeroom catch my eyes. I opened it fast enough and Mickey and Jonathan's head snapped to my direction.

"Guys I need your help, there's a man with a spear shoot through his stomach" as I said this they stranded up and walked to head outside of the room.

I let them passed and headed to the bathroom, up the stairs. Opening the door to my right wall I spotted the first aid kit. Grabbing it I headed downstairs and heading directly to them, ignoring the fact that the whiskey bottle was still on the counter in the kitchen.

As I quickly arrived, Jonathan helped me with the kit, his face a little sick by the blood on the floor.

"We need to take the spike out of his stomach, his losing to much blood" Mickey said kneeling beside the guy with shaved head.

"Ok Kudo I need you to use your claws and cut the piece in front his body ok?" the guy with gray eyes informed the man, his name Kudo .

"Roger and when I cut off that price we need to put him on his front so that we can take the spike completely" Kudo informed looking at me with his forest pool of eyes into my grayish gold ones.

"Carson I need you to use your force field to make still the blood ok?" the man said.

"Ok" Carson's rasped voice speak only above a whisper, shaking without control.

At that moment Kudo leaned forward the injured man. He raised his hand and claws started to appear from his nails.

"Jacob this will hurt a little" he said, and with a swipe from his claws near his skin, the front price of the spike fell off. Jacob could feel the pressure because he then was trashing with pain.

Blood started to gush, and Carson used his hand and made a force field pressing the injury. They later made turned to him making him kneel as Carson take hold of him.

The other piece of spike still piercing through his back. At that time Thomas move behind Jacob.

"I'm sorry for this Jacob" he said. Only by locking at the spike, the spike abruptly got out from his body, using his hand to place it on the floor. Blood started to spill, but Carson made another force field.

"Ok hand over the vase full with water, we need to at least clean the wound" Thomas said, and at that time Mickey lifted a hand.

"Let me help you with that" he said quickly positioning himself side Jacob. He used his hand to call the water, it going to him. He then controlling a good amount of water on his both hand proceed to move to the injuries.

Carson let the force field disappear making the blood stay in place a bit. He then moved the water to its injury, Jacob trashing from pain.

"Stay still man, I'm almost done" Mickey said as the water started to turn red from the blood. At one point Thomas called to Jonathan.

"Boy I need you to use your heat powers. We need to seal the injury, can you do it?" Thomas asked sweetly knowing that he was still a boy, this type of scenery not adequate for him.

"Yeah mister" he nodded, almost not sure of what to do.

By that time Mickey cleaned the wounds and moved the water back into the vase. Kudo used an alcohol swipe and pass it though the wounds, Jacob slightly hissing. At one point I turn to see Carson again. He didn't looked good, he had a mixture of pain, sadness, grief and still anger passed all those features.

He still hasn't let go of Jacob, but I didn't care. I walked to him, kneeled beside him and hug him in the most awkward position ever.

He kind of shook a bit, startled. I hugged even tighter, making him the pressure that I was with him.

"It's going to be ok. He's a champion for resisting this much" I said to his ear.

"He is going to live" I whispered. He then moved his face to my direction.

"I know he will" he said, looking at my gold eyes. His bright green filled with pain, but something in them that I didn't quite catch.

As Kudo finished with the wipe, Jonathan moved to its side. Mickey appeared from the kitchen where he took the vase.

"Jonathan you can do it, I know you can" I said to him, knowing that he was a little worried about his powers. He looked at me and nodded. He then let his hands out, a red energy glowing in them. The heat slightly picked up, but it was from his powers.

He moved his hands to the injury and slightly whispered something like 'please let this work'.

"It will work, you have the guys and I know you can do it" Carson's voice more stronger and less raspier then before.

He then with a little bit more confident, touched his hands to the wounds. The scorching sound of flesh, sounding in the room. Jacob hissed loudly, trashing a bit. Thomas then put a hand in his temple, maybe restraining him. Jacob looked more out in peace, but the pain in his face showing very powerfully.

"A little bit longer, until its cures the outside" Thomas said, looking at Jonathan.

The heat turned a little bit up. The wounds closing itself.

"Now you can stop" Thomas said.

Jacob looked a little better, but the organs on the inside maybe be injured. Any other then that he looked fine.

Something on the homeroom sounded, then appeared the boy from later with a girl with blonde hair. Moving to us.

"How is he?" the girls asked.

"We cleaned and healed the wound from the outside. Inside its what I'm worried about" Thomas said informing the girl.

"At least his healing powers are working, I can see the slight construction of tissue on the body" she said looking to his injury in concentration.

"Let's move him to his room, he needs rest as I work with him" she said. I let go of Carson, knowing that I was still hugging him. Something awkward as I detached myself blushing.

Then Kudo and Carson process to move his arms onto their shoulders.

"One, two, three" Kudo counted and they stood. Quickly they carried him up the stairs and disappeared from sight, the girl following them.

"Let us at least clean this guys" I said to Mickey and Jonathan, that were leaning on the wall. Thomas looked at me intensely, myself getting a little worried.

"It's something wrong mister?" I asked him a little nervous.

"Oh nothing, just that you look like.... never mind. So what you three doing here? I suggest Carson took you three" he asked and answered himself, positive of what happen.

"Um yeah, we met on the mall" Mickey covered quickly.

Then Thomas was distracted, like he was in deep conversation. He then looked amused.

"Ok so Carson and yourself may I know your name?" he asked me.

"Leila", he then grabbed my hand and pulled it towards his lips for a peck in my hand.

"Leila pleasure to meet you, so you and Carson defended Jonathan from the exterminators at the mall, because he couldn't control his powers. Then Mickey went with all of you because you want to find a place so that you can protect your love ones" he said his steel gaze gracing my face, like memorizing my features.

I was shocked, everything was absolutely right. Jonathan looked at him puzzled, while Mickey looked astonished. Myself included.

"How do you know?" I asked suddenly in surprise.

He then tapped his head, oh now I get it.

"His a telepath" Jonathan cleared for all of us.

He chuckled a bit and nodded.

"Well guys nice to meet you all, I'm going to check on Jacob" he said walking up the stairs.

"You said you're cleaning right?" he motioned his finger at us. Later disappearing. A little greedy in personality if you ask me.

"Well he's a little dick if you ask me" Mickey shrugged shaking his head.

"What do you think happened with the guy?" Jonathan asked worried.

"I really don't know you guys. But we can't go back now, practically we're stuck on this mess" I said as I landed a hand to Jonathan's shoulder for comfort.

"We need to get this cleaned, I found some cleaning utensils in the kit hen on the back door" I said without no one in common.

"I'll look for them" Jonathan moved from my hand, but something catches my eyes.

"Umm Jonathan, you're still on your blanket, why don't you just wait, ill get them" he looked shocked and a little embarrassed. So cute though. He left to the homeroom, I on the other hand went to look for the cleaning things.

As I entered the kitchen a loud thump echoed from the second floor. Someone's angry.

As I grabbed the bleach, mop, fresh scent and everything else, I walked to the hall.

When I looked at Mickey I gasped from shook, he was moving the blood like it was water. No surprise, blood has 70% of water in it.

"Let me take this outside" he said as he walked outside, the blood following him.

At that moment I took the time to pour some bleach to the floor. I grabbed the mop and started cleaning the floor. There was a great amount of blood, thank god Mickey was here. It was going to be difficult to take the blood out.

"You want any help?" Mickey asked, grabbing another mop.

"Well if you want to, even though I got this" I said shrugging my head.

He then grabbed the scent wash and pour a little bit. With his hand the liquid moved, all over the floor.

"Ah convenient" I said under my breath. He on the other hand laughed. I chuckled a bit and we continued to clean.

Moments later Kudo, appeared from the stairs, looking at our direction. His changed a bit, like they were feline eyes. I take a look in my cell to see what hour was it. Seven thirty.

"Can you tell me where the kid is?" he asked a little in control, but there was a hint of anger in them.

"Yeah he's in the homeroom, why?" Mickey asked sounding a little serious.

"We're going to take him to the school, he clearly can't control his powers to much because of his trust issues so we'll take him there" he said leaning to the wall.

"Wait what about his family, they know that you're going to take them?" I asked moving to him, slipping a little bit from the damp floor.

"Yeah Thomas will contact them from base there, so he wouldn't worry" he said nodding.

"I want to go with him" Mickey said all of a sudden.

I liked at him a little confused, then I remembered. He was going with Carson to the school. He wanted to protect Rachel, while controlling his powers better.

"I get it, that's the first thing you were going with" I said in understatement.

"Ok then, it won't be a problem. Professor Andrews like new visits" he said grinning a bit.

"Let me look for him" Mickey said putting the mop on the wall and walking to get Jonathan.

"Can I ask you something? How is Carson?" I asked worried sick about him.

"To tell you the truth he isn't so good. What happened to Jacob, let him startled and angry, letting out the feeling of guilt too" he said lowering his head.

"Can I see him?" I said looking at him.

"He's outside in the forest blowing of some steam, you can but, for him it wouldn't be the right time. Thomas stabilized his mind, but its up to him if he wants to talk to somebody" he said with all honesty.

"We're ready" Mickey said with Jonathan on front of him. Kudo walked to Jonathan and kneeled in front of him. He is pretty tall, everyone in here is like 6'1 or 6'2.

Him on the other hand was like 6'5. I can't complain, I'm 5'8 so everything's good.

"Don't worry buddy, we are going to contact your parents from the school. You don't have to be afraid" he said grabbing his shoulder confidently.

"Ok, but first I will need some clothes" he said looking embarrassed.

"Of course" Kudo chuckled.

"Let's get going Kudo" Thomas appeared from the second floor along with the disappearing boy.

"Mickey will come too" Kudo said standing up.

"You're going to stay here right?" Thomas asked me.

"Umm yeah I was here to accompany Jonathan here but now that I know he will be ok, yeah" I said walking to them putting the mop down.

"Ok then" Thomas said a glint of amusement on his eyes.

"I will be ok don't worry Leila" Jonathan walked to me giving me a hug. I hugged him back.

"I'm proud of you today, being so brave. Remember you have a friend here ok?" I said to him giving him a peck on the cheeks. He blushed a bit.

"Don't worry I won't let anything happened to him" Mickey said nodding at me.

"We too, won't let anything happen to him, both of you" Thomas more serious said.

"Goodbye Mickey, don't worry even though you're doing something awful to Rachel by disappearing and going to the school I understand. I won't tell her nothing" I said as I hugged him and have him smack on his head, just because I wanted too.

He just chuckled and nodded in understanding.

"Ok let's grab hands" the other boy said. I said my goodbyes as the instantly grabbed hands.

They instantly disappear leaving the black cloud.

When they disappeared an instant silence controlled the house. It was getting dark outside, thankfully I found the light switch and turn them on.

Grabbing the cleaning utensils I put them back where they were. Washing my hands, and finishing cleaning everything in the kitchen that was dirty or out of place.

Closing the door I let myself fall to the floor, leaning on the wood door. Then minutes later I wondered if Carson was ok, he's friend ok too. It was eight fourth-three, it was starting to feel uncofortable.

I stood up and walked to the stairs, to the second floor. They were four doors. Feeling like a detective I walked to one of the doors and opened it. Taking speed inside I saw Jacob snoring. With bandages around his torso. The funny thing it was that his sleeping position was odd and awkward.

Closing the door again silently, something touched my arm. I shrieked a bit, turning around.

"What are you doing?" Carson asked me a little amused. Man he scared me.

He changed into a tight white sports t-shirt, and some black shorts. His muscles showing in quiet definition, I could smell the scent of axe body shower. I saw his green eyes and I saw that he was crying, they were slightly red.

"I was kind of looking for you, wanted to know if you're ok" I said dropping my stare to the floor.

He then grabbed my chin with his forefinger making me look at his green eyes.

"I'm ok don't worry" he said sweetly. Looking at his eyes, they were mesmerizing.

What is happening to me, I barely know this guy, he maybe the most dangerous person in the world. But I feel slightly attracted to him.

"That's good to know" I said stepping back from him.

He chuckle a bit then started to walk down the stairs.

"You hungry?" he said looking at me once again. Instead of my mouth to answered my stomach did it for me.

"I take that as a yes" he laughed and walked to the kitchen.

Damn you stomach.

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