Church Camp For Dummies

By hornyoni

161 0 0

Your momie or daddy or idk man sends you to church camp for a couple weeks and you gotta go along despite you... More

jesus loves me
forbidden fruit
mother of all
a mountain of problems.
the picture
a sin for her (nsfw)
warming up to him
a waste of time (NSFW)

cold shoulder

14 0 0
By hornyoni

Since that day, my eyes seemed to always meet Joseph's, his warm smile greeting me with a foreign feeling. I always look away. The realization seemed to have hit me like a bulldozer. Just looking at him made me get shivers, the uncomfortable feeling of his hand on my backside tingling. The worst part? I'm not upset about it. Not enough at least.
Just the memory and the thought of him on the other side of that window filled me with butterflies and made my cheeks burn. I wanted to be upset so bad, but in all honesty, he is probably the best looking person in the whole camp. The clean shaven appearance with his large and solid frame all combined into a striking individual. But I'm not so shallow that just a pretty face would have me disregard him copping a feel.
"Okay everyone, we're going to stop here to take a break!" Kids dispersed into the clearing, grouping up with their friends. A couple kids wandered over to dip their toes in the river, I went ahead a joined them.
This was a hike I had signed up for. A breath of fresh air and a break from the constant hustle and bustle of the camp was well deserved. I peeled off my boots and socks and slowly waded into the freezing cold water. Despite the summer sun barring down on us, the camp was still pretty cool, the mountains sure were nice. I rolled up my shorts a little and looked down at the guppies wiggling around my legs, I simple twitch scaring them into the stream.

The girls from before have become meaner since then. The Calico girl has her eyes on me and I'm sure it's not just because of our difference in religion anymore, more just petty revenge for embarrassing her in front of Joseph. Luckily, she wasn't on the hike because I really didn't want to have to worry about getting pushed off a cliff.
Other kids, on the other hand, had gotten the message that I shouldn't be bothered with. My lack of aggression and my slight "connection" with Joseph made me a boring and high risk target. If anything, I've started having whole conversations sometimes! It seems it's not just me who has a problem with Calico. She's not very popular, probably for good reason.
The camp itself had grown on me though! Keeping aside the constant backtrack to God now and then, I've learned quite a bit about nature and have began getting more involved with the non-icebreaker games. You could break every bone in my body and you still couldn't get me to do the human knot.
I looked up at the gray sky to see a spiders web, touched with dew drops like crystal chandelier, waving gently in the breeze above me.
"Alright, round up everyone!" I turned toward the councilor and began wading back through the river. I felt a slimy rock under my foot and before I could even catch myself, my feet were in the air and I plunged into the icy cold water, getting a nice delicious mouthful of river water in my mouth. Luckily, the water was about 3 feet deep and wasn't a detrimental loss on my part, but was deep enough to submerge me. I flung my head out and coughed up the trudge in my throat, soaking wet tendrils of hair slapping into my eyes. I heard the councilor call my name as I blindly scoured my way back to the river bed, dripping from head to toe. A couple of giggles resounded amongst the group, which I can't blame. If it hadn't been me, I would have laughed too. I flipped my hair back over and dragged my eyes to the councilor, both of us making the same face of despair.
"Are we heading back?" I asked, monotone. She didn't answer, just slowly nodded. I didn't bother putting my socks on and just slipped my feet in my boots and squelched down the hill with the group, my ankle throbbing slightly. My ankle has taken the hardest hit since the camp started.
We got back to the camp a couple of minutes later, my hair still dribbling down my back. The sun was setting on the mountain side. I heard clatter from the kitchen and my eyes brightened, along with everyone else's. We all simultaneously looked over at the councilor who nodded us to go ahead with dinner. A woman of little words. I can respect that. Half of the kids fucking legged it up the hill, the councilor calling for them to slow down once before giving up and walking off, taking her break most likely. I took my time, still sloshing step by step. I wandered into the mess hall, and grabbed a nice plastic tray. There was some looks, mostly because I looked like the grudge but with a more dead faced look. I skipped my cold green beans and instead opted for a HEAVY helping of warm macaroni and ham chunks. I sat in my usual seat and took a moment to enjoy my ass touching a seat. I inhaled and chomped down, the warm cheese filling up my stomach. I looked up to see Joseph writing down something and talking to a bunch of councilors, including the one that watched me snow angel into the river. She pointed at me and both her and Joseph turned to look at me. I looked down at my tray instinctively. I wolfed down my meal and wiped and placed my tray in the net.
In a slap of reality, I realized the musty smelling fume was coming from me, dirt still covering my back. My body itched for a shower, but I needed permission first. I looked up at the councilor and then back at my shirt and then back to counselor. I'll take the shot. Awkwardly, I shuffled (squelchily) over to the group, feeling more vulnerable and exposed than ever.
"Um, excuse me?" I interjected. The group turned to me, my eyes immediately shot to Joseph and he gave me a look of pity. I, in his vision, right now, looked liked a filthy, wet, lost puppy. I suddenly was embarrassed for some reason.
"Could I perhaps take my shower today?" Showers are usually scheduled every other day. Joseph spoke up.
"Go ahead, they should still be open." He smiled. I thanked him and shuffled off to the dorm room.
The cabins were empty and slightly creepy at this point, the night had already creeped up on me and it was only the haze from the yellow lights outside illuminating the dark halls. I grabbed my stuff and headed off to the locker rooms.
The bathrooms were silent completely as well, other then dripping from broken faucets. I put my clothes down on a bench and wandered into the showers.
I tried to take my shower quickly, the lights flickering now and then set in a sort of primal fight or flight that pushed me to wash myself at the speed of light. Brown water streaks covered the ground though, and I was happy to finally have the mud of the river bed gone from my body. My shampoo and conditioner, in their mini glory, had the lives squeezed out of them.
I jumped in my skin and shot my head out of the shower curtains. The shower room was still empty, not a movement in sight. I did one last strong scrub and turned it off. I grabbed my towel off of the metal hook outside the stall and wiped off. The room was like a 10 feet long and about 20 feet wide, a nice square with one tiny window and one little bench with 6 small showers. I pulled the towel around me, the cold tile floor was starting to make me shiver. I pulled open the door. Pulled and pulled.
I tugged again and the door didn't budge. The door was locked tight. I slammed my fist against the door, screaming for help. All I could hear was my own voice echoing back at me.
"If this is a prank, it's not fucking funny, let me out!" I kicked the door uselessly, my frustration building up. Suddenly the light went out. I took another pound at the door, yelling as loud as my voice could muster. The only light was white moonlight glowing from the window. The door creaked slightly in response from my beating, other than that, nothing.
"Shit!" I stepped back in exhaustion. The cold began creeping in, my soaking wet body now covered in goosebumps. The tile floors and cement walls did only to make a makeshift refrigerator. My breath turned white slowly as the nights cold dropped the temperature. I shivered harder, my teeth chattering together. I bunched up my towel around my body and arms, staring at the door.
"What do I do?" I muttered to myself, tears stinging my eyes with frustration. I looked at the door. The white wood was pretty flimsy. If I rammed it hard enough maybe I could break it open. I weighed my chances, could I afford the property damage? As another shiver struck I knew I didn't have a choice.
I backed up to the plastic bench, wanting to get a running start. Then, with full speed, I dashed across the room. My ankle suddenly gave to a wet tile, tilting me slightly as I smashed into the door. All I could here was a sickening pop before my body crashed to the ground in pain. My shoulder laid limp, it's joint completely removed from it's socket. White hot pain burning through my body as I screamed curses. Tears were falling now, sobs choking my heavy breathing. My square shoulder screamed dislocation, my body hurt from falling, and my ankle finally bit the dust it seemed. I gave up trying to move, just trying to breathe and not pay attention to the consistent pain. Another painful shiver shot through my body and I slowly curled into a misshapen fetal position, my hands turning white. Before I could pin point what to do next, the energy in my body seemed to fade, my eyes dropping. I knew if I closed my eyes, there's a chance of never waking up, but I was so tired suddenly, I had no willpower to fight it. I slowly lost consciousness, the moonlight fading away.

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