The SuperFlash (Part 1) [Comp...

بواسطة Sasha4446

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Kara and Barry met as kids. Now let's begin. Season 1 of SuperFlash. المزيد



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بواسطة Sasha4446

-Central City/High School-

It was 1996, Barry was at school nervous and all he was thinking was Kara Danvers. They haven't dated yet and he's only sixteen. Barry worked hard and decided to move up to senior year. He wanted to graduate with Kara who wanted to get over high school that was boring for her.

At lunch Barry sat down and thought of taking Kara on a date. He was thinking that he didn't notice Iris was talking to him.

Iris: Barry? Earth to Barry Allen.

Barry snapped out his thought: Um what?

Iris smiled: Are you nervous over a date this summer?

Barry nodded: Yeah!! What should I do Iris? What should I wear? What should I say? Where should I take her on a date?! This is so much pressure.

Iris smiled: Barry you're gonna be fine. I know you will and how bad can one day go?

Barry groans: Don't jinx it Iris. It's a bad idea to jinx it. I need your help. Please?

Iris: Ask dad, he knows what to do. I'm not really a date expert.

— —

-Central City/ The West Household-

Barry nodded, after school was over. He talked to Joe about it and Joe gave him some advice making him a bit not nervous. Barry went upstairs and called Kara on FaceTime. When Kara answered, Barry saw her beautiful face, her blue ocean eyes. He was one lucky man to have Kara Danvers in his life. After his mother's death, he felt broken and empty until she came. He really hopes he doesn't lose Kara like his mother which he would fear.

Kara smiled: Hey babe.

Barry shocked: Did you just call me babe?

Kara nodded: Yup. How was your day and are you nervous about our date coming soon.

Barry nodded: Well yeah. Aren't you nervous too?

Kara smiled: Well of course I am but I'm nervous inside but outside, I'm just so excited to finally date someone I have loved since I was 12.

Barry smiled: Me too. I'm nervous and excited inside and outside. I really wish we can be together right now.

Kara: I can't wait when we go to Metropolis University College. So exciting.

Barry frowns: Yeah exciting.

Kara worried: What's wrong Barr?

Barry: It's just my dad. How am I supposed to visit him if I'm far away?

Kara suggests: I can fly you there or super speed you there.

Barry looked at her shocked: Really? (Kara nodded and he smiled) And now I love you more Kara Zor El.

Kara smiled: I love you too Barry.

In Kara's background, Barry heard a loud groan and Barry knew it was Alex who was visiting before going back to National City.

Alex loudly: Would you two keep it down. And disgusting.

Kara rolled her eyes: Oh sorry bossy pants. Well I have to go Barry but I'll call you tomorrow or text you tonight.

Barry smiled: Okay. Love you.

Kara smiled: You too.

After Kara hangs up, Barry lets out a sigh before going to bed and thinking about his date with Kara. Barry needed to talk to his father about the date and how he would react to a sixteen year old son dating. He remembered something his mother said to him before she died.


It was Barry's eleventh birthday. Barry's dad was out getting the cake, so it was just Barry's mom and him watching a movie. A scene came on where a man and woman kissed.

Young Barry: Hey mom.

Nora smiled: Yes sweetie.

Barry: What's love?

Nora smiled: It's a feeling that you get when you really like someone.

Barry: Like with Iris?

Nora: No honey. You are not in love with Iris.
Love is something more than just an
attraction. You would do anything for that
one person. Love is putting the other above

Barry: How do you find love?

Nora: Oh honey. You don't find love. Love finds
you and runs right into you.

-End Flashback-

The next morning he got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Barry: Good morning Joe.

Joe smiled: Hey Barry. Did you sleep well last night?

Barry nodded: Yeah. Um, I might need a ride to see my dad.

Joe sighs: I can't wait when you get your own car Barry.

Barry fake hurt: Ouch. I feel so hurt Joe, and here I thought you like me in the car. (Sarcasm) Well done for hurting my feelings.

Joe chuckled as Barry continued eating while thinking. He wondered if it was too early to date or tell Kara he loved her. He loved her since childhood and so did she. He didn't know what to think anymore. Everything was going so fast and so quick. He was going on a date, moving to metropolis, graduating college. Everything was fast and he never expected his life to be this. He really wished his parents were here and his mother proud of him. Just one time to see his mother is all he asks for. He wanted to hug her forever but it could never happen.

Kara and him had one thing in common. They both lost their parents except Kara lost both parents and Barry lost his mother. When Kara told him her story, it made him so sad. Kara lost everything, her parents, family, friends and watching the planet blow up. She was around the sun for 24 years. She finds out her cousin grew up and she failed to protect him. Her cousin abandoned him then lost Jeremiah and her first friend Kenny Li. He was the one who made Kara feel welcome. Barry at first was jealous of it but got over it.

He snapped out of his thought when he heard Iris coming to the table. Iris has been like a sister to him and sister to Kara. Iris first didn't get along with Kara for some reason but they bonded soon later and became like sisters. Barry was happy that they were best friends or sisters. He was also happy that Alex and Kara got along, they got along after Kenny's death. Alex felt guilty for everything and made up with Kara. They had a true sister bonding there and so did Kara with Iris.

Iris smiled: Hey Barry.

Barry smiled: Hey Iris.

Iris: So what are you doing today?

Barry: I'm gonna talk to my dad about me and Kara dating soon. And Joe is gonna help me pack the rest of my stuff. It's like he wants me to leave.

Joe: No, I just want you out because you always talk in your sleep.

Barry gasps dramatically: How dare you?! (Fake hurt) Now I hurt more than ever Joe West!! You should be ashamed.

Iris burst out laughing and Joe chuckled at Barry antics. After Barry finished eating, he grabbed his phone and got in the car.

-Central City/Prison-

Barry got out of the car and they scanned him before letting him in. He sat at the chair until his dad came making him pick the phone. His dad picked his phone up.

Barry smiled: Hey dad.

Henry smiled: Hey son. What do I owe the visit for?

Barry: Date.

Henry smiled: Date?

Barry nodded: Yeah, I asked Kara on a date after college. What should I do dad? I'm so nervous and I don't want to mess up.

Henry: Barry, you aren't gonna mess up. Trust me, when I asked your mother on a date. I was scared and nervous like you were.

Barry: How did you overcome it? How did you survive the date?

After Barry talked to his father, he told Joe he was gonna walk for a while and clear his head. Joe nodded before driving off leaving Barry there thinking of what his dad said. He was wondering what Kara was doing right now and wished to kiss her right now. He can't wait when they move in together. He hopes one day he'll find out who killed his mother and free his father. Barry let out a sigh before walking off thinking of him and Kara's life together.

— —

-Midvale/Danvers Household-

Kara was nervous inside but excited outside. After her call with Barry, she couldn't sleep at all. She went out and laid on the roof to look at the stars. She remembered her aunt Astra teaching her the stars every time she would come over. She really misses her parents, family and friends. She really wishes things would turn out different. She wishes that she arrived on time to raise Kal and teach him about his people. Kara remembers the day she came to earth and how Kal wanted to send her to the Danvers.


Clark Kent, also known as Superman, was flying around until he saw something from the sky. It was a spaceship that looked just like his. He flew to the pod that landed and opened the top to see a girl who looked scared. He noticed there was his crest symbol on her shirt or something he had never seen before.

Superman: Who are you? And why are you wearing my family crest?

Kara nervously: Um, I'm Kara Zor El.

Superman froze and took a moment to think about what she just said. Zor El? He was his dad's brother and his uncle. Superman has heard from Kelex about Kara Zor El, her cousin who was sent to protect him but never arrived. Kelex told him she probably perished with the rest of Krypton or her pod blew up. But no, she was right in front of him. But why did she look so young and not an adult?

Superman: Your Zor El Daughter.

Kara was a bit scared: How did you know that?

Superman: Because he's my uncle. This might sound weird but I'm your cousin Kal El.

Kara exclaimed: What?! No!! My cousin was only a baby when I was sent to protect him!!

Superman: I was but um, we should probably go to Kelex. (He lent his hand and Kara backed away) Hey I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise.

Kara was hesitant at first but then took his hand. What surprised Kara next is he was flying. Like flying in the sky but then she realize the yellow sun!! It give Kryptonians special powers and abilities. When they landed  in the fortress of solitude, Kelex hover over them.

Kelex: Greeting Kal El. Kara Zor El?

Superman: Kelex you told me my cousin died.

Kelex: I thought she did, I couldn't track her ship anywhere. (Kelex scans Kara then scans the ship before going back to Superman) It seems Kara Zor El was in a slumber while being around the yellow sun.

Superman's eyes widen: What?! Then why does she look younger?! Shouldn't she be an adult right now?!

Kelex explained to Superman then looked at Kara who looked afraid. Superman put Kara down and Kara looked at him. They explain to her about everything and how Kal is older than her.

Kara had tears: Y-You really do have your father's eyes.

Superman smiled: So you knew my father? What was my mother like?

Kara: Aunt Lara was a kind and amazing woman. (Had tears coming down) I failed to protect you. I was supposed to protect you and I broke my promise to my parents.

Kara sobs and Superman hugs her until she stops sobbing.

Superman: No you didn't fail Kara. I still grew up with two amazing people. Would you like to meet them?

Kara perked up and smiled: Sure.

Superman flew them to the Kent's farm, he landed gently with Kara in his arm. They walked to the front door and Superman knocked on the door. The door opened and showed Martha & Jonathan Kent.

Martha smiled: Clark oh it's good to see you.

Clark smiled: Hey mom, dad.

Jonathan smiled: Hey son but um son who is the girl next to you?

Clark: Mom, dad this is Kara Zor El my cousin.

Both looked at him surprised and shocked at the same time. They let both in and Martha closed the door. Clark explains everything to his parents and what happened to Kara. Both looked at Kara who shifted uncomfortably. Martha walked to Kara and kneeled next to her.

Martha smiled: Hey you probably don't know me. I'm Martha and that's my husband Jonathan Kent.

Kara nervously: U-Um n-nice to meet you guys. (Kara notices her cousin leaving) Where are you going?

Clark: I'm gonna make a call to the Danvers.

Kara till her head: Who and why?

Clark: I'm gonna hand you over to them. I want you to have a normal life with the Danvers who can help you with your powers.

The Kent's and Kara exclaimed: What?!

Jonathan: Clark, you can't just send a kid to strangers.

Clark sighs: I know but I have to. I can't watch her everytime when I'm out being Superman.

Before Kara said anything, the door opened and Lois walked in, making Clark surprised.

Clark: Lois?! How did you know I was here?

Lois: Because when you told me about your cousin, I had to come and I knew you would come here. So I drove here. Where's your cousin?

Kara raised her hand: I'm right here.

Lois landed at Kara who put her hand down as Lois walked to her. Kara backed away and Lois stopped.

Lois: Oh no I'm not gonna hurt you. I can't believe Smallville has a cousin. I'm Lois Lane.

Kara: I-I'm K-Kara Zor El.

Lois smiled: Nice to meet you Kara. So did Clark tell you that I'm his girlfriend?

Kara till her head in shock: Girlfriend? You're my cousin mate?

Lois: Um yeah. (She noticed Clark calling someone) What are you doing?

Clark: Calling the Danvers.

Lois: Why?

Kara is a bit angry and sad: He wants to send me away!!

Lois exclaimed: What?! Smallville you can't send Kara with people she doesn't know!!

Clark: What do you want me to do?! Adopt her? I can't do that Lois. That would put Kara a target to Lex or any other villains. This is the best option and no mom and dad. You can't take Kara because Lex might come here too!! I'm not gonna lose my cousin to any villain and the best option is to send her to the Danvers who can help her with her powers.

Kara's jaw dropped while Clark got his parents and girlfriend's disappointed face. After Clark called the Danvers, he hung up and looked at Kara.

Clark: Come on Kara, there waiting.

Kara pout: I'm not going!!

Clark sighs: Kara please, this is for your own good!!

Kara yelled: By abandoning me with strangers?! You might know them but I don't!!

Clark: Kara I grew up to have a normal life and that's what I want for you.

Kara: But how is having powers normal?! I'm not normal Kal and I never will be!! (Angrily) I'm not going and you're not making me!!

Clark sighs before grabbing Kara who held on the chair screaming.

Kara screamed: Let me go!! I don't want to go!! (Cried) You're gonna abandon me just like mom and dad did!! I would never do this to you!! Please don't!!

Clark bit his lip before letting her go as she cried on the floor. Clark sat down and hugged her while looking at his parents and girlfriend who shook their heads in disappointment.

Lois: Smallville she wants you and she's your only family left.

Clark looked down and after an hour passed, Kara finally calmed down. Clark explained to Kara that he would visit her and Kara nodded at the promise but was still upset and angry at him.

-End Flashback-

He lied to her and Kara kept hoping he would come but never did. Kara shook the memory off before going back inside the house and sleeping for the rest of the night. The next morning she yawned and got dressed before going downstairs for breakfast.

Eliza smiled: Good morning honey. How did you sleep last night?

Kara smiled: Good morning and it was good. The date is coming up soon and I don't know what to wear Eliza.

Alex walked in: Don't worry sis, that's why you have me here. I'll help you pick out a dress.

Kara smiled: Gracias (Spanish translation: Thanks).

They heard a knock and Kara ran to open it but the moment she opened the door, she froze. In front of her was her cousin and Lois. Alex and Eliza both looked at each other worried. Behind Clark and Lois was Martha and Jonathan Kent. There was silence for a few minutes until Kara shook her head.

Kara: Um, hey Miss and Mr Kent. And hey Lois. (Glared at Clark) What are you doing here?

Clark: I just want to be here for my cousin going to college too early.

Kara scoffs: Oh so this is the only time you would come? Did you not miss me when you abandoned me with a bunch of strangers. (Put a hand up at Eliza and Alex so they wouldn't say anything) No offense.

Alex shrugged: Eh we were a bunch of strangers anyways.

Eliza nodded and Kara smiled at them before glaring at her cousin again who looked down ashamed. He should be ashamed before Kara let out a sigh.

Kara smiled: So um what are you guys doing here?

Lois: We'll want to be here for you and we also want to meet your boyfriend.

Clark: Barry Allen, you're dating a bit too early Kara.

Kara angrily: And why would you care who I date or who I shouldn't!! You threaten Barry, your dead Kal.

Clark gulped but nodded, Kara let them inside and all chat. Kara kept giving Clark a glare which he looked away.

Martha: I still can't be Kara graduating early at age 16.

Kara shrugged: Technically I didn't want to go to school in the first place. It was all easy and Barry wanted to be at my level so I helped him when we chat on FaceTime.

Alex snicker: Yeah which is everyday.

Kara shrugged: Hey, he wanted help and talking to him is nice!! Iris said she will be coming to college next year. She can join me and Barry. You better call me Alex.

Alex smiled: Of course I will.

Clark clears his throat making everyone look at him as Kara scoffs at him.

Clark: Can I talk to Kara privately?

They all nodded and left the room leaving Kara and Clark there. Kara crossed her arm and laid against the couch. The others were in the other room and heard nothing yet.

Lois whispers: This isn't gonna be good.

Alex is a bit angry: Well Clark deserves to be yell if Kara yells at him. I mean it's his fault my dad disappeared in the first place!! And Kara blamed herself because I blamed her which I regret everyday. Whatever Kara says, just deal with it.

With Clark and Kara who stared at each other while Kara got up and got a drink. Kara put the glass down and looked at Clark.

Kara angry: What do you want to talk about?

Clark apologized: Look, I'm sorry Kara. I-I just wanted you to have a normal life and I was afraid of losing my last blood. If Lex or anyone finds out you were alive. They would target you and I didn't want that. I know I shouldn't abandon you and I'm sorry I broke my promise to you.  I know you're mad and you. . .

Kara interrupted angrily: Are you serious? (Yelled) Of course I'm mad at you!! Do you have any idea how mad I am at you!! I lost everything Kal!! You didn't watch your home blow up, you didn't have to say goodbye to your parents then being blasted into space!! I know you never got to know your parents but you had two amazing parents who raised you. You actually had parents to grow up with until you're an adult and I didn't!! (Had tears) I waited everyday for you to show up so I could hug you and get to know my cousin who I couldn't be there with when he grew up!! You didn't even answer any of my calls, only Lois and your parents did!!

Clark looked down sadly: I know and I want to take it back. I-I just want to be there for you right now. You don't have to forgive me but just give me a chance to get to know you. And be there for you when I wasn't in the past.

Kara bit her lip and thought about it. Should she forgive him or not but Kara knew he regrets it. As much as Kara hates her cousin for what he did, he was still her baby cousin and always have been.

Kara sighs: Fine, I'll give you one chance and you better not screw it up.

Clark nodded sadly and Kara walked over to him. Clark bit his lip but what surprised him was that Kara hugged him.

Kara whispers: Took you forever cuz.

Clark had tears coming down before hugging Kara who sobs. The others had tears and all smiled that Kara was gonna give him a chance.

Alex smiled: She always forgives people easily or gives them a chance.

Martha: Kara is a kind heart girl and I'm glad you took care of her Eliza.

Eliza smiled and nodded at her. After Kara and Clark hugged, they called them back and all had a great time chatting.

— —

-Danvers Allen Apartment-

After Kara and Barry graduated high school, they met in Metropolis with their stuff. Barry and Kara hugged before kissing each other making Alex and Iris fake gag.

Alex groans: Get a room. Seriously, get a room.

Kara gave Alex a death glare and she turned away. They all started unpacking the stuff in the apartment Clark and Lois got for them which was a surprise to them all when Lois told them. They heard a knock and Kara opened it up to see the Kent's, Lois and her cousin.

Kara smiled: You guys made it. Come in.

They all walked in and Kara closed the door behind them. She walked in front of them and looked at her friends and family.

Kara smiled: Joe, Iris and Barry. This is my cousin's foster parents, Martha and Jonathan Kent. This is Lois Lane and my cousin Kal El or Clark Kent on earth. You guys meet Joe West and his daughter Iris West. (Smiled brightly at Barry) And that's my boyfriend.

Barry nervously waved his hand: Hey.

Kent's, Clark and Lois smiled: Hey.

Later that day, everyone sat down and ate food. Kara and Barry looked at each other and smiled.

— —

The next day, Barry picked a Chinese restaurant and had help from Iris on what to wear.

Barry: Oh god Iris, it's too early for me to love!! I'm like sixteen and it's early.

Iris sighs: Barry, you're gonna be fine plus it's Kara we're talking about. She loves you just as much as you love her. Seriously Barry, what could possibly go wrong? You're gonna be fine and I know you will be. Now stop being nervous or I'm gonna hit you.

Barry fake gasped and nodded before thinking of Kara. He couldn't stop thinking of her beautiful and bright smile she always put on. He was one lucky man to have her.

— —

-Lane Kent Apartment-

Alex and Lois were helping Kara pick out a dress and she was pacing around nervous.

Alex annoyed: Kara do me a favor and stop pacing around!!

Kara stopped and apologized: Sorry Alex but I'm so nervous.

Lois smiled: You have nothing to be nervous about, it's Barry Kara.

Kara sighs: Yeah I know that but what if the date went wrong?

Alex smiled: It won't be Kara because I know you and you just need to be you. Everything will go fine alright now help us here too.

Kara nodded before choosing a dress to wear at the Chinese restaurant Barry picked. She loves Chinese food and it was a perfect place to go.

— —

-Metropolis/Chinese Restaurant-

Barry was waiting at the front door until he saw the car pulled out and Kara came out making his jaw drop.

Barry was speechless and his heart was beating fast as Kara approached him.

Kara smiled: Well hello handsome.

Barry shook his head and smiled: Hey Kara. Wow you look so beautiful.

Kara kissed him on the cheek: So do you handsome. Now come on.

Barry smiled before holding her hand walking in the restaurant. They both sat down and ordered their food.

Kara smiled: Nice place Barry.

Barry smiled: Well you do like Chinese so why not Chinese.

Kara: How can you afford this anyways?

Barry smiled: Well you see, on my mom's side of the family. She was actually rich but she wanted a simple life. The money her parents or grandparents sent, she didn't use it that much. (Sadly) And since my mom is gone and we'll dad in jail for a murder he didn't commit. I get her money but I won't get it till I'm 18. I really miss her so much. I wish she was here with me.

Kara smiled and held his hand: She is with you and always will be in your heart Barry. Your mother is proud of you just like I am Barry.

Barry smiled before kissing her which she kissed back. They ate their food while talking and laughing. When they finished, they walked off and Alex picked them up. In the car Kara yawned and leaned next to Barry who put his arm around her.

Kara softly: I love you Barry Allen.

Barry kissed her: I love you Kara Zor El Danvers and always will.

— —

-Metropolis/Danvers Allen Apartment-

Alex dropped them off and Alex offered to help Barry with Kara but Barry says it's fine.

Alex: We'll goodnight and see you tomorrow Allen.

Barry smiled: You too Alex.

Barry took Kara into their apartment and put her in bed, Barry was gonna walk off until Kara grabbed his arm making him look at her.

Kara smiled: Where are you doing?

Barry: I'm gonna sleep in my bed.

Kara pout: Why? Can you sleep here please?

Barry smiled: Anything for you.

Barry got in his pajamas and got in bed with Kara who put her arm on him making Barry smile.

Barry: Goodnight Kara.

Kara softly: Good night Barry.

A/N- Just saying, I'm rewriting the chapter and remake the chapter.

TO BE CONTINUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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