The baby swap✓

By xoxek_12

6.1M 260K 31.1K

Zoe is a young and independent woman who never loses an argument. She feels that her life is finally the way... More

The baby swap
Chapter 1: Starlight diamonds
Chapter 2: Alexander
Chapter 3: I want a baby?
Chapter 4: Heir
Chapter 5: Sperm selection
Chapter 6: Surrogate
Chapter 7: Insemination
Chapter 8: The baby swap
Chapter 9: Baby for a price
Chapter 10: Baby arrangements
Chapter 11: The baby take over plan
Chapter 12: New owner
Chapter 13: Alex the control freak
Chapter 14: Playing pretentious
Chapter 15: Baby agreements (part 1)
Chapter 16: Baby agreements (part 2)
Chapter 17: The hostel plan
Chapter 18: The spy next door
Chapter 19: Paparazzi (part 1)
Chapter 20: Paparazzi (part 2)
Chapter 21: Missing Alexander
Chapter 22: Uncovering the lies
Chapter 23: The irony of a sperm donor
Chapter 24: Officially homeless
Chapter 25: A different side of Alexander
Chapter 26: The real side of Alexander
Chapter 27: Plan in motion
Chapter 28: His only friend
Chapter 29: Stargazing and a girl named Cindy
Chapter 30: His godfather Sebastian
Chapter 31: The reason he is
Chapter 32: Time apart
Chapter 33: Gone but not missed
Chapter 34: The ball
Chapter 35: Big secrets revealed
Chapter 36: Surprise, surprise
Chapter 37: Vacation
Chapter 38: La dolce vita
Chapter 39: Little miss mysterious
Chapter 40: Buried Secrets
Chapter 41: Confessions
Chapter 42: Kissing in the rain
Chapter 43: Back to reality
Chapter 44: Scandalous
Chapter 45: Day of emotions
Chapter 47: The pressure from beneath
Chapter 48: Accident
Chapter 49: Tragedy pulls people together
Chapter 50: A misplacement
Credit scene
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 46: Persistence is key

75.8K 3.9K 363
By xoxek_12

Zoe's POV

I took a tub of yoghurt from my fridge and returned to my bedroom. I still kept on thinking about Alex, maybe I shouldn't have just left like that. How is he doing now? Was he okay?

I should probably call him, or maybe not. I was indecisive.

I remembered his words. "You can stay here for as long as you want."

Those were the code words for he needed me to stay, and I let him down just like that.

My thoughts were driving me crazy. At this point, I wasn't even sure if he was the one who sent me that text anymore. It made me feel even worse about myself. But he was no angel either.

At this point, all I'm sure about is that it is simply better if I tried to forget him.

I contacted Rafael today, everything that happened yesterday took me by surprise. I still couldn't wrap my head around everything.

Was he ever really my friend from the start? Was he just using me to get closer to Alex?

Either way, I needed answers from him. But he wasn't answering his calls. I stopped trying to contact him after a couple of tries.

I looked out from my balcony to notice that there was a whole team of reporters, all fighting to get through the gate. I'm sure they would have managed to get in if not for the team of bodyguards that were lined up at the gate.

Was this about the scandal with Alex and Cindy? Was he the one who hired the bodyguards? We barely had any security at the main gate, let alone a team of bodyguards.

I tried brushing Alex out of my thoughts trying to think of all the terrible things he has done instead. But every time I ended up thinking about his good side too.

I set my tub of yoghurt aside upon hearing the sound of my doorbell.

Who could it be at this time?

I walked to the door, uninterested in whomever it was. I just wanted to stay in and not see anyone.

I opened the door.

My eyes shot open seeing him in front of me.

'He is here,' The inner child in me yelled excited. Alex is right here, and he is perfectly fine.

I tried to compose myself, putting on a serious expression.

He looked at me, a smile across his face.

Wait, wasn't he supposed to be sad? I know I would be if it had happened to me. He looked so composed, almost as if nothing had happened at all.

Wait, aren't we supposed to be keeping our distance? I told him I needed space. Having him this close all the time wasn't helping with anything.

"I thought I said I needed some space," I spoke crossing my arms trying to maintain a serious expression. I wanted to hug him so badly, but deep down I knew I needed to protect my heart first.

"And I gave it to you, I didn't call you last night." He answered happily. "I thought you meant one or two hours." He continued.

Just like that and I wanted to laugh.

My mouth flew open at the nerves of this guy, I couldn't believe his logic. No one ever says they want space just to take two hours off.

"If I didn't want to talk to you, I would have simply ignored your calls," I answered.

"But then again you know I'd show up," he said.

I thought he would never show up again and that I was probably going to end up regretting my decision for the rest of my life.

"Besides, I come in peace. I'm here to make you breakfast and not to bother you at all." He said holding out a paper bag.

I sighed. A big part of me was glad he was here. The other part knew I was never falling out of love with him.

"Make yourself at home," I said gesturing for him to come in.

He smiled walking into the house.

I suddenly became conscious of my appearance; I was still in my pyjamas and my hair was a mess. I looked like I was the one who had just found out I had a secret brother.

I walked past him to the bathroom.

Wait, was I just doing this to impress him? No, I only wanted to look more appropriate.

About twenty minutes later, I returned all bathed and dressed up. I was shocked to see what was happening.

Maybe telling him to make himself at home was a mistake, after so long I should have known to be more careful with my word choice.

Alex had settled himself quite well, already at the stove with the aroma of the food filling the kitchen. But he was also shirtless.

He turned around staring at me looking for a reaction.

I had no idea how preparing breakfast required anyone to suddenly be half naked. Was he trying to tempt me? No, I had to show him that I was unaffected by this.

"I'm making some eggs," He announced. "Would you like to taste some," He called me over to the kitchen.

I nodded, trying to keep any from him would only prove how much I was affected by him.

He dished the eggs into the plate.

He placed the plate in front of me on the counter.

With both his hands on the side, he trapped me between the counter

This was too close for my comfort. All I had to do was turn around and I would be in direct contact with his abs and just a few inches from his lips.

He took a fork full of eggs from the plate, it was still steaming hot.

Over my shoulder, he blew over the eggs to cool them down.

I suddenly felt hot and cold all at once. I was too close to him, the logical side of me told me to run. But then again that would just show him that I was affected by his presence.

"Want to try some," He whispered over my shoulder.

I nodded. Anything to keep me from doing something stupid.

He gently lifted the fork to my lips.

And sure enough, it tasted just as great as he looked. Almost as good as his lips tasted.

"How is it?" He whispered, his breath fanning against my neck.

"It's great," I answered truthfully. But this time I had the right mind to step away from him, taking full advantage that his one hand was no longer holding onto the counter.

He reached out his hand and gently stroked my lips, wiping away the traces of eggs from my lips.

My whole body trembled under his touch.

Why was he doing this to me? Isn't it bad enough that he sent me that text message?

He stepped away smiling to himself. "You are cute," he said.

I realized that my cheek must have been flashing red from embarrassment.

I turned my face away from him.

Maybe it was time I diverted my attention to him.

"So, how do you feel after the whole Rafael thing?" I asked changing the subject.

He didn't answer.

He just kept smiling to himself while stirring the pan.

"Have you spoken to Sebastian?" I asked instead.

"He is dead to me. I would really appreciate it if we never spoke about this subject again." He said calmly.

This was not the reaction I had expected from him. This whole thing affected him a lot more than I thought. His way of dealing with it was pretending it didn't exist.

I stepped away and watched him work quietly in the kitchen. I didn't want to trigger anything. I desperately wanted to ask him if he was okay.

He continued his work in the kitchen, stirring a mixture for waffles. Nearly forty-five minutes later and we now had our very own home-cooked buffet.

He took the plates from the counter and prepared the table. I didn't have to lift a finger.

I didn't get through after everything, why was he being too nice?

We sat at the table and had our breakfast in silence.

We didn't need to say anything

Alex was the first to finish his food, I imagined that he would probably go to work after this.

"I'll get the plates." I offered to clear the table.

"No, I wanted to do. Let me do this." He insisted.

"Fine, let me at least help you." I insisted.

There were so many unspoken things between us, lingering in the air. I knew that I needed to address it, but I wasn't prepared to handle his response. Why did he write that message to me? What did he really think about me?

I handed him the plates while he stacked them in the dishwasher.

Our hands made contact as I handed him the plate.

"Why do you need to take your shirt off to make breakfast?" I asked.

He stopped what he was doing.

"Why? Does it bother you to see me naked?" He challenged.

'Yes,' My brain wanted to scream, but I managed to hold my tongue.

"No, it's not okay that you get to walk around with your six-pack while I am pregnant," I answered instead.

He chuckled.

"Go out with me. Tonight, six-thirty." He spoke.

"Go out with you?" I questioned.

Did he have some sort of amnesia? I told him I needed space and now he was asking me out. Besides, this was what he wanted.

"Yes," he answered. "I'd ask you to marry me, but I was thinking maybe baby steps."

I nearly choked on my spit. Maybe what happened yesterday caused him to have some kind of brain injury. I don't know what his deal was with me today.

I finally understood the extent of his arrogance.

"I don't understand you, after that message you sent me you suddenly change your mind and want to go out with me." I blunted.

"What message?" He asked.

That was Alexander, if he wasn't lying about something he was pretending he didn't know about it.

"I think it's best that you just leave," I said instead.

"What did I do now? Just tell me so we can fix this." He Spoke.

"Please just get out, I really don't want to speak to you right now." I insisted.

He sighed. "Fine, but we are not done having this conversation."

He grabbed his jacket and left my apartment.


I spent the day working on my laptop, there were a couple of things I needed to check to ensure that the business was going well and sure enough, it was looking better than expected.

But any moment now and my laptop would die out, the last place I remember putting the charger was at the back of my car, I must have left it there. I hadn't used it for such a long while that I hadn't even bothered looking for it.

There were a couple of documents I received from Sam, my manager that I needed to sign. I had been trying to approach a baker this one baker for a long time. I tried her cakes once and I was absolutely in love, after so many months of trying, she finally agreed to sell her cakes at my café.

My phone rang drawing me out of my thoughts. I looked at the caller ID to see an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"Zoe, I'm so glad you answered." He spoke.

I immediately recognized his voice. It was Justin.

Why was he calling me and how did he get my number?

"I am just calling to clear up this whole misunderstanding about the text message you received." He spoke.

Alex sensed I was mad this morning, did he send Justin to try and soften me up?

"He is sending you now to do his dirty bidding for him?" I asked.

"No, he doesn't know that I called. You should just forgive him,"

So, I should forgive him? After he told me that I was conceited and that I should find a rich man to seduce. Maybe I should do that.

"So, you know what I'm talking about. Your friend seems to be pretending like he doesn't." I answered.

"Well... he really."

My laptop beeped, indicating that I had received an email. It was of the document I needed to sign.

I needed to find my charger before my laptop dies on me.

"Look Justin, maybe we could have this conversation another time. I have to go." I spoke.

I ended the call before he could say anything else.

What a strange day, first with Alex just showing up at my apartment and now Justin calling. Is Rafael going to show up here next?

I rushed out of my apartment, holding only my apartment keys and my phone.

I was lucky enough to find the elevator doors opened.

I stepped in and pressed the button to the ground floor.

Just as the doors closed, I noticed there he was. Alexander holding a bouquet of flowers.

What was he doing here? Couldn't he take no for an answer?

I needed to get out of here.

I reached for the elevator buttons, any floor to get me out of here as soon as possible.

"We need to talk," Alex said standing in my way.

The elevator suddenly came to a stop, taking the two of us by surprise. I leaned my back against the wall trying to catch my balance.

Neither of us had pressed any button to stop the elevator, why was this happening? Something was wrong.

"What are you doing here?" I spoke trying to contain myself.

"You can't keep avoiding me forever." He answered.

Just then, the lights went off leaving the two of us in total darkness.

That's when I knew that something was seriously wrong.

'Don't panic' I reminded myself.

I fumbled for my cell phone in my pocket. All I needed to do was contact the caretaker and this problem would be solved.

I switched my flashlight on and searched for the caretaker's number.

Alexander looked so nonchalant like he couldn't be more bothered, he didn't look like someone who was stuck in an emergency.

"Good day ma'am." He answered on the first ring.

"Could you please help us out? I'm stuck inside the elevator; the lights are off and nothing is working." I explained.

He signed.

"Sorry ma'am, I'm actually away for my mother's funeral. I can contact someone to fix the issue, but they won't be able to arrive or do anything in at least two hours." He explained.

Two hours was a long time. What if the cable or something was loose? We could die here. Most importantly, Alexander and I would kill each other first.

There had to be a solution.

"Please have someone here as soon as possible," I spoke.

He ended the call as I slowly moved my phone from my ear.

Was I going to end up as one of those women who end up giving birth in an elevator? I've seen what stress does to people. All those horror stories I've watched about elevator scenes weren't making things easier.

"You know, if you were a lot meaner like I told you someone would probably be here in less than ten minutes," Alexander spoke.

I couldn't concentrate on his words right now; all I could think about was that I was stuck in this tinny space.

I kneed and sat on the floor.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" Alexander asked.

"No," I answered. "I just don't like being trapped inside tinny spaces" I explained trying to catch my breath. I was hyperventilating.

He sat next to me and held me in a tight hug.

"It's going to be okay," He spoke rubbing my arm.

I focused on his words. Within minutes I was finally calm.

"Why did you send me that message?" I asked. "You broke my heart when you sent those words."

He sighed. "I really want to get through this but I'm still not sure about what you are talking about," he answered replicating my calmness.

I reached for my phone and showed him the text message.

He was right, we needed to talk about this like grown adults.

I analysed his expression as he read through the text.

"It looks like a friendship just ended." He answered staring at the screen.

"So, you did send that?" I asked for clarification.

"No, I didn't send it. Maybe Justin might have accidentally. This whole thing was a mistake. It wasn't meant for you to begin with." He rambled.

"I believe you," I spoke.

"I never thought I'd fall for someone this badly until you came along. I want to stay with you, argue with you and grow together. Because of you, I'm doing things I thought I'd never do. No matter what I do, I'll always come back to you."

"And if I ran away from you?" I asked.

"I'll always come back to you," he repeated.

Just like that, his lips captured mine. Our kiss was hungry and passionate, full of urgency. Right then, I knew there was nothing else I wanted but him.

It was as if all the bad things had never happened. I was back where I belonged.

"Wait," I whispered pulling away. "You do that that the two of us have some issues and that it's probably going to take a lot to fix that," I spoke.

"We can work on it," He answered.

"Fine, if we are going to work, we have to be more willing to talk about things. Be honest and transparent," I explained.

"Does this start now? Because I kinda paid the caretaker to stop the elevator." He confessed.

"You just had to ruin the mood didn't you," I laughed slapping him on the shoulder.

"What if I kissed you again, would that make things better? Besides, it was the only way I could think of to talk to you." He whispered.

"You can't keep bribing me with your kisses," I answered.

Just like that, we were back to making out again.

Suddenly the lights were back on, and the elevator started moving again.

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