By Aling_Marites_Writes

86.5K 3.2K 913

Myoi Sharon Mina. The girl who has evrything. Beauty, brains, luxuries... you name it. She is respected by al... More



1.2K 52 27
By Aling_Marites_Writes

The beat of the music vibrating in Chaeyoung's ears was so loud that it almost made her hearing ache. But she didn't mind it a bit. She couldn't care less if the headphones she's using is starting to make her earlobes sweat, or the throbbing neck pain from minutes of being cocked to the side, lying down facing the wall and staring at it blankly. No, she don't give a fuck at all those things.

She took a shaky breath as the familiar line of the song was heard, letting a painful memory of a very important person invade her mind. But she felt nothing. There was no tears, no emotion visible on her face, nothing. It's as if she'd grown numb.

Her peaceful moment was interrupted by a hand shaking her arm lightly. She sighed, closing her eyes as she try to contain the frustration. She turn her head and saw her bestfriend, Tzuyu, looking down at her.

Chaeyoung watch her lips started moving, speaking out words, probably throwing questions at her, but she didn't bring herself to put down her headphones much even listen to what her friend is saying.

Noticing that the short girl is not paying attention, Tzuyu sighed and slowly slide down the headphones down to her neck.

"Chaeng..." Tzuyu started.

"What?" Chaeyoung replied, in a cold manner.

Tzuyu ignored her tone and says, "The others are waiting for you in the dining area. Join us for breakfast."

Chaeyoung turn her body away from Tzuyu, and faced the wall. "No thanks. I'm not hungry."

Tzuyu sighs. "Chaeng, I know that this day is going to be hard for you, but you don't have to starve yourself. Come on, eat with us."

Chaeyoung didn't reply and kept her body turned away from her bestfriend. Seeing this, Tzuyu lean and put her chin on Chaeyoung's arm.

"Chaeng, please. Don't make me worry. As much as I want to let you be and have this day to yourself, I wouldn't be put to rest if you don't have enough food intake in your system. It'll only make you more drained than ever. Trust me, you wouldn't want that. So please, join with us. At least have a sandwich or something, just to know that you've got food in you."

Chaeyoung turn her head and saw the worry on Tzuyu's face. Knowing that her bestfriend would stop at nothing into convincing her, she agreed.

The two of them walked downstairs to the dining room where the group are already eating. Most of them greeted Chaeyoung softly, not wanting to scare the short girl away.

Clenching her jaw, Chaeyoung shoved away the irritation she starting to feel, seeing the sympathetic look on her friends' faces and gave them a small hesitant smile, approaching her seat beside Mina.

Not forgetting her role she's suppose to portray, she gave a gentle kiss on Mina's head and send her a smile, before she sat down.

Throughout the breakfast, Chaeyoung was mostly quiet, occasionally nodding and sometimes giving brief replies. She was aware of Bambam tending to Mina's need and the subtle look her fake girlfriend is giving her, but she had no strength to mind it. Her mind was occupied with a certain person close to her heart, as she mindlessly pick at her food.

"Someone's feeling out of place here with her gloomy aura. Wonder what got her down." Bambam smirked, his eyes traveling to Chaeyoung.

Mina glance beside her and saw the blank look on Chaeyoung's face. Without hesitation, she put her hand on top of the short girl's, which made the latter glance at her.

"Is something wrong?" Mina whispered.

"Nothing. I'm just... not really feeling hungry is all." Chaeyoung mumbled, giving her what she hoped is a reassuring smile.

Although she didn't particularly bought Chaeyoung's lie, she decided to drop it. She rubbed circles on the girl's back hand, which earned a soft smile on Chaeyoung's face.

They resumed eating, but Chaeyoung was still pretty quiet and was almost left to her thoughts when Bambam yet again opened his mouth.

"Okay, I, I gotta ask. Are pigs suddenly flying in the sky? Because holy shit, I've never witness this much silence from our cheerful girl Chaeyoung. Seriously, she's like a whole different person!" Bambam exclaimed.

Chaeyoung's lips quirked upwards, as she put down her glass of water. "Well, sorry to disappoint you but I'm having a break from that cheerful Chaeyoung."

"Yeah, I can see that. Thanks to that sad aura, your girlfriend's attention was on me most of the time, which I'm definitely not complaining." Bambam remarked, winking at Mina.

Chaeyoung didn't further comment on this, not really at the mood to exchange conversation with Mina's fiancè. Bambam kept talking about how lucky he is now that Mina had paid attention to him, occasionally teasing Chaeyoung for losing her charms at impressing Mina. To her, she couldn't bring herself to care.

She was aware of her friends and Mina telling Bambam to tone down his teasing at the short girl and leave her alone, or else at some point she'll eventually talk back and snap in anger.

That moment came when Chaeyoung's ears perked up at Bambam's comment.

"I know I haven't met her, but I could almost sense that her mother has also pale skin as Chaeyoung's... Come to think of it, if Chaeyoung has this cream skin complexion, I wonder if her mother has this super white skin? The kind Koreans have." Then Bambam snickered. "Or like the skin of the white lady? Imagine Chaeyoung's mother having a skin color of ghost. The skin of the dead soul. Woah, that's so creepy... No one wants to be compared with the dead. That's just plain-"

The guy's rambling was cut off when he felt hands gripping the collar of his shirt, being pulled in a standing position, before he felt the hard wall hitting his back. His eyes widened as he stared at Chaeyoung's angry eyes.

"Shut up! Just shut up! Do not talk about my mother like that! You hear me?! You have no fucking right to even speak that way about her! I swear, I'll fucking hurt you! You do not drag my mother in to this! You have no right! You have no fucking right!" Chaeyoung bursted, pushing him back and forth on the wall.

The girls surrounded them, trying to talk Chaeyoung out to let the guy go. Bambam on the other hand, kept apologizing, saying that it was only a joke. But it only fan Chaeyoung's anger. Her right hand, was on Bambam's neck, clenching it tighter.

Chaeyoung felt soft hands wrapped around waist, trying to pull her away, but she didn't budge.

"Chaeng, let Bambam go. He didn't mean what he said. Come on, let him go." Mina whispered.

"No! He talk shit about my mother! He deserve it!" Chaeyoung spatted, her fuming eyes never leaving the poor guy. Bambam's hands went to Chaeyoung, as he begin to struggle for air.

"Chaeng please, you're hurting him. Put your hands down. Chaeng, please. Let him go. Please." Mina says in a desperate tone, as she watch Bambam swiftly patting Chaeyoung's wrist.

Clenching her jaw, Chaeyoung gave a final tight grip before she let him go. Bambam immediately bend down on his knees, quickly gasping for air, his hands going to his neck.

"The next time I hear you mentioning my mother again, I'll do worst than that." Chaeyoung threatened, before she storm off.

She ignored the worry questions thrown to Bambam and the scolding, or the calls from her friends as she slammed the door close. Her body instantly came contact with the bed as she felt the tears stinging her eyes.

Chaeyoung know that Bambam's words were meant to be just a joke but there were certain words that struck her. Hearing the word mother and dead in the same sentence brought back painful memories of her mom in the hospital.

She shove her head on the pillow and let out of a scream, her tears starting to fall from her cheeks. After a minute, she wipe her tears away and took her phone, putting her headphones on her head. Her fingers tap on the gallery app and scroll through all the pictures she had with her mother. Until she came across to their videos. She had a sad smile on her face as she watch at their childish antics with smiles on both their faces. By the time she had gone through them all, she curled up to the bedsheets as she again felt tears building up. She whimpered and hiccuped as she close her eyes, crying herself to sleep.


Chaeyoung struggled to open her eyes, feeling it heavy and puffy. She felt a mild headache as she sat up, hissing at the throbbing ache. She lick at her dry lips, suddenly wanting something to drink to quench her thirst.

"Here." She look up and saw Mina holding out a glass of water. Silently, Chaeyoung took it and gulped the liquid, loving the feeling passing down her throat.

"You're really unfair you know. If I have known that today is your birthday, I would've baked you a chocolate cake yesterday." Mina smiles. "I know how much you love chocolate and I have no doubt that you'll finish it in a single day."

Mina's smile faltered, seeing the blank look on Chaeyoung's face as the latter stare at the floor. The short girl felt the bed sinking, as Mina sat beside her.

"Tzuyu told me everything." Mina whispered. "I'm really sorry, Chaeng."

There was a moment of silence as the two girls stared into space. That is, until Chaeyoung spoke.

"You know, I was pretty excited for my birthday at that time because it would be my first time spending it with just the four us. Dad, Kyujin, me, and mom. I didn't care if I'd be spending it in a hospital. So me and Kyujin- she was still a toddler that time, went to buy food. We brought a lot. Pastas, pizzas, fried chicken, cake, everything. Then we were picked up by dad from his work and drove us back to the hospital... That's when things started to fall."

Chaeyoung gulped the lump that's starting to form on her throat. "We came in and saw the doctors doing CPR on mom... Then... we heard the flatline... My whole body started shaking as I went and hug my mom's lifeless body."

The short girl let the tears run down her cheeks. "I was so... so... devasted. For months, I locked myself in my room, had small amount of food, countless sleepless nights, and lots of crying and bawling my eyes out. And every once in a while, I'd buy myself a couple beers, sat on a pavement, and just drink. I succumbed to depression and completely lose myself to the point that I've had suicidal thoughts."

Mina gasped. "Chaeyoung..."

"Good thing Jay found me. He was the one who helped me battle through my depression. Within those months, he had been incredibly patient and understanding as he dealt with me. But it didn't hurt any less whenever my birthday comes. It's like... a slap on my face reminding me that my mom is truly gone."

Chaeyoung sniffed as she shut her eyes tightly in attempt to stop the falling tears. But it only brought back memories of her mom which had only fan her cries. She felt arms around her shoulders and was pulled towards Mina's side.

Minutes after, Chaeyoung pulled away hiccuping and sniffing. Looking at her state, Mina felt her chest clenching. She's not used to seeing her like this. She misses the happy go-lucky and cheerful Chaeyoung.

"Look Chaeng, I know it's hard. But you can't keep going on like this everytime you have your birthday. You're just gonna go through all the pain again and again. And it's not healthy anymore. You have to learn to let go and move on." Mina gently said.

Chaeyoung immediately stood up, looking at Mina wide wide eyes. "Move on?! Are you saying that I should just forget my mother?! To just simply throw away my memories I had with her?! Mina, I certainly would not! What kind of a bad advice is that?!" She exclaimed.

"No, no, Chaeng, that's not what I meant. I would never suggest you to do that. What I meant was, to let go of the pain. I know you're still mourning at the loss of your mom, and I respect that. But I want to help you heal. And in order for you to do that, you have to stop dwelling on your mom's loss. Instead of focusing on the pain, think of the things you still have that reminds you of your mom. That had made you both bond over it happily. Focus on the happy memories and I assure you, you'd forget all the hurt and the pain." Mina smiled.

"But what if I can't? What if I get stuck on the pain? Or, or, if I get depressed again? Then I'll start going crazy and start hallucinating things. And then I shut people out. What if, I start having suicidal thoughts again? And what if this time I go through with it and-"

"No, you won't. Cause I'll be here for you." Mina says, as she gently grab Chaeyoung's wrist, pulling her in between her legs. "I won't let those happen to you, okay? I'm here to help you."

Chaeyoung look down at Mina and gave a thankful smile. She bit her lip as a passing thought came across too mind.

"Well, actually, there's places I want to go today. You said I should focus on the happy memories of me and my mom. That's exactly what I want to do now." Chaeyoung says.

"That's good! Alright, let me just go and inform the others so we can-" Mina stood up and was about to go to the door when Chaeyoung stops her.

"Uhm, can they not... join? I don't want to deal with their questions and sympathetic looks just yet. I want to visit places and reminisce the good times I had with my mom in peace and without disturbance." Chaeyoung reasoned.

"Oh, do you prefer to go alone? Cause that's perfectly fine. We'll just stay here and let you be. Just-"

"No, I want you to come with me." Chaeyoung cut her off. "Besides Jay, you're the only one who really brought comfort to me during my troubled times, especially last night, and... I don't know... I just... I just want you there with me."

Chaeyoung felt heat on her cheeks out of embarrassment as she saw that Mina's gaze were on her. "Uh, that is... if its okay with you? B-But if its not, its totally fine. I'll just-"

"Of course I'll go with you." Mina answered.

"Really?" Chaeyoung said with hope in her eyes.

"Yeah." Mina nodded in agreement.

Chaeyoung sighed in relief and smiled, before the two of them change into appropriate clothes before going downstairs. After the rich girl explained to the others about Chaeyoung's situation, they headed out.

First stop was at a small cafe where Chaeyoung claimed she had lots of memories of she and her mom visiting it many times. Walking in, she immediately notice a familiar face and went over to give him a hug. The senior had grown older the last time she's seen him. After introducing Mina to him, they were led to a pastel-colored room where dozens of cats and kittens are waiting for them.

She smiled when she saw Mina's shocked face and let her run up to them, cooing at the adorable animals. Chaeyoung scan the room and take note of the changes. The mats were replaced by bean bags, posters were kept to a minimal, a mini library stood at the corner, and the cats' bed are more comfy and fluffy. But there was one thing that didn't change, and that is the one section of the wall filled with pictures of different people with the cats. One particular picture, however, caught her attention. It was her and her mom smiling cheekily while holding two fluffy white cats.

She ran her hand through the picture as the thought of never seeing her mom again came across her mind. She immediately close her eyes and shook the thought away.

No. No more thoughts like that Chaeyoung. Just like what Mina said, only happy memories, okay?

Opening her eyes, she found a pair of brown concern eyes staring at her. Chaeyoung gave a reassuring smile at Mina, which turn into amusement when she saw a white kitty on her arms, it's tiny paws on Mina's chest and it's head cocked upwards, letting out a soft meow as if wanting to grab Mina's attention.

The short girl softly caress the kitten's head. "Why are you ignoring this little cutie?"

Ignoring her question, Mina put a hand on her shoulder. "If you're not feeling up to this, you know we can leave."

"Mina, it's fine. Really. I can handle this." Chaeyoung said, giving her again a reassuring smile. And to prove to her that she is, she started talking about the times she and her mother would visit the cafe.

Slowly, Mina stopped sending her concern looks and join in the conversation, occasionally petting the cats. After drinking their milkshakes brought to them by the senior and hanging out with the adorable kittens, they took a picture with them before they left.

The arcade wasn't full with people when the two arrive. Mina let the short girl pull her to wherever game she want to try. To her, she found it amusing how Chaeyoung shares anecdotes about her mom being expert at arcade games while focusing on playing a shooting game.

Wanting a challenge, Chaeyoung asks the rich girl if they could battle in a racing game. Smirking, Mina agreed and warned her that she's quite the expert when it comes to cars. At the start, Chaeyoung only smiled as Mina's virtual car was meters away in front of her own. She shrug away the rich girl's boastful talks about her winning and finds a shortcut. Chaeyoung went for it and before she knew it, her virtual car had cross the finish line.

She jump out of her seat and cheered for victory. Mina's face was masked in shock and frown at the turn of events.

"That's unfair! I was gonna win but you clearly cheated!" Mina crossed her arms.
Seeing the adorable pout on Mina's lips, Chaeyoung chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you next time."

"Whatever." Mina huffed to which Chaeyoung giggled and pinch her cheeks for her cuteness.

By the time they finish playing all the arcade games, the two were already hungry. Stepping inside McDo, Mina fall in line while Chaeyoung chose their seats. Chaeyoung looked over at Mina to see that it was her turn to order. Chaeyoung watch for a while as the guy behind the counter was leaning in forward talking to Mina. It was obvious that he had the hots for the rich girl by the way he was smiling and sending winks at her. Chaeyoung observed Mina's polite smile turn into an uncomfortable look. By the time she saw her shifting her weight from one foot to the other and the subtle scrunching of her jeans had Chaeyoung made her way over to them.

"Excuse me?" Chaeyoung interrupted the talking guy. "Yeah, hi, uhm, are our orders ready? Don't worry I'm with her."

"Not yet ma'am. They're still frying the fries." The guy answered before turning his attention back at Mina. "Anyway, where were we? Oh right, as I was saying, we're having a party later at night and well, you should come. You and I could-"

"Uhm if you don't mind, we're just gonna wait over there." Chaeyoung cut him off and was about to pull Mina by the wrist when the guy stopped them.

"No you can wait here, I'm sure the fries are almost done. Besides, there's no one in line so it's alright." The guy turn to Mina. "So what do you say?"

"Uh, I'm not sure that's a good idea. I'm not really fond of parties. Sorry." Mina replied.

"But it's gonna be fun! It's not bad as it seems. I'm sure once you get there, you'll have a blast." The guy persuaded.

Mina chuckled nervously. "No thanks. I'll have to pass on that."

"Oh come on, join us! My friends would be there and I really want to introduce you to them. Plus, you could-"

"Dude, she already said no, please respect that. And she already had plans for tonight." Chaeyoung butted in.

"No offense ma'am, but this is between me and her. So step back and mind your own business." The guy snapped.

Chaeyoung chuckled darkly. "Listen here buddy, this is my business. Because the girl you've been trying to hit on for the past minutes just so happens to be my girlfriend."

The guy scoffed and smirked. "Oh, we're pulling the girlfriend card, are we? Please. I've already encountered this situation many times to know that what you're saying isn't true. So let me talk to the pretty girl and we won't have problem." The guy trained his gaze at Mina, racking his eyes up and down at her. "There's no way that a sexy gorgeous like you would be into girls. Many guys would do anything just to see that perfect body."

"That's it! I'm talking to your manager." Chaeyoung slammed her hand on the counter before going over behind it, calling out to who's in charge. A stout man appeared, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and asks what was going on.

After having a talk, the manager apologize on behalf of his worker and scolded the guy telling him to get his job done. The man nodded in fear and went back to grab Chaeyoung and Mina's order. While fixing their food on a tray, Chaeyoung wrap an arm around Mina's shoulder and pulled her close.

"Don't worry, he won't bother you anymore." She whispered on her ear. Mina smiled gratefully and mumbled a quick thank you.

Wanting to frustrate the guy further, Chaeyoung put her forehead on the side of Mina's head, slightly nuzzling her hair. The latter in turn smiled and gave a quick peck on Chaeyoung's forehead.

This sweet interaction didn't go unnoticed by the guy and scrunch his face in disgust. Handing him the payment, the two grab their food and take a seat. Not wanting to dwell on the situation earlier, Chaeyoung started rambling on about hilarious stories about her mother. While doing so, they munch on their food until the short girl noticed that the rich girl kept dipping her fries into her sundae.

"What? Their combination is very tasty." Mina commented.

Chaeyoung tried to hide her smile as she watch the rich girl enjoying her food, giving her the opportunity to look at Mina's features. There's no deny that the girl had the looks, now understanding why guys like her. Suddenly her gaze went to Mina's pink lips, seeing her tongue slide across her upper lip and occasionally biting her lower lip. Absentmindedly, Chaeyoung licked her own, her eyes still trained on Mina's mouth.

"Chaeng?" Mina wave her hand in front of the girl's face. "Chaeyoung!"

This brought back Chaeyoung from reality and look up at Mina's worried eyes.

"What?" Chaeyoung mumbled.

"Are you alright? You kinda spaced out on me." Mina asks.

"Oh. Uh, y-yeah, I was just..." She quickly glance at Mina's lips then gaze up at her eyes. "Uhm, uh, just thinking about... my mom."

Wow, good slip Chaeyoung. God what were you thinking?! Looking at another girl's lips with a lingering look was creepy! Pull yourself together Chaeng!

"Yeah?" Mina replied. "Want to share that to me?" Chaeyoung nodded and thought back to the funny times she had with her mom. After finishing their food and the occasional laughs and giggles, they headed out.

The two find themselves standing at the entrance of an amusement park. Just looking at the sign sent a giddy down Chaeyoung's spine. Excitedly, she took Mina's wrist and run inside.

They went from places to places, tasted different sweets, played a couple of games, and bought souvenirs. Within those times, the two were smiling and laughing. Now, looking at the magnificent surroundings, it really brought back the fun times Chaeyoung had with her mom whenever they visited the place. But surprisingly, it didn't made her sad and feel gloomy. No, contrary to that, she was actually feeling happy and... alive.

She turn to her right where the rich girl is currently getting a henna of a cute penguin on the side of her face. After finishing, Chaeyoung decided to have her own henna, a cute baby tiger to match her black fluffy headband ears.

"Wait, stay still." Mina says as she stand in front of the short girl. She gently took off the former's headband, and fix a couple of her hair strands that are sticking out and smoothing out Chaeyoung's parted bangs, before carefully putting back the headband.

"There. You look so cute." Mina complimented which brought an also cute cheeky smile from Chaeyoung.

"Aren't I always?" Chaeyoung boasted in a rhetorical question.

Mina chuckled and shook her head in amusement. "Sure, sure."

Chaeyoung smiled and pulled her wrist towards a grand roller coaster. It was her and her mother's favorite thing in the amusement park. Giddily, she grab Mina's hand and was about to pull them towards the entrance, when Mina didn't budge.

"Oh no, no, no." Mina says. "We're not riding that thing."

"Why not?" Chaeyoung creased her eyebrows in confusion.

"A couple of reasons actually. First, we just had ate tons of food, and we'll be spurting all of that if we get on the roller coaster. Second, that thing is huge and scary. You know there are some reports of death cases because of this. Third, its almost night and we should be getting home by now. So let's-"

"Oh come on! This is gonna be the last one, I promise! And it's gonna be fun!" Chaeyoung persuaded.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? There are people who actually died because of that thing. I'm not risking my safety for that. So if you want to go, then go by yourself cause there's no hell I'm getting in that thing." Mina says crossing her arm.

"But it's me and my mom's favorite. This is where we really bond. The one who had both made us incredibly happy." Chaeyoung whispered before looking down.

"Having you by my side there would really feel as if mom's really there beside me. That she wasn't really gone, even just for tonight." Chaeyoung then sniffled. "But if you really don't want to, it's fine. I just thought it would be fun with the two of us there. I guess I'll just be on my own then. You can-"

"Alright, alright. I'll go with you." Mina says.

Chaeyoung looked at her and her eyes lit up. "Really? Okay, good!"

"Wait, you weren't really crying? Damn it, Chaeng!" Mina commented which brought a chuckle from Chaeyoung.

"You said you'll go with me. There's no turning back now." Chaeyoung says before they started walking towards the roller coaster.

After paying, they were strapped in their seat and the roller coaster began moving. Noticing Mina's breath hitching and her tight hold on the strap, Chaeyoung chuckled.

"Relax Sharon, it's gonna be fine."

"No its not. I'm afraid of heights and I'm really scared." Mina mumbled.

Realizing that the situation isn't anymore funny, Chaeyoung grab her hand. "Hey, you told me to let go of the pain. Now it's you turn to let go of your fear. Don't worry, I got you."

Not really having much of a choice, Mina gave a hesitant nod before their ride was almost close to going downwards. Mina tightly clutch on Chaeyoung's hand as they descended.

A moment later, the rich girl find herself cheering and screaming just like the others as her hands was raised in the air. After a couple of turns here and there, Mina was disappointed and glad at the same time as their ride stopped.

"You were right! That was hella fun!" Mina exclaimed and grab both Chaeyoung's hands and twirl them around. The former chuckled, glad that the girl had enjoyed herself. They abruptly stop when Mina's hand went to her mouth. She quickly went to the nearest bush and vomited. Chaeyoung went to her aid and rubbed her back soothingly.

"Okay, I changed my mind. We're not doing that again." Mina commented before she vomited again.

After the rich girl had take a hold of herself, she agreed with the short girl on buying an ice cream before they headed out.


The two step down as they walk towards the Myoi's Residence. The two were laughing as Mina's terrible singing resonated through the air. When they went inside, they were still giggling and smiling like idiots, which didn't go un notice by their friends.

"Well, someone's feeling happy." Tzuyu commented as she take in Chaeyoung's smiling face.

"Yeah, Chaeng, you feeling okay now?" Jeongyeon asked in a gentle tone.

"I'm more than okay! I had an amazing day today. Thanks to this girl over here." Chaeyoung turn to Mina and pinch her waist which brought a chuckle from the rich girl.

"That's... good to hear." Momo hesitated, confuse at the quick change of the short girl's behavior.

"Well, we better head to our room. It's late and we need to wash off this paints on our faces." Mina announced before gently pulling on Chaeyoung's wrist.

The latter waved at the group before they went to their room. After the two freshen up and slide into their pajamas, Chaeyoung was now feeling the exhaustion and wanted to sleep when Mina told her that there's something she wants to give her.

"Minguin, can we not do this now? I really want to sleep. You can give it to me tomorrow." Chaeyoung says as she rub her eyes.

"This will only be quick. Just wait." Mina says as she rummage through her closet. Finding what she's looking for, she grab it and turn to Chaeyoung, approaching her. On her hand held a small black case. Upon opening it, Chaeyoung couldn't help but gasp.

"Happy birthday, Cub." Mina smiled.

Inside, are two necklace that she hadn't seen for years. One was colored Pink and the other was colored Mint.

"I... I thought we lost it. H-How..." Chaeyoung's gaze went to Mina's, still confusion written on her face.

There was one time, when they were little, the two of them were going to swim by the pool so they took of their friendship necklaces before they dive in. After that, they couldn't find it. They searched and searched but to no success until they eventually gave up.

"My driver actually found it deep within a large bush near the pool of the house. I was gonna give it you but... well, you left for States and... you know, when you came back we weren't on speaking terms and... I haven't had the chance." Mina sighed. "Soo, here it is. My birthday gift to you. I'm sorry it took so long to give this to you."

Mina grab the pink necklace and put it on Chaeyoung's neck before she put the white one on her own. The rich girl looked at her own necklace then at Chaeyoung's.

"There. Now were twinning." Mina smiles.

Chaeyoung was loss at words. Not only because the rich girl had kept their friendship bracelets even though they had their fights, but also the fact that she had helped her through with her issue about her mom. Mina had done so much that it brought an overwhelming emotion to Chaeyoung. Still speechless, the short girl slide her hand to Mina's nape and pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Minguin. You don't know how much you made me happy today." Chaeyoung mumbled.

Mina, who's hands were in mid-air, went to Chaeyoung's back and reciprocated the hug, pulling her closer. "You're welcome, Cub."

Right at this moment, Chaeyoung was immediately hit with a realization. The admiration she felt for the rich girl is increasing and was slowly turning into something more.

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