La Missione

By lilcutie_el

1.8K 1.4K 214

Will this be my downfall? ...................... Amary Acosta, a high valued agent. She knew one day, death w... More

Miss: El
Chapter 01: Possession's Mission
Chapter 02: "Decision"
Chapter 03: "I'm in"
Chapter 05: "Move Out" ( part 1 )
Chapter 05: "New House" ( part 2 )
Chapter 06: " Hayden King "
Chapter 07: " Portal "
Chapter 08: " Meet "
Chapter 09: " Threat "
Chapter 10: " Clumsy "
Chapter 11: " Him "

Chapter 04: Farewell

128 107 7
By lilcutie_el

Amary P.O.V

I woke up at 5 am. I've done my morning routines and went out for a run. It's the day before I'll move out of our house. And guess what? I haven't talked with my family yet about it. It is the hardest part for me to go into every mission I have to face.

"Dad." I called my father. We're here at the dining table, eating our breakfast.

"Yes, my girl," he responded as he paid attention to me.

"Let's have golf," I said as I sliced my steak.

My dad's face lights up as I say those words to him. "Sure, that'll be fun!" he responded excitedly.

Dad and I love to golf so much. It's been our way of bonding since I was just 17. It's been a while since we played it. I guess it's the perfect time for me to tell him about my mission.

"Mom!" I called my mom next.

"Yes, honey," she responded.

"Let's go shopping this afternoon," I stated to her.

"What's with the sudden sweetness, honey? She asked, confusingly.

I chuckled.

"I just want to hang out with both of you," I said, not giving it a big deal.

"Okay, then," my mom responded.

We finished eating, and Dad and I decided to prepare for our play later. Keeva and Liam are not home as they have their exams today. I also planned something for them tonight.

At 9 am, dad and I started driving to the golf site I reserved for us last night. We reached the place and we stepped into it. We get ourselves changed and proceed to the yard.

"Want to talk about something, my girl?" He said as he swung his wedge and hit the ball as he broke the silence between us.

I took a deep breath and sat on the grass before I responded.

"Dad, I'm leaving for a year," I said.

"For a mission," he confirmed.

"Yes, dad,"

"How long, my girl?"

"For a year,"

"Quite long for a mission." I just nodded. "I guess it's a difficult one indeed," he continued.

"No, it's not that hard." "It's just a piece of shit that needs to be cleaned up, dad," I said, lying to him.

I don't want them to know the truth about my mission for them to be safe from my enemy and future enemy. Also, if I did, I'm sure their minds wouldn't be at peace.

He sat beside me, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me to his side.I did what he wanted me to do. He let out a deep sigh.

"You have to be careful always, Amary. Don't try to risk your life on just a mission. You still have a lot of beautiful things to experience in your future," he said as he rubbed my left shoulder.

"Yeah, I will not, dad. I still want to give you dozens of beautiful and handsome grandchildren," I said while laughing.

He also laughed at what I said.

" I'm glad you're thinking about it, my girl. I'm getting older and your dad needs some energy boosters to boost my strength back again. And that will be my future grandchildren laughing around our mansion playing, "he said dreamingly.

I smiled. I hope I can give it to my dad that easily. He faced me and opened his arm for me to hug him.

" I love you, dad," I said.

" I love you more, princess," he responded.

We played for more sets before deciding to go back home. I drove our way back, and the silence was eating me. So I decided to break it.

"Dad, I'm leaving tomorrow." I also needed to move out of our house," I said while looking straight at the road. "

"No wonder you suddenly wanted to play with me," he said, snickering.

I chuckled.

We arrived home, and it was exactly time for lunch. We get changed and gather at the table. We ate and had some conversations regarding some matters, but dad and I remained silent about my mission. I wanted to tell my mom about it. We finished our lunch, and I let Dad rest.

"Mom, I'll wait for you in my car," I said to my mom as I walked downstairs. It's 2 pm, and we're going to do some shopping as I promised my mom earlier. I get into my car and check my phone. I got an e-mail message from my director.

From: Director

One more day to go, Cole. I left everything behind and focused.

emailed at 1:10 p.m.

I replied to him.

To: Director

I'm on it, Master.

I sent it to him and closed my phone. A moment had passed, and Mom rushed into my car, so I started the engine. We are now on the road, and my mom was silent the entire time.

"Mom, I have something to tell you," I called out to her. She turned her head to me.

"Go on, honey," she responded.

"I've got a mission again,"

"I know you acted differently this morning, and you're like that when you have something to accomplish," she said, raising her eyebrows at me.

I smiled.

"So does it mean, mom, you're not going to scold me because I've got one again?" I playfully said to her. Mom would always get a lot of words out for me before letting me go to bed.

She just laughs at me. " You are a strong and bold woman now, honey. That is why I am letting you go on this mission now. She said as she turned her face outside. I smiled at what my mother said to me. At least she trusted me now.

"How long is it, honey?" she asked.

"A year, mom," I said in response.

"Far longer than what I thought it would be," she said sadly.

"Don't worry, Mom; I'll see you soon after this mission," I said to her, making her feel a bit relieved.

I pulled the car into the parking lot of the mall where we were going to shop.

"Mom, I'm leaving tomorrow." I said as I unplugged my seatbelt. She sighs.

"I guess I can't let you stay for long, honey," she said as she finished removing her seatbelt. She opened her arms to me to embrace her. I did what?

She wanted me to.

"Seems like you can't have this energy hug for a year, honey," she said between our hugs. I made a wager and laughed. It's true. I'm going to miss this hug for sure. She loosens her arms to release me, but I keep on hugging her instead.

" I love you, mom," I mumble.

" I heard that , honey," my mother teased. " I love you more," she said, into my ears. This is my vulnerable side. I become more sensitive when it comes to my family. It is my dawnfall. I moved back and smiled at my mother. She treats me the same way.

My mother began to shop as soon as we entered the establishment. She brought staff she liked , as well as for my younger siblings. I wanted to buy something as well, but the director said everything was ready, so I didn't bother anymore. I waited in line for a few minutes to pay the bills. I paid it and I carried all the paper bags where all the supplies my mom brought were stored. We went straight to the parking lot and we got into my car. I began driving as we were all ready.

We reached our house and it was 4:30pm. My siblings are probably already home.

" Mom, I just let the driver go get your new staff in my car, hmm?" I asked as I got out of my car.

" Yeah, sure, honey," she responded.

I headed inside our home and talked to our driver. Then I went up the stairs and discovered that I was correct; my siblings were present. I went to my room to get changed. After that, I decided to go to my sibling's room. I knocked on Keeva's room, and she responded. I opened the door and closed it. She is lying on her bed. I sat next to her.

" How's your day?" I asked. " Tired?" I continued asking.

" Kind off, big sis," she mutters, exhausted.

" Wanna watch a movie with your big sister?" I asked again.

"Hmm, sounds good, big sis. "Just wait for me here for a moment and I'll go with you," she responded happily.

I nodded. I watched her finish her staff and all. She had matured considerably. I'm used to seeing her as a little girl who always wanted to listen to me when I read books to her before she went to bed; today I see her as a woman. A half-ready woman to face the world in front of her

" Lets go, big sis!" she said and grabbed my wrist and went.

" Keeva, go to the movie room first. I have to go get your brother," I suggested to her.

" Ok, big sis, I'll go ahead and prepare some pop corn too," she said and went down the stairs.

I walked towards Liam's room and knocked. "Hmm, yep," he responded. I entered his room, and as always, everything was in order. In his book, the ball, guitar, laundry, and all his staff are meticulously arranged at their designated locations.

" Big sis!" he called me. " You need something?" he asked as he closed his book from earlier.

" Nothing in particular, young man. I'm just here to take you to watch a movie with me and your sister, "I responded.

He stood up, put his book back on his shelf, and faced me.

" Sure, big sis," he replied.

We are seated in the movie room and are currently watching "The Old Guard."

" She's so damn cool!" Liam exclaimed, as the story had gone too interesting.

" She really is," I replied, munching on some pop corn.

" She's just like you, big sis, fighting with all the demons in our modern world," Liam affirmed.

I smiled at the thought that he saw me in that way.

" Far from her, Liam, I don't have multiple lives," I chuckled.

" Nah, still your cool big sis," he said to me confidently. I smiled.

" I'll take that as as a good compliment, Liam," I said and winked on him. We finished a couple more movies before Keeva fell asleep on my shoulder. She's really tired.

Liam and I decided to turn off the TV and wake Keeva. Keeva woke up.

" Sorry big sis, I fell asleep," she said sleepily.

"It's okay," I responded. I said, "I have something to tell you guys," and grabbed their full attention.

" What is it, big sis?" Keeva asked with a sleepy voice.

" I'm going out for a mission again," I said, and leaned my back against the couch.

" I'll be gone for a year," I continued.

Liam sighed.

" Be careful of it, big sis," Liam said worriedly.

" Roger, that captain," I said playfully.

" We love you big sis, always remember that," Keeva said with less energy left.

" I love the two of you more," I said and hugged them.


We all went to our rooms as we finished our conversation. It's 10:45 pm. I felt sleepy, so I lay on my bed.

I closed my eyes and managed to calm my mind and body. I already talked to them about it. The only thing locked is my Xander. I still need to talk to him tomorrow.

I let out a deep breath and let myself rest and sleep.

......... To be continued......

Hi there!

Thank you to my first few readers here on this story. I do appreciated you guys so much. I hope we can grow more and more:)

Manifesting that one😄.

Just keep in touch, guys; comment, vote, and share if you like my story yet😊.

You will meet the other characters in the next 5 chapters of this story;)

I hope you guys are still here supporting my book:)

That's all for now. Bye😊!

-Ms. El.

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