Alerah - The Prince's Favorite

By Shedling49

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Alerah Ravyne is a young and beautiful girl from Essos who was captured by pirates and sold on to a dornish m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

140 1 0
By Shedling49

It has been a month and Alerah's and Viserys's love still stands and no change so far has happened in their relationship. Otherwise, Alerah would be very happy to have children, a little maternal feeling sometimes appears, but you have to have a little patience, perhaps. But otherwise she hopes that Viserys takes the courage and wants to marry her and then she would become a freer and more powerful woman and she would become the wife of a Prince and her children would become real children through marriage and she most of all wants have a real life that keeps their future family together and what can give people more rights. But she wants many children, her mother had three children in her life but her family was huge and there were several children here and wherever and what she most wanted was at least five children. Let's hope there will be many.

Besides that, a new year will start soon and new adventures will happen. But who would want to go ahead and put her there and ruin her life further. But last time when Alerah carried out her revenge on Arianna, she obviously knew that it was Alerah who wanted to put her there and get her killed and maybe more than that. But Alerah took her victory so well she dressed up great and showed up perfectly comfortable with her lifestyle and Arianna was of course mad as hell at damn Alerah, the little whore witch must be killed by any means possible and she will get a such moments that scare her out of her wits altogether.

But how to do it, she gets everything and she is so self-assured despite how ordinary and simple she still is.

Alerah and Arianna have a few times just passed each other and made small talk and Alerah wins quite often but she wants nothing to do with Lady Arianna anymore and she hopes that Talia's death was a warning or experience of her mistakes.

But Arianna has an idea and this revenge that she wants to carry out is going to happen very soon and it starts with Arianna getting a new handmaiden and she is one of the new girls from Essos that came with from the war and what she has been told from the girl's past she was a murderer and pickpocket and was captured as a young teenager and then she was sold to a businessman who wanted her to help him raise money and eliminate liars around him and then inherited their taxes and business. But then he died of mysterious events, she said.

The girl's name was Oleia and did not know her family name but her mother was a slave who was raped, but she died a long time ago. But Arianna saw that she had such self-assuredness that showed how cunning and skeptical she was in her character and she promised Oleia a lot if she did everything practical against her enemies. Oleia promised and smiled wickedly, knowing what the cautious Lady Arianna was trying to tell her.

But during these windy days something else evil has happened and none other than from Aerys himself and he ordered his servant to pour sleeping pills into Rhaella's wine cup and shortly there Rhaella's lunch arrived and after she had finished her food and drank her last sip of wine then the medicine began to affect her and she wondered what it could be and wanted to quickly go to bed and soon after that she fell fast asleep and was far beyond the real world. But just then her husband Aerys arrived and saw his wife he hated so much and how she slept so sweetly and then he tore off his clothes and lifted Rhaella's dress and did his job and played with her ugly up and down.

A long while later he was done and dressed and soon as he left the Queen's room he saw her servants and told them to clean up after her and soon as Aerys started to leave Rhaella woke up feeling vulnerable and sore and quite wide awake and then she realized what had happened again and it never happens rarely that she gets drugged when her brother is going to have sex with her or just either mostly play with her.

But Rhaella began to burst into tears and her handmaidens looked on in horror as her sores had come up and a lot of new ones. Soon as the King walked the corridors of the castle, people began to discover what King Aerys had done, some could notice certain details as he walked and decided to rape Rhaella.

Sometimes it has happened that he forgets to close his clothes a bit after everything.The people and the whole court love Rhaella and pray for her happiness in life and as many know, her children are her security and happiness. People are terrified and afraid of Aerys Targaryen and it's a shame no bad luck has landed him yet.

Alerah was in one of the corridors and moments later King Aerys arrived in the same corridor and Alerah and many others bowed before the horrible King and Aerys discovered Alerah.

"Good day Alerah." Aerys said.

"Good day Your Grace." Alerah said keeping her head down.

But it was Alerah's necklace that Aerys looked at and saw that it was a piece of jewelry that came from Essos and became a little thoughtful about his riches and started looking a little angry at Alerah. Aerys wonders in her mind why she was after his riches anyway. It was his madness that was talking now and no one could talk it out of them.

Aerys didn't say anything but he grabbed the necklace with his hideous and yellow long clawed ducks not even cutting her skin but he grabbed the jewel and pulled it off her neck in one quick and painful pull and it actually hurt and Alerah got just a tiny wound on the neck.

Then Aerys was done and kept the necklace and moved on just like that and the whole thing was nothing to argue with and Alerah did like everyone else and moved on. And Alerah is not a member of the royal family and she doesn't count as an important person and it doesn't matter and Viserys says or does anything about the thing that happened right now. So just bite it and move on.

Alerah just chose to move on and enjoy her day. The day passed faster than expected and that evening Alerah sat and enjoyed the silence and read a book for a bit until Viserys entered the room and said hello and Alerah became happier and the moment just became more fun and Viserys wanted to spend a little cozy time with his beloved and Alerah took against him and looked at each other and then they decided to sit by the fire and snuggle in front of the fire that night and Viserys hugged her and let her lean against his body and they sat and talked.



"I met your father today and he was not in his best mood today." Alerah began.

"I know what you're probably talking about. He took my mother again. How could he. My mother he must destroy than someone else who betrays him every day." Viserys said sourly.

"I guessed that too when we met, or he discovered me and probably got even angrier about something."

"Like what? What did he want you for? You're nothing to him."

"I don't know exactly what was driving his thoughts but he didn't like my new necklace you had given me and tore it off my neck and I got a little cut from the chain but I'm fine." Alerah explained.

But Viserys sighed audibly and looked at her neck a bit and then he turned back to the fire and Alerah understood that he understood her and she thought it felt good to ignore it all too and just enjoy each other instead.

Meanwhile with Lady Arianna she had finally figured out her plan and how to get revenge and she was going to feel what her terrible heartbreak felt like and that it was Alerah herself who stole that fire and carried it as a shield in support of loving her dear Viserys. But now the fire will burn and burst over everything.

"Alright Oleia your time has come. First we're going to make Alerah think something's up and something's going to come to her. We're going to scare her a little. And make sure she's softened up around people and then I have some other little tasks as you shall do to her."

"I will gladly Lady Arianna. How long shall I stay away?" Oleia asked.

"First of all, no one will know, especially not Alerah, that you are my new maid now. She can't easily guess who wants her bad and track me down. You must not appear in public with me until now during a certain time but I must make sure when all is well for us. But you must promise me that if she doesn't die make sure she stays scarred for good. Viserys hates ugly people so she needs to be badly hurt." Lady Arianna said sternly.

"I promise with my all Lady Arianna." Oleia answered and now the fire will be blazed into flames.

For several days it has been quite strange and difficult because in several different ways many moments have been dark and difficult to deal with.

For several times her clothes have been in severe and painful itching and she has had to wash and anoint her body to avoid rashes or pain. Many dresses were thrown away because they accidentally scratched themselves or the agent or powder that got into the fabric made holes or ruined it. Then several of her jewelry gave her some eczema, not so dangerous but it itched so much and she had to anoint herself again and bathe with sponges with another agent that would heal the skin. But then she woke up from her bed with terrible lice and the whole bed had to be removed and a new one with new mattresses and pillows and other things.

But Alerah was getting quite tired and a little weak from her work and felt compelled to fetch a healer and asked one of her handmaidens to fetch Maester Pycelle and when he arrived and got his description he recognized her symptoms so it was because of all the ointments she had put on also because of the lice that had been tearing and scratching around on her.

But Pycelle said she had to rest and stay in her room and feel herself at home in her chamber.

And when she has recovered her senses and her body and is back to her proper self again and is dressing reasonably well and properly clothed and eating reasonably well meals, she can resume her days as she pleases again but just make sure not to overdo it with meds again or anything else that can spice up her health again.

Alerah thanked Maester Pycelle's help and then she asked her handmaidens to help her clean out her stuff in the gaderobe and wash out everything that hasn't been ruined and wash very thoroughly after her jewelry and ask Alecor to get help because it's a lot to take care of and while she sat tending Leona and seeing if she had any problems several servants kept going in and out to take care of the entire bedchamber and wash the floor and walls.

Alerah knows of course that her friends have not neglected anything about this that has happened to her and she knows that there is something wrong with the eagle and it might as well be Arianna again or someone else who wants to mess with her now. Lord Varys may have mentioned his time with her and someone may have had an idea or just tested her.

It's been four days since the visit from Pycelle and Alerah wasn't feeling too well at all and that morning was completely different and Alerah woke up like she didn't remember how she got into bed last night. Which is absolutely incredible how she started to think like that because it was just like it usually is before she goes to bed.

But when she tried to stand up, everything became so dizzy that she was exhausted and hasn't managed to sleep at all for days. When Sierra and the others knocked good morning like they do every morning but Alerah didn't answer like she usually does and they wondered strangely if she was still asleep yet but Alerah usually goes about her routine every morning. But they went in and Alerah was still sitting on her bed looking at the wall looking tired as hell.

"My Lady? Lady Alerah are you alright?" Katrina asked and she and Lissa looked at her and then they looked at her for a long moment but Alerah waved her hands and said quite quietly that she was fine but very tired.

Then when Alerah decided to stand up she managed to stand up but wanted to go and wash up a bit after her sweats but the others wondered what she meant and that's when Royna noticed something on her Lady's wrists.

"My Lady! Your hands! Look!" Royna raised her voice and Alerah was amazed at her loud voice and looked at her hands and discovered her red spots hiding under the long shirt sleeve and plucked it away and the spot was as big as the palm itself. Alerah was a little taken aback and became a little suspicious wondering what kind of illness this was and stayed away from everyone else.

"What are you staring at getting help and it can be contagious. HELP ME!" Alerah yelled and ordered her handmaidens to fetch a Maester or something.

Luckily Alecor was nearby and he heard the voices and rushed in and asked Alerah what was wrong and Alerah tried to stay away but then left and sat on her couch and waited.

"May the gods keep you alive My Lady."

"Why isn't Pycelle here yet." Alerah asked.

"We just went to get him. He should be ready for you soon My Lady." Lissa replied.

"What's going on? I should have seen or felt something. Or one of you." Alerah said tiredly in an annoying voice. Alerah looked at her spots again and these marks didn't itch or hurt much at all.

But what in the world was that happening to her.

"Alecor, do you think there might be a plague going on in the country?"

"I have the best lookout here in the castle and I would probably be the first to warn the whole court. I have never seen anything like My Lady, I don't really know what it is." Alecor replied.

"Well let's hope it doesn't spread." Then Maester Pycelle arrived again and Alecor set a small table for his things and tools that he had with him in his bag and Pycelle carefully looked at Alerah in the eyes first and saw how tired she looked but she pointed out her arms and Pycelle looked totally amazed by the red spots.

"How are you feeling My Lady?" Pycelle asked.

"I must be very tired but I'm starting to realize that I don't feel so good."

"How do the spots feel on you?"

"It barely feels and no worse than what I used to get before this happened to me."

"But by my gods. I'll take a look." The old man said.

He took an extremely careful look and examination and tried but different garments and feel to see what reaction the spots might want to cause or show something wrong or strange. But not much showed at all.

"Do you have any behaviors from this other than your tiredness?" Pycelle asked.

"I feel very dizzy, I'm breathing a bit heavy and I wonder if I even have a fever but I feel warm because of the heavy breathing. But otherwise I don't remember much at all from yesterday."

"Hm I can't say much on the matter I'm afraid My Lady."

 "But what could it be? Is it plague, disease, poisoning?" Am I dying? Tell me."

"It's very hard to say. I'll have to take some tests or look into it but it's nothing I've seen before in my life as a Maester. But I don't think it's poisoning. If it was poisoning to cause it, it would have it must have been worse than what you describe yourself to be to you My Lady."

"But if you had a guess?"

"Then I'd guess it's some kind of disease of some sort."


"No I don't think it is at all, I think some kind of stress or pressure has caused a bit on your nerves and emotions and may have given you a reaction and maybe trying to rest out of your body. I'm sure that my salve I have with me can probably heal the spots a little, but otherwise you can still take it easy."

"But do you think this will remain after the healing?"

"I hope so, and but otherwise I've seen most of the worst diseases disappear within a time as well."

Alerah asked him to keep quiet about everything and people were not allowed to hear about this and let everything about her be in the background for a while. But Alerah felt that it was very difficult now.

"Don't worry Alerah. You've done great through many battles and things." Alecor said.

"Thank you Alecor. Can you go get Viserys. I wonder if he's heard anything yet at breakfast time."

"My Lady you do remember that the Prince and his brother have gone to the hunting grounds. They rode off five days ago. You do remember? You were there to say good-bye when they rode off with their hunters?" Alecor told and everyone else looked at her. How could she forget that? Was it really so or did she just happen to forget herself a bit.

But when she thought about it, she couldn't remember at all what it was like when she last saw Viserys. Did they talk? Did they kiss goodbye? Or did they just hug each other?Alerah really doesn't remember.

What in the whole seven kingdoms had happened to her? Now it should be very serious, right?

"Royna go get something to drink and and you help your Lady to bed. She's probably not feeling too well."

"No, I'll be fine. I'll be up and take it easy. I can't stay in bed now anymore. I was in bed a couple of days ago and that was enough. I can stand and walk. Give me my breakfast and then dress on me." Alerah said sternly and firmly.

Alerah did as she was told and she stayed in her room and looked after herself and just allowed herself to think about how this had happened. Could Pycelle even heal her or could she manage to heal herself. But the spots were still on her and her friends helped to smear the red spots but Alerah was still very tired and could hardly keep her eyes open.

Therefore, she chose to go to bed earlier and she quickly fell asleep and lay straight in bed. Alecor had asked Sierra and the others to keep an eye on Alerah and just in the middle of the night something started to wake up in the room and it grew like a black smoke over her and it spread over the whole room and then when the smoke wafted over to Alerah it started she moved and she began to breathe heavily and loudly and her head began to hurt and everything just hurt and created a strange feeling over her and began to go through a certain psychosis.

Alerah started wide awake and screamed and she found all black in the dark room and was completely terrified and just jumped out of bed wild and just flailed her hands around and snarled at everything but what she didn't realize was that she started walking around and then out on her balcony hallucinating and she started seeing people around her.

But luckily, Sierra and Katrina caught her in time and made sure to lock the balcony door and put her back to bed. But they could sense that something terrible was going on. Alerah was taken care of and she herself asked to herself what kind of eclipse was before her.

Katrina and Sierra got her back to the bed but Alerah couldn't quite get back to sleep and was wide awake all night. And the others began to wonder if there was a curse or spell upon her.

But the next morning Alerah wanted to go out a little and the others tried to stop her but Alerah ignored it and just wanted to go a little. She hated being trapped and like I said she just wanted to walk a little bit closer at least.

Alerah chose to wear her gold dress and then nothing else remarkable with it but just that and then just go out for a little walk inside the castle for a bit. A little later after twelve corridors in the castle Alerah started to faint a little and then people started to notice her posture and wondered how she was and Alerah looked at everyone very strangely but she didn't care but then all of a sudden she walked into something hard that was sitting by the castle wall and she fell over and what she didn't know was that she got such a big bang and a wound appeared on her forehead.

Her maids wanted to help her up but Alerah tore herself away from them and begged her to be alone and hurried away instead and was left for a little while. Wanting to be alone for a while, Alerah walked and walked until she came to a small corridor and what she didn't know was that she wasn't alone and far away she didn't quite see Lady Arianna walking calmly towards her.

But then she saw who the woman was and Alerah walked forward still with a weary walk and Arianna just smiled at her holding and something told her that the progress is starting to weaken her completely.

"What are you doing here?" Alerah stood close to her and asked angrily.

"I can ask you that instead. What are you doing out here you little ugly?" Arianna said and just smiled.

"What are you doing? You are, aren't you?"

"I think you're too tired to keep up with yourself Alerah. Go away instead."

"What are you doing here?" Alerah looked straight at her but she was getting more and more gone and then after yelling an outburst at Arianna Alerah started punching her right in the face knocking her down to the ground and then she slammed her fists hard at her over and over using ear files and tearing her at the same time and Alerah's own hands began to bleed and then she stopped and looked out at what she had done but she didn't think about the whole incident or anything at all, her mind and head were far away.

But one thing Alerah hadn't noticed was that it wasn't Arianna that she had hit but a statue that she had knocked over to the floor and hit it madly but only her hands had been hit by the stone and it was a wonder that her hands had not been broken by the statue. But a few feet away stood Lady Arianna, watching slyly and amused at Alerah's condition.

She was really ready and Alerah didn't remember where she was and then she was on her knees and had her bloody hands in her hands and was spinning her head crazy and giddy like she was crazy or hit in the head.

But luckily, Alecor had seen Alerah and Lady Arianna just as she walked away and left her. Alecor knew that Lady Arianna had probably once again caused a prank with Lady Alerah and had appeared in time as Alerah was just about to finish hitting the statue. Alecor got some help from a young girl he had asked for help and she was happy to do so and both took in Alerah and guided her back to her chamber and Alecor had a plan to find a better person to examine her.

"Do this and put her on the bed and get her to change into a dressing gown long enough for her to breathe while I go look for her girls and get a healer in the meantime." Alecor told the girl and she promised to keep an eye on her and let her sit on the bed in the meantime.

But luckily the other girls were already in the corridors further away and Alecor said that Alerah was in trouble and she was in her room waiting for help now. Katrina and the other three ran to the bedroom and saw Alerah lying in her bed changed into a nightgown and lying completely exhausted and next to her sat a girl there tending to her wounds around Alerah's fingers and the skin on her hands and looked at the nails that had have been interrupted.

Meanwhile, Alerah lay staring up at nowhere, waiting for something but saying nothing. But then finally Alecor came with a man who lived in the city and he was a former Maester from Old Town but was despised because of his inventions, thoughts and ideas for humanity.

But according to his reputation could have a lot and could heal people much better and he was an incredibly smart man actually.

"This is Lady Alerah. She is not well as said and our Maester cannot really help her. Can you take a look at her?" Alecor said to the mysterious man.

"Of course I can do that, but I hope I get paid anyway."

"Yes, yes I will fix everything. Trust me. Speed ​​up please." Alerah got her dressing gown on and the man looked at her and thought and then after feeling and listening to her breathing he took a look at her eyes, nose and mouth and he couldn't see anything too serious.

But he could see the spots and it felt nothing special at all.

"Well what could it be Qybrun?"

"Her grace is not really sick. She has been exposed to some fuffens and I can see that her body has been exposed to some kind of some seasoning. Spicy dishes can produce certain effects in the blood and produce certain effects but never dangerous but only for a while pain, but this case it has taken blows on her head and got a rash over her feelings and exhausted herself and was forgotten out of exhaustion." Qyburn explained.

"So she's not completely sick? What do you think it could be?"

"I think there might be something about her that's bothering her. For example, how have her days been or her nights. She looks like she hasn't slept in days. How's her memory?"

"Very bad. She doesn't remember much at all from the days before."

"I think she's been exposed to some spiced up manufacturing. Very rare we can find this kind of strong in Westeros but take a close look at what she has on her and wait a couple of days and she'll be back to herself. Trust me." Alecor knew what he meant and he thanked Qybrun again and paid a bag of money and he took the bag and went back to the entrance where he was slipped into the castle.

Alecor asked the new girl to get some food to see if Alerah wanted to eat and then he asked the girls to go and let her rest while she could and eat something herself and wait until he said something else.

Alecor waited until he was all alone and looked for the curse that smiled and snooped around the room. Alecor looked over everything and looked very carefully in then he found a small notch that had been chopped and chopped in the hearth stove and inside was a slightly hollow wooden jar and it smelled of smoke and he recognized the smell and it was seasoning like man remixed into smoke bombs.

It was very dangerous to get into it and then you can suffocate quickly and die. The spice came from a plant that grew in Pentos. You could probably buy that seasoning here too. But how could one enter the royal floor without the guards noticing anything. With Prince Viserys gone, it keeps an eye on Alerah's safety.

But Alecor looked around a bit more and then he saw that the floor was a little dirty at the floor out to the balcony and the doors had no break-in marks but the door was quite loose as if it had used a lot more than Alerah has moved in and lived in the room.

But then he looked at the balcony railing and bent down towards the rosebushes that were far down and could see that someone had stood and landed there and then an intruder climbs in and grabs the door firmly and sneaks in and places a curse.

Alecor had her mind set and chose to wait and see when Lady Alerah had rested so she could be more attentive to everything in her place. Then finally the girl that Alecor had brought with her came and she brought in a tray with food and a little more care for her wounds just in case.

"Ayanoa! I want you to watch her all night. I have found the proof that makes her bad but hide if the intruder comes again. She must not know we have her on our trail."


"I know who's behind the case but I can't just go and lay charges anyway. I want to stay but I'm very busy tonight. The court wants its business done and I have to see to everything."

"I promise Alecor I'll look after her."

"I trust you Ayanoa. You are a dangerous girl and if you make it Alerah might want you as her personal bodyguard. She hasn't gotten one yet." Alecor said before leaving the room.

That night someone actually appeared and left something in her stove again and after that Ayaona came out of the bathroom and had heard every step and went to see if the intruder had left the room and then from the balcony Ayaona looked down very carefully and saw a young woman down by the jars and waited for what came next but then she saw the woman leave the place and she had indeed climbed the wall but she surely knew how.

That morning, Alerah had woken up quite well rested and felt how newly awake she was in her eyes. No fever, breathing was normal and the tongue was also gone.

The spots were almost gone, but still visible. This time has been hard but then she discovered her hands and strangely enough she hadn't noticed the pain or the vision until now.

"How do you feel?" Ayanoa asked and Alerah jumped.

"Who are you?"

"No danger I'm with Alecor. I was told by him to watch over you."

"Yes and how can I trust it?"

"He fetched another Healer who was able to help you and maybe you feel better now?"

"Yes I do. And who did he find and what did he do?"

"Well it was a smoke spice used in smoke bombs to poison and curse your head. Some brothels do that in Essos to their women I've heard."

"You mean someone put a curse on me?" Alerah asked until someone entered the room and luckily it was Alecor.

"Oh My Lady you are awake and early. You look much better."

"Alecor what's going on here. The girl says I've been bewitched by an incense? And what's happened to my hands?" Alecor told her about her fight with the stay and Lady Arianna and her maids watched and amused behind her as she continued to beat the statue she knocked down and that the man he fetched was a former Maester who knew about Alerah's symptoms and then Alecor found the wooden jar and showed the one Ayanoa had removed from the hiding place and then Ayanoa continued to tell about what she had seen and she could surely know who it was.

"Let me guess it's Arianna again hunting again." Alerah said at the edge of the bed and was furious but it was noticeable that she was more alert now.

"But something tells me it's not quite over yet My Lady. I know the biggest blow is coming and we must keep our eyes open."

"Shouldn't we warn someone?" Ayano said.

"No, we have no evidence against her in this. We'll have to wait and see until she either loses track or if we can pin her down and this time it will be for good." Alerah said.

"What do you want us to do Lady Alerah?" Alecor asked.

"For the time being, we have to act calm and wait a bit until I've thought about it a bit and get back on my feet. I'll stay inside today as well and later Arianna will see me on my feet again and then we'll see how she wants to act." Alerah said and maybe it wasn't such a good idea but what could she do.

But Ayaona had a thought and feeling about who she saw last night and thought to go and investigate a bit. Ayaona knew her and knew what reputation she really had from her past.

In the meantime, Arianna had given Oleia her orders and she now believes that after an extra round of incense, she will surely sleep during the event that will come tonight and Oleia was happy after waiting so long for this.

And the evening was approaching and Alecor thought of checking everything but Oleia was an expert at sneaking past people and she wasn't going to go through all the way to Alerah. Oleia had brought with her some other ladies from Essos that she had persuaded to help her and now was the time.

Oleia went to Lady Alerah's floor and when they got to the door that led to the whole floor and there were two guards standing guard and Oleia managed to trick them by saying she needed help and just at the same time she cut their throats at once and both fell to the ground dead. Oleia was a dangerous person.

But she called her seven girls and they went with torches in their hands and quietly enough she barricaded the maid's private room and saw that all four were in there and barricaded with a hard shackled chain around the handles and the girls heard about it and became suspicious and wondered about what it was and when Royna tried to open the doors it couldn't lift the tight handles and Oleia just smiled because she might start taking them a little later.

Alerah could hear her friends Royna, Lissa, Katrina and Sierra screaming for help and she could definitely hear it calling her name.

But Alerah knew better and she wanted to be careful but she walked to the center of the room and then when she wanted to take another step the doors opened right in front of her and there appeared seven girls in servant clothes and three of them had torches of fire with them and waved it around to scare her and Alerah screamed and jumped and was so scared of fright and seeing how dangerous it looked Oleia looked too determined to show who was the most powerful here in the castle.

But Alerah wasn't going to give up without a fight and she grabbed things and slammed them right into the girls faces and she did very well and Alerah thought and tried to get a moment to get hold of something sharp or something to hurt her enemies.

But how? Alerah charged straight at the girls to kill it and managed to take four out of it and pushed them away at each other but she had to be careful of the fire and one girl almost managed to burn her hair by waving it at her several times and then she managed to get to the fireplace and grabbed the ash shovel to beat them and it stayed away and Alerah thought and wished the guards would hear them soon because her maids were calling and trying to break open their door yet and to save their Lady.

But after waiting patiently for a long time, Oleia quickly threw her torch at Alerah and she got it right on her body and got her dress burnt but luckily not on fire but then Oleia slapped her in the face and pulled her against a wall and called out to her friends asking them to hold her and the others pushed Alerah against the wall and Alerah tried to fight back and swore at the girls but to keep her still and weak they hit Alerah harder until Alerah felt she couldn't bear her body but held tightly as a prisoner and Oleia looked straight at her and fetched a torch from another and aimed it at Alerah's face. Slowly but surely the heat came from the fire and the fire began to burn against Alerah's skin and now it was death.

"My Lady wishes to greet you who is the Dragon around here. Here is your judgment." Oleia said and started burning Alerah.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The scream was heard as loud as it could be and the other could hear Alerah.

Alerah was burned over half of her face and half of her neck and the pain was brutal and so blinded and at the same time some others had spread oil all over the room and after Alerah's injury they left all the torches and let the whole room go up in flames and quickly smoked it out.

Alerah couldn't really see what was happening but she continued to scream in pain and defeat. She was all alone and the fire began to grow wilder and more dangerous.

How will all this end? Will a Dragon come and save her? Will the whole castle go up in flames?

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