A Crystal Steeped In Darkness

By Jaxon_Writes

95 14 4

"Since The dawn of time darkness and light have fought in an endless war for dominance. In order for this war... More



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By Jaxon_Writes



" We were wondering if you could accompany us to the next exam?" The boy; Thomas asked, the others nodding their heads. Maybe they could be potential friends. I thought to myself, " Yeah I don't mind but where is it located anyway?" I wondered while looking around. The blonde haired one; Clara pointed in the opposite direction of where I was looking. There was a wooden door looking strangely out of place in the white hallway. " Oh, there it is!" I said, my voice echoing off the hollow walls. We started walking towards it together, our footsteps the only sounds in the eerie silent hallway. 

We reached the door and opened it. Inside was a massive classroom with desks and chairs everywhere. Unfortunately we were late as majority of the students had already arrived. We sat down in the remaining chairs as the instructor told us what we were doing.

The test was basically a history lesson about what happened during the Great War 1200 years ago, and how our namesake the Earshas created what we call ourselves today: Elites. After the written test was done we moved on to the last exam. This exam was to demonstrate our adaptability and essence power.

We were told to pull out our Sheel Blades and put them in an essence sealed box until the exam was over. Then we were told to activate our crests to the second stage. As we did there were multiple flashes of color as each form of essence flowed throughout the room. We were then separated into groups of our essence type. " Even though you have the same essence as your peers doesn't mean you use the same skills. For example: There were two different shades of green as two of the instructors activated their essence to the third stage.

The first one was a massive Venus Fly Trap and the second one was a giant tree with forest green eyes and jagged teeth. " As you can see these two have the same type of essence but use it differently. The Instructor explained. " Now, it's your turn. I want to see each of your skills in detail." As everyone began to look at their grimoires I just stood there confused as to how I was supposed to read mine. Just then a short pretty girl about my age with pigtails and wide rimmed glasses came up to me and introduced herself. " Hi My name is Sarah Grove. I noticed that you don't have your essence reading bifocals, so luckily I had a spare."

I introduced myself and accepted the strange glasses. Suddenly I could read everything the grimoire said in detail. " Whoa!" I exclaimed a little too excitedly.

As I skimmed through the book I came across a skill that looked very interesting.
So I decided to try it. The skill read:  Nature's Grasp: Thick tree roots grab a hold never letting go until ordered to.    This on seems simple enough I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and visualized a multitude of massive tree roots grabbing onto the closest thing and holding it. I opened my eyes to see a completely destroyed classroom tree roots covered everything. When I looked at what they were holding it was Ina, the girl I met at the end of the second exam. She looked at me with pure rage. " What the hell is your problem! Let me go this instant!" She shouted.  I grew very panicked and the vines seemed to react to my emotions as it tightened around Ina's body. " She's trying to kill me!" Ina screams in pain. " I-I'm not! I just can't control it!" I stammer trying to deactivate the skill. But it just got worse from there as the instructor activated her essence to the third stage and knocked me unconscious.

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