Short Origin

By HollowSkull02

29 0 0

A collection of origin stories of creepypastas and some short stories of my own, I will also do requests More

(oc) Can I Call You Tenshi?
(oc)How Can I Help You
(oc) Sweet As Pie
Switching Profiles

(oc) My Muse

11 0 0
By HollowSkull02


Jeff's pov

Eyeless Jack came back to the mansion today, with a dog, yet again.

"What's with the dog EJ?" I asked, curious since this is the third canine this week.

I glared at the back of his head as he walked past me, not answering my question. I turned back to BEN who sat next to me on the couch while playing some sort of video game.

"Hey BEN, I'm going to tell Slender that EJ brought home another dog, wanna come with?" I asked to the blonde elf that sat unmoving beside me.

"No thanks, I wanna finish my game, I also promised Glitchy that I would help with his latest victim" BEN responded without looking up from his screen.

Shrugging off his response I got off the couch, turned off the TV show I was watching, and went to Slenderman's office. When I got there, I knocked and waited for his voice on the other side of the door. I went inside to see that Slender was with Trender, I was surprised to not see the other two brothers also in the room, I ignored my thoughts and told Slenderman that EJ had brought another dog to the mansion.

"Thank you for telling me Jeffrey, you may leave now" Slenderman responded in a deep and hollow voice.

I grimaced at his use of my name as I walked out of his office and to my bedroom.

Trenderman's pov

I had arrived at my brother's residence and walked into his office.

"I've run out of inspiration brother, I can't seem to think of anything that hasn't been done before, and I can't seem to get any ideas to join trends nowadays" I complained to my suit wearing relative since the other two were useless whenever I asked what I should do about my artist block.

"Well, it would appear that you, perhaps, need a muse dear brother" Slenderman said nonchalantly.

"Yes but who, I work best with females but female creepypasta are very limited Slender" I replied in hast

"Maybe you could find a different immortal being, perhaps a witch" he said standing up to put his finished paperwork in a filing cabinet.

Just as I was about to retort there was a knock at the door and Jeff came in informing Slender that Eyeless Jack brought home a dog, after which he left, leaving me and Slender alone once more.

"Trender, I want you to go with my Proxies and follow Eyeless Jack to were he is disappearing to" Slender informed me

Nodding, I walked out of his office to wait by the front door for Masky, Hoodie, and Ticci Toby. As we were about to leave, Jeff approached us, "I'm going with you, I wanna see what EJ is doing with the random dogs he finds cause he isn't killing them".

Allowing Jeff to join us, we followed Jack to an old run down town out in the middle of nowhere. There was a baren wasteland to our right, a deep, foggy wood to our left, and a giant sunflower field in the center of the town.

Hoodie's pov

We had lost Jack for a few minutes until we spotted him buying a large bag of apples and oranges from an elderly grocer. After he left we asked the old women if she knew who he was.

"You mean Jackie, sure he comes to visit here all the time, always buys the same things to, a half-dozen of apples and a dozen oranges. He is just the sweetest thing" the old women replies cheerfully.

"Do you know why he comes here?" Asked Masky

"Oh yeah, he comes to visit and help Sunny around the house. And it is so nice of him to bring another dog, her oldest just died, Winston did you know the name of Sunny's collie that past away?" She said, yelling into the shop behind her.

Soon enough, an elderly man with a cane came hobbling into view from the back of the shop, "Yeah it's name was Hollie, Sunny would send her here to pick up her groceries and bring them back to the house."

We looked at each other questioningly. Jack, nice?

"Who is Sunny, and why would Jack visit her?" I mumbled to myself

"Why wouldn't Jackie visit his little sister" the woman interrupted

"Well sunny isn't her real name but everyone in town calls her that because she lives in the center of the sunflower field"

"I remember when she used to babysit me when I was little" the elderly couple conversed

We all stared in shock at the older woman; Jack had a sister!? Why didn't he tell anyone about her? Is she a killer too? If not, does she know what Eyeless Jack does? I pushed all of my questions to the side as I asked the woman if we could see her any time soon.

All at once the elderly couple stiffened, their warm eyes went cold, and she stopped smiling.

"That all depends on if you wish to harm her in some way, because if you are, you'll never make it out of that sunflower field alive"
She replied very sternly, like she was trying to protect a child from a stranger.

"Oh no, we are friends of Jack and wanted to know where he was disappearing to fo-"

Tim was promptly cut off by Toby inserting his own question.

"Why wouldn't we come back, the way you described her makes her sound like she's older than you, but that's impossible if she's Jack's little sister?"

"Because that field protects her, it can feel into your heart and soul what kind of person you are and acts accordingly, but since you're friends of Jack you should be fine, just walk around the corner to the front gate then walk straight."The old man said, seemingly happy once more.

"Uh, thanks for the tip, we'll just be on our way then."Tim said while walking away as the couple waved us off before going back into their shop.

"Well if Jack can go into the field even though he's a killer then it can't be that bad, right" I said as we all walked around the corner toward the large golden flowers.

With no reply, our group ventured into the thick stems of the blooms that even towered over Trenderman only for us to stop at an old two story, faded blue European style cottage. All of us looked confused as Toby went to knock on the door. We waited for a few seconds only for the door the be opened by a large Wolfe Hound. Several other breeds of dog were all crowded around the door trying to see who we were.

Trender's pov

As we stepped over the threshold of the quaint little home, we were met with tall ceilings adorned with almost every plant imaginable hanging from pots and jars. Through the entryway I could see a small living space filled with large plush sofas, arm chairs, pillows, and blankets. There was not an electronic in sight besides a fair sized CD player in the corner next to a record player. Book cases and cabinets lined the walls as well. Filled to the brim with either ferns, dried herbs in jars, CDs, bones, or books about various subjects. Despite having at least 20 dogs lounging around the house, the place looked close to spotless, even the food dishes on the floor looked clean.

"Who's that at the door Edward?" came a small voice from what could only be the kitchen.

The dogs then started pushing us toward the brightly light cooking space only for us to be met with yet another strange development in this foreign place.

Standing by the counter cutting carrots was a barefooted petite young woman that didn't look a second over 20. She was dressed in a baby blue dress with a white lace trim on the V neck line and bottom, along with a white knit shawl that looked like it would fall off her shoulders at any second. Her wavy waist length milk chocolate hair draped over her face, hiding her eyes from view as she looked over at us when a border collie barked to get her attention. She was absolutely beautiful.

Jeff's pov

What is this place, it feels off, like it's too perfect. It's as if time has stopped here, the only thing that looks like it has any wear and tear to it was a creepy looking door at the entrance that probably led to the basement. Not to mention the girl, she looked about my age despite the old hag claiming that she babysat her. She didn't even look like she was related to EJ except her brown hair. While Jack's skin was a dull grey color her's was a bright peachy color, I couldn't even see her eyes.

When I looked down I saw the same exact dog that Jack had brought with him, meaning that he was here. When she looked over at us after it barked I couldn't tell if she saw us or not before she asked, "Who are you?"

Masky was the first to respond, "My name is Tim, this is Brian, Toby, Jeff, and The Trenderman. We are friends of your brother, Jack, do you know where he might be?"

She just looked at us for a second before smiling and silently leading us into the living room and sitting down on the huge couch, being joined by two dogs on each side of her as the rest of us sat in chairs or on the floor.

"I'm afraid that I don't know where he is but I do know he will be back in a couple of seconds" she spoke, her voice sounding almost hollow.

Just as she spoke a door opened and closed in the kitchen before Jack came into the room, "I got those mushrooms you wanted Del- what are all of you doing here!"

Jack looked angry when he entered the room. All of us just stared at him in shock since he wasn't wearing his mask and his face was in full view.

"For your information, The Operator wanted to know where you kept disappearing to for weeks on end since you kept bring dogs back to the mansion, but it seems we found out what you where doing with the dogs." Masky, not so kindly responded to him

"Jackie, are they friends of yours like they claimed" Sunny interjected, still looking straight ahead, but seemingly not seeing anything in particular.

"Yeah, i work with them you might say" Jack grumbled before walking behind his sister and pulling out a blue ribbon and started brushing her hair back.

He was starting to actually scare me. As he pulled her hair back he moved super slowly, as if she were made of porcelain, like if he moved to fast or pulled to hard she would break into a million pieces. I doubt anyone has ever seen him act this gentle to anyone. As he finished tying the ribbon we all looked at her revealed face to see her eyes were completely glossed over in a milky sheen, she was completely blind but not like how EJ can somehow still see, no she had to rely on EJ to tell her what was around her. However, she still seemed to know where we where, even which dog had opened the door since she had called it by name.

Trender's pov

Her face was practically flawless, not one blemish could be seen; she looked like a doll and Eyeless Jack seemed to treat her as such and carefully tended to her needs. She was a perfect muse for me, not to mention she was a witch, just like Slender had suggested.

"Jack, may I talk to you outside for a bit?" I inquired

"Fine, but make it quick, I need to help with dinner" Jack snapped

"Jackie, you don't need to help me with everything, I would think you'd like to spend time with your friends instead of helping your little sister in the kitchen " she giggled as we left to sit on the back porch

"What do you want Trenderman, I'm a little preoccupied" Jack snarled at me

" I have an offer for you; as you know, my brother doesn't have the best temper when it comes to secrets, so to lessen the blow he will no doubt give you when he finds out I propose that you allow me to get closer to your dear sister" I calmly suggested. Jack on the other hand looked like he was ready to tear me apart

"Why on earth would I let you anywhere near her, you probably just want to use her" Jack struggled not to yell as he was visibly shaking with anger

"You are partially correct, let me explain, I've been lacking in inspiration and your sister would make an absolutely stunning muse for me, especially since she is a witch, her life span is much like a creepypasta or cryptic like myself" I tried reasoning and Jack started to relax before he interjected with conditions of his own.

"Fine, but she is only allowed to meet everyone else if I'm in the room with her and you are not allowed to touch her without her permission, trust me I'll know" He glared at me as he walked past and into the house.

"Sorry for the intrusion Sunny; if I may ask, what were you conversing about" I said when I entered the cottage

"She was about to tell us her actual name so Slender can properly file her, since Jack never mentioned he had a sister" Jeff replied as he was trying to stop multiple dogs from licking his face

"Oh, is that what you were talking about? I'm sorry, I thought you meant my dogs" She started, turning to look toward Tim, "My name is Delphinium Kamintski but you may call me Sunny, and I'm Jack's younger sister by 3 years" Sunny finished smiling widely at the proxies as we looked at her bewildered. She was only 3 years younger than Jack which also means that he's been taking care of her for most if not all of his creepypasta life.

"I'm sorry to ask this of you, but would you be willing to accompany Jack to meet the Operator?" Tim tried to sound respectful toward both Delphinium and Jack

"Does that mean I'll get to see your office Jack?" Delphinium leaned her head backwards to look at Jack

"Yeah, I guess it does" Jack said through gritted teeth and a harsh glare aimed at Timothy unknown to her

"Then it's settled, however we need to leave soon, we don't want my brother to get impatient would we" I said more smugly than I meant to and it seemed like Jack was at his limit

Delphinium's pov

The vehicle stopped and Dantes led me out the door, it was odd that they let me take a dog into a clinic but I didn't want to question how they run their business. The ground was uneven when we started walking and Jack explained that they were doing construction on the walkways outside. When we got closer Jack put his hand on my back to lead me up the front steps and through the doorway. The air was tense and had a strong metallic scent as expected from the stressful environment of the clinic Jack had vented about many times. That was until I heard the pitter-patter of small feet stop in front of me.

"Sally we don't have time to play right now" Jack said while pulling me closer to him

"Oh come on EJ, you never have time to play anymore" Sally squeaked out

"Jack, can you tell me what's happening?" I asked; Jack was my eyes, I never liked being in the dark

"Well, there's a bunch of my coworkers waiting to meet you in the lobby; everyone this is my younger sister Delphinium, we are here to update my file to include family members" Jack explained as I placed my hand on Dantes silky fur

"What's your dog's name Delphine?" Piped Sally once more

I chuckled at her mispronouncing my name and crouched down to meet her height with Jack's help, "If you want to you may call me Sunny, and this is Dantes"

I smiled as Jack helped me back up and started to lead me down a hallway only to stop and knock on a wooden door. A loud hollow voice echoed from inside the room for us to enter. When the door opened a rush of cold air hit my face.

"Ah Sunny, how nice to see you again my dear; this is my older brother Slender, he's sort of Jack's boss here" Trender's voice came from the opposite side of the room

"Trender how nice to hear you, will you be sitting in on our meeting?" I replied happily

"As a matter of fact, yes I will, but I have to ask you something before you start if that's alright with you" Trender inquired

I nodded my head before he continued, "For a while now I've been having trouble finding inspiration for my designs, then I met you and I want to ask you if you would be comfortable being my muse" My eyes widened, no one have ever asked me anything of this sort before, normally people just want me to hold onto their personal files.

"I suppose, but why would you want me?" I asked, my head tilted to the side

"Well you may not believe me but you are very beautiful and very lucky to have Jack take such good care of you" Trender said sweetly

"That's very kind of you Trender and I think I'll accept your offer as you've been nothing but sweet to me and my family" I smiled and pet Dantes' head that was next to my thigh

"I'm so glad that you agreed but I suppose I should let my brother take over from here" Trender responded giddily

"Thank you Trender and in light of recent events I suppose I will allow you to meet the others while I talk to Jack alone, Trender you may accompany Miss Delphinium Kamintski with everyone else" Slender's booming voice seemed to travel around the room

"I'll see you in a bit okay Del" Jack said, patting my shoulder

I was then lead out by someone only to realize that the long boney hand that had grasped my own had belonged to Trender

"Shall we go meet the others then" he questioned

"I suppose, Jack can meet up with us later then" I said not knowing where to look without Jack's help

Gripping onto the handle attached to Dantes' harness as I was lead once again into the lobby. There was so much chatter that I couldn't tell who was talking and it didn't help that I didn't know anyone's voice yet.

"Everyone, this is Delphinium but you may also call her Sunny, she is EJ's little sister" Trender introduced but all at once everyone was talking and trying to introduce themselves to me

"Hey, talk one at a time you're going to overwhelm her idiots" Jack spoke from behind me and put his arm around me protectively. I wanted to ask him about Slender but I didn't want to intrude on confidential information.

"Sorry EJ" came a deep singsong voice above me

"Sorry Sunny, I'm Laughing Jack but you can call me LJ" the male said grasping my hand and shaking it firmly with what felt like claws.

After that everyone took turns introducing themselves. Those who shook my hand were always more upfront and optimistic. I found you can tell a lot about people by their voice. Out of everyone, a few caught my ear. LJ was British probably raised in London, Sally had a ringing voice as a very friendly child, Toby's voice was tremulous with his terets, Ben's voice sounded disembodied almost like Slender's but glitchy, Jeff sounded gravelly and mean, Johnathan also known as the Puppeteer had a rather slivery voice, and Helen's voice was flat and modulated.

I spent a good while there and simply talked with everyone with Jack by my side. Everyone was extremely friendly and all the tension I had felt before had disappeared entirely. After some time had past Jack said it was getting dark and was time to go. I said goodbye to everyone and Jack and I went back to my sleepy little town.

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