Dreamcatcher Imagines - Onesh...

By OT5Stan4Life

138K 4.5K 2.5K

A collection of imagines with the members of Dreamcatcher and a female reader. Jiu Sua Siyeon Handong Yoohye... More

๐Ÿ”ฎ It's Not Wrong - OT7
๐Ÿ”ฎ It's Not Wrong - Part 2
๐Ÿ”ฎ Happy Birthday - OT7
๐Ÿ”ฎ Happy Birthday - Part 2
๐Ÿ”ฎ Happy Birthday - Part 3
๐Ÿ”ฎ Happy Birthday - Part 4
๐Ÿ”ฎ Happy Birthday - Part 5
๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿถ First Kiss - Jiu & Yoohyeon
๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿผ My Comfort - Jiu & Dami
๐Ÿบ๐Ÿถ๐ŸฆŠ Small Things - Siyeon, Yoohyeon, & Gahyeon (OT7)
๐Ÿบ๐Ÿผ Phoenix - Siyeon & Dami
๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿผ Tragedy - Handong/Dami
๐Ÿฐ Worth The Risk? - Jiu
๐Ÿฐ Worth The Risk? - Part 2
๐Ÿฐ Locked Inside a Door - Jiu
๐Ÿฐ Locked Inside a Door - Part 2
๐Ÿฐ Locked Inside a Door - Part 3
๐Ÿฐ Locked Inside a Door - Part 4
๐Ÿฐ For Eternity - Jiu
๐Ÿฐ Secrecy - Jiu
๐Ÿค Crazier Things - Sua
๐Ÿค Spark - Sua
๐Ÿค Renegade Runaway - Sua
๐Ÿค I Want You - Sua
๐Ÿค I Don't Hate You - Sua
๐Ÿค I Don't Hate You - Part 2
๐Ÿค I Don't Hate You - Part 3
๐Ÿบ This Can't Be Real - Siyeon
๐Ÿบ This Can't Be Real - Part 2
๐Ÿบ This Can't Be Real - Part 3
๐Ÿบ Paradise - Siyeon
๐Ÿบ Maison - Siyeon (OT7)
๐Ÿฑ Anything For You - Handong
๐Ÿฑ I Like You - Handong
๐Ÿฑ I Missed You - Handong
๐Ÿฑ Would You Mind? - Handong
๐Ÿฑ Haunted - Handong
๐Ÿถ This World Doesn't Deserve You - Yoohyeon
๐Ÿถ A Lifetime In Repeat - Yoohyeon
๐Ÿถ Wonder - Yoohyeon
๐Ÿถ Wonder - Part 2
๐Ÿถ Promise - Yoohyeon (OT7)
๐Ÿถ Drunk-Dazed - Yoohyeon
๐Ÿถ Drunk-Dazed - Part 2
๐Ÿถ Drunk-Dazed - Part 3
๐Ÿถ Drunk-Dazed - Part 4
๐Ÿถ Always - Yoohyeon
๐Ÿผ Nothing To Worry About - Dami
๐Ÿผ Take a Moment to Breathe - Dami
๐Ÿผ I Want You - Dami
๐ŸฆŠ Whipped - Gahyeon
๐ŸฆŠ Summer Holiday - Gahyeon
FIRST WIN!!! ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅณ

๐Ÿค Daydream - Sua

1.6K 69 33
By OT5Stan4Life

Sua x Female Reader
8th member au
Status - Finished (1 part)
Warnings ~ angst, implications of sexual content, fluff

When Y/N opened the door to the CEO's bedroom, the sight of her boss's best friend, Kim Bora, sitting on the couch directly in front of her in nothing but lacy, black underwear caused her grip on the breakfast tray she was delivering to loosen. The loud crashing of now broken plates and cups hitting the floor instantly drew the older woman's attention to the maid. The moment their eyes met, (Bora's holding no evidence of surprise) a thick tension became palpable in the room- and not just because the maid had done something to disobey her superior.

Although I felt like I couldn't tear my eyes away from the captivating story, I instinctively glanced around the room to make sure I was alone. The reality of my surroundings hit me like a slap in the face and quickly brought a wave of guilt washing over me. Here I was, my one day alone in the dorms because the rest of the members had schedules, reading fanfiction about myself and Bora since I knew the only way I would ever be with her was in a fictional story. I couldn't even begin to express how wrong that was on so many levels. But my desire to get a glimpse at a life that will never be mine outweighed the shame and disgust I felt for fantasizing about my older member in private.

It's not like she's ever going to find out anyways.

Swallowing my pride, I continued reading. The plot started escalating quickly and I felt my body getting unbearably hot. The story was so detailed, I could practically see it happening in my mind. I closed my eyes for a moment, watching the scene play out just like I pictured it. The pit of my stomach burned at the image of Bora in an outfit that left little to the imagination. Except, unlike other readers, I didn't have to imagine. Bora was never shy around the dorm -which was quite damaging to my mental health. It felt so wrong, but I couldn't help but let my mind wander freely to fantasies of her taking control and pushing me onto the couch.

I had been so invested in my daydream that I hadn't heard the door to my room creak open until it was too late. When the recognizable scent of the exact woman on my mind wafted across the room, I knew I wasn't imagining it. My eyes opened just in time to see her flop down next to me on the bed. Before I could react, she had snatched my phone from my hands with an innocent, "Whatcha readin'?"

In that moment I completely panicked, trying to grab my phone back. "Nothing!" I yelled frantically, but she had already gotten a good enough glimpse to know she should be prepared to move the phone out of my reach. "Unnie, please don't read that!" I begged, still trying to steal the phone back, but she wasn't listening, just standing in the middle of the room reading. "Yah! Give it back!" Her facial expression had already turned serious and I knew she had seen too much.

There was no use in trying to get the phone back now, she already knew what it was. I could only hope she didn't flip out and get completely grossed out by me. I could already see her banning me from her room or kicking me out of the dorms completely because my presence made her uncomfortable. With that in mind, I laid back on the bed in defeat and put my hands over my face to cover my blush. I was too afraid and embarrassed to see her reaction anyways.

The room was dead silent for what felt like hours, until Sua suddenly spoke. "Why are you so embarrassed?" She asked. I would've assumed she was teasing me if her voice didn't sound so genuine.

My hands dragged down my face so that I could finally look over at her. "Unnie, I'm so sorry." I couldn't even answer her question, so overwhelmed with guilt. "Please, don't tell anyone about this." I pleaded. "I swear I didn't mean it." I had no idea what to say, there's no way I was getting out of this one. I just couldn't stand the thought that she was probably disgusted by me.

To my surprise, she calmly walked over and sat next to me on the bed. "Are you embarrassed because..." she started lowly, "you want it to be real?" Her question caught me off guard, along with the way she was being so casual and even nice(?) about this entire situation. She should be freaking out or teasing me or something. Anything but this.

Panicked, I quickly shouted, "No! No of course not." I rushed out, avoiding eye contact with her, "That's ridiculous. Why would you think-"

I immediately stopped talking when she slowly placed a hand on the bed beside my head and leaned over me. "Then why are you so nervous?" My heart stopped dead in my chest as I locked eyes with her. I was sure my cheeks were burning from how flustered I was. She stayed hovering over me, her face a few inches from mine. What confused me the most about this situation was her tone; still, it wasn't teasing, but seemed to be more of genuine curiosity... almost like she wanted me to admit that I liked her.

I was already out of excuses. What could I say? "Unnie, I-"

Suddenly, in the matter of seconds, she had leaned down and stopped the rest of my sentence with her lips. I froze and my eyes widened, not knowing how to react. It happened so fast and I was so in shock, I couldn't even kiss her back.

She sensed my hesitance and pulled back immediately. I could only assume this whole thing was a joke and she was just doing it to get a reaction out of me. "What are you doing?" I asked. Although I should've been completely freaked out, my voice came out as a whisper. She was looking down at me, not with amusement or disgust, but with something that I had never seen from her before.

Without answering my question, she shushed me saying, "It's okay." Her voice was tender, which was completely out of character for her. "Just close your eyes." She told me, but I couldn't shake the feeling that everything about this situation was completely wrong. There's no way she was serious. There's no way this is what she wanted.

Yet something in the way she was looking at me and speaking to me so gently made me hesitantly comply. I squeezed my eyes shut and not a second later I felt her lips against mine again. If this really was one of her pranks, she was ridiculously good at acting. It was so unexpected: how soft and careful she was. Her actions continued to completely contradict her personality.

She swung her leg over my body so that she was straddling me as I kissed back. I was so mesmerized by the actual feeling of her lips against mine after fantasizing about it for so long, I didn't have much room to think about anything else in that moment. Honestly, I didn't want to think about anything else in that moment. The whole thing felt more and more surreal, especially when she guided my hands to rest on her hips while one of hers held the side of my face, the other being used to hold her body up. Everything in the way she acted and the way her soft skin felt against mine made me sure this had to be some sort of lucid dream or something.

She didn't let up her slow, smooth rhythm of kissing me over and over again until air became a problem. When she finally backed away, my eyes stayed closed while I tried to regain my breath. My skin was on fire and my entire body felt like it was throbbing with the heavy drum of my heart. I almost didn't want to open my eyes because I knew then I'd have to face reality. Everything inside of me told me this was too good to be true. That when I finally opened my eyes, Bora would be looking down at me like I was a joke and start laughing while I sat there humiliated. Or that I would wake up in my bed the next morning, realizing that the entire thing really was just a dream.

I only found the willpower to finally open them again when I felt a hand gently stroking the hair right above my temple. Her eyes were the first thing I took in and I instantly felt a foreign spark ignite in my heart. No words could describe the way she was looking down at me. That kind of soft, loving glint in her eyes is not something that can be written down. You can't truly know what it looks like or how it feels unless you've experienced it for yourself. The way her eyes sparkled in the lamp light, her focus solely on me, was something I never thought I'd get the privilege of witnessing and, honestly, something I had no idea she was capable of... until now.

I didn't know what to do in that moment, afraid that even a single word would ruin it. I just stared back at her, watching a soft smile appear on her face and realizing that maybe this was real after all. Although the way she found out was painfully embarrassing, maybe she was waiting for a glimpse of my feelings for her. She continued rubbing her thumb over my cheek and I couldn't find the words to express what I was feeling in that moment or what I had always felt for her, so I decided not to say anything at all. And neither did she.

We stared at each other a while longer, like we were speaking through glances. I wanted to know what she was feeling. There's no way my fantasies became a reality just because she caught me reading about her. Maybe she had often thought about me too. Yet, somehow I knew there seemed to be a mutual agreement between us that we wouldn't speak of our conflicting feelings. We had been friends for as long as we were a part of Dreamcatcher, but being something more as fellow members was complicated. We both knew this in the back of our minds. We could feel that it was breaking dangerous boundaries. But talking about it would only make it real.

So we didn't.

And I didn't protest when she leaned back in for another kiss. The previous embarrassment had dissipated entirely and I just allowed myself to accept Bora's affection. She kept her slow pace, savoring every last kiss and never rushing anything. I found myself enjoying it a lot more than the fast, aggressive demeanor Sua was often given in fan-made stories. There was something genuine, something raw about it. Like I was getting a glimpse at the real Bora, realizing that she was a lot different- more thoughtful and subdued- than I had pictured her to be in such intimate moments.

Plenty of people could paint her as this chaotic, boisterous type, but no one truly appreciated her soft, gentle interior that proved just how incredibly loving and vulnerable she really was.

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