wilmon one shots

By avqrsesp

46.4K 580 687

I lost interest guys but enjoy if you haven't read yet๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿซถ #3 wille (26.7) #1 yr (18.7) #81 sweet (9.11) More

so this is love?
cooking skills
snowy days
im here with you
unexpected love pt.1
unexpected love pt.2
love letters pt.1
sorry ig
unexpected love pt.3
love letters pt. 2

back at school

4.9K 49 27
By avqrsesp

(I wrote this chapter with this playlist in the middle of the rain so it's going to be very cheesy lol)

It gets very dramatic as maybe tw?

Simon's pov:
Today is the day. Today I go and wille again in you school. Together. And everyone knows it.
We've talked about how it's going to be before, but we're both really afraid to go back.

He was next to me. His soft eyes slowly opened and looked at me. I could only smile at him. It happens every morning, but I'll never be bored because I look forward to it every time.
"Hey" he said as he got closer to me.
I kissed his forehead and slowly pushed him away to get up. I looked at him and said, "Do you know what today is, mi Amor?"
I could see him blushing when I said mi amor. I think that's as cute as he's ashamed. But I know that he is also very happy.
"No..." he looked at me confused.
"Willeee" I grumbled.
"Tell me what's going on." I laughed.
"School starts today."
he dropped his mouth and looked at me angry and annoyed. He snuggled back into his pillow and I sat up and slowly put my hand on the back of his hair. I began to run my warm finger through his soft hair. I started messing with his hair. "Geet uppp." He laughed as he turned to see my face. The sun lights up his eyes. The brown in your eyes was filled with love. He stared at me for a few more seconds as I continued to comb his hair. His smile grew bigger and bigger as he said:
"I do not want.."
I looked at him again and stood up. I started dressing while Wille was still lying on the bed.
I can't believe how lucky I am.

I don't mean that Prince Wilhelm of Sweden is on my bed, but that Wille is the boy I love and always will love on my bed.

When I was finished getting dressed, Wille began to dress. We both couldn't stop looking at each other and just smiling so when we were done I walked over to him and hugged him.
He didn't see it coming, but he pretty much checked that I wanted a hug. My arms were around his waist and his arms were on my shoulders. He always feels so comfortable knowing he can put his arms on my shoulder.

He always says he feels at home with me but I never believe him. Still, that makes me smile.

My head was on his shoulders and his head was against my chest. I could hear his heart, which is always reassuring. We both stood like that for a few more minutes until he took his head away and I felt a surge of cold against my chest. But his arms are still wrapped around my neck. He came closer and closer with his nose until I felt a warm feeling on the tip of my nose. So our noses were completely twisted into each other. We got closer and closer until our foreheads met. We bobbed our heads slightly until his soft lips touched mine. It was a very comfortable and light kiss. Until Wille opened his mouth to show he wanted more. I accepted and tilted my head back slightly, but part of our lips were still touching. I exhaled slightly and felt his breaths against my skin. It continued until our lips touched again. This time the kiss was with a lot of energy but still with full love. The kiss grew more intense as our tongues connected. They danced together in my mouth when I felt a hand on my hip. She kept going down until I let out a slight moan. Wille seemed to like it so he slowly moved his arms to my front side from my hips. I tried to say something through all the loud breathing and kissing, but all I said was his name.

It felt so good to finally have him by my side. Finally standing so close and kissing him. It felt so right to say his name and make love to him.
We were both still enjoying the moment until I heard a knock. I grumbled and rolled my eyes. As our lips parted and I walked to the door, I let out a loud sigh and a soft, "wow"
I knew he liked it so much when I did what I just did. I laughed lightly and let go of his hand to look like we were getting ready for their school.

I opened the door and saw Malin standing there in her suit. "The carriage is ready, Prince Willhelm. When are you done?"
I looked at Wille and nodded as I picked up my satchel.
"Now." I smiled at her when I saw my mother sitting on the table and smiling at me.

Will's POV:
I heard Linda laugh as she said, "What took you so long?"
I looked at Simon with a red face. He looked at me very nervously well- ehmmm...there was-.. also-" he stuttered when malin interrupted him: "You know what. I don't want to even begin to know."
We both walked out of the room. On the way to the car I said goodbye to Linda. Me and Simon ran side by side and malin opened, she demands door. I could see lightning being shot and
A lot of people were there. I could see people yelling at us from every side. I slowly hear a rock in my heart that was interfering with my breathing. I took my hand and placed it on my chest, squeezing back and forth. My breathing became louder and louder and the people around me more and more. It got worse and worse until I knew a hand on my chest.

It was Simon's hand, slowly pushing mine away. His hand was across my chest as she slowly descended to take my hand. That always helped me when I had problems. He took my hand and squeezed it gently. He started talking to me about my exercises, which the doctor told me, "Will, I'm here. Everything will be fine. Repeat what I say: 1.."
I repeat: "1..."
We keep going like this until my hunches got better and better. He smiled upon noticing this and said, "You have to know that I will always be there for you. I will always hold your hand when you are down and I will always stand by your side, mi Amor."
When he said that, it felt like the stone fell from my heart. It felt like I was at home. "I'm so lucky to have you," I said as we both got in the car. He smiled at me and said, "Not as happy as me."
I blushed but laughed softly. We both sat and watched us drive off as he took my hand and watched his head rest on my shoulder. I can see how he feels his full weight on my shoulder.
His curls touch my face very lightly and I then lay my head on his. I couldn't sleep, but I knew Simon could. "Simon?" I laughed
he grumbled as he snuggled into me even more. He murmured a little "Yes?"
"You're going to fall asleep," I said.
"Yes, perhaps. Is there a problem, babe?" he demands in a sleepy and provocative voice. "No, but you know how to do it when someone wakes you up."
He rolled his eyes and said, "Not this time."
With those words he fell asleep and I scrolled through Twitter. There is everything possible. Edits, tweets, fanart and even a ship name. Nevertheless, there is not only that, but also a lot of hatred. I find my eyes filled with tears when I saw these comments.

(These are not real)

I see my eyes slowly filling with tears. Cold painful tears rolled down my cheeks and I could do nothing but cry.

I notice how more and more tears slide down and I slowly couldn't do anything anymore. I tried to cry as quietly as possible because I didn't want to wake Simon up. In the end, he'll only worry about me more.

Why is this happening to me? Why am I like this? Can't I be normal? And why can't people just shut up. It's my life. Why can't people accept love? I can not help it.

Once those thoughts were in my head, I could feel it again. This stone in my heart. I was breathing more and more slowly and irregularly. My heart grew heavier and heavier. I felt like throwing up. Like I'm about to fall down. I closed my eyes and possibly a movement on my shoulder. It was Simon's head that moved. I could feel him slowly opening your eyes. I opened my eyes and panicked. I didn't want him to see me crying. Maybe he thinks I'm too weak...
All these thoughts would not stop. It feels like these voices in my head are screaming at me. Until I know a hand on my hand again. It was Simon's again. He started stroking my chest and said, "It's fine. I'm with you."

His soft voice always calmed me down. He looked me in the face with a smile. I can feel my chest feeling normal again. More tears fall from my eyes down my cheek until I feel a warm hand on my back. Simon wiped away my tears as he gave me a light kiss. His warm caring lips touched mine.

As our lips part, I could feel his gentle breathing against my skin.

"We're here," Malin said as she slowly glanced back to see if we were awake. And so were we. Malin got out and I said a quick thank you to the driver for driving.

Simon's POV:
As we got out of the car, I could feel Wille's hand in mine. I had the feeling that Wille was always more scared than he was a hand squeezes tight. We live hand in hand to the entrance of hillershka. I see August standing in front of the door.

Will's POV:
Then I saw him. August my cousin. I didn't even dare to look him in the eye after everything he did to me. I still couldn't believe what he did. Destroyed mine and Simon's life. Just thinking about Simon. I still haven't told him who uploaded the video. I was just too scared that he would start a fight with August like last time. I also knew that August is stronger because he trains every day. I really didn't want anything to happen to Simon.
And there it happened. We went in. In the doors of our school. I give Simons a tight squeeze as a sign that I'm not ready.
He started to speak as he reassured me with a slight smile, "After you my prince."
I blushed and my whole face was red when he said my prince. I don't like it when people call me prince, but I find it very attractive when Simon says it. His voice with these words always gave me butterflies.

As I held his hand and walked in I could see everyone staring. I started sweating, which Simon noticed right away. He glanced over at me to see if everything was alright. And no, nothing was ok. I started looking around and he noticed it too. I could already see Felice and Sara. But also Vincent, Walter and Henry. Everyone gave me disgusting looks. We live on through the deep long hallways of hillershka until I saw our room. Malin opened the door and I thanked her. We sat down on bed as I sighed. "We made it. We are through"
He laughed and smiled at me. "Honey?Through? We've only just started."
I rolled my eyes and hugged him. He is so good at having him by my side. To touch and love him.
I whispered in his ear just three words to bring him butterflies.
"I love you."

He stopped hugging me as he said, "So. We have math first, okay? Then Swedish and then break. We have everything together and then we separated chimie"
He kept talking, but I wasn't listening. I just stared at him. god he is so beautiful. Too beautiful to be alive.I started smiling at him. I couldn't take it so I kissed him on the mouth. He pushed me and grumbled, "WILLE. If we want to make it this year, then we have to work with concentration."
I rolled my eyes in annoyance and laughed. We both got up to go to math class. We got our stuff, I grabbed his arm, pushed him towards me and kissed him before we walked out. He looked at me once and we went into the classroom. All eyes on us until I saw Felice. She gave me a warm smile and greeted me. I greeted her back and hugged her.
"How's the whole official relationship going between you two?" She agreed, as did Simon, with a warm smile. Simon sighed as he sat down next to me to hold my hand. He slowly looked at the floor and murmured under his breath so that only Felice and I could hear: "Well...- it's quite complicated. The whole thing with photos and particularly little privacy. We are always asked strange things or sometimes spat on in the street. However, let's try to ignore the whole thing because there are so many people out there supporting us. The whole thing is harder than I thought."
Felice nodded and gave us a slight sorry look. I could see Simon getting more and more indecisive as he talked more and more.
I looked at him and he gave me a sad smile.
I took his hand and kissed it gently. He nodded agreeably and threw his head on my shoulder. Our feet were twisted together. And we all sat down when the teacher came in. I could see Sara missing. And I haven't seen August since the greeting this morning. When everyone sat down, all I could do was make a confused face. Simon took my hand and whispered, "Are you okay, honey?"
I nodded and mumbled back, "Yes thanks- thanks babe."


I could see everything from behind as me and Simon hugged each other in the hallway.
Vincent got up and looked over at Simon. I stand 2 meters behind Simon and sighed as I approach him to stop him. I whispered lightly, "Simme stop."
Vincent rolled his eyes and said, "Aww must your little gay prince save you?"
The whole hallway laughed
Simon's face kept getting red as he said, "What did you say?"
"Simon, don't." I said worried.
"Don't you dare hit me." Vincent provoked Simon.
Simon kept getting closer to hitting Vincent until I yelled, "SIMON STOP IMMEDIATELY!!"
He stopped and looked back at me.
He laughed silly as he walked away and said, "You don't always have to protect me. I can do it alone Wilhelm."
My heart skipped a few beats when he said my full name. He never has. Vincent stepped back and the whole hallway laughed. "Is your little friend mad at you now?"
I stood in the middle of the hallway and could feel everyone around me laughing. My eyes started to tear as I ran after Simon. I yelled after him, "SIMME STOP. I AM SORRY."
I could see Vincent laughing. More and more tears live from my eyes down my cheek and then fall to the floor. As I ran faster to find Simon, I felt a stabbing sensation in my chest. I Felt like someone is stabbing me in the chest. It was getting harder and harder to breathe and by the time I got to our room I couldn't stand. So I fielded on the floor and could see my tears slowing down
wet the floor. What if simon never needed me again? The way his voice sounded when he yelled at me. I got a flashback of, "I don't want to be anyone's secret."
I realize how my thoughts sink me again. Into the nothingless.
I lay helpless on the floor. My vision kept getting worse and I closed my eyes. Now everything was black.

Simon's POV:
I couldn't do anything but run away. As I always do. I always run away from my feelings. No matter what or when. All I could hear was boys laughing and screaming behind me. I felt so weak in my body when I ran away. I walked into our room and lay on the bed. Alone without an arm around me. In bed alone without wille. Without his warm fingers through my curls and without his beautiful brown eyes. I wanted to get up until I saw Wille running in. He looked all sweaty and exhausted. The next moment I saw him on the ground. He started crying until I decided to go to him. As I ran to him with tears in my eyes I saw his eyes closed. What happened. Did he hurt his head or didn't eat enough? was it my fault?

Between all the screams I could only wipe away my tears. I laid my head on his arms and murmured, almost out of breath, "Please wille. Please. I love you so much I don't want to lose you. I-"
I could only burst into tears.

I saw how he slowly opened his eyes. I banged my head, still looking at him with tears in my eyes.
"Wille!!." I laughed and kissed him straight on. A long one. As I pushed away I half got him up and we sat on the bed. I hugged him and kissed him a few more times and then I mention him, "Wille what happened?? you scared me so much Is everything OK? Do you want something? Water, eat or shall I call malin?!"
I still had tears.
He started talking to me and I just looked at him with a smile. He said that this rarely happens only when he gets very scared of something or someone. When he said it, I started crying. I hugged him again and said in my light voice, "Wille I'm so sorry. I love you so much."
he started to smile as he pushed me into a kiss.
Our foreheads met as the tips of our noses met.
I started to whisper, "So.. shall we go out again...?" He whispered back to me, "Yeah.. we should monitor these assholes." I looked at him worriedly and said, "You're ok too?" He nodded .
I smiled and looked up at him. I held his hand and went back outside. When we were outside everyone stared at us but we walked through like you people weren't there. When I looked into his eyes, we just smiled at each other. It's so good to look at him and feel his love.
Since the whole thing with my father, it's been hard to love anyone else. But uh. He is what I need.

The day passed normally and in the evening we were both in our room. Although there are separate beds, we always push our beds together so that we don't feel lonely.

I lay between his legs and my head on his stomach. His hands were around my neck.
It's the best feeling I've had in a long time.

"mi amor?"
I looked up at him as he said in a tired voice, "Mmm?"
"Are you afraid of tomorrow?"
"No. I'm staying with you and that's all I need to not be scared. That's why I reacted the way I did today. I couldn't live without you."
I laughed as I ended our conversation with a line, "Huh.. I guess we're back at school"

3432 words What?!
i hoped you guys liked this chapter <3

I have mixed feelings about this one But for the next one I have a super cute idea

Requests are still welcome!! :]

See you guys soon!! :)

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