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By mrs_fangirlme

13.4K 341 57

This is for all my pretty black girls<3 I promise, all of the characters are not gonna have a crush on the oc... More



230 10 1
By mrs_fangirlme

Ro's POV
Ro's outfit

The next day I was with Max outside of her house. Today we're are actually having a girls day out and a sleepover.

Right now she's showing me some tricks on her skateboard.

Ro: Max can we please go to the mall now?

Max: Hold up, I need to try this trick.

She tries to do a trick but struggles and almost trip.

Max: Shit.

Ro: You okay?

Max: Yeah.

We turn to see where Max's skateboard is, but it was stopped by...Eleven?

El picks up the skateboard and hands it to us.

El: Hi.

Max and Ro: Hey?

El: Can we talk?

The three of us were now in Max's room, and El explains everything to us.

El: And then he said he missed me, and then he just hung up.

Max: He's a piece of shit.

El: What?

Max: Mike doesn't have jack shit to do today, and his Nana obviously isn't sick.

Ro: Yeah, and I guarantee you, him and the boys are playing Atari right now.

El: But friends don't lie.

Ro: Well coming from a family of boys and being friends with boys my whole life, boys lie. All the time.

Max: So from now on, you're going to stop calling him.

Ro: And you're going to ignore his calls.

Max: And as far as I'm concerned, he doesn't exist.

El: Doesn't exist?

Max: He treated you like garbage. You're gonna treat him like garbage.

Ro: Give him a taste of his own medicine.

El: Give him the medicine.

Ro: You got the spirit.

Max: And if he doesn't fix this, if he doesn't explain himself, dump his ass.

Max and I then grabbed both of El's hands.

Max: Come on.

El: Where are we going?

Ro: To have some fun!


The 3 of us got out of the bus and were at the starcourt mall.

Max: So, what do you think?

I noticed that El looked a little concerned.

Ro: Hey, what's wrong?

El: Too many people. Against the rules.

Max: Seriously? You have superpowers. What's the worse that could happen?

The 3 of us then went inside the mall.

Ro: So what should we do first?

El kept looking around.

Max: You've never been shopping before, have you?

El nods her head no.

Max: Well, then I guess we're just gonna have to try everything.

Ro: Oh! There!

I held El's left hand, and Max held her right. We both then took her to gap.

El then has a look around the store while Max and I follows her.

We noticed that El is looking at a blue top with some designs.

Ro: Do you like that?

El: How do I know what I like?

Max: You just try things on until you find something that is you.

El: Like me?

Ro: Yeah. Not Hopper...

Max: And definitely not Mike. You.

El then tries on the blue shirt with yellow pants and red suspenders.

Max and I gave her a yellow baret to try on with it.

El starts messing with the suspenders and we all start laughing.

She then changes to a different outfit that was a matching white with blue and red design top and skirt.

Ro: I think it's too bland. It needs a belt.

Max: Oh yeah, definitely.

I showed El a yellow plastic belt and Max shows her a red one.

El chooses the yellow one and tries it on, and twirls around with it.

She gets a little dizzy and falls back, but Max and I catches her on time laughing.

While El was trying on some more clothes, Max was choosing sunglasses while I was choosing earrings.

After that, El came out with a black romper with colorful graphics, and we thought she was super cute.

Then El tuns around, and grabs both of our hands and drags us out.

We then came out of the store, with Max wearing new red sunglasses, me wearing new large neon star earrings, and El wearing her new outfit.

We all walked together with arms linked and smiling. I'm glad El was having a great time.

We then run to flash studios. And had our own photo shoot.

We put on some shiny clothing, makeup, gloves, a lot of jewelry, and headbands, then posed.

Cameraman: That's it girls! Okay here we go.

He took a picture of us in our shiny clothes. We also did a lot of posing.

Cameraman: Wardrobe change please! Wardrobe change! Thank you.

We then changed into some denim outfits and posed again, while he took pictures.

We changed again into some yellow and feathery scarfs. Again, we posed while he took pictures.

We went back to the denim outfits again and did some more posing.

Cameraman: Shake it. Shake it out for me.

We started shaking our heads, and he took the perfect picture from it.

After our small photo shoot, we changed back into our regular clothes again and went to the shoe store.

El was trying to walk on heals, while Max and I were holding her hands.

But she gets unbalanced and falls, but we all started laughing and helped her up.

But while we were helping her up, Stacy Mayfield and her friends gave us dirty looks. But in the end, we just laughed it off.

A little while later, we found Stacy again with her friends talking to a boy, holding a drink.

El used her powers, to make Stacy's drink explode and it spilled all over her and her friends.

The 3 of us laughed a quickly got away from that situation.

Max: See? What did I tell you? There's more than life than stupid boys

Ro: I swear, this is so much fun than hanging out with the guys.

We then went to scoops ahoy to get some ice cream.

Steve: Okay, here you go, you got strawberry...

He hands it to Max.

Steve: Rocky road...

He hands me my ice cream.

Steve: And then a vanilla with sprinkles, extra whip cream.

He hands it to El.

Ro: Thanks Steve.

Max: Yeah thanks.

El: Thanks.

Steve: Wait a second. Are you even allowed to be here?

We just looked at him then laughed and left the shop.

Steve: That...okay.

We then exited the mall.

Max: You guys wanna switch.

I now had El's ice cream, El has Max's, and Max has mine.

After switching, Max notices something.

Max: Oh you've got to be shitting me.

We turned to where Max was looking, and we see Mike, Lucas, and Will at the Bike rack.

We then walked up to them.

Ro: Well this is a nice a surprise.

The other 3 notices us, and Mike drops his bike.

Mike: What are you doing here?

El: Shopping.

Ro: This is her new style. Like it?

Mike: What's wrong with you? You know she's not allowed to be here?

Max: What is she? You're little pet?

El: Yeah, am I your pet?

Mike: What? No!

El: Then why do you treat me like garbage?

Mike: What?

El: You said Nana was sick.

Mike: She is. She is sick.

Lucas: Yeah, sick- she's sick. She's super sick. That's why we're here actually.

Mike: Yeah, we were shopping. Not for us, but for Nana.

Lucas: For Nana!

Mike: Also, we're here to get a gift for you. But we couldn't find anything that suited for you, and I only had like $3.50, so it's hard.

Lucas: Super hard. It's expensive.

El: You lie. Why do you lie?

Mike couldn't say anything.

I turned around and noticed our bus was here. Max and El noticed that too.

Then El walks closer to Mike.

El: I dump your ass.

Ro: Oop.

Mike gives her a weird look, while Max and I were shocked.

The three of us then walks into the bus.

When we sat down, we started laughing again, and hi fived each other.

Looks like I'm not the only single girl anymore.

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