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By local_garden

19.2K 620 476

โ ๐‘‚๐‘˜๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ ๐‘–๐‘› ๐‘š๐‘ฆ ๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘“๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ ๐‘’...๐ด) ๐‘–๐‘ก ๐‘ค๐‘Ž๐‘  ๐ท๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘Ž๐‘›'๐‘  ๐‘–๐‘‘๐‘’๐‘Ž...๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ 2) ๐‘–๐‘ก ๐‘ค๐‘Ž๐‘  ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘™... More

. โ€ข - ๐’๐”๐ ๐ƒ๐Ž๐–๐
one. hackett's quarry forever
two. musical memory
three. party prep
four. firewood walk
five. truth or dare
six. moments
seven. bears?
eight. weird
ten. lover's quarrel
eleven. werewolves
twelve. promise
thirteen. truth untold
fourteen. hackett house
fifteen. get out
sixteen. silas
seventeen. it's over
. โ€ข - the interviews
. โ€ข - epilogue
. โ€ข - the results

nine. pool house

788 31 78
By local_garden


. • -

pool house

22:59 | AUGUST 22 - LYDIA

ONCE Kaitlyn and Lydia were both inside, Kaitlyn shut the cabin door.

Lydia let out a sigh before she looked up and walked over to cabin's window, trying to look outside.

She tensed her lips as she immediately felt guilt weighing on her. She felt terrible for running away yet again, regardless of whether or not she could have done something to help. The possibility that she could have or even should have started to get to her.

Lydia shook her head before walking away from the window, dragging her hands down her face.

"Can you see what's going on out there?" Kaitlyn asked.

"That thing is still circling them." Lydia replied.

"Shit, shit... uh...we just gotta wait in here until that... thing goes away. Whatever it is." Kaitlyn said.

"Oh God..." Abigail muttered, Lydia placing her arm around her to soothe her.

"Ryan and Dylan will find a way somehow." Lydia said in an attempt to reassure the others, leaning her head against Abigail's.

"I hope." Kaitlyn said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Lydia slowly blinked, then she turned her head slightly towards Abigail's while her eyes remained on the door.

Lydia moved her hand down to Abigail's upper arm, holding her close as her mind began to stress over Ryan and Dylan.

Abigail glanced over at Lydia briefly, giving her a worried look. "Lydia...?"

"...Huh?" Lydia exclaimed.

"Lydia, you good?" Abigail asked.

"Huh?" Lydia exclaimed, quickly releasing her hand from Abigail. "Sorry. I-- I'm fine, Abi. I'm fine." She apologized, chuckling a bit to try to play it off.

Abigail rubbed her arm before nodding.

Shit, Lydia. Stop thinking about it.

Lydia grunted as she placed a hand on her head in pain, glancing over at the door. The longer she looked at it, the more she wanted to get put, and to help Ryan and Dylan.

I can't just leave them out there without trying. I have to. Come on Lydia, pull yourself together. I have to. I have to know I did everything I could.


(Remain in the cabin)

(Help Ryan and Dylan)


Lydia chose to help Ryan and Dylan.


Lending A Hand:
- Lydia attempted to help Ryan and Dylan.

Lydia went back over to the window and looked outside, spotting the creature climbing all around the radio hut.

That fucking- whatever isn't leaving. Shit, I have to try. Come on, Lydia. Do not be a coward. Again.

Lydia then turned to Kaitlyn. "Kait, give me the gun."

"Wha- What?!" Kaitlyn exclaimed.

"Give me the fucking gun." Lydia repeated much louder, her tone more stern.

"Lydia, what are you doing?" Nick asked.

"That thing out there hasn't left the hut so... I'm gonna go see if I can drive it away- MAYBE kill it. I don't know. Just give me the gun and stay inside. I will be right back." Lydia assured.

"You really want to go and try to fight whatever the hell kind of super animal is out there? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Kaitlyn questioned.

"Just give it to me and stay inside." Lydia said.

Kaitlyn is not happy with Lydia's choice.

Kaitlyn shook her head. "Your funeral." She remarked before taking the gun strap from around her body, handing the gun to Lydia.

"So supportive." Lydia muttered sarcastically. "I'll be fine. Just stay inside. Do not come out until we do." She instructed, Kaitlyn nodding back.

Lydia gave Abigail and Nick and quick glanced before opening the cabin door and running out.

Kaitlyn shut the door after she left, Lydia running over to the radio hut.

When she got there, she looked all around the building, unable to spot the beast anywhere.

However, at the sound of a thud behind her, Lydia quickly turned around.

Not quick enough.

The moment she spotted the creature, it jumped at her and tackled her onto the hard ground, Lydia grunting as she began to struggle against the creature.

She then attempted to wedge the shotgun into the monster's mouth to prevent it from biting her.

The beast chomped at the gun before glancing over at Lydia's fingers. Then, faster than Lydia could even predict, the monster moved its head up the gun and sank its teeth into Lydia's left hand.


Once Bitten:
- Lydia was bitten trying to help Ryan and Dylan.

Lydia yelped out in pain, groaning loudly before she began to turn the end of the gun towards the monster, which kept its grip on her hand.

She then fired a bullet right beside the creature's ear, causing it to growl and pull its teeth out her flesh.

Lydia shouted out as the creature's sharp teeth ripped out her flesh before quickly readjusting her grip on the gun and shooting the creature's head.

The monster flew backwards onto the ground, allowing Lydia to get back up.

She stepped to the side as the monster began to get up and crawl around.

Lydia stared at the beast with wide eyes full of fright.

Come on, Lydia. Don't get scared right now. Please...

The beast spotted Lydia again and growled loudly at her, resulting in Lydia shooting it again.

The creature yelled loudly before it began to crawl towards the building.

Lydia watched as the creature moved, following it with her eyes before moving her aim and shooting at the creature's neck.

The beast snarled in pain once more before moving out of sight.


Gunslinger Girl:
- Lydia agreed to supervise Jacob and Nick's shootout.

- Lydia witnessed the mechanics of the shotgun.

- Lydia used the shotgun to shoot the creature outside of the radio hut.

Lydia lowered the shotgun and quickly ran up the stairs of the radio hut, opening the door and running inside before slamming the door shut.

"Lydia!" Dylan exclaimed.

"Happy to see me?" Lydia joked before Dylan abruptly went up to her and threw his arms around her.

Lydia laughed as she patted him on the back with her free hand.

As Dylan pulled back from Lydia, he spotted the blood and the bite mark on her hand. "Oh shit... Lydia, your hand."

"Eh, it's just a flesh wound." Lydia shrugged.

"Lydia, what are you doing here?" Ryan asked.

"I tried to get that thing outside off you guys. I think it's dead. I- I don't know." Lydia stammered as her and Dylan pulled away from each other.

"You could've gotten yourself killed!" Ryan scolded.

"But I didn't." Lydia argued nonchalantly.

"Since when did you know how to shoot?" Dylan questioned.

"With a target that big, it's not that hard." Lydia replied. "Did you guys get a message out?" She asked.

"Yeah, but I think those hunter guys out there heard it. They might be coming here." Ryan informed.

"They're already here. One of them chased us out of the lodge." Lydia mentioned.

"Shit." Ryan cursed. "We need to get out of here. Are- are you sure you killed that thing?" He asked.

"I think...? I shot it like, three times." Lydia replied.

Them suddenly, the sound of a thud came from on top of the roof, causing the three to look up.

"Um, guys?" Dylan muttered.

"Yeah, definitely not dead." Ryan said quietly.

"How the... I- I shot it! I thought I... Shit, I'm sorry, guys. I--... tried..." Lydia muttered, feeling immense guilt.


Lending A Hand:
- Lydia attempted to help Ryan and Dylan.

- The creature did not die by Lydia's bullets.

Lydia slowly raised her shotgun up towards the ceiling as whatever was on the roof walked around.

What the hell?

Lydia held her fire, figuring it wasn't worth it to try and shoot what she couldn't see.

The creature then let out a growl from above.

"What was that? What is that?" Dylan questioned frantically.

"I don't know." Lydia muttered, lowering her gun. "If bullets don't work on this thing, how else do we get rid of it? Ideas? Anybody?" She asked.

"Well if it's got hearing... like a- like a dog, maybe... I mean we could- we could play a really high-pitched feedback loop and crank it to the max... and I mean it would hurt like hell, but..." Dylan suggested.

"Okay. Fine. Let's do it. Feedback thing." Ryan agreed, Lydia nodding.

"Alright." Dylan said as he sat at the desk that was in the room, messing around with the radio. "Ok... Come on Dylan... Let's do this."

Ryan and Lydia both looked around and outside of the radio hut while Dylan worked with the radio.

"Come on... Almost..."

"Hey, you got this, Dylan. Alright?" Lydia reassured Dylan.

"Yeah, just take a breath... I'm sure you can figure it out." Ryan added.

"Okay... Yeah... Right..." Dylan muttered. "There's something missing. What's missing...?" He questioned.

At the sound of another growl, the three looked back up at the ceiling.

"Oh crap. It pulled the wire." Dylan said in realization.

"Fix it. We'll cover you." Ryan said. "Do it now! Go, quickly!"

Dylan then stood up on the chair he had previously been sitting on, reaching his hand into the ceiling.

"You got it, Dylan?" Lydia asked.

"Yeah." Dylan replied.

"You sure?" Lydia asked.

"Yep, just... gotta..." Dylan strained.

Then suddenly, the creature on the roof pulled Dylan up to the ceiling, lifting him off his feet.

Dylan began to scream in pain as his body was repeatedly slammed against the ceiling, blood spraying out from the hole in the ceiling.

"DYLAN!" Ryan and Lydia yelled.


"FUCK, DYLAN! SHIT! JUST- JUST-! Uh..." Lydia stammered, looking back at Ryan.

"WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! JUST- Oh shit." Ryan cursed.

The creature then released Dylan, who stumbled onto the floor.


Lending A Hand:
- Lydia attempted to help Ryan and Dylan.

- The creature did not die by Lydia's bullets.

- Lydia witnessed Dylan get bitten.

"Ah fuck, ah god! Ah what is this! Make it stop!!! Make it stop! Make it stop!" Dylan pleaded as the veins in his left arm began to pop out.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh no." Lydia muttered in panic.

"What do you want us to do? What do you want us to do?" Ryan asked in a panic.

"Oh fuck it's spreading! You have to cut it off! Cut it off! Cut it off!" Dylan yelled.

"Shit. Fuck. Okay-Okay-Okay just- just hang on, hang on." Ryan stammered.

"Fuck..." Dylan muttered as Ryan placed his shotgun on the table and grabbed a chainsaw instead, starting it up.

"I'll hold him down. Do it! Do it now!" Lydia ushered as she kneeled beside Dylan and grabbed his arm, holding it against the floor.

"Are you sure?" Ryan asked Dylan.

"Fuck! YES! FUCKING DO IT! JUST FUCKING DO IT!" Dylan shouted.

Ryan then bent down, reluctantly lowering the chainsaw down into Dylan's wrist.

Dylan screamed out in pain as the moving blade sawed through his arm, Lydia shutting her eyes and turning her head away as blood sprayed onto her face.

It didn't take long before Dylan's left hand was completely severed from his arm.

Dylan repeated curses as Ryan panted heavily, Lydia staring down at Dylan's bloodied stump.

Her lips slowly went agape as Dylan's blood dripped down her face, her nails slowly squeezing into the flesh of his arm.

Shit, this- this is real. This actually just happened. Dylan... Dylan... smells so... sweet.

Lydia's tongue grazed the corner of her mouth, attempting to get a taste of the crimson liquid that stained her face.

"Lydia, you're hurting me- you're really REALLY hurting me..." Dylan strained.

"Sorry!" Lydia exclaimed as she released Dylan.

"THE WIRE! Get the wire! Get the wire..." Dylan repeated.

"What?!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Get the wire... The thing. Get it." Dylan told him with a crack in his voice.

"On it." Lydia said quickly as she got up and climbed onto the chair Dylan was standing on, reaching for the wires in the ceiling.

"Keep pressure on it." Ryan told Dylan as he crouched down and took Dylan's right hand, placing it over his left wrist.

"Got it! What now?" Lydia asked.

"THE BUTTON! The button." Dylan told her.

Lydia quickly hopped down from the chair and slammed her hand down on the button, the radio playing extremely loud feedback as Dylan predicted.

The three all covered their ears at the loud noise, Lydia looking towards the window and watching as the creature fled due to the loud noise.

"It worked!" She said. "Jesus Christ, Dylan, you're a genius now." She laughed lightly as the feedback ended.

"Ah, we blew the speaker." Dylan said.

"Did the trick. Nice work Dylan." Ryan praised.

Dylan then began to laugh lowly, then he eventually widened his eyes in realization. "Oh fuck, my hand."

"Alright, alright! Just hold on!" Ryan reassured as he began to seatch for medical supplies.

"Why did you do that!? Why did you let him do that!?" Dylan asked.

"You told me to!"

"You told him to!"

"That was a bad idea."

. . . . .

The three eventually walked out of the radio hut after cleaning and bandaging both Dylan's wrist and Lydia's hand.

As Lydia walked through the doorway, she glanced down and oh, what was it? Another tarot card!

Lydia quickly swiped the tarot card off the floor and shoved it in her pocket before continuing to run behind the others.



Lydia and Nick embrace each other tightly, both of them with their clothes torn and their bodies covered from head to toe in blood.

As the group walked, they all noticed Ryan and Dylan in the distance, walking towards them.

"Is it safe!?" Kaitlyn asked the boys once everyone regrouped.

"I think we're okay for now..." Ryan replied.

"Hey, glad to see you're still alive." Kaitlyn told Lydia, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Kaitlyn is relieved.

"You're stuck with me." Lydia joked.

"I get to kill you myself." Kaitlyn teased, Lydia glaring at her. "Oh shit, what happened to your hand?" She asked as she glanced down, noticing the blood seeping through Lydia's bandages.

"Got bit. But don't worry about it. I'm not a lefty anyway." Lydia shrugged.

Nick then walked up to Lydia, pulling her into a hug. "Thought we lost you."

Lydia wrapped her arms around his waist in return and smiled gleefully. "Only for a minute, only for a minute..."

After they both pulled away, Lydia went up to Abigail, the two girls hugging as well while softly greeting each other.

"We ran into one of those hunter guys." Kaitlyn mentioned as everyone began to walk again.

"Yeah, Lydia told us." Ryan said, Lydia waving one of her hands as she walked, her other hand on Abigail's shoulder.

"You get a message out?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I think so." Ryan said.

"Great." Kaitlyn said.

The group then stopped walking yet again.

"What the hell was going on up- Oh my god, Dylan, what happened?!" Kaitlyn exclaimed in question and shock as she looked down at Dylan's left arm.

Lydia looked away from Dylan and leaned her head against Abigail's, Abigail doing the same in return.

"Oh, um... I'm okay, I mean... I'm not uh- But it doesn't hurt-" Dylan claimed.

Lydia then rose her brows as she looked down at Abigail, smelling a sweet scent coming from her body.

Lydia leaned her head closer to Abigail as she smelled her, her grip on her shoulder tightening.

Abigail tensed her eyebrows at the feeling of Lydia's nails digging into her arm. "Lydia...?"

She smells good. Like... really good. Has she always smelled like that? I mean, she always smells good but now, she smells really REALLY good.

"Okay, you're in shock. Holy fucking shit." Kaitlyn cursed. "Did that thing do this?" Shd asked.

"Lydia..." Abigail muttered.

God, she's making me fucking hungry.

"No... Well... Sort of, it- it..." Ryan stammered his attempt to explain.

I want a taste of her.

"Lydia, you're hurting me." Abigail said, Lydia widening her eyes as she released Abigail.

"I'm sorry Abi, I-"

Suddenly, a gunshot went off, causing everyone to look around in surprise.

"Kaitlyn where's your gun?" Ryan asked.

"I lost it. One of the friendly locals wanted to say hi." Kaitlyn replied sarcastically.

Then, another gunshot went off, except this time, it was accompanied by the sound of a splash at the pool.

"What the fuck?" Dylan exclaimed.

"Who is that?" Lydia questioned.

"Did she shoot at us?" Kaitlyn asked.

Everyone looked and saw a woman in the distance with a shotgun in her hands.

"Who's there!?" Ryan shouted.

The woman ended up running away, which led to the group running to the pool to see what had caused the splash.

When everyone arrived, they all looked into the pool, the water mixing with crimson red liquid.

"Woah, what the hell?" Lydia muttered.

"Aw, shit, Dylan! What is that...?" Kaitlyn asked.

Everyone stared down at the pool, until they all eventually noticed a body floating in the water face down.

Lydia gasped in surprise and stepped back, stumbling into Nick.

Nick then wrapped his arms around Lydia's body and pulled her against him, holding her close in comfort.

Lydia wrapped her arms around his waist on return, immediately latching onto him for aupport. She was unable to tear her eyes away from the sight in the pool.

"Is she one of those hunter dudes?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I don't think so..." Ryan said.

"You okay?" Lydia asked him.

"I don't know who that other girl was. I've never seen her before." Ryan mentioned.

"Me neither." Lydia said, looking back at Kaitlyn.

"And her?" Kaitlyn asked, gesturing to the body in the pool.

"That's Kaylee Hackett." Ryan stated.

"...Mr. H's daughter? I thought she went home with her brother." Kaitlyn mentioned.

"Kaylee. Yeah. I thought so too." Ryan muttered.

Lydia frowned before she looked down at the floor, her eyebrows tensing as she felt Nick lean his head down towards her neck while holding onto her tightly.

"Oh man. Poor Kaylee..." Kaitlyn said.

Nick then moved his hand up from Lydia's waist to her upper back while his other hand gripped her shoulder, tighter and tighter and tighter.

"Nick..." Lydia muttered.

"You smell so good..." Nick whispered. "Your scent... is just like mine."

"I-... Nick, you're hurting me." Lydia said.

"You alright there, bud? Maybe dial it back a bit, huh?" Kaitlyn advised Nick, who briefly pulled back from Lydia.

"Fuck off Kaitlyn." He scowled before pulling Lydia back in, returning to their previous position.

"Whoa." Kaitlyn exclaimed in surprise.

The fuck? What's up with him? There's something wrong with Nick.

Lydia looked around frantically as she began to push at Nick. However, he was relentless and he kept her close. Despite Lydia attempting to push him off, he didn't let go at all. "Nick...? What are you doing?" She asked.

"I want you..." Nick whispered to her.

"Wha- I- Hey..." Lydia stammered, pushing Nick with more force.

Even then, she reached no avail at all. The tighter Nick's grip got, the more it hurt trying to push away from him.

"Nick, let go of me. Nick, you're hurting me!" Lydia said.

Nick kept his hands on Lydia, leaning closer and closer to her. "Come here..."

Something's wrong with him. Something's wrong with him.

"Nick, get off me." Lydia demanded as she stepped back, Nick moving forward. "Let go of me!" Lydia shouted as adrenaline and fear began to rush through her, intense emotions that began to overwhelm her head.

"Watch out-!" Kaitlyn warned.


(Push Nick)

(Don't push Nick)


Lydia chose to push Nick.

"Dammit, I said GET OFF!" Lydia yelled as she grabbed Nick by his shirt and forcefully pushed him into the pool.

Lydia panted heavily as she stepped away from the pool, staring down at the water.

When Nick didn't resurface, everyone went silent.

Lydia's fear was quickly replaced by worry, Lydia tilting her body towards the left. "Nick...?" She called out quietly.

Suddenly, Nick rose up from under water, screaming at the top of his lungs as he flailed about in the water.

Lydia gasped as the pool water splashed onto her leg, causing her to quickly move back.

"Whoa!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Are you okay?!" Kaitlyn asked Lydia.

"I- I..." Lydia stammered, unsure of how to reply.

Abigail went over to Lydia and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Nick! Dude!" Ryan shouted.

"I got him!" Kaitlyn said as she ran over to the pool and grabbed Nick's hand, pulling him out of the water and onto the floor.

In an instant, his yelling stopped as he fell down on the floor, shivering.

"I don't... I..." Lydia muttered, unable to think of words. All she could think about was how purely confused she was.

Abigail then walked over to Nick slowly, kneeling down and touching his arm. However, she was quick to pull her hand away. "He's so cold...!" She remarked.

"Okay, l-let's get him in the pool house. Dry him off." Ryan suggested.

Everyone then started to walk towards the pool house as Ryan said, Ryan helping Nick up and leading him along.

Lydia slowly followed behind the others, rubbing her eye with her wrist before placing her hand against her head again.

Dylan happened to notice Lydia falling behind and he decided to walk over to her, placing his hand on her back- not to rush her, but rather to reassure her.

Lydia glanced over at him before giving him and brief smile of appreciation and continuing to look down as she walked.


Mental: 5/10
Physical: 8/10

Emma Mountebank: 5/10
Abigail Blyg: 10/10
Kaitlyn Ka: 9/10
Laura Kearney: 9/10
Max Brinly: 7/10
Jacob Custos: 8/10
Nick Furcillo: 7/10
Dylan Lenivy: 10/10
Ryan Erzahler: 7/10

[Tarot Cards]
- Eight of Wands
- Two of Swords
- Strength
- Death
- Nine of Wands
- The Lovers

Mysteries Left Unsolved:
- Lydia chose not to go to Hackett's Quarry with Laura and Max one night early.

- Lydia does not know why Laura and Max did not show up to camp.

Musical Memory:
- Lydia chose to hang out with Nick and Dylan in the lodge.

- Lydia found her guitar.

- Lydia played her guitar for Nick.

- Lydia played her guitar at the bonfire.

Gunslinger Girl:
- Lydia agreed to supervise Jacob and Nick's shootout.

- Lydia witnessed the mechanics of the shotgun.

- Lydia used the shotgun to shoot the creature outside of the radio hut.

True Love:
- Lydia chose dare during Truth or Dare.

- Lydia kissed Nick during Truth or Dare.

- Nick was uncomfortable with kissing Emma during Truth or Dare.

- Lydia kissed Nick in the woods.

- Lydia helped Nick in the woods during the attack.

Lending A Hand:
- Lydia attempted to help Ryan and Dylan.

- The creature did not die by Lydia's bullets.

- Lydia witnessed Dylan get bitten.

Once Bitten:
- Lydia was bitten trying to help Ryan and Dylan.

𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗

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