The Damned And The Damneder (...

By CrowvtheDowv

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Crowven's backstory for dnd and shit ig More



2 1 0
By CrowvtheDowv

{Crowven's POV}

I wake up, still pretty groggy— and it's still dark out. i didn't need much sleep to be honest, never really did. I can hear the coyotes howling off to the distance and the crickets are still going at it. I stammer out, still half asleep "Hey uh Jroskal what-uh what time is it..?" "It is 12 am mortal. Should you not continue to your destination? Feverin was it?" He says yawning.

"i just woke up gimme a break man" i say, stretching mid-sentence. I continue, scanning my surroundings "you're right though, thanks." I say as i start to pack up the camp "you are welcome, mortal." He says. The slight Metallic vibration accompanied his voice rang from being inside Alkrogzun.

I finished packing up and i grab Alkrogzun from the side of the cliff, as i had stuck it in the rock before i laid down, and continued on the road. We should be about 4 hours away now, that is, if the map is correct. I chuckle to myself and think "of course it is dumbass, it's a map" and continue.

I've been getting this weird feeling in the back of my head ever since i left those ruins. Something tells me that whatever it may be, it won't be pretty. But i try to keep the thought out. I don't quite like being a hypochondriac. I continue down the path but see the faint glow of a lantern in the distance i quickly duck in the tall grass and get ready to make my coin purse a bit heavier. I ready my grip on Alkrogzun's handle and get ready to appear. I see the lantern's golden glow near me and step out of the grass.

I see a well dressed man, burgundy coat, and black gloves and boots with golden edges. With a smirk on my face i slyly say "if you value any of your limbs, you're going to stop where you are, drop your weapons, and maybe.. I don't know, hand over that fat coin purse that's dangling ever so noisily off your belt, my friend."

He stops and looks at me like i was the biggest idiot known to Skrosis "You know what blondie? You're pretty funny. I'll give you that much. But, also ever so generous! You just gave a nice "young man" some dinner!" He says with a twisted, sadistic grin

And i as i watch as what i thought was some traveler, foolish enough to cross paths with me, shift, distort and disfigure his body into a 7 foot, demonic figure with slightly desaturated red skin, pitch black eyes, no mouth, white hair and horns, look at me like i was his midnight snack and say with the most sinister tone "D̵̖̺͘ö̶͈́̕ ̴̞͙̓̀y̵̢̐o̷͇̮̽̓û̵̟͆ ̵̡̇k̶̭̟̿n̷̝͛ơ̴̩̬̊ẃ̵̜̫̕ ̴͇̦̄̉ń̶̬o̷͔̺̓t̸̮̗̿͘ ̵̳̀̓t̴̡̙̚͠h̶̙͔̊e̵̡̿͛ ̶͈̈n̶͚̋á̴͎̾m̷̝̽͝é̸͙ ̵̤̱̾̾o̸͇̔f̵̯̕ ̶̻̈́̃S̸͎̄͛A̶̧̠̒N̷̨̛̕G̷̼̓U̴̞̘̔̊Ḯ̸̭Ṉ̵͕̓̂Ẻ̴̡,̴̈ͅ ̸̞̻́̊R̷͋͜u̴̢̘͑l̶̨̀͘ͅe̵̞͐͐r̶͚͗ ̵̠̉͝o̴͍̔f̵̞̳͒͘ ̴̬̈́K̸̹̿r̷͜͠a̵̹͖̿͒š̷̘d̸̢̛̒o̷̟͓̽͘s̴̠̟̆̾?̶͉̞̂͝" (Do you know not the name of SANGUINE..? Ruler of Krados?)

i unsheathe Alkrogzun and it glows red, i then hear Jroskalduk casually say "Would you put a- LID ON IT. Sanguine? We have business to attend to, and i would rather not be interrupted." The demon, who i assume is this "Sanguine" feller then looks a bit surprised and mutates his body back to his original, more human-like for "wait a second. Blondie, let me see that sword of yours for a sec." Increasingly confused i hand over Alkrogzun and Jroskalduk pours put from its blade, leaving a slightly blue ethereal glow that hones the edge of its sleek and dastardly blade.

It's almost as if they know eachother perhaps..? I think to myself as i try to put together the pieces of this increasingly confusing puzzle that i'm presented with. "It is. Jroskalduk and Alkrogzun. I haven't seem you in almost a decade. How have you been buddy?" He says warmly, slapping Jroskal on the back, making him cough from Sanguines sheer force, and i laugh at the sight.

"it's been well. Crowven here has taken up the reigns that my previous Lieutenant quite rudely left down— as you see here. Oh, and why don't you introduce yourself?" He says with a inviting smile. he raises Alkrogzun and casts it into a tree trunk nearby.

"Forgive my rude footing, thief by nature. Crowven Amaranthine, Charismatic Card player by dawn, and Dastardly Nightblade at dusk it's a pleasure to meet you. Mate. I say with a bow. "Nice coin purse too" i add, chuckling

He gives me a slight nod and with that he says "Ah. Fellow thief. Nah, dont worry 'bout it, It's always nice to see what new, refreshing protégé Jroskalduk has brought to the table." He says casually

"I also see that Jroskalduk has taken a liking to you with that eye. May it serve you well.. Kaizden." He ends with a sly smile. My face completely drops as i fiercely grip Alkrogzun's handle, still stuck in the tree trunk. I point the tip of the blade to his chin and spit out "you'd be wise to watch your words carefully cur. Where Do You Know That Name From." I spit. Enraged, with my hand on the handle of my rapier

He raises his palm, and some weird symbol appears in front of it.  and with that, that cur. Morphs his appearance into that of my mother. Furious i say "Demon or not, i will not hesitate to end your life, Sanguine." He chuckles slightly and reverts back to his form, that of a demon, and with that we set off for Feverin.

{Time-skip to 4:00 AM)

We arrive in Feverin at last. Even in the early hours of the morning, its still as bustling as ever. Astonishing. We snoop around for a bit and cut the purse of a few wealthy nobles, passing about in the far more rich, and posher side of town. on the upper section of the town. Guards are at their post, their metal armor reflecting the beautiful and gleaming, yet cold glisten of the crisp night moon. And as we get to the top-most section of town, where all the important aristocratic-type people reside, the guards block the way, As is the custom.

Slightly muffled due to the heavy plate armor, one says sternly "And just about where do you 3 think you're going? Not here i would hope. We only grant confirmed residents that live in this section entry. And by taking one look at you 3, i can Certainly. Determine that you are nothing of the sort. On your way you lot!" He hisses. Annoyed, i half yell "Eat a boot, cur." "You'd be best to watch your tongue, knife-ears. I'll let that one slide. But next time know that i will not be so lenient. And neither will death when you're rotting your useless and pitiful life away in the dungeon. Sanguine just laughs, and chuckles "Aww that's cute, you'd just love Azton!!" He says, being sarcastically bubbly

"Look you sods. I have no clue what an "Azton" is, or what it might be, but i coulda sworn i told you 3 to get lost, lest i deal with you's by myself

If we plan to do anything in this city, we need a good view on the town. And what better place than the palace balcony? The tallest point in the entire city. We would need to slip past the guards first however. "Sanguine, you can shapeshift into almost anything, correct?" I ask him, pondering an idea to get into the top-most section. "That i can. Why? Do you have a plan to get in?" He asks. "that i do. But is there anyway you could shapeshift us as well?" I ask, puzzled. "There is. But i would need to draw blood from both of you to bind you both to the spell. Let me see your arms."

Jroskalduk and i reach our arms and he pricks them, and murmurs an incantation. He leads us to an alleyway where he then shapeshifts us all into incredibly wealthy looking fellows. We then walk up to the guards and they look us up and down, sniff the air and hesitantly let us through. While we walk past them, one looks behind us and says "sir. I'm going to need to ask you to stop right there." Nervous, i turn around and he says..

"Have a good night milord." I give my thanks, and turn around sweating, thinking we almost got busted. We go behind the palace, and shapeshift to our original forms. "Hold onto my coat Crowven, as for Jroskalduk. You can go back inside Alkrogzun for the time being while we scale the palace." He says quietly. excited i say in a hushed tone: "hell yeah! We're gonna scale the palace?" "That we are. Get ready." He whispers.

And with that i grab on and we start scaling the palace. Its a bit bumpy, but boy is it ever exhilarating! We make it to the top, almost falling a few times and reach the balcony. You can see all the lower levels, plus miles of the countryside from up here. It's quite a beautiful sight. Few clouds in the sky, and beautiful moonlight illuminating the landscape and mountains.

This is only the beginning of the heinous deeds the three of us will indulge in. Where this will lead me, i know not. But as my father once said, you can take things as they come to you, or you can reach out for them first. The time is right, the night is still young, and so am i. Years of adventure start from this very moment, and as i look out to the beauty of the land, the moonlight softly glistening on the lakes, and the stalwart pines ever so softly swaying with the cool gentle breeze that quietly echoes throughout the night, I know now that from here on out..

My life will never be dull.

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