New friends, new home, new ad...

By BlackCat1569

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Being the son of Sun Wukong and Macaque is more tiring than anyone will ever think. No one knows you exist ju... More

Who is M/n?(+Oc's)
In honor of Billy Kametz
A father no more
A little funny
A father no more pt. 2
A hero is born pt. 2
"I love you too..."
Moving in
Bad Weather
What we have in common
Brother pt. 2
Coming home
Noodles or Death

A hero is Born Pt. 1

355 4 3
By BlackCat1569

(Art not mine. Also not doing monkey king and DBK fight. Way too lazy)

"A world of elegant cultures. Gentle loving people. A city brimming with five star cuisine. And all because of the-"

A man with glasses and slick to the side hair(as well as old fashioned cloths) pushes his glasses up slightly with a smirk "the monkey king!" A boy with up brown spiked hair raises his first in the air in excitement, he throws his book up in the air with a smilie and laugh "That's so good!-" he does a pose with shades. "Monkey King's so cool!-" another with huge mussels. "He's so strong!-" and another with the wind bowing his hair and cloths back while he has some hay in his mouth "And handsome." The man at the counter chuckles with a smug look "Oh, MK. And you thought you knew all the Monkey King stories." A deep chuckle grabs both MK and the man at the counter attention "pfft- sorry, sorry it's just...I haven't seen someone who likes Monkey King so much in a long time. And do you think you seriously know everything about him? That's hilarious." The man at the counter huffs while MK walks up to the man sitting at the booth, he has a f/c jacket on with the hood up making it impossible to see his face only his mouth "uh, do you know any story's of Monkey King?" The man turns to Mk with a small hum while leaning on his fist "of corse I do. Tones. Some even no other person can tell you." MK's eyes sparkle before it's replaced by a huge frown "but I sadly can't share them. I have to get home before my dad notices, here-" he hands MK a large tip making the boy smilie "I like you...uh...MK? Right? Maybe I'll see you again? See ya around, MK." The man chuckles as he walks out sending the boy a small wave and smilie, MK stands frozen for a second before running out of the shop only to notice the man had completely disappeared. MK hums and walks back into the shop before his attention is grabbed once again "Come on MK, you know the deal. One story, one free bowl of janangmien. Hm?" MK grabs his book and fixes the pages in his Monkey King book, he closes the book with a small hum then smilie "Huh? Oh, right, free noodles! Yes, on it!" MK sits the book down and grabs a bowl of noodles while talking "How heavy do you think a mountain is, compared to, like...-" a spoon comes spinning out of seemingly nowhere at MK followed by a voice "Free noodles?" The spoon hits MK's hands sending the noodles flying until a pink hand/hoof(idk) grabs it in time with the noodles splashing slightly with a shadow covering the pigs face(literally a pig). He comedically grows in size while MK and Tang yell in fear "No one gets a free meal at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity here, Tang." In the end a short pig man is on the counter in front of tang, but a smirk grows on tangs face while he pushes Pigsy away from him without the pigs body moving an inch "Ah, but, Pigsy, I was paying with wisdom." Tank does a little hand movement with a smilie while Pigsy's head grows again scaring the life out of Tang "Yeah? Well, wisdom don't pay the rent, you freeloader!" Pigsy then moves off to the side while Tang sits there with his mouth half open and his glasses falling off "And you-" he points at MK who whimpers "You've been slacking off all morning.-" Pigsy walks towards MK who walks back in return"I've got a dozen orders that need to go out.-" MK hits a wall and leans his body up against it as much as he can while Pigsy yells at him "So quit slacking and get packing!" MK's worried face is replaced with a smilie as he looks of to the side for a bit with a raised eyebrow, then points off to the side with an awkward smilie, then does a hand motion. "Yeah, I was about to take my break, so..." "Break? Break? There's no Break in war!" All of a sudden the scene changes to Pigsy standing with a arm behind his back while he holds a spoon up in the other "I need workers. Soldiers in my army of Pigsy's noodle's! Home of the world's longest noodles! How else am I going to expand my business into enemy territory?" Mk looks at Pigsy with a raised eyebrow while he looks out the store window "Uh, do you mean across the street?" Across the street is another noodle shop with a warthog running it, the two shop owners glare at eachother with nothing but hatred before Pigsy looks at MK who continues to look at the other shop owner but slightly shocked "I stand by my statement." Pigsy pushes a bag off noodles and lightly throws Mk out of the noodle shop(while gaining 100 points) with a frown "Now, hurry up!" He sighs before his ears go up hearing slurping, he turns around with an angry look at the male in glasses who eats his noodles with a smug look on his face. He opens one eye and jumps slightly when he notices Pigsy's hard glare on him, he gulps and chuckles slightly while Pigsy raises his wooden spoon "Hey! You get back here, you coward!" "No, Pigsy!" "I want my money!"

MkK sets up his cart with noodles and turns his key that has a Monkey King key chain on it, he grabs his phone that shows where the orders are and places it on a phone holder while putting on his headphones and listens to uplifting music. He looks up with a determined look and drives down the road while people walk around, The city is bright and busy with cars driving around. People of all kinds of ages and colors(literally 90% is just yellow) hanging around each other, this group of teenagers challenges an old man to a game being very cocky but quickly frowns as the old man wins and ignores the boys glare. After a bit more driving MK reaches the places where he is to deliver the noodles, he passes a sign that says Do Not Enter! But doesn't seem to notice it as he drives into a construction site. MK parks the car and slides smoothly out of it and into the elevator while flipping the switch making it go down, Mk slides out the elevator while now humming his music and dancing not noticing the two birds watching him, the gold one flys away while the white one tilts its head and quickly follows the other bird after "Feels like I've waited an eternity for this moment." MK's attention is grabbed back after hearing the unfamiliar female voice, his eyes grow wide as he takes off his headphones. A woman with her hair styled to look like horns look to the side while a light glares slightly in her eye making it seem red "Is everything in order?" A male standing next to her with up hair(that resembles fire) and a evil smirk responds "Just making the final adjustments, Mother." Another male with spots of blue on his face and a scar going across his eye speaks, his hair is shorter than the red haired male yet he's taller than both the female and male "Well done baby brother. You're truly pulling your weight." The red haired male smilies a bit more at the other males acknowledgement before the scene pans out with all three of them with evil glowing red eyes as well as a mini army behind them, MK gasp and runs off to the side hiding behind some rubble; he looks out shaking slightly while looking at the wavy tree with orange leaves and a staff that has vines wrapped around the bottom "Finally, after all this time, we have the means to lift Monkey Kings legendary staff." MK looks around for a bit before his eyes focus on the staff in the mountain, an imaginary version of Monkey King holding his staff in a fighting pose clouds MK's vision while he's eyes widen slightly as he whispers to himself "Wow, Monkey King's staff!" MK looks around to make sure no one is watching him and climbs up the wall and pipes to get a closer look at what is happening "My love will finally be returned once we remove the Staff. Huh?" The family of three watch as one of the bullclones climb up the hill to the staff, MK climbs up to where the two birds are right in the middle of them making them fly back slightly; the gold bird glares at MK slightly while the White one making a sort of laughing motion with its wings MK raises a brow at the golden bird and looks at the white bird Who flutters it's wings slightly before they all focus on what's going on in front of them. The bulls eyes glow red as it grabs the staff with an angry look on their face, they try to pull up the staff but steam starts to come out of there gears but soon after there arms pop off making them fall off the mini hill with a shout as the family moves out of the way while the bullclone falls behind them, they look at the holes where there arms used to be in surprise while whimpering. "You fool." The woman and blue haired male glares at the robot while the red haired guy smirks down at it "You think we didn't try that already?" The blue haired male scoffs and looks away from his brother "well baby brother it looks like your clones are idiots. I suggest fixing them." The red haired male flinches and looks at the other with small flickers of fire coming off of him "gah! For your information brother there is nothing wrong with my robots! This is all them since I was able to clone them will free mind-" he gets cut off. "Free of mind? That's not what there for. There to obey baby brother. Not be useless." He flinches again before the woman sighs "now, now my sons. Calm yourselves. Don't forget why we are here." They both nod and the red head walks back over to the bull clone "it's going to take more than a few robots to lift the Monkey Kings Staff anyway. Only those deemed worthy can wield it. But I, Red Son, have designed this gauntlet to bend it to my will." Red Son wraps fire around his arm making a gauntlet appear, MK gasp and the birds eyes widen before he losses his grip and grabs the pipe with his hands and the noodles with his teeth as all three continue to watch. The wind somehow blows making Red Son's jacket fly as well as his hair as he stares at the staff , he walks up to the staff and snickers before grabbing it with the gauntlet with a smirk, gold electricity making his smirk go away for a second before the staff flashes and a gust of wind goes everywhere and the ground break's slightly, Red Son stagers slightly before grabbing the staff with his other hand and his hair and eyes igniting on fire while grunting. He lets out a yell while his mother smirks and his brother has a small smilie on his face that doesn't reach his worried eyes for his younger brother, the two birds being there heads down slightly closer on each side of MK who's eyes grow wide in shock and a huge frown on his face with the noddle bag still in his mouth; the vine around the bottom of the staff slowly starts to die and the ground breaks with a green glow while Red Son holds the staff up over his head with a huge smilie and huffs of air "Yes, I did it!" All the bull clones cheat and clap there hands except the one on the far right who is the same clone that lost its arms silently sulking, the other two demons watch the Red Son as he stands there for a second before flinching with and annoyed look "What?! Why isn't anything happening?" He jumps off the hill and looks at the staff for a second before looking at his brother "Brother, are you sure this is the right mountain?" He glares slightly while gesturing to the hill while his brother sighs and rubs his face "No. Maybe it was that other mountain with a magical staff sealing away our father." The two males glare at each other(Red Son more pouting) before the mountain starts to shake catching there attention as their eyes grow wide, the ground starts to crack and the three look at each other before a green light catches there attention making them cover there eyes for a bit, bull clones fly away while the demon family have large twisted smirks on their faces and MK looks scared while the birds just watch with unchanging faces(the white bird at least) "yes, Father. Rise! Rise!" Red Son says with a evil laugh while his mother has a hand on her hip on the right side of him and his brother has his hands in his pockets on the left side of him with a smirk the now free demon bull king stands tall scaring MK while the two birds once again lean down slightly but this time upside down slightly in front of the boys face "Flesh. Bone. I have returned to the realm of the living." MK's arms start to shake signaling him loosing his strength to hold himself up and also catching the two birds attention, they both jump over to him slightly and look at each other before looking back down at MK who waves his hands at them trying to get them to fly away "No! Shoo! Go away!" The birds tilt there heads in each other directions before they each move to a hand, MK gives them a pleading look making the gold bird tilt his head once again while the white bird 'laughs' again before they both start Peking his hands.

"Oh, Demon Bull King. How I've missed you." She smirks and puts a hand on her him while looking at her husband while the demon in return smirks back at her "Princess Iron Fan. The years have been kind." He crosses his arms while keeping a smirk/smilie on his face "How did you free me?" As PIF goes to speak Red Son cuts her off before she could get any words out annoying the woman very much "Actually, it was I, Father. I moved the staff." PIF rolls her eyes and raises an eye brow while looking at her youngest son while her Oldest chuckles slightly next to her while Red Son hypes himself up "I learned how to harness It, to make its power, my...-" DBK walks up slightly covering the family in a shadow while PIF and the blue haired male smirk at DBK Red Son shrinks back slightly in fear "our power..." Finally the blue haired male speaks making his presence known "now, now baby brother. You wouldn't of gotten so far without me or mother. Don't take all the credit." DBK looks over to his oldest who looks him in the eyes with a smirk "Yuki..." his eyes glow green while he looks between his sons "Excellent." Red Son grows a happy little smilie on his face before turning around while welding the staff  "Now, together, we, the Demon Bull Family. Will plunge the world into eternal darkness!" The four demons eyes glow green while the clones glow red, up above MK is still whimpering while trying to get the birds to leave him alone but the two just tilt there heads before nodding to each other and squealing and pecking both his hands harder two more times making MK fall with a shout right on top of Red Son who looks up at him while he falls but doesn't move. The smoke clears from the fall and the staff makes a sound while it falls and rolls away from the two, MK sits out with a groan while rubbing his head not noticing the confused and angry look Red Son gives him before both there eyes widen at DBK and he takes a step towards them while breaking the ground the clones eyes now glow green while DBK stands tall behind them with glowing green eyes, in front of them stands PIF and Yuki; PIF with glowing green eyes and a smilie that is also glowing while Yuki's eyes glow green with a frown on his face instead, MK looks at them in fear before just blinking a couple of times and letting out a nervous chuckle while raising the bag of noodles he has "Someone ordered some noodles?" Finally Red Son snaps and hits his feet and fist on the ground like a child "Ugh! Get off me, you idiot!" Red Sons hair and eyes ignite into flames while he throws a screaming MK off of him who lands by the Monkey Kings staff, Red Son grunts while standing up fully with his back turned to MK before he turns around in anger "Do you know what you just did? You ruined my moment!" Once again he Ignites into flames while both arms stay at his side while his fist are clenched in anger but stops when DBK's foot stomps slightly in front of his youngest son breaking the ground "A little eavesdropper has fallen into our midst. It seems a waste to crush something so insignificant as my first act as ruler of this new world, but so be it." DBK raises his foot to crush MK but Red Son quickly stops him "Wait, Father!" DBK raises an eyebrow "what is this?" Red Son clears his throat while somehow pushing his fathers foot away "Waste not your energy on this peasant." He motions to MK in slight disgust "Please, allow me show you how powerful I have become in your absence!" DBK looks down at Red Son unsure before a cough catches his attention "If I may speak father, Red Son is some what powerful now since you have been gone. I believe you should give him a chance." Yuki look at his father in the eyes who looks back at him with glowing eyes, nether of them noticing how giddy Red Son got at his older(and much-MUCH stronger) brothers approval, DBK nods and looks back to Red Son with a smirk "As you wish." MK starts to crawl away to the exit while the family talks while mumbling to himself "Maybe I can use this chance to get away." Red Son turns making MK gasp and stop moving "In some're very fortunate, noodle boy" MK turns around to face Red Son, his eyes widen and he moves back in fear before hitting Monkey Kings staff and stoping "Not many insects are lucky enough to be stamped out by the Demon Bull Family!" Red Sons voice becomes muffled as MK looks at the staff 'Monkey Kings Staff!' A foot stomps in front of him grabbing his attention and making his arm swing all over the place before his eyebrows go straight while Red Son speaks in anger "GAH! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?! I, Red Son, will not be disrespected!" His entire body goes up in flames making MK raise an arm while his eyes grow wide in awe at the flames but he quickly goes back to normal after seeing the flaming gauntlet fly towards him, he grabs the staff and holds it in front of him in fear while closing his eyes right. The gauntlet makes contact with the staff causing some of the ground to break and Red Son to stagger back slightly while the dust clears "No way! How could you possibly lift Monkey King's Staff?!" MK's eyes sparkle as he stands in a fighting pose(a terrible one but still) and stares at the staff with admiration, PIF raises an eyebrow as he watches and Yuki brings a hand up to his face to cover his mouth so a chuckle doesn't come out "This is impossible" "Apparently not mother." DBK snarls as he stares down at Red Son and MK "Ah! I don't know what's going on here, but I'm about to end it! THAT STAFF IS MINE!" His gauntlet lights on fire again while his eyes glow green and several bull clones jump up to help him with glowing green eyes as well as DBK behind them as if reaching out to grab MK while MK whimpers in response, he grabs the staff tighter in fear "I'm supposed to be on my break!" He waves the staff sending a golden strike at the Demon Bull family making the bull clones fly over the place once again and hitting Red Son making him gag slightly in pain while DBK covers his eyes from the light before uncovering them "This can't be." Red Son screams while landing in front of him father yet behind his mother and Brother who turn back to look at MK with deep frowns while the staff has a golden smoke coming off it and MK looks more scared "Uh, that was way more explosive than I expected." PIF stomps her staff/fan down on the ground while it makes a sound while Yuki stands slightly behind her with a glare while holding a spear what looks like it's made of Ice "Stay back! I don't know how I'm doing this stuff!" "That Staff doesn't belong to you, little boy. Hand it over." MK hums while looking at the staff and pressing his cheek tightly against it "Mm, no?" All of a sudden as if the staff has a mind of its own it plants itself into the ground and everything seems to stop "Ok- I didn't even move that time!-" the staff shrinks into the ground making MK's chin hit the ground with a yelp before the staff moves in all kinds of directions away from the DBK family "Ugh! He can't escape with that Staff!" A purple angry ora comes off of DBK as he slowly stands up fully from MK's previous attack "Centuries trapped in oblivion, plotting my revenge. And all of it thwarted by a little thief?! I will tear the flesh from his bones!" Red Son steps in front of DBK once more but this time with two bandage bumps on his face "Father, allow me. I won't fail you a second time!" DBK glares down at Red Son with glowing green eyes while he pouts with a hand in his pocket "See that you don't. My patience is past it's end." Red Son glares slightly before looking away "Of corse, Father!" He becomes a ball of fire before stoping in front of something covered in cloth, he pulls it off showing a vehicle. He flicks several switches and drives the truck out of the cave, the two birds from earlier hop into view on the ground watching as the truck leaves with small tilts of their heads watching as Red Son goes after Mk.

Mk still yelling while being thrown around lands in the elevator upside down while the staff stands tall, Mk notices how the staff pushes agains the ground before it extends at a fast pace making the elevator go up just as fast and making MK shout in fear before he flips out of the elevator with the staff in hand while whimpering, he throws himself into the Pigsy's noodles cart and dives away as fast as he can but the ground break's and out comes Red Son in his truck follows after Mk who goes down a small alley in hopes Red Son can't follow him but his truck is just small enough to follow after the poor boy making him more scared Mk looks out the cart at the extremely big truck compared to him while Red Som speaks "All right, noodle boy, hand it over!" Mk feels around while looking at Red Sons truck before grabbing on the bag full of noddles and opens it with a frown "I'm sorry valued customer, you won't be getting your noodles." He lets a tear fall while hugging the bag before taking a bowl of noodles out of it bag and chucking it at Red Soba's truck, it hits the mirror stoping red sim from seeing "Dang it!" He uses the windshield wiper to get rid of the noodles while his hair and eyes become flames "Fine! Have it your way." "Ah! Your really scary! AH!" Red Son bumps MK's cart making him fly forward slightly and making the staff extend out of the cart sending them into the air while Mk screams while they bounce off the top of buildings while Red Son still chaises them "Would you get down here, so I can kill you?!" "Never! Ow!" He falls into a building while someone is watching TV scaring them while he drives out of the building "Oh, I'm sorry!" He drives away while laughing with a smilie "Hah! I think I lost him." The engine starts to sputter before the cart comes to a stop and completely falls apart making Mk panic and run around it "Ohh! Come on, come on, come on, old girl, you got this!" He starts to hit it with the staff before he falls to his knees in front of it with watery eyes "Oh, don't do this to me! Oh man, Pigsy's gonna kill me." Mk becomes stiff at the sound of Red Son's truck coming at him as well at Red Son's laugh Mk screams and starts to run at a very inhuman speed before he pushes some guy off his hover bored with a frown "So sorry, I really need to borrow this. Bye!" "Whoa! Hey, come back here!" His friend raises his phone with a bored look and takes a picture just as Red Son passes getting a photo of an angry yet smirking Red Son, he looks down at the picture while his friend is pressed up against the wall trying to catch his breath.

"I'm coming to get you noodle boy!" Red Son yells with a laugh while Mk gets away, Red Son gets stuck between some buildings and looks around himself with a frown and grunting before Mk snickers while looking back with a peace sign "See ya!" He zooms off in a blue light while Red Son growls and presses a button making his truck turn into a car "you're not getting away from me that easy!" He zooms off after a carefree Mk who does a few tricks while making his way back to Pigsy's with a smirk but then turns around at a sound and his smirk becomes a frown when he notices Red Son hot on his Tail "Come on! Where'd you get that?!" "What? You think I'd drive anything that doesn't have at least one complex transformation?" He pulls out blueprints for his truck/car before he swipes a bunch of buttons and smashes his fist through some glass making the vehicle fly over Mk with some fire following behind it "Whoa." Mk says with a squeak while Red Son continues to fly over him and try to crush him but fails, instead he breaks the hover board and Mk sits on what's left of it while feeling himself to see if he has any scratches not noticing he is now on the hood of Red Son's car "Phew! Huh?" Mk notices. And screams. They fly off the unfinished road but before Mk could fall to his death a green dragon comes and saves him, said green dragon just being someone on a motorcycle. They grab MK's arm and throws him on the back before becoming a dragon again and driving away while Red Son watches "You gotta be kidding me!" Red Son watches them zoom off with a glare but starts to screen he notices his car is going to collide with a shop, once the smoke clears Red Son starts to crawl out of the rubble with a yell "Noodle boy! When I find you, I'm gonna bust you into little bits!" Fire pops up behind the angry male as well as a tower of fire.

The person continues to drive before Mk falls off the bike and lands in an uncomfortable position in front of Mk, they get off the motorcycle and green surrounds them to reveal a girl with tied up hair and green jacket with two bits of her hair green, she does a pose and aims her phone down at her "Nailed it!" Mk goes up to her with a smilie still being on the ground "Mei!" The girl giggles with a smilie at her best friend, she grabs his hands and pulls him up with a kind smilie "That was an intense game of tag. You guys looked like you were having so much fun, I wanted to join in, too!" Mk looks at Mei with an eyebrow raised, he then raises a hand while comedically crying and getting a sweat drop"A-Actually, I almost died back there." Mei shrugs with closed eyes and a hand on her hip while motioning to the to Mk "But you didn't! So let's celebrate with a round of..." Mei turns her body and points to a arcade machine "Monkey Mech!" The top five to two scores all show Mk face while the number one spot shows Mei's face with a huge score "You should invite your new edgy friend(boyfriend), too." Mk who is once again 'crying' waves his hand off to the side "Yeah, he was trying to kill me." Mei smilies. "Well, in that case..." she holds her phone out that has a red button that looks like an angry dragon on the cover of it while a shadow covers her eyes leaving only two white dots and a creepy smilie "where does he live?" The two flinch and turn to look at the noodle shop after a familiar voice speaks "MK! Where are you, you punk! You mind telling me why some bozo left a zero star review on Pigsy's Noodles?!" Pigsy shows his phone on a rating app that indeed shows a zero out of five star review, Mk jumps up and nods and talks all over the place "Oh. Uhh, yeah, so, uh...Here's what I think happened with that..." Mei cuts in "Whoa, zero starts! Congrats! That's better than nothing, right?" She waves back and forth with her hands on her hips while Pigsy yells at the giggling girl "That's not how it works, Mei! And you, I..." he turns to look at Mk but he's gone. "Where'd he go?" The girl and pig look around before they see Mk tuning into the shop yelling out for Tang "Mr. Tang!" "Hey! Hey! Don't you run away while I'm trying to scold you! Get back-" the door closes cutting Pigsy off short while Mk runs to Tang.

The old man wins another round agains the teen making him growl "Aw man, Not again!" The scene goes down to the Demon Bull family layer. DBK sits on a thrown while PIF stands next to him on his right side and Yuki stands in front of them while watching his younger brother work on his fathers new armor while the machines making more demon bull clones "And, that should about do it!" Red Son lifts up his mask with a smirk while looking at his father, DBK looks at the armor around his Claws with a frown "It's...heavy." He pushes himself off of his thrown and walks forward slight and stands up straight while Red Son trembles with Yuki looking at their father from just a few steps behind him "Uh, that's because it's not powered up. Yet." With his arms now behind his back Red Son turns away from DBK while explaining his new armor "The suit Absorbs Energy to create energy. And what better source than the magic Staff that kept you underground." DBK growls slightly and frowns at Red Son "You mean the Staff that you lost?" Red Son takes a step back slightly and Yuki glares slightly at their father while taking a step forward "A-Ah, yeah. It was the noodle boy! I-" PIF laughs behind her two sons, Yuki looks at her bored while Red Son pouts at his mother while his hair falls slightly behind him "Oh, don't toy with him, my love. We will get it back, I have bull clones scouring the city. It's only a matter of time." It's silent for a bit before Red Son talks "And while we wait, the furnace can convert other things into energy!" Red Son throws a artifact into the hole of DBK armor making it glow before the demons eyes glow gold and his mussels become more prominent and he growls while the three watch him "The more rare the item, the more powerful father will become. And once we have that staff, father will be unstoppable!" PIF smirks at her son while Yuki chuckles at his brother, DBK takes a breath and sits down on his thrown while scrolling through items on a purple floating screen "Now to find something rare and expensive. Something that will give me the power I deserve." The scene cuts back to Pigsy's noodles while the sign flashes slightly tang is drinking the rest of the broth in the bowl before Mk pops up scaring Jim's n's making him spit it into the bowl and back at his face "Mr. Tang!" He wipes his face and looks at Mk confused "hm?" "AH! Remember the story you told me this morning about the Demon Bull King? Ah! Where is it? Where is it? Where is it??" Mk looks around for his Monkey King book before spotting it under a pile of dishes "Ah! There it is! The Demon Bull King! See?" He shows the page to tang while all the bowls fall and break "UGH! KID!" Tang continues to eat while Mei holds Pigsy back from hitting Mk "What are you doing to me!-" "yes?" Tang says with a full mouth before slurping more of his food "what about him?" Pigsy glares at Tang "Oh, Piggy. Mei says and Pigsy gives up on fighting her Mk jumps at the three with fear in his eyes "The Demon Bull Ming is Back! the legend is real! The Monkey King Staff is removed! We have to find him! It's the only way to save everyone before the world is destroyed." Mk becomes more serious at the end after spiting all in tangs face but Tang pushes him away and uses his chopsticks to pat the top of MK's head making everyone look at him weird "Ugh. Boy, relax. Your getting spittle in my soup. Besides, you're delusional. It's just a story." Mk gets mad and stomps his foot on the ground slightly "Delusional, huh? Would you call THIS delusional?!" Mk takes out the staff while posing with a smirk, the staff losses it's sparkle while everyone stares at it unamused but Mei just smilies "Wow, MK, you found a stick." Mk yells shocking all three of them(except Mei) "No! It's Monkey King's Staff!" All of a sudden Tang throws the bowl making it shatter behind the counter and all three of them laugh at him as if he was the greatest joke in the world. Mk starts to freak out while Tang eats more noodles, Mei is on her phone, and Pigsy tries to calm Mk down so he doesn't hurt himself "You aren't listening! Demon Bull King is out there! We have to get this staff back to the Monkey King! It's the real deal! I'll prove it!" Pigsy raises an eye brow while Tang and Mei slightly come out from behind him "Oh yeah? How?" Mk freezes and looks at the staff confused "Uhhh..." all of a sudden the staff makes a sound and shrinks in on itself before extending and after a second falling and breaking the table Tang and Mei are sitting at shocking everyone in the room as the staff slowly goes back to Mk, all of a sudden Tang starts freaking out and making weird sounds "Ooh, Monkey King's Staff! I knew it all along! The legendary weapon that only he could wield to seal away evil!" Tang makes it look as if he is holding the staff while talking but in reality it is Mk holding the staff while Tang holds his wrist "Wait a minute, why do you have it?" Pigsy comes up from behind tang making the male look at him "Alright, I'll bite. If the staff is here, then where is the demon pink now?" Pigsy ask with his hands on his hips "He's at the shoe store." Mei says while looking at his phone, all three males being there attention to her "What?" They surround her while she's on her phone "This had better not be another one of your puppy videos, Mei." Mei chuckles and scrolls off of a puppy video "There's always time for a puppy video. But, no. Look what just started trending. #DemonBullKing!"

At a super expensive shoe store people are on there phones, Red Som, Yuki, and DBK walk over to a guy with blue hair and glasses who is putting new expensive shoes away in boxes. Red Son clears his throat "We're here for the new Yeelzabub shoes." The man at the desk speaks. "Yeah. You and everyone else. Head to the back of the line." Red Son looks out at the long line a sweat drops after seeing how long it is, Yuki sighs and shakes his head making Red Son look at him from the corner of his eyes before slamming his fist on the ground "Do you know who he is? That's the DBK you're talking to!" Yuki grabs Red Son and moves them both back and nodding to his father who takes a step forward "Oh, yeah. That's cool. Why don't you tell the people at the back of the line?" The guys glasses tilt off his head and he sweats after looking at DBK who stands threateningly with golden eyes "I am Demon Bull king, scourge of the netherworld, and I will be taking those shoes." The man shakes and his voice squeaks "Uh! You still have to wait in line. I'm sorry?" DBK growls. "You will be!" DBK stands up straight while the machine on his chest sucks in the shoes making DBK growl and grow stronger while the Machine sucks up other expensive things as well allowing the demon to grow more, Red Son looks at his father with a twinkle in his eyes while Yuki just smirks. A golden shoe flys out of its case and DBK catches it in his claw with a smirk "Do you know what's better than limited edition? One of a kind!" DBK laughs while him and Red Son wear the shoes while posing with Yuki in the back facepalming and shaking his head at the two males.

Back at Pigsy's noddles the four watch on Mei's phone everything that happened, they all look at each other worried.

Gonna break this into two parts because it's late and I'm tired, this is the fastest I have updated a book so enjoy. See ya!

Word count: 6651

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