Someday | Zed & Addison

By disneyobsessedbitch_

28.2K 726 13

Witney was found just outside of Zombie Town when she was just a baby. She was taken in and raised alongside... More

i. humans don't really like zombies
ii. you're not hideous at all
iii. i'm so sorry
iv. someday, maybe
vi. because it's not right
vii. i'm not a monster
i. we're not alone
ii. we just need the right leader
iii. welcome to seabrook
iv. welcome to the wolf den
v. i believe you're the great alpha
vi. you lost yourself first
vii. so let's own it
i. something big is happening

v. it's beautiful, you're beautiful

1.4K 37 1
By disneyobsessedbitch_

Witney and Zed rounded the corner to the entrance of Zombietown at the same time as Addison. She looked around nervously. "Hey. You made it." Zed said. "Yeah, and I'm totally not freaked out at all." Addison said, fiddling with her fingers. "You're going to love this. I promise." Witney said. "Okay. Let's do this." Addison said. Both Witney and Zed held out their hands and Addison grabbed onto them and they led her into Zombietown.


"You okay?" Addison asked as they went down in the elevator. "You don't look so hot." She continued. "Ouch." Zed responded. Addison hit him in the arm. "No, you know what I meant." She said. Zed sighed. "I have to mess with my Z Band to win games." He explained. "Isn't that dangerous?" Addison asked. "Addison, if I don't win zombies will never be accepted." Addison held up her braid. "I know how that feels." Witney nodded in agreement, running her hands through her white locks. "Me too."

The elevator stopped and they could hear the music. The doors opened and Addison gasped in amazement. "Are you serious?" She exclaimed. "Hey, it's a chance to get loose and be ourselves." Zed said, leading the two girls further into the party. "So, this whole celebration is for you winning football games?" Addison questioned. "It's more than that. It's a win for all of us. And we really needed a win." Addison nodded before looking around. Her eyes stopped on the wall.

"It's zombie tongue." Witney told her. "We have a rich language. Twenty three different words for brains." Zed continued. "Whoa!" Addison laughed. "So, you like a girl with brains?" Addison asked the two. "You know that's super offensive." Eliza said, walking over. "Oh, no, no, no. It was just a joke. I'm sorry." Addison said. Eliza turned to look at her sister and her sister's boyfriend. "You brought Little Miss Cheer Boots to our Zombie Mash?" She asked. "A human? Here?" Before either Witney or Zed could respond, the gates opened.

"Aw, it started! Come on." Witney said, grabbing Addison's hand and dragging her away with Zed following them. "Stay there." Witney whispered into Addison's ear before her and Zed ran off. They jumped out from behind the smoke and started dancing. Eliza and Bonzo were up at the music tables. Witney and Zed, along with a few other zombie teens, stopped in front of Addison and everyone else and started singing.

Zed and Witney grabbed Addison's hands and dragged her into it. Eliza walked over to them and took Addison away as she joined into the singing. Witney and Zed put on silver coats as they had a dance break. Addison put one on too and joined them as they started singing again. Addison jumped over to the other two in fright as the song ended and the smoke cannons went off. They grabbed her hands and smiled at her.


Witney was walking around the party with Addison before they heard a little voice. They walked into the zombie light garden to see Zoey doing a cheer routine. "That's some great cheering." Addison said, alerting the young zombie of their presence. Zoey turned to them in shock and dropped the pom poms. "I wasn't doing anything. Certainly not cheering. Please don't tell anyone." She said quietly.

"Zoey." Witney said, giving her a look. Zoey gave her an innocent smile and sat down. She looked over at Addison. "You're Addison." She said. Addison giggled and nodded. "That cheer makes me happy." Zoey told her. "Me too. You're great at cheerleading, Zoey." Addison said. "Thanks, but my pet Zander doesn't seem that impressed." Zoey said, holding up Zander. "Well, he should be." Addison said. "But I think you're old enough to have a real pet." Witney looked down in sadness.

"Wouldn't that be awesome?" "Stop teasing her." Eliza's voice was heard from behind them. "You know they don't allow zombies to have pets." She informed Addison. "I didn't know that. I'm still learning that zombies aren't what I was taught. I mean... Look at you... You're smart, cool... Pretty." Addison said. "You think I'm pretty?" Eliza asked. "Yeah." Addison laughed. "There you are." They heard Zed said.

"Zoey? Whoa... What are you doing here?" He asked. "Please, I'm not gonna miss a Zombie Mash." Zoey responded. "Zoey..." "Come on. Who's a good boy?" She asked, clapping her hands. Zed crossed his arms before barking. He shuffled over to the girls. "Me." He said. "Good boy. Good boy." Zoey said. "Alright. Alright. I'll take you home." Eliza said, picking up the younger girl. "Zed and Witney gotta make sure Addison gets out of here."

"We should hang out, Eliza. And I really like your boots." Addison said. "Oh, thanks. They're orthotic. I've got a draggy foot thing going on. So..." Eliza trailed off. Addison handed Zoey her pom poms. Eliza turned to Witney and Zed. "She's cool." She said. "Yeah, for a human, right?" Witney asked. "No. She's just cool." Eliza said. "You guys look good together." She went to leave but Addison called out. "Hey! Don't forget Zander." She said, handing him back to Zoey.

"See ya." Witney and Zed said. "Bye!" Zoey called out. Addison giggled. The three started walking through the light garden. "Wow! What is this place?" Addison asked. "It's a zombie light garden." Zed told her. "It's beautiful." Witney and Zed walked up. "Where are we going?" Witney and Zed held out their hands. "For a walk in the park." Zed responded. Addison walked up to join them and they started singing their song.

Witney came face to face with Addison. Witney reached up and touched the white strand of hair that was falling out from under Addison's wig. "Beautiful." She whispered before leaning in and pressing their lips together. Addison kissed back before quickly pulling away, covering up the strand of hair. Zed removed her hand. "It's beautiful. You're beautiful." He whispered.

He placed his hand on Addison's cheek and started to lean in. The light shut off. "Zombies show yourselves! You're out past curfew." Zed removed his hand from Addison's face and grabbed onto Witney's hand. Without even saying anything to Addison, they quickly left.

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