I'll Remember Someday... Fred...

By CharlieA

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Teen mom? Check. The Dark Lord's daughter? Check. Amnesia? Check. Was there anything else? Harry Potter has w... More

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley
{Chapter 2} Lost Memories
{Chapter 3} Tommy's an Arse
{Chapter 4} Welcome to Weasley Wizard Wheezes
{Chapter 5} Is it really Just Pity?
{Chapter 6} A Date with Fred Weasley
{Chapter 7} Verity's Plan
{Chapter 8} Pillows, they really do work!
{Filler} A Morning with Caitlin and George
{Chapter 9} The Weasley Rememberance
{Chapter 10} That's not Everything
{Chapter 11} A Chaotic Dinner
{Chapter 12} Heads will Turn
{Chapter 13} Firewhisky
{Chapter 14} The Other Marley
{Chapter 16} Confusion
{Chapter 17} Birthday Date
{Chapter 18} The Photo Album
{Chapter 19} Someday
{Chapter 20} Happily Ever After

{Chapter 15} The Hangover, News

10.4K 291 153
By CharlieA

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter characters.


Chapter 15: The Hangover News


            I started to wake up with a loud pain in my head, it felt as if someone was having a party in my head, banging on the inside of my brain constantly. My eyes started to flutter open, to the bright sun shining in on the window in my room, I groaned in frustration of the sun, as I tried to block out its evil rays of light by going deeper under the covers. I then felt something poke my on my side, as another wave of pain erupted in my skull. I slowly started to remove the covers from my face, and once I had my eyes out I met a pair of yellow pupils that were shaped as crescent moons. The sudden appearance scared me at first as I let out a loud scream, and someone managed to fall out of the bed I was laying in at the end of the bed. I groaned in pain as I landed on the hardwood floor with a loud thud, and my pain heightened in my head.

“Oops I hurt the hangover girl.” I heard a familiar voice.

“Max, you’re going to kill her one of these days.” I heard another familiar voice reply.  


“Hey it’s not my fault dollface get’s all jumpy in the mornings.” I heard Max say as I started to sit up, but the sudden movement made my head pound uncontrollably and the room spin. I stopped myself as I looked up to see Max and Angelous looking down at me. “Good Morning Dollface!” Max yelled as my hands went frantically to my head at the loud noise he made, he smirked, but Angelous smacked him. “Ow!” he whined as Angelous smiled.

“Sorry about that Marley.” Angelous said as I put my hand up.

“It’s fine… I’ll just make sure to kill Max when I’m fully recovered.” I said as I sent Max some daggers.

“Grr, someone’s not in a good mood this morning. I wonder if it is because of her little hangover she’s having now.” Max said as I groaned at his loud voice, he was doing this on purpose. Angelous smacked him again. “Ouch! Angel, must you always do that?”

“Yes, if you are going to continue to speak like Marley’s death.” Angelous said as Max sighed.

“Alright, I’m done… for now.” He said as I rolled my eyes at him as I got up, feeling the room spin slightly and losing my balance, thank goodness Max and Angelous were there to catch me.

“Someone’s still a little tipsy!” Max announced in a cheery voice as I glared at him.

“I’m not tipsy, my head just hurts.”

“Aw, poor little Marley has a little hangover from her little drunken state last night.” Max said ruffling my hair as I glared at him again.

“You talk to me like that again Max, and I will literally throw all your packs of smokes into the ocean and make sure you can never ever buy smokes again.” I said as Max eyes widened.

“You wouldn’t dare.” He seethed as I smirked.

“Try me.”

He humphed as I smiled, “By the way, why aren’t you smoking? Usually you have a cigarette in your mouth all the time.”

“That’s because this lady right here,” Max said pointing an accusatory finger and Angelous, “And Mrs. Weasley downstairs forbid me to when I come into any house. So I have to make sure I don’t smoke, of else I get punished.” Max said lowering his head as I grinned.

“Well good job Angelous!” I said as I smiled at Angelous who twirled her hair nervously.

“Oh it was nothing, someone has to keep this boy under control, and whenever we are at the Weasley’s Molly always has a firm grip on Max.” She said as I nodded.

“So, dollface, anything interesting happen when you and Freddie boy went back here. I mean you are in his clothes and in his bed.” Max said with a smirk as I felt my face immediately heat up as images from last night poured into my brain. “AHA! So something did happen!” Max exclaimed loudly as I winced at the loud noise.

“Max!” Angelous scolded Max who lowered his head the slightest.

“I mean, aha.” He whispered as I couldn’t stop my cheeks from heating up like a fire. They were burning like crazy.

“I, well, no, it’s like… AHHH!” I yelled as I jumped back in the bed hiding myself and my burning cheeks under the covers, “I can’t face him. I am never coming out of this room ever again.”

“You know this is his room.” I heard Max reply as I immediately shot up ignoring the stab of pain my head just felt.

“I need to go, I need to get out of here.” I announced rapidly, “Yeah, if I just run away and move to New Zealand there will be no awkwardness!” I announced happily as both Angelous and Max cocked an eyebrow at me.

“You do realize that you’ll have to take Clary with you,” Max stated, “And I don’t think she’ll be up for moving to New Zealand at the spur of the moment.”

I groaned as I flopped myself down on the pillow, “I can’t face him…”

“Well lucky for you, you won’t for a few hours!” Max announced chirpily as I groaned again from the noise, I heard a smack. “Ouch!”

“What do you mean?” I asked as Angelous this time answered, since Max was groaning slightly in pain.

“Fred and George had a meeting with someone, so they went out for awhile. They should be back around three though.” Angelous replied as I looked at the small clock Fred and George had in their room, it was noon.

“Bloody hell…. I only have three hours until he comes back!” I yelled as Max smirked.

“Or less.” I shot him a dagger, “I mean, yeah three hours. Maybe longer.” He defended easily, probably hoping he would not get smacked anytime soon.

I sighed, “What am I going to say?” I questioned as Max looked at me curiously.

“Bloody hell did you guys sleep with each other or something? Because even Fred was acting strange this morning before he left with George, he was going on and on about how you’re probably gonna hates him and blah blah blah. It was really annoying.”  He groaned, “I need a smoke.”

“We didn’t sleep with each other!” I yelled cheeks inflamed at the thought, this was just so embarrassing. I just wanted to crawl under a rock and never come out.

“What did you do?” This time Angelous asked as she bit her lip, “Sorry, if you don’t want to say what happened you don’t have to.”

“No… I mean, well I don’t exactly want to say what happened, but… I didn’t sleep with Fred… we just, got a little too friendly last night.” I said as my cheeks stayed red.

“Blimey dollface, you’re face is redder than a tomato.” Max laughed as I glared at him and blushed even more if that’s possible.

“Shut up.” I said as Max grinned.

“Didn’t I tell you she was adorably when she was mad?” Max said as Angelous sighed at her boyfriend.

“So you and Fred got a little too friendly?” Angelous said ignoring Max’s last comment as I nodded. “Well, I’m sure he understands that you were drunk.”

“Yes, but… ugh, I don’t know. If he did why did he continue to kiss me? He only stopped when…” I stopped as I realized when he had stopped; his hand was under my shirt. I remembered how I wanted to keep going, “Bloody hell…” I said to myself as I placed my bright red face into my hands. How was I going to face Fred ever again after that?

“Aw, come on dollface, it couldn’t have been that bad. I mean Angelous and I have-“he was cut off when Angelous placed her hand over his mouth rather forcibly.

“Don’t tell!” she exclaimed with a red face. I just arched an eyebrow at the two of them.


“Aw, someone’s shy.” Max said with a grin as he looked down at Angelous who only bite her lip.

“Alright, um we better take Marley downstairs, she’s probably hungry and other stuff.” Angelous said nervously, I smiled, she probably wanted to leave before Max started to spur anything else that just came to his mind. At least I was not the only one that was embarrassed at that moment. I followed Max and Angelous downstairs, my face still red.

“Ah dollface, you really should have seen yourself last night. I wish we could have kept you like that forever.” Max sighed as I blushed, I remembered basically everything that happened last night, and I was utterly embarrassed at what I had done. I have even gone to the extreme of kiss Matt and then, with Fred…

“Well you better have taken some pictures, because you’re never, ever, seeing me like that again.” I said forcibly as Max frowned.

“Awww, why not?!” he exclaimed childishly as I glared at him.

“For one thing, I hate this hang over. It’s seriously killing me, the other, I’m too… not myself when I’m drunk.” I said quickly with a blush as Max grinned.

“Yeah, that’s what was so funny about it! Oh I’ll remember that night for the rest of my life.”

“Whatever…” I said rubbing my temples, this headache was horrible. Not to mention I was still confused about that dream I had, as well as embarrassed from everything that happened last night.

Once we were downstairs I saw almost everyone sitting in the living room, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Caitlin, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. I titled my head to the side; I didn’t see Bill, Fleur, Percy or Charlie there. “Good Morning Marley.” I heard a somewhat loud voice say as I looked to see Mrs. Weasley standing in front of me giving me a smile. I winced slightly from the pain it caused in my head.

“Ah good morning Mrs. Weasley.” I said with a sheepish smile.

“Oh dear, I forgot. You aren’t feeling that well are you? Would you like some food before I give you the potion?” she asked, and at the mention of food, it sent a wave of nausea over me and it felt like I was going to blow chunks right then and there.

“Take cover! She’s gonna blow!” I heard Max exclaimed as he jumped over the couch, and pretended to take cover. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, Angelous just looked embarrassed, and I; well I just glared at the boy.

“I’m not going to throw up… yet.” I said the last part quietly. I couldn’t really promise anything at this time, I felt horrible. I then looked around noticing my daughter wasn’t in the room. “Where’s Clary?” I asked looking around the room.

“She’s still sleeping in my bed.” Ginny said with a smile, “She had a lot of fun last night, and I think that tired her out.”

I smiled, “Thank you.”

“Anytime.” She said with a grin, “So we heard you were drunk last night.”

My face heated up immediately, “Ginny, we don’t need to mention that to Marley.” Mrs. Weasley scolded as she shrugged.

“It’s not like nobody knows, everybody knows.”

“Everybody?” I questioned as everyone in the room nodded their heads. “How? I mean no one really knew besides...” My eyes then flashed towards Max and Caitlin who were both grinning slightly on the couch. “Max, Caitlin…?”

“Haha, guilty as charged.” They both said with a grin as I glared at them.

“Why would you do that?” I asked as he grinned.

“Because it was funny.” Max said with a smile.

“And I had to tell everyone how you thought I was the Queen.” Caitlin responded with a grin.

“Yeah, because you don’t look nothing like her. I really don’t know how you mistaken this girl, for royalty.” Max said referring to Caitlin who glared at the smirking boy.

“What did you say? I’m sorry Max, I didn’t quiet catch that.” Caitlin said giving Max a scary smile, while he scratched the back of his head and looked away.

“Haha… nothing Caitlin, I was uh just saying how you and the Queen almost look identical, you both are so beautiful.” Max laughed awkwardly as he tried to save himself. I rolled my eyes at the two.

“That’s what I thought.”

I then felt the pain return to my head, like someone was stabbing my brain with a sharp knife, as the wave of nausea returned to my body, maybe I would throw up. “Ugh.” I groaned, feeling myself stumble a bit, Angelous placed her arm around me as well as Mrs. Weasley as they steadied me. They then guided me over to the couch as I sat in between Caitlin and Max.

“Oh dear, I’ll go fix up the potion right now.” Mrs. Weasley announced, as Mr. Weasley went to help his wife. I nodded at her with a faint smile, as my attention turned back to the people in the room.

“Where’s everybody else?” I asked, referring to Bill, Fleur, Charlie and Percy. I knew that Fred and George were at a meeting.

“Oh they Bill and Fleur left early last night, because Fleur wasn’t feeling too good. Charlie and Percy left early this morning, they had to go back to their jobs.” Ginny said as I nodded, slightly sad that I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to anyone of them.

“They told us to tell you bye, they knew you weren’t really feeling good, so they didn’t want to wake you this morning. Charlie said he wants you to get drunk again just for him.” Ron said looking down at me as I flushed in embarrassment and rage at that man.


He was probably a good three to four years older than me and he still acted like a child, I sighed. “Alright…”

Mrs. Weasley soon came back with a glass of something green, which was bubbling profusely.  My eyes widened slightly at the bubbling liquid. “Here you go dear, this should make you feel a lot better.” Mrs. Weasley said handing me the glass of green substance. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to throw up or just simple scream.

“Ew, it looks like its moving!” Max announced next to me as I elbowed him in the side. “Ouch!”

“Yes, it’s not going to be the most appetizing thing to drink.” Mrs. Weasley said as I looked down at the bubbling liquid, I sighed. It was either now or never.

“You can go it Marley!” Caitlin cheered me on as I rolled my eyes. I felt a wave of nausea, and felt like this would be the right now. I immediately placed my lips on the glass and gulped down the green substance. Mrs. Weasley was right, it tasted absolutely disgusting, and it was the most revolting thing I had ever tasted in my whole life. I gagged as I swallowed the rest of the substance down my throat, and soon I felt a warm tingling sensation erupt in my stomach.

“Dollface, you’re turning pink.” I heard Max say next to me as my eyes widened in horror.

“What?!” I yelled standing up as Max laughed.

“Oh just kidding, you’re face is always pink.”

I glared down at the boy, “Arse.”

“You know it!” he said with a grin as I sighed.

“Do you feel any better dear?” Mrs. Weasley asked me as I realized I felt so much better. No more headaches, no more nausea and for once the room wasn’t spinning.

“Actually, yeah I do. I feel amazing.” I said with a smile. Now that I no longer had a hangover, the next thing on my, to do list was to talk to Fred calmly and not try to run away.

I was sitting in the kitchen with Clary as we drew on pieces of parchment, Clary loved drawing and I loved watching her draw. I was a terrible drawer so I would mostly just watch, but this time Clary had forces me to color with her. I had changed into my own clothes, consisting of jeans and a short sleeve orange shirt with my black converse. It was around three thirty, and I was curious on where Fred and George were. They had been gone for awhile, and I would be going back home with them.

“We’re back.” I heard George’s familiar voice call out from the living room as I immediately straightened up as Clary jumped off her chair and ran towards the living room. I just stayed in the exact spot, afraid to even move. “Can everyone come in here.” I heard George’s voice again, as I sighed. I would have to face Fred sometime.

I got up and started to walk into the room when I bumped into someone; I fell down on my butt and looked up to see Fred looking down at me. He smiled. “Ah, Miss Riddle, sorry.” He said reaching a hand out for me; I smiled as I grabbed his hand.

I blushed as I immediately retracted my hand from Fred, still remembering what happened last night. “Fred… umm about what happened the other night…” I said quietly and rather awkwardly, this was the most awkward situation I think I have ever been.

“Right, when you were drunk.” He said with a smile as I smiled sheepishly, my face still on fire from the embarrassment.

“Yeah when I was… yeah…”

“Miss Riddle, you don’t have to worry. I know you weren’t yourself, and I sort of… lost control of myself to. But you should know I would never do anything to you to hurt you, I would have never taken advantage of you while you were drunk, and it’s just was so sudden and I just…” Fred said, this time he was stuttering and blushing slightly. I smiled; it was rare when I saw this side of Fred.

“I know Fred. I trust, you and its not like it was all bad.” I said as I immediately flushed in embarrassment when I had said the last part. I looked up to see Fred was cocking an eyebrow at me while smirking.

“Oh?” he questioned as I blushed.

“Never mind, uh we better go see what George was saying.” I said quickly as Fred smirked down at me.

“Hmm, maybe you should get drunk more often Miss Riddle.” I heard Fred say as my faced burned, when I entered the living room to see everyone sitting down. I took a seat next to Caitlin and Clary on the couch, as Fred plopped down on the seat next to me.

“What’s going on George?” Caitlin asked looking up at her, now husband. “You know how I don’t like surprises.”

“Yes, I know… Look Fred and I had a meeting with an American wizard today.” George said as everyone looked at both Fred and George. “He heard about our joke shop all the way from New York and he wants us to come down and open up a joke shop down there.”

“What?” Caitlin was the first one to ask. “He wants you guys to leave London and go to New York?”

“Yes, he loves our business and wants us to open one down there, but we can still keep this one here. He said it was up to us and we could bring our family if need be.”

“What did you say?” Caitlin asked as you could hear her become anxious. George smiled down at his wife.

“I told him that I would not be going. I have you here and our family would be raised here.” George said as Caitlin sighed in relief.

“Thank you Georgie, I thought you were going to take me away to stinky America.” She said as I smiled at her.

“Wait, what about you Fred?” I asked releasing Fred hadn’t said anything; he turned towards me and everyone else and gave us a sheepish smile.

“I actually told him yes.” Fred said as I stared at him. Everyone in the room looked at Fred like he had just said something that was the most shocking thing in the world, George glared at his brother.

Something stung when he said that, so Fred would leave for America… didn’t that mean I would never see him again?


Well here you go! ANother one in one day! Yay! Haha i hope you liked this one, i kept getting distracted while writing. :) What's going to happen with Marley and Fred now? And why did Fred take the job!!?

Check Out these People: 3DaysFromLove, IAmGeorge, IAmFred, xxTheDreamerxx, the_chosen_one, Georgerocks_3_2_1. And make sure to tell me if you ever want me to read your story and i'll tell you what i think of it :)

Song of the Day: Three Oh Nine by Hit the Lights

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