Multiverse traveller

By hillpupils

1.9K 38 12

Multiverse travellers are an ancient people that travel the multiverse, not interfering with it, but one, you... More

DC super hero girls sweetJustice
#Burrito Bucket
SCP Universe

DC Super Hero Girl's

277 5 1
By hillpupils

We open to a clear sky a few clouds floating across the sky. Then a crack opens in the sky and you came flying out in your ship and closing it behind you. You then softly landing in an ally, steppex out, brush yourself of and put the Traveller in the charger. You step out still dusting yourself off until you heard a ping. You look up seeing giant screens and on them was. Lex but different

You: another DC universe, this iS like what the 5th one.

You sit on a bench as he makes a speech to.

Lex: Oh. Hello, Metropolis. I'm Lex Luthor. 

He then stands from his desk and walks to his right

Lex: When I first started Lexcorp, I didn't set out to create an international corporate empire that would make me the youngest mega-billionaire in the world. I did it for you.

He picks up a pair of goggles which look like VR. The next scene was a kid and a dog in them.

 Lex: Our researchers continue to make breakthroughs in everything from virtual reality to the genetically-enhanced turkey on your Thanksgiving table.

He then goes to a table where an elderly woman was placing a possible mutant turkey. He then gives a wink where a ding comes with it 

Lex: But even though we're the most powerful corporation in the world, you can purchase our products knowing that deep down, Lexcorp is a family company.

Then he drags in a small girl with the most angriest expressions

You: huh, Lena, haven't seen ever since that school universe 

Lex: Isn't that right, Lena?

She gives no response keeping her expression until getting nudged by her older brother then gives a beauty pageant winning smile

The camera pans up revealing the logo

P.A: Lexcorp cares

You: yeesh, and I thought Lex couldn't get anymore of an ego for the camera, I bet Bruce is first place in this like the last few universe's 

Then the screen flicks to a news broadcast comes with breaking news. Then to the anchor with the words "who is this wonder woman"

News anchor: As has become all too clear in recent months, despite having the likes of Superman looking out for her citizens, Metropolis is still in need of further super help.

We then see footage of a green monster attacking a city then slapping the camera 

Your mind: god, hope that didn't come out of the rifts

news anchor: This was the scene this morning in Midtown, where a small glimmer of hope may finally have arrived.

Then a woman jumps in and slashes a tentacle of

You: yep, that was wonder woman 

News anchor: And now we're left with the question everyone is asking, "Who is this Wonder Woman

It then cuts to commercials and that was my time

You: well another DC universe

You take out the Uni-map crossing of the bubble next to five other crossed of universe's. You put it away and set your device to be a smart phone and started to apply for the school. Metropolis high school

You: aaaannnd. [Ding] I'm in.

You then make your way to the school and see a car passing and in it was. Gordon

You: commissioner Gordon.

And in the  back with her hood down was. Barbara

It then stops at the buildings which was where you were going. Metropolis high 

She gets out looking up at it and you watch from the side lines. You then come up next to her 

Gordon: don't worry, pumpkin-pants, you'll find a new clique.

He then drives of. Still not noticing me. We then look and see Kara

Kara: I'm just saying I don't know why I'm being punished for something I didn't do.

Eliza Danvers: And we hear you saying you "didn't do it," Kara. Let's reframe our thinking.

Kara then groans and her mother continued 

Eliza: Maybe a new school is less a punishment and more an adventure.

Jeremiah Danvers: One that could help you be the best Kara you can be. And as your legal guardians, it's our responsibility to help you on your journey to impulse control.

She then uses her super strength and slams the door breaking the window and bending the door slightly 

Eliza Danvers: Have a great first day.

Jeremiah Danvers: Or don't. Whatever's right for you.

They then drive away with Kara walking away dejected and miserable.

You: tough right. 

Barbara jumps from the scare and looks to see you

Barbara: where did you-

You: come from. I get that a lot I have this thing for the dramatic and spontaneously appearing.

Barbara meanwhile had sparkles in her eyes and was more entranced at you as a pink hue was forming around you and leaving a shape of a heart. 

You: so anyway names y/n

Barbara: Barbara, but call me Babs 

You: alright, Babs

She giggles from it. Then a bus stops next to us and a group of people come out including Karen 

She falls of the steps and spilling her stuff out from her bag which has tools. Babs comes next to her and started to help

Barbara: hi, my name is Babs 

Karen: (whispers) Karen 

Babs: I'm new here. It's my first day. Have you been going here long? What's it like

She then lifts an arm pad but got taken by Karen quickly 

Karen: thank you bye

Karen she was about to go before seeing your face. She turns red before speedily walking and steam coming from her ears. 

Barbara: so you've been here

You: first time actually.

She then noticed your ring and necklace which give of a shine

Barbara: oooo. Nice bling

You: oh,  these old things, there family heirlooms

Barbara: there lovely 

Then we heard a car come in and Zatanna comes out

Zee: bye daddy

She walks away from the limo. And her father pops out from the top with his hat

Mr. Zatara: Zee, you forgot your backpack.

But when we turn to Zee she already has her backpack

Your mind: Zee and her magic

Zee: Thanks, Daddy! Toodles.

Babs them rubs her eyes checking her Vision

Babs: Okay, that was weird.

You: hmm, I've seen weirder

We then head in and we look over our classes and me and Babs have the same set up. We pass the hallway and most of the students have those goggles from that ad

Jessica: I told you, Hal. I don't believe in the Lantern Corps. Their methods are too extreme.

We then see Hal Jordan

And Jessica, and still fresh with her ring

Hal: Look, I don't make the rules.

They then caught us staring so we turn a pretend to open a locker 

Jessica: I don't want it.

Jessica shows her ring but Hal pushed it back to her

Hal: No, Jess. They chose you.

They then leave. Babs was then think but was interrupted when the bell started ringing. We ran up and down the halls seeing people talking about two things. The goggles and Wonder woman 

VR specs boy: Hey, guys, check out my new VR specs.

Beanie girl: The podcast called her the Wonder Woman.

Glasses boy: She took down some giant monster.

Mohawk girl: Geez! How many superheroes does Metropolis have?

[bell ringing]

We then go into a class 

Babs: I don't know. But I'm gonna find out.

You: Babs, come on


We were now in lunch 

Babs: Okay, Metropolis High, let's do this. [slurping]

We then viewed the many students more on the ones we saw. Jessica was braiding someone's hair. Karen reading while eating. Kara chilling with the cool kids and Zee texting with the phone kids.

We then heard a laugh and see Kara laughing at a kid who got broccolied by another kid. Then Babs picks up her spaghetti and threw it at her. Bold move. She wiped it of and checks around and the first person was Karen.

She stands up and readied a burger. Hitting her at the back of the head. She gets back up and gasps when Kara throw another but

Jessica: leave her alone you big bully

She bats it away with the tray sending it flying to Zee

Zee: my hair.

A bit of mustard drops and she stands up

Zee: my hair!

Her scream going through. She then picks up a milk carton supposed to hit Kara but it went over and hits Jessica and lands Infront of Karen. Kara and Zee exchanging mash and salad. Then Babs making it worse

Babs: food fight

The entire halls goes into a food fight throwing trays and food. Jessica bouncing the food away with her tray. You dodging the barrage of food and juice. But the someone threw. . . Cantaloupe 

You: ugh. Cantaloupe. The garbage fruit

Then you noticed people throwing food at a kid with the goggles but wasn't affected. Then the principal walks past before noticing the food brawl

Principal chapin: enough 

But he was ignored and a tomato was thrown to his face 

Principal chapin: I said enough!

The crowd stops and point at us. Who were in a pile pulling at eachother's hair

Principal chapin: you six, let's go

We then noticed and Kara splats a cupcake in Zee's face


Chapin opens the door disappointed 

Mr. Chapin: Detention, on the first day of school. [clicks tongue]

Each one of us were disappointed, but Babs was smiling in sparkles 

We then sat at the desks Zee filing her nail 

Zee: I hope you all have good attorneys.

Kara: What are you gonna do? Sue me 'cause I have better aim than you?

Zee: ooh, I knew you threw those potatoes 

Jessica: Now, let's not start fighting again.

Kara: you threw more nuggets than anyone

You: hey I got Cantaloupe by one of you

Karen: Um, for the record, if I offended anyone, I'm truly very sorry.

She then squeals when an officer comes in

Truant officer: We found her just walking around the streets.

Mr. Chapin: Cutting class on the first day of school. [clicks tongue] Get in here with the other delinquents while I find out which homeroom you're in.

Then a hooded figure comes in. They closed the door and we all look at her in interest. She drops her cloak revealing to be wonder woman 

Shining in excellency. Babs was gob smacked and your trying to cover your eyes. She puts her cloak on a hanger and sits next to you. She even opened her eye and took a peak at you and a slight pink tint appeared 

Babs: [gasp] -Oh!

Karen: That's... She's...

Zee: Gorgeous!

Jessica: is that

You: sure is

Babs: the wonder woman

Kara (scoffs): That's no wonder woman. It's just some dumb cosplay girl.

Diana: I am no girl. I am Diana, Princess of the Amazons. I alone survived the 21 tests of the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite. By right, I am not a girl, but a woman

You: right, the tests. Forgot all about those, they're pretty tough on those

Kara: Trust me, Princess, you do not want to start with me.

Diana: Is this a challenge?

Kara: [scoff] For you, maybe.

Diana: Very well. I shall allow you first strike.

Kara: All right. But you asked for it. [grunt]

Kara gets into readying pose and did a punch but Diana did a side step

Diana: Again!

Kara then does a face punch but got deflected by a kick and straight pushing her. Kara clearly not happy blows her hair, dusts herself and does random punches and back's her to a wall where Diana jumps over getting Kara to punch the wall. She then did left and right punches but Diana kept dodging.

Kara: Why don't you just stand still?

This time she lands a hit in the stomach sending her flying and going through a wall

Making us all gasp. Fake gasp for me since you know. Kara was even more worried. She goes over thinking she severely hurt her

Kara: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry. Are you all—

She was cut short when Diana came out shrieking and pinned her to the ground and did multiple punches to the face. But she retaliated by kicking her away landing on Karen's desk making said girl run away. The Amazonian picks up a stack of books and fires them at the Kryptonian. Kara picks up Jessica's desk using it as a shield.

 Then threw it. Jess and Karen were worried, Babs has stars in her eyes. I was watching how it was going probably going to jump in and Zee not even remotely affected by this fight.

They had a stand still starring at eachother down, they charged. But before they could give a blow a green spring appears launching them far apart

Jessica: both of you stop. Fighting is never the answer 

Karen: Yes! [grunt] The answer is... [squeaky voice] Running away.

She was in her makeshift suit, presses a few buttons and shrinks flying away as well. She then tries to go through the window but kept hitting it like a bee. You then grunted and activated a freeze spell

You: everyone stop!

Everyone was stopped in motion except Zee who was puffing her face

Zee: teachers coming

We looked to the door and see a silhouette of him coming. I unfreeze them and everyone immediately started to clean up but ruggedly. Everyone thought it was to late when the door was opened but. Zee gets her magic wand out and chants out a spell

tup siht os ssalc egnarts niaga ["put this so class strange again" with each word spoken in reverse

A puff of smoke later everything was back to normal and Chapin walks in seeing everything clean

Mr. Chapin: Everything all right in here?

Zatanna: Mmm-hmm. Yes, Mr. Chapin.

Mr. Chapin: All right. Good. I, um, forgot my keys.

He suspiciously views before closing it and was gone. Then Babs jumps up from below

Babs: A-ha! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew you were super. I knew it the minute I saw you dent that car door because no ordinary person could possibly slam a door that hard. And then when you spilled all those weird metal thingies on the bus, I knew there was something weird going on with you, too. And then you, all of a sudden, had your backpack, and I was like, "That's weird." And then I overheard you talking to that cute boy about some Corps thing and some ring and I knew something was up, so I decided to start a food fight so that we all get detention together, which totally worked. And then you, I wasn't planning on you showing up at all. So that's just like a huge bonus anyway and you also a double bonus and cute one. My plan was that you'd all keep fighting once we got to detention and all get so worked up that you'd be forced to reveal that you're super and guess what, so am I! The one and only Batgirl.

We all mearly blinked and Kara was the first to speak

Kara: great another cosplayer

Diana then stands and joins Babs

Diana: Huzzah! At last. A sister-in-arms. Never had I dreamed I would encounter the warrior spirit of an Amazon upon entering the world of Man. For you see, it is my quest, my crusade, my destiny, to bring the Amazon way of peace and prosperity to man's world, and to rid it of all evil. The gods bestowed this honor upon me and I feared I alone should have to carry my burden. But now... Now I have a sister by my side.

Every time she says something Babs gets more and more sparkled and her eyes turned googly 

Babs: no,no,no five sisters and one still mystery brother. Mind: possible boyfriend 

Kara: Uh, nope. I use my powers, I get in trouble. Every single time.

Jessica: Not me. I'm not fighting anyone.

Zee: [chuckle] Sorry. I'm an artiste. Not a police officer.

Karen: Um, I'm not really that good at it.

You: well I use my powers, to help and keep this and others worlds safe 

she then slams her hands on the desk making Karen Squeak

Diana: Cowards! I speak of destiny. The same mantle of greatness the gods bestowed upon me, they have also bestowed upon you. At least this charming stranger~ has his place upon heroism and knows it

Babs: Plus, come on, you guys! How can you not be excited about heroes and villains and fighting crime and hidden lairs and secret identities and stuff?

You: don't forget powers and daring adventures

Zee: Um, the trick with secret identities, my dear, is that, in order to remain secret, one must convincingly pass as a normal human being.

Babs: Okay, tell you what. You guys give being a team a teensie try, she'll teach us how to be heroes and you can give her a makeover. Deal?

Zee walks over

Zee: [sigh] Who am I to say no to a makeover?

Then Karen 

Karen: Um... Okay.

Then Jessica 

Jessica: Good for you, Karen. I'll try, too, but only to support and encourage Karen's brave decision.

You: plus who wouldn't want to have an adventure

We then look to Kara for her answer 

Kara: Fine. Whatever.

Babs: Yes! It's settled. Super awesome super hero-ness, here we come!

Babs then gives us all a group hug happy but for some it was uncomfortable 


We are now in front of a clothing store and Diana was getting the feeling of it

Diana: by the white beard of Zeus, what is this place

You: this is a mall and your in a clothing store specifically 

Babs: normal teenager lesson number one, never say stuff like... By the white beard of Zeus

She then takes the Amazonian to a different area in the store while listing of the rules of being a teen

Babs: Lesson number two, you gotta look the part 

She then rummages around a few hanged clothes and puts Diana in a sweater with burrito with with word as well

Babs: Bright colours, big logos, be bold!

Kara: Leather, lots and lots of leather.

Kara then starts giving her balled and spiked leather

You: but also develope a style that fits you.

Babs: Lesson 3, your phone is your life. Pics, emails, texts, shopping, social media, every single bit of knowledge mankind has ever known.

As Babs listed of the phone I could see swirls in her eyes. Before her brain turned to mush Jessica pulls her in

Jessica: [grunt] Uh, no leather.

She then gives soft clothing

Jessica: These were all made with organic cotton from Turkey.

Then was pushed to Karen who shows a beige sweater 

Karen: Dress to not draw attention to yourself. But not too much, or you risk drawing attention to yourself.

She then throws it in the piles of clothing that Diana has.

babs then pushed the Princess in a booth 

Babs: Now, get in there and be normal.

They then wait from outside. Then Babs noticed something

Babs: hey guys where's y/n

They looked around. They then hear a curtain opening and you walk out in a dashing suit

The girls ooood and had a slight blush

Zee: my, my you look quite dashing

You: why thank you, also I slightly tweaked it so it wouldn't get cut or burned

Babs: awesome

Then the curtain opens revealing Diana in everything the girls gave

You all mearly blinked a bit confused

Babs: I know. Accessories!

She runs of getting piles of jewels but gets tripped by Zee and caught by you making her blush. Zee stands and closes her mirror

Zee: [sigh] Have you finished tormenting this poor girl? Then, allow me. detcefrep rennam lla ni stcefrep kool ["perfected manner all in perfects look" with each word in reverse] Ta-da!

We stare in awe at the result

Jessica: Oh, she's good.

You: amazing 

Zee: Gentlemen and ladies, may I present Diana Prince. Foreign exchange student from Greece. Geek chic.

You: stunning

Diana blushes slightly 

Diana: And these garments give me the appearance of a typical mortal female adolescent?

All: yes/ absolutely/ I guess

Diana: Good. Then it is my turn.

We had a bit of a scared look then Babs squeals in excitement and we transient into another area. The top of a building in metropolis. Wonder woman back in her hero clothes 

Diana: If we are to be a team, then I must know your skills and abilities. You! Name, rank, skills and abilities.

Jessica: Uh... Hi, I'm Jess. I'm a cadet in something called the Green Lantern Corp. And... [exhales] Oh, boy. Well, see, I was given this power ring by these weird aliens. They are sort of like space cops and they patrol these different sectors.

For some people they couldn't grasp the concept but

Your mind: oh the lantern corp, god really pushy with there rules

Jessica: You know what, the whole thing is really complicated. I can make stuff with this ring.

She demonstrated by making a flower pot

Babs: That is so cool! Do a pogo stick. A burrito. A mucho megarrito supremo with the works!

She makes the first two items, not sure about the last one. Diana then takes her hand clearly impressed 

Diana: With this ring of the gods, you may produce any weapon imaginable to beat your enemies into submission?

Jessica: Well, in theory, yes. But I don't believe in violence.

Diana: Admirable. So how shall you be known?

Jessica: Green Lantern? Kinda comes with the ring.

She then transforms into her green lantern form

Diana: Good. And you, Batgirl?

Babs: I can do all sorts of cool stuff. Even though I don't have any alien rings or anything, but I'm really good at figuring things out. And I make the coolest bat gadgets, like this! Bat barometer and this glow-in-the-dark bat staff. And these bat grappling hooks that I was totally this close to using when Batman was fighting Professor Pyg on the roof of this building. But then Robin showed up, and Batman had to save him. And you know how that goes. And I never actually got to show him how they work. And I never even got to meet him, but that's a whole different story, so I...

She then get into her outfit

Diana: You lack focus.

Babs: What?

Zee: You can call me the mysterious, the fabulous, the awe-inspiring... Zatanna!

She pulls her wand out and magically makes her outfit appears

Diana: Impressive. Have you other skills?

Zee: I can turn a red heart black. Ever seen a jumping jack? Go ahead, check behind your ear.

Diana checks and a Jack was in her ear

Diana: [gasps] What sorcery is this? I have seen enough. 

We then see her pulling miles of ribbon out of her hat making batgirl awed by it

Diana: Though you possess great quantities of style, you must learn to channel your magic into a cause. Our cause. And I am afraid this uniform will not suffice. Think of another.

Zee then grunts.

You: I think you look lovely 

Zee then smiles a slight. Then Batgirl comes in

Babs: Try a cape

Next we see Karen getting her suit on

Diana: what can you do

Then Karen gets scared

Karen: [grunt] I can, um...

She drops the tape making her scream but she catches it

Karen: I'm still sort of working out the kinks. [gulp]

She presses a button and she shrinks and buzzes like a bee

Karen: Oh, the wings aren't supposed to buzz like that.

She then lands on your finger while talking to Diana 

Karen: I'm working on rocket launchers, but they malfunction. The whole thing is all messed up. I wanted to be big and strong, so people would notice me, but... my growth tech backfired, and now I'm even smaller and more invisible than before. I should just go home.

Diana: You possess far more strength than you know. You simply lack confidence, little Bumblebee.

Karen: I actually prefer the indestructible, gamma phase, 1000 k—

Diana: Bumblebee.

She then walks away and Bumblebee accidentally grows back in your arms making her squeak and blush from it. You put her down still blushing

You: you know, Bumblebee is a cooler name and cuter

She blushed even more from the comment making her hide her face

Babs: Yeah, it's way better.

Diana: you, we've seen your incredible strength. Is there anything more you have to offer?

Kara: [scoff] Not to you. I'm no hero, "Princess." That racket's for chumps.

Diana: You could be the greatest hero the world of Man has ever known. You simply lack proper motivation!

She then picks up Babs and throws her up in the sky

all of us gasped, and Kara rips her shirt revealing her super girl outfit

Babs was screaming the whole time then with a sonic boom Kara was flying after

Jessica: [gasp] Have you lost your mind?

You: wait for it

Babs screaming while falling to the street but was saved by super girl

Kara: Okay, fine. I am a super hero, all right. [scoff] So what?

Babs: [gasp] Again! Again, again, again!

[all cheering]

Jessica: Oh, thank goodness.

Diana turns to you being the last one

Diana: now, y/n what do offer for heroes

You: well, I'm a space alien, well more like inter-dimensional space alien known as a multiverse lord.

Jessica: the multiverse, the green lantern corp theorised it but never thought it be real

Kara: how do we know your not lying

You: well in another universe, your more sweeter, Zee a little taller, Karen has confidence and fought trigon a demon lord and Barbara a little serious with her job

Barbara: so what are your powers 

You: well I can summon any known weapon and turn into any creature along with making armour

Diana: demonstrate 

You then shift form. Your feet turn into talons, arms and hands into wings and hair into a sort of leathery hat. The end was a stork like creature with leathery wings, a cover on top of your head

You shrieked and flapped your wings and opened your crest

Diana: incredible

Babs: awesome 

Kara: cool

Zee: magnificent 

Karen: scary

You then transformed back and bowed at them

You: I also can summon weapons. But unlike a lantern they're not green or a solid hologram

You then held your hand and a double bladed sword appears

Diana: incredible, turn and summon anything in all the universe 

You: es, universe's.

Diana: now, for our training 

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