The Stars on the Staircase

By missmeasured

180K 5.1K 3K

The note read simply "My Office. Immediately after dinner." On Monday Professor Snape saved me from falling o... More

Bath Time
Black Feet
The Satyr and The Unicorn
A Fertile Meadow Well Protected
Pervasive Pretense about Punitive Punishments
Beyond Arms Length
Tether After
Dawning Realisation
Floo Powder and Forbidden Fruit
Filius and Something Else that Starts with F
One Lesson Two Teachers Part 1
One Lesson Two Teachers Part 2
Stimulation and Store Cupboards
Snowball Fight
Mind The Mistletoe
Christmas Presence
Friday Nights and Finals Plights
Potions Provisions Promises
Summers with Severus
A Request from the Headmaster
Flipping Filius
Hide and Go Shriek
The Headmaster's Spy
The Mud Blood Club
Hallows Even-ing
Merry Christmas Darling
Come Fly With Me
Love, Love, Lust
Carrow, Cures and Curse Words
A Drop of Dittany
Forever Alone With Our Secrets
Impending and all Consuming
Preparations, Precautions, Promises
Star Light, Star Bright
Star Crossed Others
Bonus Chapter 1 - Cheering for Daddy
Bonus Chapter 2 - Bunny
Bonus Chapter 3 - Spinner's Beginnings

Poisonous Perdicaments Persist

4.7K 141 106
By missmeasured

   I fidgeted with my quill, running the sharp edge over my thumb  again and again. I was looking down at my parchment and waiting for him  to teach something worth writing down. Instead I was forced to listen to  his annoyingly sexy voice answer questions for the best student in our  class. Whether the kid was better at making potions or better at  crafting questions to show off his knowledge while seemingly having a  query that was always at best scantily related to the subject matter at  hand, remained to be seen. 

   I have snuck a peak at Severus four times during this class.  Every single time his eyes have found mine and I've snapped my eyes back  down to the ground. I thought this was supposed to be better after the  star's magic was quelled but instead I just have an overwhelming  awareness of him. It feels like the tether between us is crackling with  the truth of our sordid weekend activities. I am dragging the end of my  uninked quill under my fingernails and shifting in my seat, trying to  find the peace of mind I require to brew a potion. We are making a  poison today and they can be so volatile. 

   At last he moves on from Mister Perfect Potions Boy and is at  the black board. I dip my quill and ready my hand to take notes. He  begins explaining the connection between poison and poisonous  ingredients, the difference between brewing to bring out those qualities  or their other benefits. Most poisons have a collection of ingredients  whose poisons flourish at a similar temperature. We are brewing a hot  poison today. 

   Everyone must wear extra protective equipment, a mask that  covers our whole face with breathing holes through filters on either  side. They make the whole lot of us look like flies. We could use a  bubble head charm but in school, this is safer. You don't want someone's  focus breaking and their charm going awry when the room is full of  poisonous vapours. So we all pull our masks on and tighten the buckles  behind each other's heads. Talking is nearly impossible.

   Inside the mask I find a kind of quiet calm, separating the  beetle's wings and legs and depositing them into little piles. You must  do this right before things are all combined. The poison brews hot and  fast. It is all over in less than 20 minutes. I like how focused it  makes me, no outside thoughts can slip in, there is only bring the base  to a boil, separate the beetle into parts, warm your roots by the fire  then crush them under your pestle for a single drop of the juice. I'm  counting my five clockwise stirs that are to be done after each part of  the beetle has been added when my friend's cauldron explodes. 

   My friend is knocked into me with the force of it and I tip  sideways, falling into a chair which presses my mask away from my face  for the briefest moment. It was only a second but as soon as the air  touches my lips I start to choke on it and then my legs give out. On the  ground, my body begins to go paralyzed and but I can hear and see, just  having trouble breathing and swallowing without choking. 

   I can hear him instructing people to stay calm, to keep working  or else the rest of the cauldrons will blow up as well. As I lay on the  floor I realise he cannot come to help me, the tether means he can't  even get close. As my saliva pools to drip painfully down my throat I  wonder if this is how I will die and why the stars bothered to bring us  together at all. I want nothing more than him to be able to come to me.

   I vaguely see my cauldron being levitated over to  Mister-Know-It-All, Snape must be telling him to mind mine as well as  his own, I am levitated off the floor and toward the door. For some  reason choking on your own saliva is worse while airborne. He is sealing  the door with a permeable bubble and hauling my friend through by the  arm and I'm floating through ahead of them. As soon as we are in clean  air he puts me down on the ground. My friend is crying and panicking and  he is yelling at her in a way I have never seen him do before. There is  an absolutely ferocious tone to his voice as he shoves a small vial  into her hands. 

   I start to feel like I'm gonna vomit in my mask and panic sends  me spiralling. Suddenly my friend has pulled my head into her lap and  she's freeing me. I gasp the fresh air and choke on it anew. She picks  up a dropper from beside her on the stone floor. Severus is looking on,  several feet away, unable to help and absolutely losing his mind as my  friend fumbles the dropper in her shaky hands before she manages to get a  few pearls of purple liquid into my mouth. 

   In a few moments I'm back to being able to breathe, my mobility  though is not as fast to return. "I can breathe." I tell him, so he will  stop pacing the hall like a caged lion. I do one last cough to clear my  airway. Laying in my best friend's lap, I cry a bit, my fear had been  held at bay by panic but now that I'm alright, salty water clouds my  eyes and drips into her skirt.

   "You forgot to remove your inner wings, didn't you! You made the  whole thing completely caustic!" He starts scolding out of nowhere and  my friend's slightly shaking body tells me she is crying too.

   "It's okay, sir. Everyone makes mistakes." I try to intervene,  my voice is cracked. I want to reach out to comfort my friend but  my  limbs do not respond. 

   "I'm really sorry." She is sobbing. "I'm so so sorry I never meant to-"

   "It's okay!" I say at the same time he starts yelling again. 

   "It's unforgivable to not take this level of potion making  seriously. The compounds are complicated and need to be respected for  their power before, during and after preparation!"

   "Professor! I'm fine! Can you take me up to the hospital wing  now please and stop yelling?" My friend is looking at me in shock  wondering where the hell I got the audacity to tell him what to do. He  dismisses her and we begin our trip upstairs. She keeps apologising as I  am floated away.

   As he took me up to the hospital wing through empty hallways we  had nothing to do but stare at each other. He had no choice but to  levitate me at the end of the tether. It was odd floating so very far  away. Our eyes were locked intensely the entire way but we remained  silent, a heavy understanding of knowing we couldn't really talk lest  someone overhear. As we finally reached the hospital wing he lowered me  into an open bed and rushed off to find our resident healer. Alone for a  moment, I take stock of myself. I had been so relieved to stop choking  on my own saliva that I hadn't thought overly much of my limbs not being  very responsive. I tried my fingers and I felt them waking up. It was  okay. I was fine, it was just a close call. My mask had only momentarily  pressed away from my face. 

   He returned with Madame Pomfrey and they had a back and forth  about the antidote which he left with her incase I needed more. "I must  go back to ensure my class has not gone further awry but I will come  back at the end of the period to check on her condition." He says to  her, but I get the feeling the information is more for me than the  nurse. His eyes seem full of something as he looks at me on the cot one  last time before he rushes back out of the room.

   It hurts a little to be dropped off and left but I know I am in  good hands. I know I am already on the way back to normal, and yet it  bothers me that we have to be so secret that he cannot even sit at my  bedside. He has obligations, I remind myself. Our class may have had  more explosions and he needs to be down there. Our lovely nurse has  asked me to imagine my comifest clothing. She places my hand over hers  and together we summon it. She magics me into them skillfully. Then she  is tucking me into the bed tightly and tells me that I'll have painful  tingling for a while but I should just breathe and relax as my limbs  come back to life and as soon as I can use my hands I will have a cup of  tea and some biscuits to complete my recovery. It occurs to me that so  much of nursing is just knowing how to comfort people while healing  magic is working. Suddenly I have a newfound respect for Madam Pomfrey's  day to day life.

   I find myself falling asleep under the weight of the quilt. I  wonder if she bewitched the thin hospital wing blankets to feel heavy,  for once I'm under it I feel sucked into the depths of the bed and sleep  begins to prod at me. My eyes are heavy and I enjoy what feels like a  five minute nap  when I hear his voice. Blinking my eyes open I see him  at the far end of the hall giving the full account of the incident to  the nurse. I must have slept for the entire rest of the period. When he  is through he approaches my bed and I sit up. 

   "I see you have some mobility back. Can you move your  extremities yet?" He asks as he approaches. Pomfrey is following behind  him so he has to keep things quite professorial. When I try my fingers  and surprisingly find them to be in working order he asks in my mind         "Are you alright?"       

   "It appears I can move all my fingers... and all my toes as well. I seem fully recovered, Professor." I tell him. I'm feeling fine. Don't worry."       

   "See, what did I tell you? Relax and it's over before you know  it. I'll send for that cup of tea for you." Pomfrey smiles at me and  heads off to do so. 

   "I am glad you have recovered so quickly." He looked over his  shoulder to see how far the nurse had gone and when he was sure he had a  moment of privacy he added "I'm going to talk to Minerva as soon as  possible and tell her this tether isn't safe. You could have died. I  drew suspicion by making an already upset student administer the  antidote but I had no other choice, every other student had a boiling  cauldron that needed attending to." He agonised, looking tense and  standing as close as the charm would allow him to my cot.

   I checked and Madam Pomfrey was on her way back to us with a pot  of tea so I steered away from our more personal subject to "Did  everyone else's potions complete without devastation?" 

   "Yes, luckily it was a simple enough stirring pattern for  everyone to keep their heads even with the distraction." He reported as  the nurse set a tray on my lap with a cup of tea and a saucer of  chocolate biscuits. 

   "Would you like to join us for tea, professor?" The healer asked.

   "No, thank you I have another class right away. I hope you  continue to feel better." He says to me and I feel like even this  statement is more than he would have said to any other student. "Poppy."  He tips his head to her as he leaves. In my head he says  "You gave me a scare, today. Don't do that again."       His tone was playfully threatening. I wondered if he was going to promise punishment for my accidental poisoning. 

   "Yes Sir. I promise not to breathe poison anymore if I can help it."  I pray he hears it with my internal eye roll as he marches out. 

   I am dismissed from classes for the rest of the day owing to the  traumatic events of this morning. I languish around my bedroom, get  bored, do homework of all things, then hang about in the common room and  wait for my friends to come up and tell me the rest of the story of the  day. They begin to relate what had happened during the remainder of the  potions class, and what dramas had spun because of it, while on the way  to dinner in the Great Hall. They were in the middle of telling me  about the massive lecture Snape gave them on the importance of keeping  focused and calm while brewing dangerous substances when a letter makes  its way over to me delivered by a floating balloon. 

   The contents tell me I'm summoned to McGonagall's office after  dinner. My friends want to know why. I shrug, saying I have no idea,  maybe it's because I almost died and she has to make sure I'm still  sound of mind or tell my parents I got poisoned or something. Privately I  hope it's to discuss the tether. 

   When I arrive at her office I'm only slightly surprised to see  Severus standing at the mantle of the fireplace, a dark cloud of  brooding in the cheery plaids of her furniture and curtains. I take a  seat in her sitting room and wait for them to tell me why I'm here. I  try to force my hope of what the meeting could be down.

   "How are you feeling?" Minerva queries as I sit down.

   "Put to rights. It was just a little scary for a couple of minutes." I answer. 

   "I'm glad to hear you are fully recovered. Professor Snape feels  your life was in danger today because of the tether. What do you  think?" 

   "When my legs seized up and I fell down I realised he wouldn't  be able to get to me and I did panic, but it all worked out." I'm trying  to be neutral, I don't want to beg for her to take the tether off, she  should come to the idea herself. Last time we had a discussion I yelled  at her and I have regretted it ever since. "It could have been worse..." I  add. 

   "It could have been infinitely worse!" The brooding black cloud  erupted. "Not only could you have died in front of my eyes with no way  for me to reach you, we managed to get out of the situation without  drawing attention to the extremely obvious issue that I can't approach  you!" His words were directed at me but the anger was directed at  McGonagall.

   "Severus, I know you are upset you have made that abundantly  clear." Minerva's voice was rising to match his. "Let us not lose our  tempers-"

   "On the contrary, Minerva I feel I have very good control of my  temper considering how close we came to losing a student today. It is  you who seem to be nonplussed by the event."

   "She is here and she is perfectly well. Let us not argue about  what could have happened. We are meeting to discuss whether the tether  is still a reasonable solution."

   "I do not think it is." I quietly. The room has so much tension  and raised voices of the professors standing on either side of the room  in front of me. 

   "Can you elaborate?" She asked me, sitting in a chair across from me, matching my energy instead of Severus'.

   "It's not worth the safety hazard. I feel that placing barriers  on us seems to make the universe create disruptions to bring us  together. Is there any reason we can't self regulate from here on out?" I  ask.

   "You know I can't allow you two free reign to be ... lovers." She  spits out uncomfortably. Severus moves to the far end of the room to  pace. I sense he doesn't trust himself to speak right now. 

   "Whatever the stars mean for us, it's related to us having a  close relationship. I'm not entirely sure this potions accident isn't  part of this magic. It is the second non life threatening poisoning that  has occurred while he and I were tethered apart. Yours, now mine." 

   "We can't know they are connected." She responds.

   "But weigh the risk that they may be connected and something  like this could happen again, versus allowing us to privately find out  what this connection wants of us." 

   She sighs and contemplates. "I think you may be right. I am  going to remove the tether for safety reasons." Severus and I exchange  looks as she says it, we can't get ahead of ourselves, we stay quiet. "I  am concerned about what happened today. I am worried what could happen  if you were somewhere solitary and something happened. Given the nature  of this magic drawing you together against my wishes the likelihood of  you two finding yourself alone is high and with what happened today... I  don't want it on my conscience. Also given that you two have already...  done the deed." Her pitch went up as she touched topics she would rather  not discuss, it seemed. " I wonder what I am really protecting.  However, mark my words, if I catch the two of you behaving in any way  that I feel is drawing attention I will be forced to take more drastic  action. I am not opposed to sending you away to take your final semester  at another school if you do not heed my warning. No one can know."

   I nod eagerly. She doesn't know about the fireplace. He and I  can see each other in complete secrecy. Getting caught is absolutely not  a worry in my books.

   "Also, I am visiting someone over the holidays and I don't want  to be worrying about safety while I'm away. Plus with the bloody tantrum  Professor Snape just pitched in my office because you got hurt, it  proved to me that he must really care about you beyond some kind of  sexual frenzy." She was teasing Severus which seemed like a good sign  but she did sigh at the end, letting us know she was not happy about  this outcome.

   "Professor," I begin. "I really appreciate this. Between me  ageing up and us already having been together it just makes sense to  look the other way so to speak. I promise you won't even know anything  at all is happening." .

   "Severus, so help me if you get this girl pregnant or get caught  in the act or doing so much as looking moony eyed at each other I will  curse you to hell and back."

   "Understood." He says tight lipped. We both hold our breath as  she untethers us. He walks up behind my chair to test. "Seems to be  gone." He confirms, and I try not to let on how exciting it is to feel  him standing so close to me again. "Thank you for your understanding,  Minerva." 

   "Severus you may go. I wish to speak to her alone." McGonagall announces. 

   "Very well. Good evening, Ladies." Before he is gone from the room he adds into my head "        Come to me later. No sex. I just want you in my bed tonight after our little scare today."        I stare forward at McGonagall praying I don't give away anything on my face. 

   When he is gone she addresses me again. "I want you to know I am  always here for you to talk to. I know I've not always been the most  receptive person during this but I need you to know, you can come to me.  You must tell me if he is trying to coerce you or hurts you. I have not  decided to allow this to occur without the understanding that even if  he has behaved perfectly up to this point that he is not capable of  controlling or hurting you later. I feel so conflicted on this score but  I know that if you have truly spontaneously aged up, and you have  walked through magical barriers with no wand in hand there are forces at  play beyond what a situation like this would normally entail."

   "Thank you. You have my word I will tell you if this morphs into something it shouldn't."

   "Good. Goodnight, and use your good judgement and stay on top of your grades or you will have  to answer to me!"

   "Thank you professor!" I smile as I rush out of her office. 

   I try to keep a reasonable pace as I speed walk to my dormitory.  As I come through the door my friends call to me. Damn, friends. I make  my way over to them and tell them McGonagall just wanted to hear about  what happened in potions and asked if there was anything that should be  done differently. I stay and talk to them for a few minutes, shortly  after the conversation changes to not being about me I pretend to get  sleepy. I let them all see me slouching back in my chair and blinking  slowly. I do a good enough job that someone tells me I should go to bed,  that I've had a long day. I cheer internally as I scuttle off to my  room. 

   I change into my cutest nightgown, brush my teeth and comb my  hair before throwing some grains of floo power into the fireplace. When I  arrive in his room he is already under the covers, and he pats the  space beside him. "Come to bed." He murmurs softly. I leap in, crawl  into his arms and snuggle into his smell. His chest is a perfect pillow.  His hand strokes my back as he turns out the light and we are just  quiet in the dark together, and it's some kind of bliss just to be  close.


   "Good Morning, my little problem. Try not to get yourself killed  today, would you?" He asked sarcastically while leaning down to extract  a kiss. He was somehow up and dressed and I had slept through all that.  I was laying in his bed alone, spread out in a way I hoped I hadn't  been while he was sharing it with me. His hand slid up my leg and  grabbed my ass which is how I found out my rear end was not currently  covered by my nightgown. I pull it down, blushing at my unladylike  sleeping position. 

   "Why didn't you wake me?"

   "I was enjoying looking at you. I have things to do before  breakfast otherwise I would be making you miss your morning meal in  favour of something else."

   "Well thank goodness, as Breakfast is the most important meal of  the day. I can't just miss it because you have urges, Professor." I  tease.

   "I think we should avoid seeing each other for a while. See what  our natural self control is without Minerva's tether. We never got to  test it."

   "Oh that's right. Okay cross my heart and hope not to die again  today. I will not come through the fireplace." I say as I get up and  approach the exit to my room.

   "Is it possible for you to stay here for the holiday? With  Minerva away for Christmas break we could have free reign for two weeks  to discreetly do as we please. Perhaps we can get it out of our system  before next semester."

   "Like the 12 days of Christmas but with sex every day?" I ask hopefully. What a present that would be.

   "Perhaps even more than once a day." He grins, pulling me closer  by the front of my nightgown. There's something so erotic about being  held to his front while he is completely dressed and I'm in nothing but a  flimsy cotton thing. I enjoy the feeling of him snogging me and as his  hands roam my body I realise he's wearing his leather gloves. He must be  on his way outside. He pulls away and I pout, I don't want him to stop  kissing me. "Thank you for not dying right after I deflowered you. I  would have had a hard time recovering from that."

   "I didn't realise how inconvenient it would be for me to die on you. Are you beginning to care about me?"

   "You are rather annoyingly the light of my life."

   "Happy to live to annoy you for another day." I laugh until he  slaps my behind with his leather glove on and I squeak . I grab some  floo powder in my fingers and say "See you in class, handsome, I'll be  the one trying not to think about fucking you." I wink at him as I toss  in the power and zip to my room.

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