What's Love Got to Do with It...


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(Moulin Rouge (Broadway)/Percy Jackson crossover) When Giana moved to Paris, she had a plan. Get away from he... Altro

Prolouge (Christan)
Prologue (Giana)
Another Meeting
Authors note


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(A/n: Hardly any Christian in this chapter. He will be in the next one though. Also, I will warn you all. Annabeth does feature in this, but she will be rude and mean. I feel like this is how she treated many of her enemies. This is my choice, so if you could avoid criticism for it, that would be great. Also, I'd like to give credit to the Pretty Woman writers for the song in this chapter. I might end up doing a fanfic for that soon.)

Giana sat down on the floor crying. This was a normal thing for her. Especially from the past week. She'd met and even hung out of Christan once, slowly easing her way into being friends with him.

"You idiot," Giana gasped out in sobs, not realizing those two words had a true effect on her mentality, as soon enough she was brought into a flashback. She didn't even realize how many tears were staining her plaid pajamas.

She stood tall and proud with her once best friend. She and her oldest friend Annabeth had been fighting. Again, as it was a normal past time.

Giana looked around seventeen at that moment. She was clearly exhausted and depressed if the bags and tears under her eyes had any say in it. "Annabeth! Stop it!" The ground was shaking under them, being caused by the speaker. "I get it, okay? I almost betrayed you guys for the man I loved! You thought of him as a brother, at least I was trying to be loyal!"

"Loyal," Annabeth scoffed. "Loyalty to him? Of all people! He may have died a hero, and I miss him everyday. But you shouldn't be sad over him anymore! He's dead, so get over it." She

"You didn't know him like I did!" Giana shouted, drawing attention to her as the ground started to split. "You didn't know Ethan at all! And it's his fucking death day! Along with your precious Luke," she snarled.

Instead of responding, Annabeth just looked at her boyfriend. He seemed conflicted on what to do, so he just slowly started speaking to his half sister. "Hey," he grabbed onto her shoulder. "You need to be calm..." he tried to soothe her like he usually could. It did not work.

The ground cracked between them, and a strong wind started blowing. The rain started to pour down over them, drenching everyone inside the camp. It was almost too much. Everyone around was getting blown away inside, all except the one dry spot. The spot Giana had been standing.

"I'm not over it!" Giana yelled, not even noticing nobody was present. "I'm sorry, okay?" She finally noticed. "But I'm not over what happened. Because none of you realized what I had to do to survive." Then, just as quick as lightning, every building inside camp collapsed. She even took out the barrier of camp, keeping the monsters out.

Once Giana had registered what she'd done, everything stopped. No monsters approached, which was good. The cause of the hurricane had collapsed, breathing heavily as she cried. She ran over to where a majority of the dead bodies had laid. She quickly ran over, looking at the damage.

She noticed everyone blown to the big house was dead, and that was everyone. She looked at the lifeless eyes of her half brother. The one person she still had trusted. "I'm sorry," the girl sobbed. "I'm so, so sorry." She gripped his hand.

"You shouldn't be here any longer then you have to." Her father, a man who'd been a god was standing above her. Poseidon. "You've caused this," he accused. "You knows you had to control your anger, yet you caused this. Now run. I'm giving you a month to leave New York and never return unless you're asked too." She was to blinded by her grief and rage that she didn't even notice the tone wasn't one of a threat, but rather a scolding.

"I'm sorry," she whispered one last time before taking off, only taking her knife and her very small will to continue on with her.

Suddenly, the daughter of Poseidon was trapped in Olympus for a couple months. Only for her punishment, and she really didn't feel as though she belonged. In fact, she truly didn't know why she hadn't gone away like she was offered. All she could do was think about the fact that she would rather be anywhere else.

Then, she started to sing softly.

"I look around and what I see
Is I don't belong here, this isn't me
What have I become?
I'm really not this girl." Her voice slowly got out, before picking up its pace only slightly.

"Is that all there is?
What's it going to take
To get off the streets?
When do I get a break?
It's not what I wanted
This is not my world." Giana looked around the room.

"I know where I'd chose to go if I could disappear
Anywhere but here
Anywhere but here
I can feel something coming, I long to be free
I just want to be
Anywhere but here." She walked out of the small room she was given, continuing the lyrics.

"The sidewalk doesn't suit my soul
I've got to make some changes and take control
I need room to move, I wanna feel the wind in my hair
A clear blue sky with air to breathe
I feel it's time to fly 'cause I believe
That there's so much more
And it's waiting for me out there." She gestured to the gates to Olympus, which were very prominent in her view of the high up home of the gods.

She then found herself in front of the throne room, which was empty.

"I can see where I want to be
It couldn't be more clear
Anywhere but here
Anywhere but here." She let a small, tearful smile out towards a passing deity.

"No more wanting,

No more gods.

Just a place of my own.

Where I'd be sent and content.

I wanna share it all with someone,

Who'd share it all with me," her voice carried out as she grabbed ahold of her locket, placed on top of the bluish green dress she was wearing.

"I want to believe somehow, someday, that's the way it will be
Anywhere but here
Anywhere but here
I can feel something coming
I long to be free
I just want to be
Anywhere but here
And I've been waiting for something
My heart's telling me
I just want to be
Anywhere but here." She shook her head, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders, or more accurately someone touching one.
Giana awoke from this with a lot of shaking.

Christan was standing above her, a concerned look plastered on his face. "Hey, what happened?" He seemed worried and anxious, but most of all...he looked at her like she was a good person. Something that she couldn't handle as she once again broke down in sobs.

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