Teacher |H.S.|

By 0nlyAngelx

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*Contains mature and explicit content!* A student who catches the eye of her teacher.. A Harry Styles fanfic... More



846 17 3
By 0nlyAngelx


The sun is slowly going under.

Harry and I are seated at a table in the garden, we have just enjoyed an amazing meal that was made by his chef and are now waiting for dessert.

"You still have room for dessert?" Harry asks me, looking me into my eyes.

"There's always room for dessert, if I ever say no to that question then there's something terribly wrong with me." I tell him, giving him a look to show him that I'm really serious about this.

Harry chuckles softly, a smile appearing on his lips as his eyes stay locked with mine. I can feel my cheeks heating up as he keeps staring at me, I still can't handle whenever he looks at me for that long.

"Hope you ready for food orgasm."

I turn my head as a laugh leaves my lips. Anthony, Harry's chef, walks over towards us with a huge plate in his hand. His english is not the best but he has been trying his absolute best this entire night so I can understand him and it's the cutest thing ever.
However, some sentences that leave this man's mouth sound too ridiculous not to laugh at.

"I know I'm ready for another sort of orgasm." Harry mumbles, his hand slides up on my bare thigh and his actions make me glare at him before slapping his hand away. "Behave." I say through my teeth, embarrassed as Anthony could easily hear his words.

Anthony places the plate in between me and Harry, I thank him with a smile and leave room for him to explain what he made us even though it's already clear to me what dessert is waiting for me. I really need to contain myself, considering it's my favorite dessert.

"I made you tiramisu, because Mister St-"

"That's fine Anthony, thank you." Harry stops him from saying what he was about to say and makes me furrow my brows. That was rather rude..

I quickly look back at Anthony as an excited smile grows on my lips. "Tiramisu! Such a coincidence, it's my favorite!" I exclaim, smiling brightly now as I look up at the chef who's still standing next to our table.

"No coincidence," Anthony says which makes Harry give him a warning glare, it makes me furrow my brows in confusion yet again. "Mister Styles asked me to, he knows it's your favorite." Anthony tells me, ignoring Harry's eyes that are now shooting daggers at him.

I turn my head to look at Harry, he avoids my eyes as a slightly embarrassed blush creeps onto his cheeks. A huge smile grows onto my lips as he's acting absolutely adorable right now. I don't even remember telling him that.

"I told you that?" I ask.

"Yeah.." Harry mumbles, finally daring to look up into my eyes. "That one night I picked you up from that party, maybe you were too tired to remember.. But you were looking in my fridge because you were hungry. You asked me what my favorite meal was and then we began talking about your favorite meals." he explains.

"Oh right! I remember now.." I nod my head with excitement as the memory flashes back into my mind.

I can't help the huge smile from growing on my face, the fact he actually remembered that and asked Anthony to make it because it's my favorite dessert, it's so thoughtful and sweet. Harry didn't want him to tell considering it shows something so vulnerable in him, but I'm glad Anthony told me. I feel powerful as I realize how smitten I got him.

"I leave you alone now," Anthony breaks the silence. "When you're ready to thank Anthony, then come. I did you a favor, boss." he says, his words filled with attitude. It makes me hold back my laughter as I watch him walk away.

Harry is shaking his head softly as he watches Anthony disappear into the house. I know he can't stay mad at the guy because the look in his eyes is different, they do not look like they do when he actually gets mad, there's no anger behind his eyes.

"This is so cute, Harry." I smile at him, referring to the dessert.

"Don't, G." Harry gives me a warning look, making me hold back my laughter.

I try not to, but I just can't help but want to tease him with this. Harry can see the look on my face, he shakes his head and warns me once again with his eyes not to tease him. Yet, I can't help the smirk from tugging on my lips.

"Shut up." Harry demands, trying to hide the smirk that wants to grow on his face by looking down and taking the spoon in his hand.

I watch as he takes some of the tiramisu on the spoon, our eyes lock together and he then brings the spoon up to my mouth. I can hardly believe this, I'm in Italy being fed my favorite dessert by the most handsome guy I've ever laid my eyes on. If this isn't a dream, I don't know what is..

It's almost embarrassing how I react to the food, I let out a moan and it makes Harry raise a brow. "Never knew food could make you feel the same way as I do." Harry tells me, making me chuckle and roll my eyes playfully.

"Not the same," I say. "Food doesn't annoy me."

Harry sends me a glare, rolling his eyes and putting the spoon down. I try to hold back my laughter, failing because I find myself way too funny. Harry flips me off, taking the plate and moving it away from me.

"Hey!" I raise my voice, trying to get the plate back over to my side.

"If you would be good, you'd get it back." Harry teases me.

"Don't mess with me when it comes to food, Styles. You really don't want to do that." I tell him, a serious tone in my voice because I am very serious about this.

Harry raises an eyebrow, reading the situation but he somehow finds it very amusing. "You're so cute, thinking you actually sound intimidating to me.." he says.

"Whatever, just give it back to me." I demand, trying to get to the plate once again and almost laying myself over his shoulder completely.

"Okay, okay.. Easy there." he finally gives in.

Harry lets me eat what's left of the tiramisu. I do so and it makes me happy again because that's what dessert does to me. I don't even notice that Harry is staring at me the entire time as I'm devouring my food, I only notice once I'm done eating.

"Well.. that was embarrassing." I say, gently placing the spoon back on the plate as my lips form into a straight line on my face.

"It's wasn't, don't worry." he says, bringing his hand up to my face.

He wipes some cream from my upper lip, very gently, this before he places his thumb in front of my mouth to give me a chance to lick it clean. I wrap my lips around his thumb and suck off the cream, this while his eyes are locked with mine.

"Is Anthony gone already? I don't want him to see this." Harry mumbles, looking over my shoulder towards the house.

"He's probably cleaning up, he won't be looking." I say while his thumb is still resting on my lips.

"No. Only I can see you being that seductive, your doing is for my eyes only." Harry lets go of me and stands up from the table, I try to stop him but he soon storms off and makes his way inside.

I watch him disappear into the house and it makes the excitement of the moment disappear, now I'm just cold and alone in a dark garden. It's like reality hits me back in the face, this is not romantic anymore.

I'm only wearing Harry's buttoned up shirt over my bathing suit and so it's really not protecting me against the cold that the night brings.

With my arms crossed over my chest, I make my way back to the house. It's really dark out and I don't know my way around this garden. Before I know it, I feel myself tripping over something.

I let out a scream, I don't know what I tripped over but it startled me because I didn't expect it to be on my path. A shot of pain flashes through my foot and makes my face wince as I hit the ground.

"For fuck's sake!"

Why do these dumb things have to happen to me all the fucking time, it will ruin the whole night and now Harry will have to take care off me again. Great.. I try to get myself up from the ground but as soon as I lean on my foot, a sharp pain shoots through my ankle once again and leaves me letting out a pain filled groan.

Before I can even begin to consider the fact that I'll have to call out to Harry for help, I already hear him running over towards me. He's moving so ridiculously fast that he might actually break a world record.

"Georgie?! What happened?" He asks, completely out of breath. "Are you alright?!"

"I'm alright, I just fell." I answer quickly, wanting to assure him because he sounds so worried and scared.

Harry squats down next to me, breathing heavily, his hair lays wildly on his head as a look of fear sits behind his eyes. I take a hold of his face, my hand cupping his cheek as a bad feeling moves through my chest. I shouldn't have yelled out in pain like that.

"I'm okay.." I mumble, this before pulling Harry closer to me and pressing a soft kiss against his lips. I let his forehead rest against mine as he catches his breath.

I move a little and put more weight on my foot, it makes me wince and hiss as the pain moves back through my body, my actions make Harry pull back immediately. "No, it's alright." I say, trying to get him back closer to me but he refuses.

"Where does it hurt?" he asks, eyes scanning my body to try and find the answer.

"My ankle, but it's okay.." I reassure him, not wanting to stress him out even more about this.

Harry takes a hold of my hand, looking me back into my eyes before he asks me if I can try and stand up. I nod, leaning on him as I get up and try not to put too much weight on my left ankle, the one that hurts.

"Can you walk on it?" Harry asks, still holding on to me so I can use him to lean on.

"Sure, like I told you.. It's nothing."

I lean onto my foot and try to take a step, I can feel the pain flash through my ankle and being sent up my leg. I bite down on my lip as I try not to wince, I don't want Harry to see that I'm hurting.

"Nothing, huh?" Harry mocks me as he can clearly read off my face that I'm in pain. His sarcasm makes me glare over at him.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." I tell him, limping while softly cursing under my breath as the pain is still being sent through my entire leg.

Harry rolls his eyes at my stubborn actions and before I know it, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Harry!" I yell out, liking the way he can just pick me up like it's nothing but not liking the fact I'm so helpless right now.

"We're going to the hospital." Harry says as he makes his way inside.

"Absolutely not!" I smack him on his back, trying to establish some kind of dominance which is hard considering I'm in such a submissive position right now.

Harry doesn't react, he just closes the door behind him and makes his way over towards the kitchen. I let myself hang loose because he can't take me seriously with my ass this close to his face.

After being put down on the kitchen island, I immediately search for Harry's eyes but can't seem to find them considering he's searching for his car keys.

"Harry! Please.. no hospital!" I raise my voice.
He looks over at me, the pleading in my eyes makes him stop with what he was doing. I can feel my heart racing, just the thought of doctors and hospitals makes me feel absolutely sick.

"What's going on?" he asks.

"What?" I ask, brows furrowing.

"You're acting like I'm about to murder you while we're only going to the hospital, we need to get that foot looked after." he says, trying to understand.

"I'm just.. I don't like hospitals." I admit, looking up at him while tears burn into my eyes.

"I know they're not a fun place, but it's necessary to go. You're badly hurt." Harry tries to calm me down, taking a step closer towards me.

"No! You don't understand.." I mumble, fear flashing through my eyes. "I really can't do hospitals." I tell him.

"Alright, we won't go." he says, moving closer to me so he can cup my cheeks with his hands and look me into my eyes. "It's alright, love.. I'll get you some ice." he mumbles before kissing me softly.

I watch him make his way over towards the fridge as I try to calm myself down, it's hard considering fear has set itself inside my chest. Harry is quick to return to me with an ice pack, he hands it to me and I carefully place it against my ankle.

"What has gotten you so scared of hospitals?" Harry asks softly, making me look up into his eyes.

"Just.. Joey was a really troubled kid, a fighter." I start to spill my family history to him, this without even really wanting to but I can't help myself. I want to share it with him because I want him to comfort me about it.

Harry hums, eyes focused on me as he nods. He clearly wants me to go on.

"Uhm.. I was the one who took him to the doctor or the hospital when his wounds were too extreme." I mumble, memories flashing back through my mind. "I was so young but mom or dad wouldn't drive Joey to see the doctor, they didn't care.. So there were numerous times when I had to walk him all the way to the hospital, we didn't have a phone at home to call an ambulance." I explain as tears burn in my eyes. "I remember him nearly passing out on the walk there, this by losing too much blood or being in too much pain, but he never let go of my hand.."

"I'm really sorry, Georgie." Harry says.

I shake my head, Joey never let go of my hand but I did.. so easily. A guy who I barely know asks me to escape with him to a foreign country and I just do. Even though this is part of the plan, I can't help but feel horrible.

"I let go, I let him go.." I mumble as more tears roll down my cheeks, my body starts to shake as an overwhelming feeling of guilt washes over me. I never wanted to leave.

They are going to be so worried and it's all my fault.
I hop off the kitchen island as a part of me just wants to escape, I don't even know where to. I forgot about my foot, so as soon as it hits the ground a sharp flash of pain shoots through my foot and makes me fall down to the ground.

A bunch of curse words leave my lips before I start to sob. I don't want to lose control, I can't, but it just happens.


I shake my head as I don't want to hear him right now. Memories are flashing through my head, of all the times Joey got hurt. The very first time I had to clean him up, I had never seen that much blood before in my life. I tried to be brave but it made me throw up. One time, we had no money for the doctors so I had to stitch Joey up myself. I'll never forget how hard I was shaking, the needle piercing his skin as horrible screams left his mouth.

"Hey.. don't shut me out." Harry takes a hold of me and pulls me closer but I push him away.

My sight is blurry as I hear his words, my hands punching his chest as it's getting harder to breathe now. I keep seeing visions of bloody wounds and hearing awful screams. These panic attacks are nothing new, I usually handle them on my own but now Harry is looking at me while I'm losing my mind.. I don't like that.

"Try to follow my breathing." Harry says, voice so calm that it calms something in me down as well.
I open my eyes and look back into his green ones, seeing a flash of sympathy go through them.

Harry pulls me closer into him and I place my head against his chest as sobs are still leaving my mouth. "Follow my breathing, Georgie." Harry demands softly, his hand moving to the back of my head so he can stroke my hair.

I'm closing my eyes again, focusing on the slight movement that his chest is making. I follow his breathing pattern and can feel it calm me down. Whenever a shock moves through me from a sob that wants to leave my body, Harry holds me tighter against him. "I've got you.." he whispers into my ear before kissing the side of my head. His sweet actions are nearly enough to make me burst out in tears again.

After I calmed down, I pulled my head back so I could look up into his eyes. I can't help myself anymore, my feelings for Harry have gotten to strong. I stare into his eyes before pressing my lips against his and kissing him softly with so much affection.

"I'm sorry.." I breathe out as my forehead rests against his.

"Don't be.. It's not your fault." he whispers as his hands cups my cheek and makes me look back into his eyes.

"I've got lots of trauma.. You should know that before you start liking me too much." I say, voice weak.

"The fact you went through a lot doesn't change how I feel about you." Harry says, with so much certainty in his voice as he stares me deeply into my eyes. As I want to move forwards so I could kiss him again, I put some force on my ankle and wince at the pain that shoots through my body. "You've got to keep ice on that though.. Otherwise it won't get any better." Harry says, grabbing the ice pack from where it fell on the ground and placing it carefully back on my foot.

"Thank you." I smile at him as he looks back up into my eyes, a soft smile growing on his lips.

Both him and I know that I thank him for much more than just putting that ice back on my foot.

They're so adorable.. I can't.

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