Magic Of Flames √

By YaoiYurishipper

54.5K 1.8K 320

This is part 2 book 2 of Wizard Among Mafia. Yep I'm finally uploading it my lovely readers. It has been man... More

1. Premonitions and Dreams
2. Contracts
3. Home is where the Heart is
4. Christmas together
5. Black and White
6. Talks and Plans
7. The Varia Arrives
8. Xanxus wakes up
9. Setting up the Stage
10. The Multi Colored Storm
11. Rain That Washes Away Conflict
12. The Lightning that Protects
13. The Mist that Befuddles
14. Territorial and Protective Cloud
15. The test for the Sky
16. Lull Before Trouble
17. Test Begins
18. Verde and Questions
19. Mafia Land and Skull
20. Riddles and Tolerance?
21. Reborn and Shizun
22. Meeting your Ancestor?
23. Not exactly Time Travel
24. Alternate Dimension Really?
25. What is My Life!
26. The Third Piece
27. The Fight Begins
28. Follow what Script?
30. Home
31. Inheritance? Yeah no!
32. Graduation
33. Reborn x Harry
34. Final

29. Final battle

1.1K 38 4
By YaoiYurishipper

(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Harry Potter are not mine. The picture above is a screenshot from the anime.

Tsuna hummed as they set up the room to break the curse on the wreath rings. Reborn was on his shoulder observing their actions very intently as they moved around the reinforced room. As they were preparing to break the curse the room rattled. The teens looked up annoyed at that and Hana muttered about unruly monkeys. Tsuna motioned for them to continue setting up and decided to go see what was going on. Reborn went with him, wondering who was suicidal enough to disturb them.

Tsuna, "Okay, what are you lot up to?"

Byakuran, "I refuse to accept my defeat."

Tsuna raised an eyebrow, "Do you think you are a five year old or something?"

Byakuran, "Of course not! But you were not supposed to win and defeat me so easily, I saw the different versions of the fight."

Tsuna raised an eyebrow, "Did you see any worlds that had Harry - nii raise me?"

Byakuran scowled, "I do not know who that is."

Tsuna smiled sweetly, "There you have it."

Hayato, "Tsu - chan, the stage has been set. We need a lot of flames though."

Tsuna, "Well time to get to work."

Byakuran caught his arm, "Do not ignore me, Tsunayoshi! I challenge you to a battle."

Hayato shot between them, "I would appreciate it, if you did not touch my friends."

Byakuran jumped away, "Kikyo, Zakuro, Bluebell attack them."

Tsuna watched with a very irritated and annoyed expression, as the three flame users move to attack them. Zakuro, Bluebell and Kikyo released their true forms wanting to win the battle no matter what. They knew that these version of the Vongola was different from what Byakuran saw. In fact, Byakuran could not see anything about them at all.

Zakuro, "Behold my T - Rex form."

Hayato looked at him up and down, "Which part?"

Zakuro, "Excuse me?"

Hayato, "Which part is a T - Rex? All I see is a weirdo with tattoos. Not like I'm judging you. Those tats are very cool, but I'm flabbergasted as I don't see where the T - Rex is supposed to be forming."

Zakuro attacked feeling pissed off (╬▔皿▔)╯, "My skin is like T - Rex skin, my teeth are sharp as a T - Rex and my claws can cut through anything."

Hayato jumped out of the way, "A T - Rex's front claws are too small to do anything. Are you sure you are one?"

Bluebell who was claiming to be a mermaid calmed him down or tried to, "Zakuro focus. Do not loose your temper."

Kyoko who joined them half way through the battle, "You should worry about yourself more, little fish."

Bluebell dodged the battle fan, 'Byakuran's sweet marshmallows! What a vicious girl! Some of my scales have been scratched off.'

Kyoko grinned, "I don't like being ignored."

Bluebell, "A sun with cloud secondary, no you are just like that Storm, you have more flames."

Kyoko smirked and attacked again making Bluebell retaliate with her shell like bomb, "You know seeing that shell is making me hungry for roasted scallops."

Bluebell twitched as Kyoko looked at her intently while saying that, 'This girl is completely different from the woman I learned about. Damn teenagers! Why so vicious?'

The rain user was forced to raise her barrier called Medusa to protect herself from the sudden attack. Kyoko's fans were a gift from her grandma, made out of a special material that adapted according to the flames channeled. The brunette used lightening flames to strengthen the fan while using rain flames to counter the rain shield. Kikyo, on the other hand had released a bunch of Velociraptors on the group.

Tsuna, "Hey, Papa Born."

Reborn, "Yes Bambi?"

Tsuna smiled at him, "You look like you want to join in, we don't mind you know?"

Reborn smirked, "Is that so?"

Tsuna, "Yeah, join the party if you want just leave something for the others to play with. Enma, Hana, Lambo, Ryohei and Kyoya still have not had the proper chance to let out their frustrations."

Reborn pat his hair, "I'll leave some for them. Don't worry, Bambi. I know how to share."

Enma, "Let us join you please."

Ryohei, "We will stay out of your way."

Lambo, "Lambo - sama wants to play with dinosaurs."

Reborn grinned at them and went into the fight guns blazing. By staying close to Tsuna, his body was now starting to recover slowly by absorbing the Sky flames coming from Tsuna. Byakuran narrowed his eyes and released the anti - Arcobaleno gas again. Only to be surprised to see it was not affecting him at all.

Byakuran glared at Tsuna, "What did you do?"

Tsuna shrugged, "He is no longer a Arcobaleno so, yeah, I guess."

Byakuran, "Ghost! Get in there."

Tsuna raised an eyebrow, "A T - Rex, a wannabe mermaid, a bunch of Velociraptors and now a ghost? Compensating for something?"

Byakuran attacked him, "Shut up!"

Tsuna activated the necklace Harry had given him as a child, it would hide his flames even though he was using them. Tsuna moved and punched Byakuran right on his stomach getting an oof, from him. Mukuro meanwhile was fighting against Ghost who had turned against his own Guardian partners.

Lambo, "Lambo - sama does not understand."

Ryohei, "He killed his own partners."

Enma, "What an annoyance!"

Tsuna, "Interesting, so he is like an empty battery then. I wonder how much he can absorb actually."

Kyoko held up a stone that was warded to gather a high amount of flames, "He stole my opponent, let's test it!"

Ryohei grabbed his, "Yes, that was unextreme."

Kyoya, "Hm, want to add our flames to it too?"

Hana, "If he can safely absorb the flames, without ending up dead."

Lambo, "Lambo - sama will use pretty stone too."

Tsuna, "Flame hungry? Here you go."

Tsuna threw his Sky flame rich stone at Ghost who absorbed it into his body and Tsuna noticed his feet had become visible. Hana and Kyoko threw their stones next making his hands appeared next. When Lambo and Ryohei threw their stones in, the head and body appeared. Kyoya, Hayato and Takeshi threw their stones last making the Ghost entity flinch.

Tsuna grinned, "Oh ho! Is he reaching a limit already?"

Hana opened her bag, "I just started though."

Kyoko, "Me too! Try not to die, okay Ghost - san. That sounded so weird."

Takeshi, "Ah ha ha ha ha! It was weird to hear."

Ghost grunted as more and more flames were absorbed by his body. He tried to stop the absorption but for some reason his body was not listening to him. The stones were strange and forcefully made the flames enter his body. Tsuna watched quietly as the stones did the work before telling Hayato to activate the ward. Hayato ran into the underground room where the wreath rings were and activated the wards.

Hayato, "Done!"

Tsuna, "Good!"

Byakuran was confused but soon heard a scream coming from Ghost. He was being absorbed into a strange ring of flames that lit up bright white then dark black. The flames then went straight to the wreath rings and started the process to break them and the curse. The idea was to close off the ring from the other dimensions and to slowly crack the barriers and curse. Byakuran felt his ability to see into alternate realities dissipate. Dino had joined them seeing the fire works, followed by the Varia at that point.

Byakuran turned to Tsuna then, "You! You! What are you? No normal human knows how to destroy those things."

Tsuna smiled and bowed, "I am Tsuna, student to Reborn, Fon, Skull and Harry. It's pretty cool and fun, isn't it? Harry taught me how to destroy them."

Byakuran, "Is this Harry just like Kawahira Checkerface? As far as I know, it is only Checkerface who knows what those things are."

Kyoya scoffed, "That foolish herbivore did not even know what he was dealing with."

Tsuna, "Yup, these rings are cursed objects used to punish people. They aren't some great key or treasure. They are a bloody death sentence."

Kyoko, "In simple words, Checkerface is an idiot."

Reborn was blank faced, "What did you say they were?"

Tsuna turned to him face dead serious, "Death sentence Papa, they were meant to be the ultimate punishment for flame users. They don't support the ecosystem, this planet was alive long before those things appeared."

Reborn had a dark aura around him, "Looks like I owe Checkerface a very personal visit."

Fon appeared behind them, "I think all of us do."

Colonello had a grim expression, "All these trouble because one asshole misunderstood what the item was for."

Tsuna, "Yes, it is. Now that I know what it looks like I'll destroy the ones at home too. Harry - nii would be relieved."

Byakuran, "No! I refuse to loose."

Kyoko, "Mada mada! Just quit this nonsense already. You have already lost more than once. Do you think you are Team Rocket?"

Byakuran, "Shut up!"

Byakuran turned to Tsuna who was silently watching him, "If I go down I'm taking you with me."

Byakuran released his white wings and rushed to attack only for Kyoya and Hana to block his path. Hana tched at his actions and created paper wings with sharp edges to attack the annoying lunatic. Kyoya grinned and went after Byakuran who was shielding himself from the attack. The Cloud didn't speak much but jumped high using Hibird who transformed into a Phoenix made out of Cloud flames.

Mukuro gave a whistle, "I didn't know he could do that, did you?"

Hibari grunted, "Hn."

Mukuro, "Ku fu fu fu! You didn't know either. Oya ~ Oya ~ Bird - chan, you should get updated."

Hibari lashed out, "Hn."

Tsuna, "Rokudo - san, Hibari - san, please take your fight to the battlefield over there. I don't want you to interfere in this battle."

Rokudo, "Ku fu fu fu! Of course, Bambi sky ~"

Hibari, "Hn!"

Tsuna, "They are so lively. It's good to know some things remain the same."

Reborn, "Indeed!"

Byakuran then calls his flames and his hands turned into a white dragon. The dragon broke through both Kyoya and Hana and raced towards Tsuna. Byakuran swore he would not let Tsuna walk away after humiliating him so thoroughly. Tsuna hummed impressed by Byakuran's box animal and would you look at that? They didn't need a fancy cursed item to use a box animal, the flames are enough. Meanwhile, Yuni had wandered back to them to watch the fight, she was out of sorts.

Usually Yuni could foresee what would happen in the current future, but now it was a complete blank. She walked up to where the others were and blurted that out for them getting raised eyebrows. She felt her cheeks heat up at the questioning looks directed towards her. Dino took pity on her and invited her to join him, he had heard about their distaste of relying on future sight. They studied divination which was reading the future, and many choices could lead to many futures.

Tsuna flew up, "Ara ~ Ara ~ Do be careful Byakuran, you almost hit me. That's a very lovely dragon. Just so you know."

Byakuran beamed, "Right, my Howaito is a handsome boy, isn't he?"

Howaito purred nuzzling him, "Rrrrr!"

Byakuran, "Wait, this does not change anything. I'm still destroying you."

Tsuna, "Hmm, you can try."

Tsuna dodged more attacks coming towards him as he rushed towards Byakuran and punched him hard across the face. The force of the punch made him stumble backwards and when he managed to stabilize himself, Byakuran couldn't help but stare at Tsuna. Tsuna tilted his head and gave a smile that made everyone feel the need to burn a candle for Byakuran.

Tsuna, "Why are you so surprised? We are fighting, you know. Did you seriously believe you are the only one who can hurt others? I may still be too young to have my first kill. But, that doesn't mean, I can't hurt you to teach you a lesson."

Byakuran had an oh shit look on his face, as Tsuna's flames started to gather both at his fist and feet. He realized that this Tsuna was completely different from other versions of Tsuna. This one had no qualms hurting him even though, he would not kill him. Byakuran started to back off but Tsuna appeared in front of him and punched him hard. Natsu held Howaito in his jaws, the dragon was staring at the large lion with an WTF expression.

Tsuna, "Yield?"

Byakuran, "I yield!"

Tsuna, "Good, also don't worry about the Cervello. We dealt with them."

Byakuran, "What?"

Tsuna gave a bright smile, "My girls don't like their arrogant asses and took care of them. Also your people except Ghost are alive. It seems Ryohei managed to save them."

Byakuran, "Why?"

Tsuna, "No one deserves to be alone and our job is done. It is time we returned home."

(To be continued....
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
This is the end of this arc.
Till next time my lovely readers!)

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