Bound to the Alpha

By RhodaSLyons

707K 33.4K 2.4K

An arranged mating. Two enemy Packs. A killer on the loose. Angelina Montgomery has lived the life of a lone... More

1. Le premier
2. Strange Visitor
3. Silver Dawn
4. Future Brother-in-law?
5. Plan A- Find Evie
6. Truce
7. The Shiver
8. Found
9. Ashes
10. Lady Irene
11. Call Me Fraud
12. Red Spot
13. Right Hand Man
14. Find Me
15. Council
16. Unravel
17. If Only
18. Le Sucre
19. Don't fool me
20. Deal Or No Deal
21. Conditions
22. One In Spirit
23. Queen Of The Pack
24. Lost Girl
25. The Girl With Green Eyes
26. Between Worlds
27. Playing With Fire
28. Come And Get It
29. Speak Up
30. Maze of You
31. Piece of Me
32. Like, Mated?
33. No One Like You
34. The Wards
35. Float Away
36. Where The Taken Go
37. Ghosts
38. Undone
40. Cold Heart
41. Red Hot
42. Mercy
43. Birthday Boy
44. First Born
45. Two Hands Bloody
46. Eris
47. Lights
48. Truth Be Told
49. Bound

39. Never Again

10.8K 597 21
By RhodaSLyons

"I didn't scare him too badly, did I?" May asked quietly.

"I don't know." Angelina replied, watching Casper closely. He was breathing normally but his face was chalky.

"I didn't think he would faint like that." May stifled a giggle, trying to snuffle the sound with her palm.

Angelina chased away the urge to snort.

Casper began to stir on the bed, making incoherent sounds. Angelina called out his name, tapping his shoulder.

His body tensed before he abruptly sprang up into sitting position, staring at her as if she'd just crawled out of a dark and dreary hole.

"Uhh, hey, you fainted." Angelina informed the man.

Casper blinked then abruptly swung out of the bed, scanning the room desperately. His whole body was coiled tightly as he studied his surroundings. "F-fuck, I was dreaming." He sighed, rubbing his jaw absentmindedly with a quivering hand. "I thought I saw May." He croaked, trying to reorient himself.

"You weren't dreaming you really did see her. You just fainted." Angelina explained, holding out her hand so he could take it, "If you have physical contact with me, you will be able to see her, just as I can." She added.

Casper didn't say a word but he did voluntarily take her hand. She knew the moment he spotted May because his palm crushed hers in a tight grasp. She could see that he was losing his balance. She feared he would faint again but then he surprised her when he tugged her roughly across the room until he was towering over May.

Casper still didn't say a word.

Angelina made no sound of complaint, despite his splintering hold on her hand. She was merely an observer at this point. She didn't want to intrude on their reunion.

"Brother." May beamed, flashing a wide but shy smile. "I'm sorry I scared you- "

Casper dropped to his knees and tugged the little girl into his arms, squeezing her tightly. May gasped as she became tucked against his chest. For a second, the girl didn't move, but then Angelina watched the moment May realised that her brother had her in his arms. Her body grew limp in his embrace as her arms clutched his shirt tightly with trembling fists.

"You silly girl." Casper said into her hair in a low grumble that was only filled with nothing but absolute love.

"I missed you." May spoke quietly. Her words were slightly muffled against Casper's chest.

"Not more than I have you." He replied, his voice thick with emotion.

Angelina allowed them as much privacy as she could, but she couldn't help but feel her heart clench hearing their exchange. She focused on the dull walls and the chipped windowpanes.

When the siblings reluctantly broke apart, Angelina pointedly ignored the redness of Casper's eyes, or the slight tremble in his frame. He feigned nonchalance when he caught her gaze.

Hmmm, a man of different faces.

"I'm going to help you find Dani." May announced, "I know where she is."

"Where is she?" Angelina asked.

"In the aquarium. The one you took me to for my birthday Casper." May informed, "She's tied up but she's not scared. She's angry."

Casper appeared to be a little more relieved when he heard this.

Angelina nodded, thinking. She jolted when May's little hand squeezed hers. She appreciated the small gesture.

"Did you happen to see if there were a lot of people inside the aquarium?" Casper asked.

May shook her head, "I don't think there's a lot of people in there but the bad man is there- the one that took me."

Angelina could hear Casper's sudden intake of breath. She didn't need to look him in the eye to know what he was feeling. Anguish cloaked his every fibre, it was impossible to ignore the dark, potent emotion.

"I believe we need more people. Maybe we'd get Mason to join- "

"No. You and I are enough." Angelina cut him off, "It'll be better this way."

"We don't know how many people are waiting to pounce on us."

"Do you trust me Casper?"


Angelina wanted to smile, but she smothered the urge. "Do you trust May?"

"What does me trusting May have anything to do with you?"

"Because I trust her." May interjected. "And I trust her with your life brother. Angie is pure of heart."

"Pure of heart? When did you start speaking like that May?"

May flushed but refused to surrender her statement. Instead, she held her ground and kept firm eye contact with her older sibling. "Since bad things happened to me." She muttered.

Casper visibly depleted, emitting a defeated sigh. "May."

"We need to find Dani first." May inserted strength into her voice. "Then, we can talk."

Casper mutely nodded, although Angelina knew he was bursting at the seams to know what had happened with May. However, they both knew that finding Dani was important. Time was not on their side. Every second they wasted, the more time Dani spent in her captive's hold.

"We'll go retrieve her now. They won't expect us to come at this hour." Angelina shared. "It'll be a surprise attack."

"I don't know. I still think we need more people- "

"Casper." May groaned.

"Ok, fine. I'm listening." Casper relented.

"We'll leave in our wolf forms. That way, we'll reach our destination sooner than in our human forms. Casper, you'll take care of any person on the exterior of the building, while I go in first."

"That's foolish."

"I have a wildcard."

Casper huffed, staring at May like he couldn't believe a single word Angelina was spouting. May simply widened her eyes, silently reprimanding her brother to stop. Casper did, albeit reluctantly.

"Go on." He waved his wrist.

"While you take care of that, I'll go in with May to track down Dani."

"And you'll have your wildcard?" Casper raised a brow, sounding doubtful.

Angelina nodded, "Yes, I'll have it ready."

Casper mulled over her words but eventually conceded a nod. "You better have something under your sleeve woman."

"Of course."


Arriving at the aquarium hadn't been difficult.

It took a mere three minute sprint in their wolf forms to arrive at their destination.

While Casper transformed seamlessly into his human form, his clothes immediately wrapped around him like strands of cut up silk before solidifying in place along his body- he was totally having a Cinderella moment. Angelina had to change into her clothes behind the industrial bins, that reeked of fermented vegetables and sour milk. The smell almost knocked her unconscious. She needed to ask Mason to bespell her clothes so that she didn't need to waste time tugging on her combat clothes. When she finally tied off the laces on her footwear, Casper pointedly tapped his wrist. "And she said we'd be quick."

"I'm ready. Apologies. I didn't take into account this little task." Angelina admitted.

Casper didn't say a word, but she saw his lips quirk.

"Now, we can kick ass." She declared, "You ready May?"

The little girl stared at the colossal building. It resembled a spaceship the longer Angelina stared at it. The silver had dulled and the signs that were once plastered on the surface were merely shreds of paper that hung on measly pins. The entry gate was battered and barely hanging on with the amount of rust and corrosion on the hinges. The breeze did nothing but make the metals flop loudly in a lousy tune.

"We'll meet back at the motel if we can't meet here after." Angelina said.

Casper nodded. "Let's do this."

Angelina shared one look with Casper before they separated. Casper immediately took to the ladder on the side of the building that hung precariously from above. He effortlessly hauled himself up the metal, making no sound as he quickly disappeared from sight.

Angelina eyed the entrance of the aquarium and took a calming breath. She erased her worries and fears as she leaped over the broken gates and pushed through the double doors that were left ajar.

The scent of rotting fish invaded her nostrils. She held her sleeve over her nose and examined the hollow building. The plexiglass that was used to house the sea creatures were still intact but the tanks were filled with dark, polluted water that left a smudge of black against the glass.

The ceilings were built high and from the looks of it, there were leaks and cracks. The floor beneath her feet was layered in a thin sheet of rainwater.

May frowned at the scene, flattening her palms against the glass. "This is so sad."

"It seems like it's been out of business for a while."

May sighed, sounding devasted. "I remember two dolphins used to live here. They were pretty too."

Angelina empathised with the little girl. She could see that the place had been well loved when it had been thriving with customers. She could just imagine May pulling Casper along the hallways as she pointed eagerly at the sea creatures behind the glass with awe.

It made her heart ache knowing May wouldn't be able to drag Casper along the hallways again.

"Dani is somewhere upstairs." May informed Angelina. "I don't think there's a lot of rooms up there."

"We'll need to check." Angelina replied.

May suddenly perked up and glanced down that corridors that were nothing but black. "Someone is coming."

Angelina tensed as she suddenly heard footsteps echo.

May immediately came to her side and wrapped one arm around her thigh. The touch sent a bolt of strength into Angelina. She widened her stance and waited. Her instincts told her to run or at least, hide but she didn't want fear to overrule her thoughts or actions.

The footsteps were heavy and became louder until they abruptly stopped. Cold chills ran along Angelina's spine, it felt like a cluster of spiders were crawling beneath her skin. In the shadows, she could spot the vague outline of a man. Her breath hitched. The figure stepped forward as the dark receded, dancing off his arms and legs until the dim light of the moon speared through the splintered ceiling, casting an eerie light upon his form. Angelina could make out black eyes.

"You finally came."

May's grip tightened on her thigh, she felt her fingers dig into her. She could feel her body shaking. Angelina eyed the man, keeping her stance steady.

This had to be Mischa.

She could taste the fear from May.

There was amusement laced in his voice.

There was a glint of metal near his hip. The man had been so fast, she barely had time to make sense of his movements until it was too late. Before she could do anything, the man had already fired.

The sudden pain in her abdomen was the only warning she had.

The sound of the gun rivalled that of a grenade.

Another shot was fired.

This time, in her arm. Pain flared hot and heavy.

The man had used silver bullets.

He knew what she was.

The painful burn of the bullets rendered her unsteady. She could hear May screaming her name.

She tried to instil strength into her bones, but Mischa fired two more rounds.

One bullet sank into her thigh as the other punctured her chest.

She felt blood gurgle in her throat.

Mischa cocked the gun, ready to fire again but then Casper was there, pulling the man against him. He grunted as Casper took the gun from his hand and fired the remainder of the bullets into the wall so it couldn't be used against him. Casper forced the man to his knees as he gripped his hair and squeezed his throat.

There was movement behind Casper, but he didn't register the new arrivals.

Angelina gasped for breath as she forced her legs to carry her to Casper. Pain spread through her body with each step she took.

Casper only realised the new additions when he turned his head, missing the machete that would've sliced into his neck if he had remained in the same spot.

He immediately released Mischa and went for the man that wielded the weapon.

Mischa scrambled to the ground and fished the gun out from a puddle. He retrieved a fresh magazine from his pocket and made quick work of shoving it in the empty slot. Angelina made it to him before he could aim. His hands trembled when she approached. He pulled the trigger but no bullets were emptied. They both realised at the same time that the safety was still engaged. His thumb twitched to engage it, but Angelina leaped forward and clasped her hands over his.

He erupted into a laugh when he realised she wasn't trying to wrestle the gun out from his hands. He took the safety off. Angelina kept contact with his hands, smirking. "You've fucked up my friend."

The man snorted and notched the muzzle of his gun at her forehead. "You are the one that is fucked my friend."

His grin faltered when he glanced over Angelina's shoulder.

"W-What- "

"Meet your downfall." Angelina held his hand tightly as the ghosts of the girls he'd wronged lunged for him. The gun toppled out of his grasp and clattered on the ground. With one hand, Angelina dismantled the gun and pocketed the magazine. The man staggered under the weight of the girls as they each took a turn tormenting him.

In her peripheral, she spotted Ravi and Leo. They both gaped at her. She was sure they were remembering what she had done to them in their cells. She had made sure that it was nightmare they wouldn't forget. However, it seemed as if they had taken her threats lightly. They took a few steps back, paling. She had already warned them before. They'd tarnished their agreement.

Now, Angelina had no promises to uphold.

Mischa screamed his lungs sore, to the point the walls vibrated. It was clear he could see nothing but the faces of the girls he'd killed. She released him and caught Leo on arm. The man tried to wrench his arm away but she kept a steady hand on him, squeezing his limb. "I told you what would happen if you returned and tried to pull some shady shit."

Leo stammered but only a gurgle of sound escaped his lips.

Fear had consumed all his words.

"I was merciful. My mistake. This ends here." Angelina held his arms tightly as the ghosts of his past fell upon him.

His screams were guttural, mingled with trepidation as he fell to the ground. She kept her hold him until he was lost in his fears.

Casper could only stare in horror as she went from one person to the other, touching their skin until there was a symphony of cries that filled the building.

If they didn't shut up, she was sure human authorities would gather outside the aquarium. Angelina winced as nausea made her lose balance. She staggered. Casper caught her in his arms, keeping her upright. "Y-you've lost a lot of blood. Fuck, your clothes are soaked in it."

Angelina trembled, "I just need to rest. I can feel the wounds healing but the bullets are still in me. They need to be extracted. The silver in it..."

"You have a bullet in your chest."

Angelina nodded, "I need help to remove it or...there's still time before that happens. My body can take it for now. You need to find Dani. May says she's somewhere upstairs, in one of the storage rooms. Get her Casper and make sure she's fine."

Casper cursed. "You're fucking bleeding out."

"And Dani is somewhere inside here, scared to death. Find her. I'll stay right here with May. She'll keep me safe."

There was so much conflict in his face. She didn't expect him to care.

"Find Dani." Angelina coughed. Blood splattered on her chest.

Casper still wasn't leaving.

Angelina held Casper's gaze and injected authority into her next words, "Go. Find Dani then return to me once you've looked her over and seen that she is ok. If not, go straight to the Pack and get Tamsyn to heal her. Go now Casper."

Casper clenched his jaw, "I'm going to fucking kill you Angelina for misusing your Alpha Authority." Despite his harsh words, he gently placed her against the wall, making sure her head was well supported against the concrete beam.

"Go." Angelina demanded, lacing the demand with more authority. He was still resisting her command but it was impossible for his wolf to ignore her order.

Casper cursed and ran back into the shadows.

"Are you going to die Luna?" May asked quietly. The little girl had moved to her side, hugging her uninjured arm as she placed her head against her shoulder. She was shaking but she hadn't left her. She must've been afraid but she knew it was bravery that kept the girl plastered to her side.

Angelina shook her head as she took the gun pieces from beside her boot. She connected them again and loaded the magazine into it. The barrel was still warm from when Mischa used it. "Close your eyes May. Just for a little bit, ok?" She gently instructed.

The little girl obeyed, hiding her gaze in the crook of her elbow.

With a steady hand, Angelina aimed the muzzle on the writhing bodies in front of her. The ghosts were no longer visible to their eyes but they were left with the aftershocks of the terror. Hence, their guttural cries for help.

Angelina watched them suffer before she began to empty the gun.

Each shot was deafening.

Angelina aimed the gun at Mischa. When the first shot had gone off, he froze. Now, he stared at her with horror.

"D-Don't shoot." He pleaded, holding his palms out.

Angelina shot the spot between his brows.

She wanted to make him suffer but she wanted him gone for good.

The gun slipped from her hands as she closed her eyes and tried to steady her breathing.

The remainder of her strength abandoned her as she held onto May.

"Is the bad man gone now?" May peered up at her with clear, emerald eyes.

Angelina stroked her hair with a small smile, "Yeah, he's gone."

May squeezed her arm, "Thank you Luna."

"You're welcome May." She whispered, closing her eyes.

She needed some rest.

She'll just close her eyes for a short while until Casper returned.

When her eyelids dragged down, she could only think of Mason.

She imagined that he was next to her, holding her other arm while the darkness enveloped her senses.

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