La Missione

By lilcutie_el

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Will this be my downfall? ...................... Amary Acosta, a high valued agent. She knew one day, death w... More

Miss: El
Chapter 02: "Decision"
Chapter 03: "I'm in"
Chapter 04: Farewell
Chapter 05: "Move Out" ( part 1 )
Chapter 05: "New House" ( part 2 )
Chapter 06: " Hayden King "
Chapter 07: " Portal "
Chapter 08: " Meet "
Chapter 09: " Threat "
Chapter 10: " Clumsy "
Chapter 11: " Him "

Chapter 01: Possession's Mission

166 116 19
By lilcutie_el

Amary P.O.V

" Oppss!! looks like someone's backk!!! Good morning, Cole!!"

As expected, this is how my usual morning went. A loud and thin as paper female scream greeted me in my office, as always. Will our office rather. This woman never fails to greet me like this no matter what time or wherever we are, even in our own mission, great friend right?  She never and will never end-up this habit for sure. Sometimes I wonder how do I end up being friends with her. Fate it is. 

"Good morning, Fox" I answered in a low-toned voice. I'm not in the bad mood or something, I just don't have the energy to keep up with her enthusiasm. She's like a jar full of energy that never rans out no matter what. It filled up itself again and again as if its a factory. Good for her, but sometimes I wanna bring a duct tape along with me, especially if we have a mission. I guess it can help me lessen up her noises. I'm a sweet friend, right? Don' you dare said no... 

"WHAT?!! don't fucking tell me, Amary that you'll expect me to accept that response full of dullness out of you!! you look like a soldier who's been in a war for two weeks without a single food eaten or a water supply!! Allow me to remind you that you just had two weeks of vacation, not on a mission," she said  glaring at me with full of sarcasm. Oh well, see? This is my bestfriend. She's like my Asian mother, well way more likely than I am. No kidding.

I let out a soft chuckle as I walked towards my desk passing her as my desk was locating at the other side of the room. My favorite spot. My vacation was done, that means I'm back. So back to reality. 

Ada Ramirez, 24. My partner since I started this career, she's my best bud. My shield, in every fight, we fought together. She might be this annoying but in field, she never fails to let a anyone goes off from her. She can do both, to be a jolly person and a fierce one. Unlike me, I guess I only have the second one. 

"Tell me, were you able to find someone cute?" she asked curiously as I put down my bag down facing my desk. This gonna be a long interrogation, I'm telling you.

"Someone you can live with the rest of your life, Cole? " She continued asking as she looks back at her computer. I wonder what is she doing at this early morning. Maybe she has an uncomplete document. As she always have.

I let out a soft chuckled at her. Its only 8:00 am in the morning but she's acting like we'll gonna head off work soon. 

"Oh common Ad, you know me. Those things has no room in my life. Besides, I can handle myself, so why would I bother looking for someone to take care of me?" I responded calmly as I walked towards our mini bar here at our office. I need my energy booster to awaken my sleeping soul. I think I can't finish a single thing if I won't drink a cup of coffee soon.

" Such a so-called strong woman indeed Cole," she said while chuckling. I laughed as I grab my cup and start doing my coffee. Here we go again, Ada.

What I've said was true though. I just don't need someone to take good care of me, I always got myself all the time. So what's the purpose of getting a man?

" Ohh... common Ad, what kind of man would dare to enter my messy world, huh?

"A life where anywhere I go, there's always someone pointing a gun at my head? I'm sure, their knees will tremble when death is facing them. "I continued as I take a sip from my newly made coffee. Ohh man.. this is the best cup of coffee ever..

She stopped typing at her computer and she faced me. Asian mother mood activated.

She stand up as she take her way towards me. " Amary, I know how strong and bold you are, but come to think of this, you can't stay like this way forever. You will need someone to lean on when you're weak and couldn't face the world alone," She said as she walked past me grabbing her own cup as well. Look like I'm not the only one who needed a coffee. 

" I know, but I don't want to drag them with me into my world Ad. They can live a peaceful life without a woman like me," I said grabbing her cup offering to make a coffee for her. I need to share how good my coffee taste like. 

She let me make her coffee as she leans against the table watching me. 

"Amary, we don't know what kind of fate will have for us in the future. But please don't close that door in your heart for someone who deserves it, specially if you know if that person is good for you " she said while pointing her hand into my left chest.

Now, she sounds convincing, but I know what she's trying to say to me. She's right, I can't stay like this forever. There will be times that I'll fall and might need someone to help me. But still, I don't want to risk it. I know, getting into a relationship does suck in my case. I won't try even for once. If I will, it's the person who's stronger than me and will shield me from all danger. Not with some cowards.

I chuckled softly and hold Ada's hand.

" Why would I look for someone, if I have my buddy who's ready to take all bullets to save me, huh?" I said raising my left eyebrow. I know she's trying to be serious this time, but I don't wanna talk about this topic. I just find it uncomfortable. 

We both don't have a boyfriend since we met and sometimes I wonder, what if I'm some kind of a lesbian? Woah... stop... I can't stand that thought, though. I'm not attracted towards my same sex, never. Maybe love wasn't really for me.  

" Amary, I'm not here always. Yes, I will shield you no matter what." She assured me." But what if I'll die ahead of you? You'll be left alone aside from your family. Which is what I don't want to happen," She said while I put her coffee in front of her.

" Ada, don't you dare say those damn words. We can still be together until we grow old." I said as I lightly punch her right shoulder. I'm serios, she might be this loud and annoying but I love her and I will do everything to protect her, either. No one's gonna die. Not one of us.

" Ada, where agents here, why are we talking about love like we are so into it?" I turn back to my table with my coffee on hand. I can feel her presence following me.

"Just fucking remember what I've said, Amary. We can't be sure if we'll still breathing any moment from now," she said striding towards her own desk.

I didn't respond to her. Instead, I open my computer and put my focus on there. Trying to hide what Ada pointing out earlier.


Time flies too fast, its now quarter to 12: 00 noon. I've done some couple of things I needed to do. But damn this thoughts again, its sending me to hell as it didn't stop bothering me. I stretched out my arms, cracked my nick trying to somehow listen what I feel right now. Ada didn't bother to add up what she said earlier, which is I am grateful off.

" Agent Cole, the director wants to see you." I was back in reality when the door opens up sending a familiar face . I haven't seen this face for to weeks, though. It was Charlie, the directors left hand. 

Great, I wanna see him too. I got up from my swivel chair.

" Roger that, Charlie," I said as I look at my phone. He left the room quickly as I responded to him. Being Charlie, as always.

I face Ada who was still doing something from her computer. She's a bet more occupied right now. " Fox, seems like the master wants to see his best apprentice," I said jokingly to her trying to distract her from what she's doing. Witch is effective. She laughed as she look towards me.

" As always, Amary. If our master was much younger than he is right now, I would think he's in love with you," she said as she laugh. I scoff from what she said. Seriously?

" Nonsense Ad, he's just being a good master. No other foul play added." I started walking towards the door. "I'll be back soon, we'll have lunch together." I said to her as I passed her desk.

Ada just chuckled and put her focus back on her computer. She's indeed busy. 

I walked outside heading towards the elevator.  It was peaceful outside my office, the hallway was clean and no one's there. I wonder where the other agents right now? Maybe they've taken their lunch earlier than usual. I pressed the button to open the elevator and in my luck, it open right away. I enter as I press again the floor where the director's office at. I checked again my phone again to see what time is it, 11: 46 am. Soon minute or two has passed and the elevator open up. I walked toward the only door, the view never field to catch my attention every time I'll be here. The over looking look and the beautiful blue skies remind me how great to live.

 I missed my master though, having a vacation off work was great but I can't help missing the people around work. 

Director Eduard Mendez is a 60-year-old man. He's our leader and master. He's a good man and a good at fighting as well. He trained us for years to become great agents. You might be thinking why he's still working until this age, its his choice. He love this agency that much. I don't have enough knowledge whether he has a son or a daughter despite how long Ada and I works here, he never told us about it. Maybe he got a child abroad or what.

I reached the wide transparent glass door as Charlie opened it up for me leading the way inside. I smiled at him appreciating his kindness. We're good friends, we had a couple of missions together and he's also a good and strong agent, well, we are all well trained her after all. 

Charlie closed the door behind me as I enter the room completely. 

He's facing the glass holding his glass of wine. He seems to be thinking something.

" Master, you want to see me?" I said to him bringing him back to reality. He tilt his head towards my direction. There he is, our master wearing his warm smile. He's like my second father. 

" Yes, I am. I'm looking for my most trusted agent,"  he said while leading me the way to a chair in front of him smiling. He's just kidding, I'm not her favorite. I don't want it that way.

I followed him as he leads the way toward the couch where he sat. I sat down to the opposite single seater sofa.

" What I can do for you, master?" I asked as I felt the soft sofa against my back. It was relaxing. Might as well buy this couch soon haha.

He turns his way back to his table and grabbed something. It was an envelope. He handed it to me and I accepted it.

" Cole, you know I'm retiring. You also know I want to leave my agency to someone who deserves to be the leader," he said as he started to walk back in front of the wide glass window.

I opened the envelope and I saw the photos, familiar photos.  Mafias

" It's the highly targeted mafia, Amary, they produce drugs and deliver them around the globe. Lots of assassins tried to invade them, but they fail," he said as he continues.

I stayed silent as I examined the photos.

" I trusted you, you're like my own child Amary. I've watched you grow and trained you for years and I know how strong you are," he said turning his way back to my direction.

" I'll give you this mission. If you can accomplish this, I'm happy to give you my chair and I'll let you manage our agency. I know you can accomplish this job Cole," He sat down as he smiled at me.

I'm speechless.

" Master, Ada will off goes with me, right?" I asked him.

" Amary, Ada has another mission. You gonna fight this alone. Don't worry, I'm with you. I'll monitor you," He said.


"You're in right, Cole?" he asked me.

"Common Amary, that's your master," I noted to myself.

" Three days Master, I'll let you know once I'm in," I said as I stand up.

"I'll give you the time Cole, just let me know" he smiled.

I made my way out as I heard what my master said. I walked towards the elevator again.

The rest of the day was good. Ada and I had a good meal during lunch. We continued the chitchat.


It's 10 pm and I'm still here at my table facing my computer and finishing what I needed to do. Ada's not here as she got something else to do.

I finished my last document and I closed my computer. I take a glance at my phone and I saw a text message. I opened it. It's from my mom.


Honey, come over. I want to eat with you.

Sent 7:30pm

" Shit,"

I didn't notice this text as I'm busy doing my documents earlier. Great, Amary.

"It's scolding time, Amary."

I left my office. It was completely silent as the others was off already. I missed this silence. I made my way down to the basement where the parking lot is located. I walked towards my car and get in. I started the engine and I started driving. Late night drives, these is another way how I let out my stress. I found it soothing, calming.  A yawn skipped my mouth as I drive along towards our house. I have my apartment, but mom's randomly wanna have dinner with me without notice as always. Its a quick drive from my work and luckily the road was empty. 

My family were simple. We have a company run by my older brother. I also got one little sister and one little brother. We're a happy family. I would risk everything to protect them. I am a mix of Asian mom and European dad. I don't know how fate made their path cross, but they unfortunately, they fell in love. 

My father is a retired officer, no wonder why I choose to be an agent right? Haha.

Kidding, it's not really connected to why I really choose this career. I choose this for myself.

11 pm. I arrived home. Lights are still on, I guess mom's still up. Holy cow.

I parked my car. I let out a sigh as I step out from it. Well, I can't scape from her, really. I slowly made my way towards our main door and pull it, its unlock so I know maybe mom's really at the living room right now. But no one's in the living room as get in. I go to the kitchen and I saw a note.

"I told you not to work late Amary, but you didn't listened. Eat this it's your favorite."


I open the food container and I saw a chicken curry. I chuckled, mom knows best indeed.

I ate them and head up upstairs. I don't really have plan to stay for the night here, but I feel like driving to my apartment right now. I cracked walking towards the stairs but I saw Dad.

"Working late, my girl?" he asked.

"Dad, sorry. I didn't notice mom's text. I was so damn busy, sorry," I apologize.

" Hmm, no problem my princess. It's fine, it's just that you have to be ready for the tans of words coming from the mouth of your mother tomorrow" he said and laugh a bit.

I laugh as well.

" Yeah, that's why I'll stay for tonight, dad. But, it's okay Dad. I deserve it though," I smiled.

Dad walked beside me, walking uptairs. 

" Princess, be safe always." he said softly.

I smiled.

" I will, dad. Always." 

There, the gentle smile I grow up with. He smile nodding his head.

" Actions, princess. I want you to be vigilant. Be careful." he continued. I gave him a reassuring nod. 

"Good night, I love you," he added turning his back towards the direction of their room.

I watched my father's back as he slowly walked. I take my time to watch him before he completely entered their room. Dad's always like this, reminding. 

I made my way towards my room and I opened it. It was clean, mom doesn't fail to maintain my room. I closed the door behind me. It was a long day, I'm not tired. I need to freshen up. 

I washed up and get into my old sleeping clothes that I left here. It does still fits me, though. I sat on my couch comfortably and closed my eyes. I recalled all the things that happened this day. 

I open in my eyes and I walked to my bed. I lay on it and again closed my eyes.

The mission, should I accept it or not?

"Just sleep for now, Amary." be continued.......

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_♡Ms. El;)

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