Daylight [h.s]

By PrettyBoy-Ced

19 2 0

Behind every lyric, there is a memory. Harry's house is no exception. Memories in Praiano with the sun. More

i. Fiore

19 2 0
By PrettyBoy-Ced

I wish I could see these blue and then purple-pink skies every day.

Seeing the sea from the balcony of my small flat brought colour to my days. Every day I saw a new colour in the sky and every day I realised I couldn't get enough of it. It was the best part of the day.

Good company and a coffee in hand are what one needs after all that is going on in the world.

Juno had been my only companion since I left everything behind, and I had never asked for better company than him. People think a cat doesn't make a pleasant company but I could give you a thousand reasons Juno does. He never leaves me alone, and that's what I appreciate about him. He is always in the flat or in the shop. It's not very difficult for him to get lost now that there are not so many tourists in this small town on the Amalfi Coast.


The doorbell rang in every corner of my flat, scaring us both. Juno ran to hide in the bedroom when he heard Elio's voice. He was probably going to ask me for the rent money, which I still hadn't got. So I just tried not to make any noise to make him go away.

"I know you're there, Aelia." I heard him say. He was not only ringing the doorbell, but also knocking on the door. "AELIA."

I may sound like the most annoying person in Praiano, but Elio was one of my few friends. Unfortunately, he was also the owner of this whole place and so even though I am his friend, there was no friendship discount for renting.

The door to the flat opened to reveal the brown-eyed brunette. I hated it when he did that. He used the key I had hidden to get in. Despite all the threats he had received from me, he still did it. He had got used to it.


"Good afternoon, Miss Aelia." He grinned as he walked over to where I stood and kissed me on the cheek. "I haven't come for the rent money, don't worry."

I let out a sigh, thankful it wasn't about that. I sat back in my chair to continue with my coffee and listen to what he had to say.

"I have good news." He said as he sat down next to me. "I just closed a deal with a Brit who will stay for a few months in the 306 and I raised his rent a bit."

"So you ripped him off?" I asked. He shook his head as he also shook his finger. "Elio, that's ripping people off."

"I call it doing business, Aelia." He spoke arrogantly. "You should be happy because now I won't be despairing about the rent and you'll have a new neighbour. British and possibly old... I'm sure if you offer him one of your pretty flowers, he'll be a new customer too." He smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"So I have to look at it as a win-win?" I asked him, and he nodded. "What is his name?" I grabbed my mobile phone to look him up on some social network to make sure he was a decent person. But Elio just shrugged his shoulders, giving me to understand that he did not know. "Unbelievable."

"I just told him the numbers, and he agreed." He shrugged again. "Tomorrow he starts his stay, so I was going to ask you to bring a nice bouquet to put in his living room. I want to be a delightful host."

I let out a sarcastic laugh, and he gave me a dirty look. "Are you going to eat here or are we going out to eat?"

"I'd rather go out to eat than listen to two hours of Taylor Swift while we're cooking."

We were not very far from the restaurant, so riding the Vespa is never an option unless you are going to Amalfi or Positano. We enjoyed the evenings as we walked through the narrow streets and chatted endlessly. At times, we would get distracted and stare at the sea and the small boats that lit up the place.

Despite having lived here for over four years, I never got bored with coming here to eat pizza or pasta and drink some wine. Listening to the music in the background and enjoying the typical restaurant of "La Romana". Don Giovanni and his wife Sofia would join us when they closed their kitchen. They prepared the best pizzas in Praiano, or so Elio and I thought.

But time was beating us and it was almost ten o'clock. Time flies when you are with the right people.

"It's time for us to go, Giovanni," I said, showing him the time on my mobile phone. "Tomorrow afternoon, I'll leave flowers for you." I gave them each a hug.

"Aelia is always being so generous!" Elio shouted. He was drunk and not only his attitude, but his eyes gave him away. "FINO A DOMANI," He said a loud goodbye as I pulled him by the arm towards the exit.

"I don't understand why you get drunk so fast. We just had a few drinks." I kept pulling him to walk. The wine was taking effect on me, too. I was sleepy, and we were in for a pleasant walk. "Elio, please walk."

Elio stopped dead in his tracks. "But, Aelia, look at the sky." He said as he pointed to the sky and dropped to the ground to look at the stars. "The stars look beautiful."

I looked at the sky, and there was no star.

He was just drunk.

"Please get up." I pleaded, but it was impossible. I was talking to a rock. "ELIO"


I couldn't leave him lying in the street where anyone could do something to him. Which I saw as difficult, but the possibilities were always there. People passing by him could be sure they were making fun of him, but you couldn't tell because of the mask they were wearing.

Maybe they didn't even want to come near us because they think we'll infect them. A drunk and a girl shouting at him in three languages. I didn't blame them.

"ELIO!" someone shouted across the street.

I felt my whole body tense up just listening to that voice. Hard to forget, and even though sometimes I did. But it had only been a few months and living here meant I had to find Lorenzo. The hardest part was that Elio was Lorenzo's brother, so the task was always difficult.

"Aelia," Lorenzo said, and let out a sigh. "Don't worry about Elio. I'll take him home. You rest, tomorrow you have to open the shop, don't you? "

I nodded, saying nothing else.

Fuck him.

Salt air.


Taking the long way to the shop to get a closer look at the sea and feeling the sun directly on my skin are the little pleasures in life that I like to enjoy. Like smelling that desired coffee in the afternoon or listening to vinyl with no harm. Life was full of these little pleasures that I was discovering little by little and I only wished I had realised them.

My shop was also one of them. Seeing it in that little corner with its windows full of colour from the flowers inside gave me a certain pride. Every time I came in, the smell of all the flowers invaded my nose and when I had to moisturise them, the smell was inexplicable. Just seeing something you started from scratch brings an inexplicable feeling.

The shop was already open and the little bell that welcomed the customers rang, making Carolina jump a little with fright. I smiled warmly at her. I had only been working here for a few days, so I tried to open up a bit to make her feel comfortable here. She was in love with Praiano, so she stayed here and start from scratch. A story that reminds me a lot of one.

"Good morning, Aelia. I took out the buckets with the flowers so they can get some sun. They just need to have their water changed, and the pills put in." She said from the cashier area and Juno was approaching her to be petted. Carolina petted the cat and could feel her gaze as I surveyed the shop. "I also have Giovanni and Sofia's bouquets ready." She finished saying, pointing to the place where the bouquet was.

Parvifolia, lilies, Limonium and... mastic.

"Is it okay?" she asked. I turned to look at her and she looked like she was going to strangle Juno because of her nerves. "Say something, boss."

"It's perfect," I told her, and her body stopped tensing up. Juno ran away from Carolina and hid in my office. "Before I take care of the flowers, I need you to help me with the arrangements for the church. They have to be ready by tomorrow afternoon. Paolo is coming to pick them up."

"Paolo... the guy who works in the church and has a moustache?"

I chuckled as I imagined Paolo's new moustache. "Yes, for that very reason they have to be ready by that time". I looked at the clock on the wall and realised I was early. I knew no one would interrupt us if I showed Carolina how to make the arrangements. "Let's make the most of the time before someone arrives."

Carolina was a quick learner, but she did things in a bit of a hurry. I had to repeat to her every five minutes that it was not a competition. There was no winner if she made more flower arrangements. While I was finishing my first arrangement, she was already finishing the second one. When she saw her mistakes in some of them, she did it slowly and perfect every detail.

The "training" ended suddenly when some customers arrived and Carolina had to attend to them. Maybe not to give her that task as her Italian is very limited, but it is the only way to learn.

I took all the buckets out of the tent and placed them as usual. Same routine. Bucket, water, magic pill, then flowers. Same routine until I had ten buckets. I tried not to put so many flowers because sometimes I couldn't sell them and today I felt it will be one of those days where there won't be many customers.

Even though it was routine, I appreciated being with Juno and now Carolina. Juno would just sit and watch everything I was doing and I would just talk to him about anything and everything, hoping that at some point, he would answer me back. It never happened, but I know he understood me. Every time I would wait for a response and look at him, he would just blink. Juno was smart.


It startled me to hear the sudden voice behind me. His voice was a little hoarse and his accent was not from here. I was frightened. I turned around to get a look at the person, but it was just for the heck of it. A blue cap is written "If you ain't a fisherman, you ain't shit", yellow sunglasses and a mask. I couldn't get a good look at him.

"You scared me," I said. I knew it wasn't from here. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I was sure he wasn't from here. "Can I help you with anything?" I replied somewhat seriously, which I shouldn't do because it only scared the customers away. I took a breath of air with a slightly forced smile. "Welcome to Ivy. Can I help you with anything? We have flowers in all colours and all shapes. You can put together your own twenty euro bouquet!"

The brown-haired, slightly tanned man let out a small laugh.

"Do you work here?" he asked and from his accent, I was one hundred per cent sure he was British.

I strangely looked at him; it was clear I was working here. I had an apron so I wouldn't get dirty, gloves and a small bottle to pour some water on the flowers. Besides, I had just given a little speech promoting the shop.


"Perfetto! I need help to get to a place where I can buy food. A lady tried to help me, but I have found nothing so far." He said. His voice was calm, conveying a strange peace. "I'll buy one of your flowers if you help me."

I exhaled. "No need. I know what it feels like to be lost. There is a small market three blocks from here, just walk straight ahead. You're not far away." I pointed to the path where he had to walk. "Don't get lost. It's not too difficult."

He stared at the road and nodded his head steadily. I assumed he understood.

"Thank you... What is your name?" he asked.


"Sun!" He exclaimed. I nodded quizzically. I didn't expect him to know. "Well, Aelia. I would like a thirty euro bouquet, please. I don't have any preference, so put it together as you wish." He said and took out the money to hand it to me.

I grabbed what I needed and started putting it together. Mastic, salal, sunflower, garofano, gypsophila and snapdragon. I put everything together and put the usual paper on them so he could carry it comfortably. I noticed the Brit hadn't followed me into the shop and wasn't outside either. He was gone, but thanks to Taylor, he didn't leave without paying. I'd had tourists who liked to do that before, so it would not be a novelty.

I looked at the bouquet once more and put it in a vase. It would serve for the order Elio placed with me yesterday. I would also give it to him with the vase so that he would pay me more than he owes. With that money, I could complete what I need to pay him the rent.

As I had predicted, there weren't many customers today, so I left the shop for the only person I could leave in charge and went to lunch. I was probably going to come back later, although I didn't feel like it. I invited Carolina to lunch, but she refused, as she had brought her food. It would have been a splendid opportunity for her to meet Elio.

Without forgetting the bouquet, I headed for Giovanni and Sofia's restaurant. A bouquet for a meal had been the best deal I had ever made. Elio and I met there every day; it wasn't enough for him to live in the same building. He also wanted to see me every day.


Elio's voice and the sound of his Vespa's horn startled me for the second time that day.

"Shall I give you a lift or will you keep walking with your cat?" he asked me and without a second thought, I hopped on his Vespa with the cat in my arms. Juno hated riding Vespas, or he just hated the way Elio drove on. "Pronti... Partenza, via! "

All along the way, I was trying to hold the flowers with one hand and Juno with the other so he wouldn't fall. Juno had other plans as he was digging his claws into Elio's back, so Elio kept complaining the whole way. I had to tell him to slow down because, with everything in my hands at any moment, it wouldn't be the flowers or Juno that would end up on the track. It would be me.

"Remind me why you're the one driving?" I said as I got off the Vespa. Elio shrugged and helped me take off my helmet. Juno jumped out of my arms and ran towards the restaurant. "You put us in great danger."

"You're exaggerating... as usual."

In the restaurant, Sofia was already sitting at our table waiting for us. Giovanni was probably still in the kitchen preparing lunch for us.

Sofia stood up to give each of us a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Please sit down. Gio will bring today's food. He's been in the kitchen all morning. He didn't even want me to come in to see what he's cooking." Sighed Sofia. Elio and I looked at each other and laughed. "GIOVANNI! LORO SONO QUI!"


So that they would stop shouting at each other and not scare away the customers who were present, I put the flowers in front of Sofia.

"Fiori per la donna," I said, and Sofia quickly grabbed them. She ran for a vase and put them in the water. "I hope you like it, Sofi."

"Beautiful as always."

I gave Elio a victorious smile and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't boost his ego, Sofia." We both sat in our respective chairs. "She's already got it too high," Elio said. I punched him in the arm.

"Well, stop fighting. I have something important to tell you." She turned to me. Her tone was serious. I looked sideways at Elio and he also had the same face as me. Scared. "My nephew is coming next week to stay here, and I wanted to int..."

I didn't let her finish and was already shaking my head.

I didn't like that people were setting me up with someone. Three months had passed. It seemed longer, but it wasn't. It was like every word he had said to me that day came true. Suddenly, I realised that there were guys who had feelings for me a long time ago or who looked at me longer than they should have. It was clear why I didn't realise it because that's the consequence of being in love. You only have eyes for one person, that person is your eyes. It was as if I was blind. Love blinds you.

What a big mistake.

"With all due respect..."

"Aelia will be ready when she wants to go out with boys... or girls again." Elio cut off me. He put his arm around my shoulders, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "Aelia deserves the world, and I'll see that she gets it."

We all deserve an Elio in our lives.

A person who is not just your friend, but your brother. That person who will want the best for you and who will see what you find. What you deserve. Elio was the only person in this world who knew my past, and before judging me, he only helped me to get the help I needed. Elio was my only family, and I have never been so grateful to the world for putting me in his path four years ago.

We all deserve to meet an Elio one day in our lives.

"Thank you," I murmured.

He kissed me on the forehead and kept talking to Sofia, trying to change the topic.

So it was. We changed the subject and continued with lunch. It didn't take long for Giovanni to arrive with the food. The four of us enjoyed the delicious food, accompanied by a glass of wine. Elio and I were in no hurry to leave early. Elio had asked for the afternoon off and I just had to be there before four o'clock to help Carolina close the shop.

The hours passed, and in the blink of an eye, I was in front of the shop with Juno on my back. We both walked in to find a stressed Carolina counting all the money we had earned today.

"We are back."

She did not respond to us. She was still focused on the money.

"I'll be in my office. Let me know when you're ready." I said but did not receive a reply.

I had noticed there were few arrangements left to complete with the church order. It was one less task for the weekend. According to my mail, we only had three tomorrow orders and were closed for the week.

The amount of orders is not the same as a year ago, but it was enough for us to stay in the market and for me to pay Carolina and Elio.

"The money is already counted and put away, boss," Carolina said, walking into my office. "Just put away the buckets outside, and that's it for today."

"Thank you, Carolina." I thanked her without taking my eyes off the contracts I had on my desk. "Don't worry about the buckets. I'll take care of them today. You can leave early."

"Thank you, Aelia. I'll shop for the week. See you tomorrow." She said goodbye before heading out the office door.

I listen to the little bell ring for the last time that day.

I was trying to finish all the papers on my desk as quickly as possible, but it seemed like I would never finish. Not because I had too many, but because every two seconds Juno distracted me and the music playing too. Forcing Juno to dance with me was one of my favourite pastimes.

Two hours had to pass before I realised that night was approaching and I was still in the office without finishing the contracts. A job that could have taken thirty minutes turned into two hours. I put away the buckets I had outside and grabbed the vase with the flowers I would give to the new neighbour before closing the shop.

Once again I gazed at the blue and then pinkish purple skies for the approaching sunset. I couldn't explain how much I enjoyed this part of the day. But I needed my afternoon coffee to enjoy it one hundred per cent.

I walked as fast as I could, checking that Juno was not left behind. I didn't want to miss the sunset. I wished I had brought my bike.

I took longer than usual as Juno refused to walk any further. I walked up the stairs of the building, trying not to fall with Juno and the flowers. Noticing that I was in my flat, I let go and looked for my keys in my small bag.

"I'm sorry. Will you have a minute to help me?"

I looked up to meet the person who had spoken to me and my eyes could not believe what they were seeing. It was the same person who had bought flowers in my shop, but now I could recognise him. He didn't have those yellow sunglasses, the cap, or the mask covering his entire face. I could tell it wasn't just anyone.

It was Harry Styles.

Green eyes, and brown hair and he wore it long. Something that caught my attention was the moustache he had. I had never seen him like that.


"No, but I have flowers... for you!" I responded nervously and showed him the flowers he had bought a few hours ago.

Harry gave me a warm smile and received the flowers. "Thank you, Sun." He spoke.


"There's nothing to be thankful for... You bought them." I said, still a little nervous.

How could I not be if I had a famous person as a neighbour for an indeterminate period?

"I'm Harry. Harry Styles. But, I am... I am called Harry." Harry said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He held out his hand.

"Aelia Fiore." I introduced myself. Before I shook his hand, as anyone else would, I went forward for a kiss on the cheek. Or at least I tried to because he took a step back.

I turned away, embarrassed, and looked at Juno.


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